May 2008 Archives (all archives)
May 31
Anti gets hitched!
May 30
MetaFilter - eye candy
Transatlantic Glory ( scroll all the way down and look on the right ) hadjiboy's latest post has been sidebarred as Best of the Web by the UK Guardian.
27: Bigger than a breadbox
Show #27 features recaps from the past three weeks of MetaFilter. It was recorded on May 28, 2008 and runs about 60 minutes long. [more inside]
Best MeFi conversations?
I know... it's about the links, not the discussions... [more inside]
A Dude's Perspective
A Dude's Perspective... impressive taste in bike related objects!
San Francisco meetup, somewhat earlier?
Okay, so there is a San Francisco meetup on the 8th of June, but the thing is: I just got here and I'm staying until the 5th. Anyone care for another one? If not, no worries! [more inside]
Facts do not respect majority opinion.
Please resist the urge to "vote" your opinion in response to a question that has a definitive factual answer. [more inside]
May 29
Why the gender discrepancy?
What are the disadvantages of being a woman? ---> Fine.
What are the disadvantages of being a man? ---> Deleted.
[more inside]
AskMe Rescue - What are the disadvantages of being a man?
AskMe Chatfilter Rescue: Disadvantages of being male [more inside]
OK to email a mefite?
Is there a protocol regarding emailing another mefite who lives very nearby? Walking distance as per that little google map thingy on our profile page. Since she is a she and I am a he -albeit a very, very old one and happily married for fifty years, I still would not wish to intrude where I maybe should not. What say you all? Is it ok to email?
And no she never returned, until she did.
Last minute, late notice, totally overkill Boston meetup: In my continuing practice of showing up in a city immediately AFTER a meetup has been successfully held with beer'n'everything, I will be in Boston for the next few days, from Friday May 30 til mid-day Wednesday June 4. Anyone game for a couple beers sometime in there? [more inside]
Fightin' Obama and the howlin' wingnuts
Hmm. I thought the WWII Post/Obama post was interesting and don't see the excessiveness GYOBness. What's that all about?
It isn't really that clever...
Gaymover tag? Really? <sarcasm>I mean... that's so gay!</sarcasm> In all seriousness, can we maybe keep the casual homophobia to a minimum? Or if I'm missing the joke, please let me know.
May 28
Please, for the love of all that's holy
When is the next Amsterdam meetup scheduled? [more inside]
How to properly edit posts with the preview function.
I had edited this FPP post after previewing it and the changes weren't applied to the post. Did I miss a step or does this have something to do with using Mozilla Firefox? [more inside]
The First Ever (?) Lisbon, Portugal meetup??
[more inside]
Go ahead, surprise me.
Would it be possible to have the pop-out player in Metafilter Music play randomly? [more inside]
May 27
Pop songs your new boyfriend is too stupid to know about
I'll be in NYC the weekend of June 13th if anyone would like to meet up. [more inside]
MeFi Projects getting public comments
A big tweak to Projects: new comments going public [more inside]
AskMeFi: The Key to True Happiness
Is it wrong to call out a post that's trying to find happiness? [more inside]
Stinking of gin...
May 26
AskMe data
Is there any data on AskMe responses? This post generated a remarkable 115 (and counting) replies. What's the record?
May 25
Preformatted text formatting
Can we fix the <pre>formatted text bug where the live preview looks perfect, but the actual post ends up double-spaced? [more inside]
May 24
The New York to Los Angeles Metafilter Goodwill Caravan 2008
Thin Lizzy and I are going to be in Los Angeles the first week of June, scouting for our upcoming move. Howsabout a meetup? [more inside]
Anyone going to CMWC2008?
Any MeFites coming to Toronto for the Cycle Messenger World Championships in June? I'm trying to get time off to attend and am wondering if anyone else'll be there.
San Fran Meetup
I will be in San Francisco from the 7th to the 13th for WWDC. So how about a meetup? [more inside]
May 23
Clinton Obama Filter redux
I'm sorry. I (really do!) hate it when this happens, but I unfortunately feel the need to both dip into the ugliness of U.S. politicsfilter and second-guess our moderators at the same time. [more inside]
Mefibrarian meet-up in Anaheim?
The omniglorious ALA Annual Conference is June 26-July 1ish. Any Mefi Librarians want to meet-up? Non-librarians too! The only potential problem is that it is in Anaheim, and I know nothing of Anaheim, especially how difficult it will be to get anywhere without a car.
What's the best thing (post, comment, question, answer, song, whatever) you've posted to Metafilter?
And the Phoenicians did gather in an air-conditioned locale
I do believe it's time for another Phoenix meetup.
Not Tucson\Flagstaff\Otherist [more inside]
May 22
Stumpers in the blue.
Unanswered Q's on AskMe: I can haz ponies? [more inside]
=Noise? Derail? Breaks the guidelines?
Can we add a flag for trolling? Or is this covered under one of the existing flags?
the new contacts page is leaving me wanting...
the new contacts page is leaving me wanting... [more inside]
It's "great" !
Anyone want to start a grammar nazi site? [more inside]
You may make another post in: 19 hours, 7 minutes, 49 seconds.
