377 posts tagged with MeTa.
Displaying 351 through 377 of 377. Subscribe:
the genius of MeFi, to me, is the flat interface.
the genius of MeFi, to me, is the flat interface.
therefore, what would y'all think (and mainly Matt) about changing the form of MetaTalk so it's just one page (with a topic line in the post footer or header, if you want it)? it sure would make it easier to keep up, in my mind. sometimes i forget the last time i read and have to open the thread to see.
therefore, what would y'all think (and mainly Matt) about changing the form of MetaTalk so it's just one page (with a topic line in the post footer or header, if you want it)? it sure would make it easier to keep up, in my mind. sometimes i forget the last time i read and have to open the thread to see.
Spellcheck Function Not Functioning
The spellcheck function still appears to be dead. I saw that Thirteen already mentioned it but thought I might go ahead and mention it again.
It was a pretty cool feature. Now it just bugs me. :)
It was a pretty cool feature. Now it just bugs me. :)
Too much attacking lately.
"Can't you folks simply address an issue and tell us what you think without attacking the poster rather than what has been posted?" A few threads have featured variations on this sentiment, so I figured the subject was worth a longer look here.
"Contribute" link?
Matt, you should put a contribute link on the main menu bar. I mostly use Netscape, and was not paying attention the Amazon disscussion. I only noticed the link on the blue sidebar when I launched Explorer to check out another page, and it defaulted to Metafilter. Might be a more offical place to encourage people to help out more frequently.
New Sorting Methods for MeFi
I'm now allowing a sort by most commented to, and it goes back as many days as you set in your preferences (or 7 days by default). This option is not cookied though, I didn't see the need, since it's more of a view than a permanent sort type. So if you go into a thread, then click the Metafilter graphic or home link, you'll go back to whatever default sort you were last cookied to. Is that confusing enough? Just use it, if you find errors or wish it did something more, say something here.
The other new sorting method, by My Comments, looks into the database for all the threads you participated in, over the past few days (as many as you show on the front page). Like the other method (most commented), this one does not get cookied, because it's more of a temporary view.
When I first hit metafilter, I view by date, if I see something interesting, I comment. Later that day, I might check most recently commented to see where the action is, and then I might hit "my comments" to see what's happened on the threads I left comments in.
I can easily take off the date restrictions on both options, so it's more of a "all time" done only 20 at a time, but I'm going to leave these as is before I add two more new options.
The other new sorting method, by My Comments, looks into the database for all the threads you participated in, over the past few days (as many as you show on the front page). Like the other method (most commented), this one does not get cookied, because it's more of a temporary view.
When I first hit metafilter, I view by date, if I see something interesting, I comment. Later that day, I might check most recently commented to see where the action is, and then I might hit "my comments" to see what's happened on the threads I left comments in.
I can easily take off the date restrictions on both options, so it's more of a "all time" done only 20 at a time, but I'm going to leave these as is before I add two more new options.
MeTa layout bug
Dunno if this is a bug or what, but: I wanted to set my preferences in MetaTalk (to make my font size smaller). This happened to be while I was putting something in the posting form field. At the bottom there was what I thought was the usual menu bar:
but when I clicked on "Customize" I got a 404. Then when I went to report this I discovered that that menu bar *only* appears for me when I've already clicked "preview" on comments I'm making. Is the page with the menu bar a remnant layout that's been removed elsewhere?
Home About Archives MetaTalk Post Customize New User Search Mail Login
but when I clicked on "Customize" I got a 404. Then when I went to report this I discovered that that menu bar *only* appears for me when I've already clicked "preview" on comments I'm making. Is the page with the menu bar a remnant layout that's been removed elsewhere?
Advice Threads in MeTa
Would anyone be interested in having a new MetaTalk topic where we could ask advice and opinions of each other? I am interested in buying a digital camera. This one in fact. I know many of you have digital cameras, maybe even the one I want. I would be curious to know what you think. We have tech people here who could advise people about fixing their machines, etc. What do you think?
So, now that you've won a TiVo, what will you do with it?
So, now that you've won a TiVo, what will you do with it? Keep it? Sell it? Drop it in the nearest pool of magma? Will eBay suddenly be flooded with TiVos?
Did you win a TiVo? Post your winning essay here to compare and contrast.
Did you win a TiVo? Post your winning essay here to compare and contrast.
MetaFilter-specific area's post's number isn't increasing
Is anyone else noticing that the MetaFilter-specific area's post's number isn't increasing? It's been 31 for a couple of days now...
So is this the new trend in Metatalk?
So is this the new trend in Metatalk? Multiple postings on the same subject (3 on Steven's mating call; 2 on the Rorschach applet...so far.)? Are we *TRYING* to make people feel bad here, or just trying raise their inferiority complex a notch?
I'd like to request an expansion on the profiles feature in MetaFilter
Profiles... It just occurred to me that I need a scorecard to keep track of everyone in here. I'd like to request an expansion on the profiles feature in MetaFilter. [more]
Thanks for starting MetaTalk
Can I live here? It's so peaceful and quiet away from the pointless arguing of mf.
"white is the color of paper"
"who says so? youre wrong!"
"shut up, youre stupid, im going to whip you with my penis"
"why don't you two stop fighting"
mt > mf
"white is the color of paper"
"who says so? youre wrong!"
