834 posts tagged with MetaFilter.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 834. Subscribe:
Apparently it's Scorpion - Scorpion - Scorpion - Crop Is On day on MetaFilter, so, y'know, post some fucken scorpions if you got 'em.
160: That Was A Bood Posscat
Like Frodo and Sam enduring the travails of Mordor, Jessamyn and I have managed somehow to surmount the difficulties of the world to produce a podcast episode this month. Instead of getting a finger bit off we just lost some of our usual running time, so this is a lembas-thin 56 minutes. Also just to be clear there is literally no discussion of Tolkeinian mythology in this episode, I'm just punchy on a Friday night and you're getting whatever comes out of the keyboard at this point. Elevensies. [more inside]
Kaycee Nicole hoax documentary research
Heya, folks! We recently heard from a documentary producer, Celia Aniskovich, who is working on a project related to the Kaycee Nicole hoax that played out during the earliest couple years of MetaFilter's existence. She's spoken with a few key folks already, including mathowie, but is interested to hear from anyone else in the MeFi community who has specific memories of or records from that whole saga. [more inside]
Site finances update, 1/15/2020
Hey folks, time for a quarterly update on how the site's doing financially, and a reminder that the direct financial support of MetaFilter's membership and readers is fundamental to keeping this place operational. Your help supporting this community is vital, and appreciated. [more inside]
159: Enter The Talkredoers
Kicking off the year with a podcast that tried very hard not to happen, but by god me and jessamyn pulled it off after all, despite reschedules and weird recording problems that cost us a little bit of audio early on. Runs about 80 minutes and features some robot noises. [more inside]
Hiring a part-time mod
Some news I'm happy to be able to share: we're starting the process of hiring a new part-time moderator for MetaFilter. I've made a post on Jobs about the position, and interested MeFites are encouraged to apply, as are non-MeFi folks with a good feel for the needs of community management and moderation. [more inside]
Happy New Year, MetaFilter
It's 2020 pretty much everywhere now, if I've done my timezone math right, so: here's to the new year, and to all of us in this weird old online community keeping on together and seeing what we can make of this next year. [more inside]
How about an update conversation on the post megathread era?
It seems to me that the change has been a positive good for Metafilter. Change being the doing away with the Megathreads. Even the sidebar has stopped moving. What are your thoughts?
Just saying...
First hit was Metafilter [more inside]
158: Keep Them Scrollwheels Scrollin', Though The Browser's Slowin'
It's me! It's jessamyn! It's episode 158 of us podcasting about about the sort of MetaFiltery things we're wont to podcast about! It's about ninety minutes! [more inside]
MeFites for the Holidays
Continuing a tradition started by filthy light thief this thread is a place for MeFites to connect for the holidays. [more inside]
157: That's The Title, Everyone Get Back To Work And Thank You
It's our Halloween episode, which is not particularly spooOOOOooOOoooky because I accidentally left it out on the counter overnight after we recorded it yesterday. But jessamyn and I catch up on the last month of MeFi stuff and you can't prove that there wasn't also a ghost on the call. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
Site finance update, 10/16/19
Here's a first quarterly update on where we're at with site revenue and expenses. We've made some progress from where we were this summer; your help in funding the site is a fundamental part of that. [more inside]
Rolling out some updated site documentation
We're updating some site documents today to better reflect contemporary MetaFilter. Today's updates include the New User pages that potential new community members move through when signing up, the site's core guidelines page, and a new document discussing common microaggressions and being mindful about the impact of dominant-culture dynamics on a diverse membership. I'll talk in more detail about all that below the fold. [more inside]
Updating profiles
Okay, this is totally stupid but it keeps bothering me. I have a lot of trouble updating my profile picture. [more inside]
156: Wasting All My Time Time
Jessamyn! Me! Podcast! MetaFilter! Talking! [more inside]
Impeachment and the Whistleblower
I'd argue that maintaining separate single-topic threads for the impeachment discussion and the whistleblower discussion doesn't make sense and isn't working very well. Thoughts?
Good discussions on the Blue about Big Things at their infancy?
Inspired by today's post about pulsed power fusion, I wondered what it looked like when Tesla was first being discussed and found this thread that came out in 2009 just as the Model S was being introduced. It's fascinating to read people's takes. That reminded me of the 2001 thread discussing the nascent iPod, which is even better.
Do you have any favorite posts discussing now giant things when they were just being born? Tech especially is cool but more serious things like the two "Trump is running for president" threads from 2011 - where Artw presciently calls him "America's Boris Johnson!" - and 2015 are interesting too.
MetaAnniversary: FizzRecordings? nightFizz?
On this exact date, one year ago, I messaged Nightrecordings via MeMail to discuss this post about Serena Williams at the US Open. One thing led to another and...we're now married. I wouldn't have the love of my life without this community. I want to thank everyone here who made that possible. Apologies for the selfishness of this MetaTalk. I love you Nightrecordings! ❤️
Hey, like wow, thank you all!