Can we have a countdown timer for MeFi posts like we do for AskMe posts? How about for MetaTalk?
May 21
So we can all be like y2karl ... okay, maybe that's not a positive
When the "title" tag is used on a link, it most often provides useful additional information (or a bit of nonsense that was better left out of the main text). So why not make it easy to do? Can you add a second field in the link dialog box to fill in a title tag? One rule for posters: Please don't use it for important parenthetical information like (pdf) or (NSFW).
Search favorites by user name?
Can we search our favorites by user name? If not, can we get that feature added? [more inside]
Push it. Push it real good.
MetaFilter now has a fitness/nutrition group on Gyminee. Come join the fun!
Thread deleted, missing or imagined?
Yesterday there was a thread about by someone suspecting an apartment scam, it seemed to be a reasonable question but this morning it seems to be gone? [more inside]
May 20
User tags question
Is there a way of viewing the tags a user has used on posts that's a little more in depth than the Top 10 Tags on the Profile page? [more inside]
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to MetaTalk callouts
Why is talking like Yoda "funny" in this post?
Tiny packages of hipsterific happy.
We all need hugs, it's true. But until we figure out a way to mail them, who'd be up for a sticker and/or button swap? [more inside]
The first one is always easy.
Vacapinta's first kill.
This is going to work out just like we've been asking.
I drink (coffee) to the glory of your new might, vacapinta!
May 19
deleted militarization thread
Not sure why the "Militarization of Consumer Companies" thread by five fresh fish was killed? [more inside]
May 18
Mission Accomplished
Is there a point to this other than to encourage a pissfest?
Or do I have to be in the cabal?
Apologies if this was discussed elsewhere, but... why is there a best answer marked in an anonymous thread...?
New Overlord!!
Vacapinta is a New Mod? [more inside]
May 17
The foods on my plate canNOT touch one another.
MOST POPULAR PONY!! I want more functionality for sorting and filtering through the Popular Favorites. I'd like to have a box that allows me to choose: "Most Popular [posts, comments] on [Green, Blue, Black, Grey,...] in the past [n] days." (e.g. so that I could see all the popular AskMe posts side by side, over a longer timeframe, and without them being mixed in with the FPP's; or so that I could view the most listened to tracks on MeMu; or, or, or.)
May 16
What gives?
Seeing that, by any other name pundit Frank Rich's essentially anti Clinton bloviaton was given space on the blue for the measure of 131 comments last I looked, I thought it appropriate to post two articles that past muster with Washington Post and was found politically and factually correct to be published. One is about the misogynistic comments across the board against Hillary Clinton --and Howard Dean and the DNC's silence about it, and the other is about the newest wave of belittling "Poor Hillary." Both articles reveal the difficulties the Democrats may face by their own antagonized and disenfranchised Hillary supporters, which I believe worthy of consideration. Yet the post disappeared in a hurry without a trace. What gives?
Anyone running Bay to Breakers?
Anyone running Bay to Breakers? [more inside]
Boston Meetup!
Gawker stealing from the blue?
Ministry of Mis-Information
Could people please stop giving medical advice with no basis in science in this thread? [more inside]
May 15
It's not you, it's me.
Oh, and ummmmm.... I may be reading this wrong, but didn't you already admit to looking at porn and get called out BY your wife?
[more inside]
Who are the people in your contacts list?
We made a few changes to the contacts page. [more inside]
AskMe sidebar, please
My Little Feature Request: Paulsc had an uncommonly well-written answer in AskMe. It would be a good candidate for the AskMe sidebar, oh wait, there's no AskMe sidebar. But there could be.
May 14
x at the paradise
Any Boston area mefites planning to see X next week?
May 13
What happened to america1-3?
What is the likelihood this would happen? Two unsensational, unrelated posts (1,2) on AskMe within six minutes of each other by america4 then america5. Weird.
Why close anon AskMe questions?
Why close an anonymous question at the poster's request? Here's an example (the recent question from a young guy who wasn't sure he wanted to marry) [more inside]
M$ SuXx0rs!
May 12
Return of the Return of the MeFi Music Challenge
ANNOUNCING: The reinstatement of the MetaFilter Music Challenge! (*cue applause*) REQUESTING: Your ideas on Challenge categories and structure. [more inside]
Self-link/Spam fighting
Please kill my thread
We've got a network - let's use it!
More jobs, please! This is a request to everyone to surround the Jobs page with white light. Please post more jobs and more kinds of jobs. It would be nice to see the utility of this area grow. [more inside]
Followup: Irena Sendler is dead.
May 11
May Cycling Challenge and 10km Streak
The MetaFilter May Cycling Challenge is on!
Also begining May 1st, the 10km Streak competition.
(no association with nude bicycle riding implied or intended) [more inside]
Zippity Injoke
Karnofsky alarm?
May 10
AskMe Broke as a joke
Is anyone else's AskMe page broken? [more inside]
May 9
Mefi Music Challenge: The Return (?)