"shut up, youre stupid, im going to whip you with my penis"
"why don't you two stop fighting"
mt > mf
MetaTalk posts now have permalinks!
Oh - I just added permalinks to MetaTalk posts (since someone asked in another thread).
New comments by category
As near as I can tell, the sort-to-top on the Metatalk front is by new threads, not new comments. Which is fine. However, I would like some kind of flag to know if a category (such as "weblog grab bag) has new comments since the last time I was here. It wouldn't have to be detailed. I'm thinking along the lines of a "new comments" column next to each category on the front page, with a yes/no value.
Or whatever, you're the designer I'm the one who thought black and neon green was a good color scheme.
As near as I can tell, the sort-to-top on the Metatalk front is by new threads, not new comments. Which is fine. However, I would like some kind of flag to know if a category (such as "weblog grab bag) has new comments since the last time I was here. It wouldn't have to be detailed. I'm thinking along the lines of a "new comments" column next to each category on the front page, with a yes/no value.
Or whatever, you're the designer I'm the one who thought black and neon green was a good color scheme.
May I humbly suggest a timer for individual posts...
May I humbly suggest a timer for individual posts. Err, that isn't very clear. Lately there's been a rash of people posting 2 or three small items in a row which, imho, really thins out the collective attention on MF which leads to more sparse threads.
What if each user was only allowed to post one new topic per 20 minutes? Or any arbitrary time period really...
Perhaps this should be a feature request?
What if each user was only allowed to post one new topic per 20 minutes? Or any arbitrary time period really...
Perhaps this should be a feature request?
Indication of related MeTa threads
In the next design iteration of MetaFilter, it might be nice if on the front page there was some indication that a thread had been added/updated in MetaTalk. I'd wager a guess that at least half the 985 (eep!) members don't even know this section exists.
There are too many blogs out there...
I've been recently introduced to weblogs - well, I read memepool.com for a while, but didn't realize there were a few million others... And that's the problem. There are a few million others. The amount of information and interesting content available is daunting to the point of being depressing.
Yes, it depresses me that there is so much *good*stuff* out there, because I can't possible get to it all! And that's just the internet! There's so much more in Real Life! Aargh... this is such a *plain* thought, but it is a thought that bothers me immensely... maybe I'm just weird.
There may be a bit of a feeling of inadequacy, as well... not sure about that. :-)
Yes, it depresses me that there is so much *good*stuff* out there, because I can't possible get to it all! And that's just the internet! There's so much more in Real Life! Aargh... this is such a *plain* thought, but it is a thought that bothers me immensely... maybe I'm just weird.
There may be a bit of a feeling of inadequacy, as well... not sure about that. :-)
Stuck logged in on MetaTalk.
D'oh - I just noticed it's not easy (actually, it's not possible) to log out of metatalk. Sorry about that, I'll dig in and see what the problem is this weekend.
MeTa: "Back" link working logically but not helpfully.
The returned URL from a MetaTalk comment posting is not identical to the page from which you posted it, which means that "Back" takes you back to the comment page with the filled in form, rather than back to the parent page, a feature I'd always rather liked...
New and improved Metatalk
The new and improved MetaTalk is now live. Feel free to tell me what you think about it, and bring up any bugs you find in the bugs area.
The old format was date based, like the weblog, but things discussed here weren't really date dependent. If someone asked for a new feature or highlighted a bug, and I didn't fix it in a week, the post was basically gone forever.
I think the new format meshes better with the way I'd like MetaTalk used - discuss and read topics based on the subject, instead of the date.
The old format was date based, like the weblog, but things discussed here weren't really date dependent. If someone asked for a new feature or highlighted a bug, and I didn't fix it in a week, the post was basically gone forever.
I think the new format meshes better with the way I'd like MetaTalk used - discuss and read topics based on the subject, instead of the date.
Have I Trolled?
Okay, I've been accused of trolling. Have I trolled? And what did I say that was a troll? I'll try to avoid it in the future if I've horribly offended the community. Mark likes Metafilter, and doesn't want to be noise in the signal.
MeTa Archives
Bug: Go to Metatalk. Click Archives. Get 404. Curse wildly.
What's the difference between MetaFilter and MetaTalk?
What's the difference between MetaFilter and MetaTalk?
Posting goes to MeTa
Um, whoops. I think I found a bug. Click "post a comment" on the main page, and then "post a topic" on the top nav, and it goes to MetaTalk, instead of the main blog. Sorry bout that.
Welcome to MetaTalk
I like you both in different ways...
how meta can you get...? I think this post a topic thingie that I am typing in right now could be more specialized to metatalk, like it's not always gonna link someplace... differentiation of the two sections -- besides just by color -- is probably a good idea.
any way to get threaded comments going using this interface? some of the metachat may get kinda lengthy.
how meta can you get...? I think this post a topic thingie that I am typing in right now could be more specialized to metatalk, like it's not always gonna link someplace... differentiation of the two sections -- besides just by color -- is probably a good idea.
any way to get threaded comments going using this interface? some of the metachat may get kinda lengthy.
It's Alive!
I just made this live, and will be adding the About MetaTalk and MetaTalk archives later this weekend.