Can I just say that the Blue has been amazing lately and I've been having a lot of fun with the diversity of posts. And by diversity, I can't even begin to describe, but if you've been watching the Blue you know what I mean. Thank you, all of you, for your posts! I'm sure I'm not the only member who has felt delighted by something unexpected... So yay!
155: No curses, no whammies
After several technical hiccups, Jessamyn and I managed to record a podcast, and here it is! Lots of MeFi and Ask; lots of users' first posts, lots of animal posts, even several first animal posts. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
Site finance snapshot, August 2019
It's a little over a month since the State of the Site post where I talked about our current revenue shortfall, and as part of a goal of moving toward more regular financial updates I wanted to give a quick snapshot of where we are now. [more inside]
Happy MetaVersary to me!
I just noticed that I joined MetaFilter 17 years ago today! I figured I would take this moment to say thanks, everyone, for being here, and making this one of my favorite places on the interwebs.
154: I Learned It By Reading
We're back after a skipped month with an unsurprisingly longer-than-usual podcast episode, as jessamyn and I chatter about all the ususal site stuff (a month's worth is generally too much, two months definitely so) and also talk a little about MeFi history, recent site challenges, the 20th anniversary, and so on. Runs just about two hours total. [more inside]
Decommissioning the US politics megathreads
During the 2016 US election cycle, we experimented with moving US politics discussion to a catch-all megathread model: focusing almost all discussion of the topic to large omnibus threads posted every week or two. The resulting megathreads have been a valued thing for many people, and a lot of work and care has gone into them from posters and commenters to try and help them be a functional part of the MeFi posting mix. But the threads have always posed significant challenges, and the time has come when we need to make a fundamental change. [more inside]
Happy 20th Anniversary, MetaFilter
MetaFilter, that weird blue site (and, yep, we've finally turned it blue again), is 20 years old today.
It's a thrilling and boggling and remarkable and ungainly and heartening number. I've had trouble figuring out what the thing is that I want to say about the site today, and I've realized the problem is there's no one thing. MetaFilter is too complex, its history too complicated, to reduce to a tidy anecdote.
But I want to talk a little about what it means to me, and what I want it to aspire to, and to reflect a little bit on this twenty year milestone on an unsteady world wide web. [more inside]
It's a thrilling and boggling and remarkable and ungainly and heartening number. I've had trouble figuring out what the thing is that I want to say about the site today, and I've realized the problem is there's no one thing. MetaFilter is too complex, its history too complicated, to reduce to a tidy anecdote.
But I want to talk a little about what it means to me, and what I want it to aspire to, and to reflect a little bit on this twenty year milestone on an unsteady world wide web. [more inside]
State of the Site, July 2019 update
Hey, folks. It's been about a year since our last State of the Site update, and I want to let you know where things are at and where we're headed. The site turns 20 years old in a few days, which is a hell of an internet milestone. Financially, I wish I had better news: our ad revenue has dropped significantly again, and we're running at a significant monthly shortfall. This has underscored for me the need to seriously push toward the goal of making MetaFilter a fully community-funded site. Come inside and I'll talk more about our revenue picture, our short- and long-term fundraising goals, and some of where the site and community and mods are at more generally as we head on into the future. [more inside]
Following up on last month’s discussions: medium and long-term work
First, check out this other post today for necessary context and the immediate-term actions that the mod team is taking. This additional post is a roadmap for the future changes that we are considering, actions we have planned but haven't finished implementing yet, and some site issues that are not as directly related to the previous threads but tie into this process regardless. [more inside]
Following up on last month’s discussions: immediate actions and planning
Let's talk about how the MetaFilter community can be a more welcoming, comfortable, and equitable place for our non-white members. It's work that's overdue, from the moderation team and the community in general. There's a lot of context here, so read below before commenting. And it's vital that the voices at the center of this discussion are the community members with the most direct stakes in these issues, so if you're a member of the site's white demographic majority, you need to mostly be listening rather than speaking. [more inside]
153 - Josh Ruins Taiga
It's time for that monthly podcast: jessamyn and I caught up yesterday on the last month or so of all things MetaFilter, Ask MetaFilter, Projects, and so forth through the ol' enumeration of subsites. We also talk about trivia a little, and as a result I ruin taiga and possibly everything else. We also got to wondering whether Jeopardy would throw you off the show for refusing to answer questions in good faith, so, hey, Jeopardy folks: any good stories there? [more inside]
Card Club Happiness
I just returned to the US for the summer and was delighted to have a stack of 'real' mail waiting for me- most of it from you. [more inside]
I’m here to propose that we pursue a season of fun and non-controversial posts on MetaFilter. Let’s fill up the Blue with the interesting, the comedic, the curious, the lengthy disclosure… the topics which are posted to share something groovy and/or interesting and not posted to stir up the grar.