Is there interest in the return of the MeFi Music Challenge? [more inside]
26: Equine Stylist
Show #26 features recaps from the past three weeks of MetaFilter. It was recorded on May 7, 2008 and runs about 50 minutes long. [more inside]
Congrats Jessamyn
Congrats on winning Anil Dash's twitter-paste contest.
Go, go, gone!
SPEED RACER, R.I.P. [more inside]
Georgia on my mind.
May 8
This post was deleted for the following reason: I freakin' hate it when I go to delete a double and some has already snagged like the perfect deletion reason. It's like, hey, thanks, DAD. -- cortex (more inside) [more inside]
Don't Fix Me, Bro
Has code been added to "fix" "invalid" HTML? [more inside]
"Your comment appears to be blank, go back and try again."
I'm trying to post in this thread... I can preview, but when I try to post I just get "Your comment appears to be blank, go back and try again."... and I'm pretty sure my comment is not blank...
Burning Blue
This question got me to thinking about the possibility of a meet-up at Black Rock City this year. [more inside]
Berlin: mich, dich, Sie, euch, und uns. Was denken wir?
Hallo Berlin. I arrive on June 2 and would love to meet you. Anyone in the mood for a something sometime thereafter? [more inside]
AskMefi: Seoul
AskMefi Followup: I asked you guys for tips in Seoul, and the response was very helpful, I'm still here for 5 more days, but here are pictures of the awesome places you led me to!
May 7
Comment feeds in descending chronology
The RSS feeds for comments update in reverse order - with the most recent comments showing up at the bottom of the list (oldest to newest) - unlike the feed for posts where the most recent is at the top (newest to oldest).
Why is this the case? [more inside]
Bug in just one FPP.
"Protection from the Atomic Bomb" doesn't display a link anywhere in the text of the post (for me). The rest of the page is fine. What happened? [more inside]
Full date stamp request for posts
Small request: would it be possible to have the year included alongside the date on individual posts? For example, 8:22 on May 7th, 2008 instead of just 8:22 on May 7th. [more inside]
why does MeFi work, in 500 words or less?
Looking for analysis of what works on MeFi, probably a couple of years old, written IIRC by mathowie. [more inside]
Twitter on profiles isn't updating
My profile is showing my "last" Twitter status as an update posted two months ago. I've made plenty of updates since then...
May 6
OP Spotlight
Visually distinguish the OP's comments? (At least in AskMefi.) [more inside]
Paris-France meetup
Paris-France meetup, who would be interested (may 9 evening)? [more inside]
May 5
USA Only
Should an FPP stay if only those in the US can access it?
Obscure bug found only because I'm realllllly bored at work
The last five favorited posts from my contacts is borked. It shows that the last favorite was added over a year ago. But, for example, the contact shown (grumblebee), has favorited a bunch of stuff since then, including a post today.
a wink and a nod.
Coincidence? [more inside]
Yo quiero meetup.
Spontaneous San Diego Meetup! Okay, sooooo I'm still in town... anybody want to get together for drinks and a pool game or something this week while I'm around? [more inside]
Philly: May MetaFilter Movie Meet Up
Because I like living on the edge, I want to invite you--Philadelphia-area internet strangers--into my home for an evening (or weekend afternoon) of snax and movie watching. This idea popped into my head because of the recent Sneakers thread (the fact that so many people gleefully clicked through to answer the question made me realize that you are the type of people I need to watch movies with). [more inside]
One definite, one possible
Specklet will be in New York Memorial Day weekend; [more inside]
May 4
Edit this.
Here is an opportunity to mock stupidity! I imagine this is crystal clear to most, but I'm clueless, which probably means leave it alone. But what, in edit mode, do "MefiQuote preferences" and "Contact contribution display preferences" mean and how does one utilize them?
I just ate a bowl of dicks, so perhaps you can suggest something to drink instead?
Do mods and users see MetaFilter differently?
What does MetaFilter look like to moderators? [more inside]
Metafilter, in Wired
May 3
By Executive Order
All right, candyasses: Chicago meetup on May 21st, 6pm, Billy Goat on (under) Michigan. [more inside]
Montréal Meetup? Magnifique!
Magnificent May Montréal MeFi Meetup? [more inside]
May 2
Yeah, I got my answer, but fuck you.
AskMe vent: Is it just me, or does anyone else get frustrated when they answer questions and the asker never comes back to say "Hey, thanks, that's what I was looking for" or "That's not what I meant, but let me clarify" or never comes back to give feedback to the answers in any way? I'm not talking about "anonymous" askers who obviously can't follow up. I mean regular/mundane/normal questions whose askers never bother to respond at all. [more inside]
But I was just here!
Why doesn't MetaFilter always recognize that I have visited? [more inside]
AskMe on Cat and Girl
I'm not generally a huge fan of these kinds of posts, but Cat and Girl mentioned AskMe today as part of its is-this-sarcasm-or-double-sarcasm pop culture revue, and my heart filled with glee.
May 1
Performance art?
May (we) Meetup in Melbourne?
May (we) meetup in Melbourne? [more inside]
I just wanted to point out how great a guy adamwolf is. When I asked this question he offered me an old oscilloscope of his he was replacing.