834 posts tagged with MetaFilter.
Displaying 151 through 200 of 834. Subscribe:

rtha in hospice

I wanted to let folks know that long-time MeFite rtha, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer earlier this year, has ceased chemotherapy treatment and moved to in-home hospice care to focus on comfort and quality of life, and to ask you to come share well-wishes with her and her spouse gingerbeer. [Addendum: rtha passed away on the 10th. —c] [more inside]
posted by cortex on Nov 8, 2018 - 576 comments

146: GO VOTE

It's a remarkably short one this month—just over 50 minutes—because my throat was sore in what turned out to be the preface to a nasty cold that knocked me out all weekend, which is why we recorded this last week and it's only going up to day! But here it is! Also, vote! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Nov 5, 2018 - 11 comments

It's Inktober, let's make art and stuff!

Do you draw and/or not draw? Great, time to draw some stuff! (Or sketch, or paint, or whatever the hell your jam is or you would like your jam to be.) That's right, it's Inktober, and I reckon we should congregate in this thread with our various stuff-you're-drawin' feeds and such. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 4, 2018 - 40 comments

145: I Don't Own A Cellphone!

If you wanted to hear about the time Jessamyn went on Jesse Ventura's TV show, this episode of the MetaFilter podcast is your big chance! Also we talk about, y'know, MetaFilter and MetaFilterian things and fun stuff and stupid stuff. The whole gamut, basically. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 3, 2018 - 11 comments

seeking a specific comment

I recall reading a comment here on metafilter a long time ago with a proposal for a ridiculous reality TV show. I would like to find that comment. Googling has proven extremely difficult. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Sep 12, 2018 - 12 comments

Can we get a bigger text box on Mobile Modern?

The text box for posting comments on mobile (I'm talking about Modern theme here; Classic has similar but slightly different issues) is really small. It makes it hard for me to write more than a couple sentences without losing track of what I was talking about. Sometimes I just give up. Can it be bigger? [more inside]
posted by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The on Sep 12, 2018 - 16 comments

144: Give Myself A Cold Goose

In this podcast ep, I talk with Jessamyn about going camping, driving a stick-shift VW camper van, getting a cold, having a cold, and also a great deal of MetaFilter stuff. It's a bit late and there's no music bumpers because I was camping and then I had a cold! But here it is. It's about 80 minutes. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Sep 4, 2018 - 15 comments


End of another long week filled with all kinds of awful politics/news. So let's talk about something else. It's that time of year where so many students are heading back to school. Maybe you're going back to school to finish off a degree/diploma/certification. Maybe you're shopping for first day of school clothes for your MetaChild. Maybe you're taking some art classes at the local college/community center. Maybe you have some fond memories of this time of year and that new school supplies/bag excitement. School is in session, let's talk. :)
posted by Fizz on Aug 17, 2018 - 112 comments

Bug: Pasting links into comments

I'm no longer able to paste URLs into the link-helper alert window on Chrome. It just replaces the link text with the URL. Still works on Firefox. Example GIF. [more inside]
posted by cichlid ceilidh on Aug 5, 2018 - 13 comments

Simply Stupendous Sidebar!

May I just take a moment to say that whoever has been doing the sidebar on the front page of the Blue has been just fuckin' KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK lately? I love the grouping of similar posts, I love the themes that have been played with, I just love how creative and how engaging it has been lately. Today's Women's Work grouping was so great that it brought me here to make this post. This is just a shoutout and a thank you for what you're doing!
posted by hippybear on Aug 4, 2018 - 12 comments

New merch: Seal of the Cabal

We're rolling out a new shirt design, featuring art from robocop is bleeding, who has taken his rad hand-carved block printing aesthetic to the eldritch glyphs and sigils of MetaFilter history to produce the Seal of the Cabal. (There is, of course, no cabal.) (But there is an alternate, smaller version of the design for folks who prefer how that sits on a shirt.) [more inside]
posted by cortex on Aug 3, 2018 - 105 comments

143: Sisters, Am I Right?

Shooting at the walls of podcast, bang bang! I am an episode! The latest episode of the MetaFilter monthly podcast, that is, but also I have Patty Smyth stuck in my head I guess. Anyway! Me and jessamyn get to catchin' up on the month that was on MeFi, and miscellaneous kibitzing, as we are wont to do! This one runs a little under 80 minutes. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Aug 2, 2018 - 32 comments

Argument clinic: modes of discussion

Discussions on MetaFilter have many modes. Sometimes we use a front page post (FPP) or other MeFites' comments as a prompt for sharing stories or related ideas. Sometimes we disagree about an issue raised in the FPP and explore that disagreement. Sometimes we collectively squee over cute animals. In some cases, the same topic can be discussed in more than one mode, and sometimes a single thread moves between different modes of discussion, or even can carry multiple modes of discussion at once. This fluidity can be a creative driver of conversation, but it can also lead to tension or fights if the topic of conversation is a difficult one. Let's discuss how we discuss on MetaFilter, to keep our discussions healthy and enjoyable! [more inside]
posted by biogeo on Aug 1, 2018 - 23 comments


How do you consume MetaFilter? Is it on your mobile device/phone? Are you mostly at your work/home computer? Tablet, laptop, kindle? Just wondering how the community primarily loads this site up.
posted by Fizz on Jul 26, 2018 - 117 comments