[more inside]
Reconsidering the rule against friend-linking on the MeFi front page
We're gonna try allowing friend-linking on the front page of MetaFilter—that is, linking to stuff on the web made by someone you are friends with or have a personal connection to. Come on inside and I'll talk about why, and lay out some expectations and guidelines. [more inside]
152: Get Jobbed At Steve MetaFilter Jobs
P O D C A S T [more inside]
Rule #2. There is No MetaFilter
This comment:
"Metafilter: a conceptually ambitious ad for Olive Garden."
posted by dephlogisticated
made me realize that MetaFilter may be part of a deep state operation... We now stand 19 years, 9 months and 7 days where MetaFilter has been potentially prepping an entire generation with a ... different sort of FUD... What are your Metafilter conspiracy theories? Is Johnny Wallflower actually a selection of dogs and cats carefully stacked on eachother's shoulders and wearing clothes doing their best to impersonate a human? What do you know that folks should know about the Cabal MetaFilter? Time to don your tinfoil hats folks...
151: A Birdwatching Mecha
It's podcast time, and it's a (relatively) brief, (relatively) under-produced episode this time, with me and Jessamyn chatting about MeFi stuff for about 70 minutes because my voice was a little worn out. [more inside]
A Lovely Way to Start the Day
Y'know what's so cool about this place? When a comment of yours gets its very first Favorite...ten years after you made the comment.
That's all. Carry on.
It's a message board that isn't really around much anymore...
During the most recent Sh!tpost Podcast, Jared Holt interviews Christian Vanderbrouk of twitter and lately Bulwark fame.
Metafilter is mentioned. [more inside]
Thank you, Metafilter
Today is my 14th anniversary of ponying up $5. Since then, I've moved to my fourth continent. Thank you for the longest running stable relationship I've had since 2005, Metafilter. Tell me about being alone in some challengingly new environment (like a rural African village, ha!) and how being able to access Metafilter made all the difference for you.
We're Still Here
Just Share Something Good
It's been a difficult week. Let's talk about something that isn't related to the news or a source of the never ending stream of nightmare fuel we encounter on the rest of the web. Just share something good with the MetaFilter community. We all could do with a story that brings a smile, or a laugh. Maybe share a photo of a cute pet or baby, or tell us about that slice of pie you enjoyed, whatever it is, just share something good. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. We're all on this rock together.
150: Taking a Dinger
Here it is. A podcast. It's a podcast and here it is. Yes. Yes? Yes. [more inside]
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME PODCAAAAAAAST because this is an episode of one. It's me and Jessamyn and a whole passel of Januarial content from MeFi, along with some youthful car stories and our belated discovery of the Spanish word for sock. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
Keeping arguing about the US primaries in check
The US political cycle is creeping into the beginning of the 2020 primary season, and that means we need to talk about avoiding the stuff that has gone badly on MetaFilter in previous election cycles. That means folks making a collective effort to avoid the worse discussion dynamics we've seen in the past, and it means the mod team pushing hard when folks aren't succeeding at that effort. [more inside]
148: 2019 New Year Call-In Episode
Sheesh, it's a week into the year and I still keep trying to write "2018" on my podcasts. But it's the new year, and Jessamyn and I catch up on what's happened on the big blue linky sea lately. Also occasionally featuring my neighbor's rented wood chipper! But also, more importantly, featuring messages from a whole bunch of MeFites who called in to share well wishes, new year greetings, old year ass-and-screendoorings, and some lovely and heartfelt thoughts about where they are, where we are, and hoping for us all to keep getting there together in the next year. [more inside]
Mefites on Patreon
This AskMefi question about supporting people on Patreon made me wonder: do you have a Patreon? Where is it and what kind of work do you do? Let's support each other!
What does your digital space look like? What type of wallpaper do you use? Do you have a lot of shortcuts/icons scattered everywhere? Or maybe you're more minimalist and you need everything pinned to your taskbar or dock. Or do you consume MetaFilter from your iPad or mobile device? We all type/tap from different places, for those who are game, please share a screenshot. Just being curious. Cheers.
147: We Forgot What We Were Gonna Call This One
November isn't even quite over yet but Jessamyn and I are entirely done with it, and document a bunch of the good bits and some of the not so great ones in this episode of the MeFi monthly podcast. Also there is a very clever bird and some nude cats. Also I make a pretty solid joke about clouds. It's actually not very solid. The joke I mean. Also obviously not the clouds, they're made of vapor, c'mon. Yes. Okay. Hello. [more inside]
It's Thanksgiving in America, a day to give thanks, spend time with family, friends, & loved ones and share a warm meal. 2018 has not always been the most easy of years to live through, I thought it'd be nice to have a place to share thanks, to acknowledge that we made it another year on this planet, that we did it together. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my partner, and all of you. I'm thankful that MetaFilter exists. Cheers.
It's the $5 noob anniversary!
Fourteen years ago today, Matt started the $5 signups allowing all of us noobs to come in and mess up the place.