377 posts tagged with MeTa.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 377. Subscribe:
Is it possible to gift someone a membership?
Is it possible to gift someone a membership? I have a friend sorely in need of a MeFi lifestyle awakening, but haven't seen a way to make this happen.
When comments are marked as favorites, the return to post link goes to the wrong place.
When comments are marked as favorites, the return to post link goes to the wrong place.
How do I get the MeTa software?
Is there a way to get the software metatalk is based on? I'd like to create such a site for a unique project... or something similar? or should I just go with a wiki or phpbb type site?
this would be for a small group of people to ask each other questions (no question limit or fee.) for a large extended family...
this would be for a small group of people to ask each other questions (no question limit or fee.) for a large extended family...
Weird Favorite Behavior?
Couple of issues here. I just accidentally marked a post as a favorite (stupid new mouse). Could the "favorited" confirmation page include a link to my favorites management list, or better yet, an undo? Also, from this this favorited confirmation page, the "Return to post" link is broken.
Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?
lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
Shoutouts to FuzzyVerde
I just wanted to publicly thank FuzzyVerde, who actually delivered three tubs of ice cream to my pregnant sister today for her birthday (complete with festive cooler). The idea that a complete stranger halfway around the world would offer to help me out is just amazing. I love MeFites!
Why is the date on the last FPP wrong?
Is it just my display, or is everyone seeing the latest FPP in the blue as being posted July 6?
Doesn't make sense unless MetaFilter is coming from the South Pacific.
Doesn't make sense unless MetaFilter is coming from the South Pacific.
Pony: front page +fave links
Any chance we can get a +fave link on the front page for each item, especially on the green? (I'm thinking Digg-style, AJAX based would be very pretty, though potentially too Web 2.0 for the likes of some Mefites...)
AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions
AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions. Unless I'm going to be in London (Istanbul, Des Moines), I don't have an interest in the question or the answer.
How frequently are MeTa posts both deleted and zapped from existence?
How frequently are MeTa posts both deleted and zapped from existence? [more inside]
Image macros
So now Metafilter is the site to go to when in need of full-on beastiality.
My Comment Page Stalling During Load
Whenever I visit http://www.metafilter.com/index.cfm?sortby=mycommentedthreads the page load stalls at about 36kb for a good ten to twenty seconds. Every time. What's up with that?
one enhancement I'd like to see is the ability to search through my comments only
Feature request: onsite search is back, and one enhancement I'd like to see is the ability to search through my comments only. [more]
Why does AskMe loading depend on dynamic.fmpub.net?
dynamic.fmpub.net: It's come up before, and I know I can block it in my hosts file, but why does loading/rendering the entirety of Ask.Metafilter depend on contacting this site? When it is slow to respond, the entire site seems to hang, which should be avoided.
Feature Request: All Posts by User Tagged Soandso
Pony: All posts by user suchandsuch tagged soandso? As it is, on a user's posting page, there's a list of frequently-used tags, but if you follow the links, you get all posts so tagged, when what you might expect (and even, in some cases, want) is just that user's posts so tagged.
Could we get a spoiler tag?
Could we get a <spoiler> tag?
I'd like to apologise to the Australlian Nation.
I'd like to apologise to the Australlian Nation.
New Keystroke Features
New features added to the keystrokes: hit return to go into a thread, hit ; to go back to the index page. (you might have to force a reload to get the latest javascript).
What askMeFi question has the most answers ever?
What askMeFi question has the most answers... ever?
How did you discover MetaFilter?
Simple question: How did you discover MetaFilter?
Should there maybe be a special place within MetaFilter Network for YouTube and Google Video links (and the like)? I know that there's other video linky sites out there, but this is MetaFilter, and I like people's taste better here.
Some people really don't seem to care for video posts, and grump about how common they're becoming, but sometimes they're good. I doubt there will be a decline in the amount of video and stuff that will be available for discovering and linking to. Maybe we should get used to it, but keep the other best-o-the-web stuff separate, or distinct in some way.
Some people really don't seem to care for video posts, and grump about how common they're becoming, but sometimes they're good. I doubt there will be a decline in the amount of video and stuff that will be available for discovering and linking to. Maybe we should get used to it, but keep the other best-o-the-web stuff separate, or distinct in some way.
We obviously can't have respectful discussions about respectful discussions
We obviously can't have respectful discussions about respectful discussions. Every time the topic comes up, the same insulting "discussion" occurs. Seeing as how no new information is ever presented in these topics, shouldn't they all be considered double posts and deleted? When they are nothing more than another opportunity to display your disgust with someone who disagrees with you, what value do they add to the site?
