377 posts tagged with MeTa.
Displaying 151 through 200 of 377. Subscribe:
New Frapper Group
Has anyone at MeFi participated in a Frapper group? If you know what I mean. If not, I've created one here.
Why do people post "."?
What exactly is the . in people's replies? I used to ignore them, but when I saw a dozen or so in the Nipsey Russell thread I just had to know...
Sharpreader is Combining RSS Feeds
For the past week or so, Sharpreader has been combining Metafilter and AskMetafilter feeds, even though I'm subscribed to each separately. In other words, my Ask Metafilter feed (http://ask.metafilter.com/rss.xml) is picking up Metafilter threads, and my Metafilter feed (http://xml.metafilter.com/rss.xml) is picking up AskMe feeds. Things used to work properly, and I haven't changed anything at my end. Is anyone else seeing this?
Double Submitting Comments
This isn't about double posts but double posts inside a post. Or something like that, MI.
Metafilter Group on Upcoming.org
Andy Baio has just added groups functionality to Upcoming.org. Does anyone think that a metafilter group might be a good place to aggregate meetups on Metafilter.
I'm still a pretty new member, perhaps an older, wiser, or drunker member might initiate this? anyone? anyone?
I'm still a pretty new member, perhaps an older, wiser, or drunker member might initiate this? anyone? anyone?
Live preview for posting to MeFi and MeTa?
How's about getting Live Preview for posting new FPPs on MeFi and MeTa? I think it would be even more useful there than it is for comments.
ParisParamus Turns Over New Leaf
I have decided to be kinder and sweeter on Metafilter. Less annoying, too.
(more inside)
(more inside)
Good Conversation
The participants in this thread (about the board game Arimaa) engaged in a long discussion about matters on which they tended to strongly disagree. Nonetheless, the discussion was almost universally polite and respectful, and took things to a level far beyond the premise of the original post. It's not every day you can watch people turn a chat about a child's game into a debate on the nature of intelligence and consciousness, or discuss such controversial issues without things degenerating into a slagging match. Kudos.
Happy 10,000, Metatalk!
Happy 10,000, Metatalk!
Is My Email On File?
Last week I had to log in and forgot (temporarily) my password. I asked that it be sent to my email address and received the message that I had no email on file. Today I received an email from Jessamyn about something unrelated, so it has to be on file. Huh?
Best of Metafilter: August 1, 2005
Well, no need to wait any longer. We have a winner....
[lots more inside]
[lots more inside]
Fark Uses Metafilter As Source
Since when does MeFi have its own source icon on Fark?
Only 6 FPP today, only 10 yesterday. Why?
The slowest day for MetaFilter in recent history? Only six FPP today. Ten yesterday. What gives? Summer started?
Louisville meetups July 2005
Vidiot and I are going to Lebowski Fest next weekend - you know, bowl, drive around, the occasional acid flashback. Any Metafilterians attending want to share a lane?
Safari 2.0 tabs bug with background colors
i opened ask metafilter and metatalk in two tabs in Safari 2.0, closed the AskMeFi tab, and (i think) clicked a link in MeTa, and the top frame is still AskMeFi green. here's a link. looks like a caching issue obviously but i've refreshed and it's still there.
General blog-related stuff on MetaTalk?
Note: if posting about general weblog-related items, please post to Blogroots.com instead.
Since Blogroots is dead, does that mean we can talk about weblog-related stuff here again?
Since Blogroots is dead, does that mean we can talk about weblog-related stuff here again?
Lately, there has been some discrepancy between number of "new questions/comments posted" in MetaTalk, and what I'm seeing highlighted on the page as new questions or comments. Until now, it hasn't been such a big difference to really annoy me, but at the moment, I see "There has been 1 new question and 12 comments posted since your last visit", but only two threads are highlighted as having new comments (one each).
New feature: page through MetaTalk
New Feature: you can page through MetaTalk with the links at the bottom of the page, and the new comment counts should continue to function in older pages. Much simpler and easier than digging through archives and if this works as expected for most everyone, it will also be applied at Ask MeFi and MeFi
We could have done better
I really didn't like the way the drakepool thread in MeTa went yesterday. It reminded me too much of the ripper IRC tragedy. I don't have any answers, but I think that could have gone better.
Origin of Shoutouts?
What is the origin of shout-outs at meetups? It seems like a strange tradition. For that matter, when was the first meetup?
MeTa: menu bar miscolored
The MeTa menu bar is showing green, while the rest is the appropriate gray. What?
Here is my case study of MeFi for an ecommunities class.
Some of you may remember that I've been working on a case study about MeFi for an ecommunities class. Well, as promised, here is my paper.
(As a reminder, this is NOT research.)
(As a reminder, this is NOT research.)
Can We Have Automatic URL Generation?
Automatic URL generation within threads would be kinda neat.
Display problem in Safari 1.3
In Safari 1.3 the background of the top nav panel on AskMe is in MeTa grey rather than green.
Valid HTML
What HTML tags are allowed on the three main Metafilter sections? (I dare not experiment for obvious reasons.)
new approach to web application design
Introducing COMA. (You're soaking in it.)
Has MeFi ever gone green in the blue for St. P's Day?
Has MeFi ever gone green in the blue for St. P's Day?
MeTa "review" on GreenCine
I came across the following adline on the GreenCine main page:
"The best thing in entertainment since cave paintings!" -Metatalk posting
Previously noted in passing on the green here. Google isn't helping me locate where they might have gotten this quote from any MeFi posting. Any ideas?
"The best thing in entertainment since cave paintings!" -Metatalk posting
Previously noted in passing on the green here. Google isn't helping me locate where they might have gotten this quote from any MeFi posting. Any ideas?
Will time zone tweaking apply to Metatalk and Askme?
Time Zones don't appear to have been mentioned much in recent times.
And I was wondering whether migration of time zone tweaking to MeTalk and AskMeFi would still be going ahead? I get so confuzzled down here at times.
And I was wondering whether migration of time zone tweaking to MeTalk and AskMeFi would still be going ahead? I get so confuzzled down here at times.
Total Comments in AskMe and MeTa
When looking at a MetaFilter post, the line under the description looks like this:
posted by too_many_notes at 4:56 AM EST (13 comments total) ( feature_request ) [!]
However, in both MetaTalk and AskMetaFilter the "(13 comments total)" is missing. I find this information useful in the thread. Could the green and gray be more like the blue?
posted by too_many_notes at 4:56 AM EST (13 comments total) ( feature_request ) [!]
However, in both MetaTalk and AskMetaFilter the "(13 comments total)" is missing. I find this information useful in the thread. Could the green and gray be more like the blue?
I disagree with the decision to close this MeTa thread.
I disagree with the decision to close this MeTa thread. I understand that you made a decision regarding the topic, and I understand that it could have devolved into name-calling, but as it stood, the comments were reasonable and without personal insults. A better discussion could have ensued regarding flagging etiquette and how to deal with obnoxious comments; in fact, the makings of a good conversation regarding what constitutes a flaggable offense existed. I just felt that the closing was premature.
Recall thread containment
Do we need periodic MeTa "What current posts are you looking for but can't find?" consolidated threads (answering q's like this and this and this), lessening these same threads in AskMe? Do we need occasional MeTa posts in which we can all ask about AskMe post resolutions, too, like "Did she get all the glass out of her underwear?" Is this a plan? Pros/cons? Does the question of pros/cons of this plan need ITS OWN MeTa post, or is that getting all corporate/committee/Dilbert/Peter Principle/Call in the consultants?
RSS Feed For Our Latest Posts/Comments?
Matt seems to be going gangbusters on new features, so I'm not sure if this is the best or worst time to request another pony. This one is for some more RSS feeds...[more inside]
Consecutive Non-Spaces Are Breaking RSS Feed
Consecutive non-spaces in MeFi descriptions. See the title tag (the repeating dollar signs)? That gets translated into a headline in the MeFi RSS feeds. It's currently breaking the layout on my RSS page. Can we please not do this?
Posting limits reallocation?
Instead of one AskMe/MetaTalk thread a week, can we get four a month?
Is the redesign going to be similar across all the subsites?
The HTML markup of Metafilter proper ("the blue") differs from the markup of Metatalk and Ask Metafilter. Given the upcoming changes to Metafilter's look, can we expect similarity in markup across the site, or should we explicitly not rely on undocumented features of Metafilter? [mi]
Can I contact someone via MetaTalk?