Mathowie interview
"Matthew Haughey, a blogger who has been writing about TiVo for three years on www.pvrblog.com, thinks customer support issues for existing DirecTV-TiVo subscribers may be the biggest reason for DirecTV to have extended the agreement." (via forbes.com)
Please let us metatalk more.
Matt, with all respect, could you not close Metatalk threads immediately after you weigh in on the topic? Maybe set a two-hour timer or something?
I thought the thread closing feature was supposed to be applied to bug reports, where there's nothing to talk about after the bug is fixed. But it seems to be applied to lots of "etiquette/policy" threads nowadays. Your voice should be heard, but it shouldn't be the last word on a controversial topic.
I thought the thread closing feature was supposed to be applied to bug reports, where there's nothing to talk about after the bug is fixed. But it seems to be applied to lots of "etiquette/policy" threads nowadays. Your voice should be heard, but it shouldn't be the last word on a controversial topic.
Kirkaracha Love
Kudos to kirkaracha for dodging the urge to be clever and actually making the text of his link to IMDB the name of the movie. Rather than content free nouns, adverb or adjectives. "Honey, I've got a tool that'll fix anything." -- Actor in this sequel would have been less useful.
Insult me
What is the MeTa protocol if I want a tongue or keyboard lashing? (mi)
robots.txt gives "500 Internal Server Error" on all subdomains
robots.txt gives "500 Internal Server Error" on all subdomains
Moderation of Morality Talk in Science Thread
Space exploration topics in just about any online community are inevitably derailed by "why isn't that money being used for worldpeace/hungrychildren/education" bleeding hearts, so that the original subject is lost in repetitive defense of space programs. May I request that if you have a bone to pick with money being spent on space exploration, that you post your own link with discussion on the issue, rather than interrupting a good science discussion with never-ending arguments about the antiphilanthropism of government-funded space flight?
Pronunciation of MeFi and MeFite?
MeFi: may-fee [mefi] or mee-fie [mifaɪ]? Mefite: mee-fight or may-fight? I was a little disconcerted at a meet-up to realise that some people pronounce these terms differently than I do. Is there a dominant pronounciation? Any other variants? (idle curiosity of a linguistics student)
Can anyone find that post about a guy who would write songs based on submitted lyrics?
Sometime last summer, I believe, there was an FPP about a guy who would write songs based on submitted lyrics. What was really good was that he would make fun of spelling and gramatical errors in submissions. Like the sea "anenonomie". Does anyone still have the link to that?
Bug when posting an FPP
Unable to post a FPP, I had to try several times. Firefox 1.5, Windows 2000. Error message inside.
Can I log in and out of parts of MeFi?
I'd like to stay logged out of MetaFilter and MetaTalk while staying logged in to AskMeFi. Is that too tall of an order?
Metafilter By Committee?
MeFi Committees: A Proposal (MI, This could get long and messy)
Pony: add comment count in MeTa
Pony request: Is it possible to add a comment count inside the threads in MeTa and AskMe like we have in MeFi?
Something like: posted by Penks at 11:52 AM CST (56 comments total) [!]
Something like: posted by Penks at 11:52 AM CST (56 comments total) [!]
"Capital and Stratification within Virtual Community: A Case Study of Metafilter.com"
After much discussion, debate and support, here my defended (and revised) thesis: "Capital and Stratification within Virtual Community: A Case Study of Metafilter.com". [mi]
Pony Request: Highlight 'fantastic comment' flagged posts like AskMe's 'best answers'
It's possible for an AskMeFi poster to mark responses as best answers. It's possible for anyone to flag an answer as a fantastic comment. Why not amalgamate the two and have all the top answers in one place? Then, why not highlight all comments flagged as fantastic in AskMeFi, MetaFilter and MetaTalk the way best answers are currently highlighted in AskMeFi?
Too Much Trolling
There seems to be a contingent of people on this website (we all know who they are) who feel the need to pollute threads that would be otherwise relevant, reasonable, and/or interesting. They come in, spew their opinion, and then proceed to turn thought-provoking material into a three ring circus. After having to sift through heaps of vitrol to find comments that even remotely relate to the topic at hand twice today, I've had enough. Your need to have your last word in a public meeting space that prides itself on civil, topical conversation is disgustingly revealing of your immaturity and arrogance. As a user of this site who is primarily a lurker, I want to make a statement on behalf of those people who come here for the fascinating content: If you feel the need to troll and argue, shut up already.
Problems logging in under Opera
I can't log in to AskMeFi using Opera. Logging in (it doesn't matter which login link I start with) gets me signed into Metafilter and Metatalk, but I still show as logged out in AskMeFi no matter how many times I log in.
Mozilla and IE work fine.
Mozilla and IE work fine.
MetaTalk Formatting
Padding (?) on the top-right "MetaTalk" link makes a horizontal scroll bar appear on-click (screenshot). Seems to only happen in Firefox (1.5 on a Windows XP Home SP2 machine). This is totally the end of the world.
There's a link with an entire article posted - I don't think this falls under "Fair Use"
The link associated with this post is not close to being "fair use".
MetaTalk Comments Bug
Bug: Try going to a user's MetaTalk comments page (example).
If you click on the page numbers at the bottom, offsets don't seem to work. Therefore, clicking on page 10 should return comments 451-500, but actually returns comments 1-500. Presumably, if everyone who sees this clicks on page 109, and therefore requests all 5437 comments, the world will explode.
If you click on the page numbers at the bottom, offsets don't seem to work. Therefore, clicking on page 10 should return comments 451-500, but actually returns comments 1-500. Presumably, if everyone who sees this clicks on page 109, and therefore requests all 5437 comments, the world will explode.
Metatalk thread closing is the worst thing ever.
Metatalk thread closing is the worst thing ever. Just as threads are getting entertaining, the discussion supposedly somehow has ended. It never works; Either someone posts a new thread where the same discussion continues or we're just deprived of some funny comments.
New Layout Bugs
I found a few browser-specific bugs with the new layout, is anyone else experiencing these?
1) The main logo for MeTa,MeFi, AskMe and Projects works fine, except when you click on the comments for a particular post. Once you do this, my browser is telling me there's a broken image above the main logo, to the left. It appears there's a missing border or something that usually would fit nicely into place to make all the images play happily together. (I'm using the latest version of IE.)
2) In Safari on my crappy preferences-locked Mac at work, the default text color on Projects is yellow main links, white background, with my text set to (of course) white. I'm willing to accept this is just a stupid Safari bug I'll have to live with, I just wondered if anyone else was experiencing a similar problem.
1) The main logo for MeTa,MeFi, AskMe and Projects works fine, except when you click on the comments for a particular post. Once you do this, my browser is telling me there's a broken image above the main logo, to the left. It appears there's a missing border or something that usually would fit nicely into place to make all the images play happily together. (I'm using the latest version of IE.)
2) In Safari on my crappy preferences-locked Mac at work, the default text color on Projects is yellow main links, white background, with my text set to (of course) white. I'm willing to accept this is just a stupid Safari bug I'll have to live with, I just wondered if anyone else was experiencing a similar problem.
Overriding Alt Keys
On Projects, when I press Alt+B, instead of getting my browser's Bookmarks menu as on almost every other site, I instead get About MeFi Projects. Personally, I would prefer it if web sites didn't override my existing keyboard shortcuts.
MetaTalk RSS feed links point to MeFi not MeTa
The MetaTalk RSS feed is slightly misguided. Links point to MetaFilter threads of the same #, not the correct MeTa thread.
Dead Puppy Ads Are Gross
First Amendment issue? I have to say I've been really grossed out the last couple of days by the dead puppies picture in the ads on MeFi. I'm not for censorship---but similar to a NSFW notice, can't there be an icky picture warning that you can choose to click or not? I understand that is the point of the ad, to raise my ire (or bile) so I'll do something. But ewww.
What happened to the redesign?
Whatever happened to the great redesign? Lack of time on the part of our great leader or did something go horribly wrong?
Moving to MetaTalk
Reading the thread about the eBay scam stuff, it made me want a new pony.
Wouldn't it be neat if when someone takes a post to MetaTalk (for whatever reason), that the original post be marked somehow (maybe similar to the "best answer" check-mark) to indicate that it had been brought to the other forum (by that I mean MetaTalk). This would make the whole MetaUniverseâ„¢ a more unified whole, more interconnected...
It'd also be entertaining for grouses like me who love to watch a trainwreck happen...
Wouldn't it be neat if when someone takes a post to MetaTalk (for whatever reason), that the original post be marked somehow (maybe similar to the "best answer" check-mark) to indicate that it had been brought to the other forum (by that I mean MetaTalk). This would make the whole MetaUniverseâ„¢ a more unified whole, more interconnected...
It'd also be entertaining for grouses like me who love to watch a trainwreck happen...
Best cookie recipe?
I'm curious - what are the top 50? Nominees?
Meta RSS please
Strangely, I enjoy reading MeTa far more than MeFi and AskMe. It saddens me that there isn't an RSS feed. I've searched the archives and found this and this, neither of which provide any real reasons why there isn't a feed in existence. Any chance that we can get one?