I want to pass on some info to someone regarding their expired (and kind of unfulfilled) AskMe question, but there's no email listed on his/her contact page. Is it within MeFi etiquette to post an open note here on MetaTalk for nakedcodemonkey?
Your memorable mefi moments
Despite some recent messiness, snarking and call-outs on the green and the grey, I (as a noob) am impressed with the recent examples of true connection and "kinship" as exhibited by the life altering experiences thread in Ask MetaFilter (and discussed further here) and the heartfelt advice given to a frightened 20-year old who is about to enter a treatment center.
In the same spirit of recalling favorite migs moments, can some of the longer-term folks share memorable moments where MeFi has demonstrated such “poignancy” and support to fellow MeFites?
In the same spirit of recalling favorite migs moments, can some of the longer-term folks share memorable moments where MeFi has demonstrated such “poignancy” and support to fellow MeFites?
is this MeTa post open or closed?
Quick! - tell me - without clicking through - is this MeTa post open or closed? Well, which is it? Open or closed? You can't tell, can you? Sucks, doesn't it? You'd think a pop star tag junkie could spare an ASCII spangle to mark molested threads. But Nooooo. Crazy fascist likes to lure you in and jump out at you like a jack-in-the-box Mussolini. Sad. I spoke to his mother. She tells me he used to be such a good boy.
Keyword Tags For Metafilter
I'm in the process of adding keyword tags to MetaFilter. Right now, you can go back and tag all your old posts. Please, help me make this a useful feature by tagging your stuff with descriptive keywords that help people find other related posts. We could really turn this into something useful if we stick to that. I'm still working it into the new post form and working bugs out of the display end, but the basics are now there. Go forth and help make this useful.
There should be a comment limit per thread in MetaTalk.
There should be a comment limit per thread in MetaTalk. There are people who made 50+ comments in the Alex Reynolds thread. That is just wrong. No one should be allowed to make more than a fixed number of comments per MetaTalk thread. I say five. Pile ons are not cathartic releases, mob psychology is not self-policing. This place has gone from Harrison Bergeron meets Lord of the Flies to The Jerry Springer Show meets the Married With Children studio audience. It's a waste of bandwidth, creates nothing but ill feeling and a collective sense of entitlement to say shitty things. We might as well be bearbaiting or throwing cats into bonfires.
MetaTalk for the logged in only?
This is probably an annoying pony to add, but is there any way we can get a flag added to MetaTalk posts so that they'll only be visible to a user who is logged in?
You don't have a 'right' to post anywhere
Sigh. . . [+]
Can We Have Thread Ratings?
Could we have a feature by which each FPP is rated numerically, say, 1 to 5, and if it doesn't reach a 3 within an hour, it's dumped? Then we could all stop complaining about lousy FPPs.
Multiple offensive comments
I wasn't going to say anything because the grey has been so god-awful busy today, but what's the deal here? And can it stop?
RSS for AskMe and MeTa?
RSS for AskMefi and MeTa: Do they exist or am I just missing them? If they don't exist, can we have RSS-flavored ponies? If they do exist, can they be made more plain? How many past discussions of this topic have I missed? What other interesting facts will I learn inside? Fezzy minds want to know.
a piss-take in a meta sandbox
Probably the most fun I can remember having here, despite running as it does very much counter to the notion that MetaFilter is not a soapbox, and your primary subject should be links, not opinions.
It's a piss-take, but some of us needed that. Anyway, come on in, the water's fine. And thanks again to Vidiot.
It's a piss-take, but some of us needed that. Anyway, come on in, the water's fine. And thanks again to Vidiot.
RSS Feeds for MeTa and AskMe
I've just started playing around with NetNewsWire Lite, and was wondering... are there RSS feeds for MetaTalk and AskMe?
I've been searching, but maybe I've been looking in the wrong place...
I've been searching, but maybe I've been looking in the wrong place...
Let's argue in threads instead of in MetaTalk
Perhaps it's time to reconsider using MetaTalk to denounce single comments and only slightly contentious single posts. [More inside.]
Can I post a link to a question on Ask to the blue?
Can I post a link to a question on Ask to the blue? It's not my question, so it's not self-linking, but it feels a bit too.... uh, meta.