New merch: everyone needs a mug

Hey, rolling out a new piece of merch today: a big blue mug with the "MF" logo on one side and, on the other, "Note: everyone needs a mug". [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 25, 2018 - 123 comments

User 7418 talking about online communities on Techdirt podcast

The guest on this week's Techdirt podcast is Mefi's own user 7418. The subject is Building Communities Outside Facebook.
posted by COD on Jul 24, 2018 - 5 comments


Let's lighten the mood. It's the end of the week and I want to hear about something fun and not about politics. Tell me about a really awesome snack/food you just ate. What you eating?
posted by Fizz on Jul 19, 2018 - 181 comments

Testing some new ads from Carbon

You may have noticed: we've just started testing some new ads from Carbon, on the front pages of MetaFilter and Ask MeFi. Please let us know about bugs, issues, etc. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 17, 2018 - 43 comments

Updating the MeFi Projects subsite guidelines

Hey, so, MetaFilter Projects! It's one of my favorite parts of the site, where members can post and share their personal creative work. And we've done a little work to update the posting guidelines there, to try and make it a little more clear and generous about what's a good fit. Come on in for details! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 11, 2018 - 53 comments

142: The World Didn't End

It's time for another podcast, and boy what a busy month it's been. Jessamyn and I catch up a bunch on MetaFilter news, I say thank you probably too much but jeez you folks!, and also we talk about all kinds of rad things on the site itself. Runs just about 90 minutes. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 6, 2018 - 22 comments

Flagging update: new free-form text option, tweaking flag lists

I'm excited to announce we're rolling out a long-requested feature: free-form text flagging, a new flagging option that will allow you to, when necessary, leave a brief note when you flag a post or comment. We've also tweaked the list of predefined flagging reasons to reduce the length of the list a bit. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 5, 2018 - 72 comments

Argument clinic: arguing without fighting

Arguments are fun. Fights aren't. What makes a good argument, and how do we avoid turning them into fights? [more inside]
posted by biogeo on Jul 2, 2018 - 159 comments

Threads for introducing new people to metafilter

There was a doc a member put together that was a bunch of links to threads they felt were a good introduction to metafilter, for people who had never heard of metafilter. I swore I bookmarked it, but where? [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] on Jun 30, 2018 - 9 comments


A fair number of countries/places around the world are experiencing extreme heat and weather conditions. I wanted to have a place for us to check-in with each other. Remember to reach out to your neighbors, friends, family, and loved ones to make sure they're ok. People who are older, as well as our MetaPets, should also be given extra consideration as they're particularly vulnerable to this kind of heat. A reminder to drink lots of water and find some shade and/or air conditioning if possible. Feel free to share your own tips/tricks for keeping cool.
posted by Fizz on Jun 29, 2018 - 66 comments

MetaFilter revenue update: holy cow, y'all!

Recently, I announced that MetaFilter was in serious financial trouble, and asked you to help with additional community funding of the site.

Y'all have really, really come through. Recurring contributions supporting the site are up by almost $10,000 a month and growing, erasing our current shortfall and helping move MetaFilter toward a more sustainable, independent revenue model. Community funding alone now covers very nearly half our operating budget. That's amazing.

Come on in and I'll give you the details on what's happened and what we're up to next. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 28, 2018 - 157 comments


Tell me something good. Something happy. Maybe it's a thing you did. Maybe it's a thing that was done for you. Share something good with me and the rest of us. I feel like we need some of that. There's been a lot of serious happening the last few days and I want to just hear something good, positive, and light. I like this place and all of you. Be kind to each other, love yourself. Tell me something good.
posted by Fizz on Jun 20, 2018 - 272 comments

Let's talk about MeFi Merch!

Alright, I suggested last week amidst the brainstorming in the State of the Site post that we set aside a thread specifically for MetaFilter merchandising chatter. This! Is! That! Thread! So, let's talk merch ideas. I'll lay out our current thinking and some options inside. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 18, 2018 - 177 comments

State of the Site: Metafilter financial update and future directions

Important site updates, folks:

1. The site is running at a significant deficit and we urgently need to make that up. Part of that is through additional direct community funding; you can help here.
2. We're looking at—and inviting community input on—several big-picture questions.

Today I want to lay out our budget and income streams, to explain where we're at and what we need to accomplish. I'll also talk a bit about how the community is doing, and what's coming up in the future. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 13, 2018 - 993 comments


What is your Meta "thing" so to speak. We know some people 🙄 post a lot about video games. I was looking at my profile and surprised but not surprised to realize I've made 211 posts with the tag: videogames and 161 posts with the tag: literature. What are your top tags? What do you find yourself posting the most about?
posted by Fizz on Jun 10, 2018 - 69 comments

141: Is Cereal A Sandwich

Podcast! Jessamyn! Me! MetaFilter! Talking! Words! Month! Time! Listen! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 4, 2018 - 23 comments

Dear AskMe, My Husband's T-Shirt Has Llama Stains.

My husband and I are both MeFites - he introduced me! - and we often wonder about other couples or close friends who reference Metafilter in various 'inside joke'-type ways. Do you do this? And how? [more inside]
posted by VioletU on May 31, 2018 - 70 comments

Metafilter's 20th: Any Plans

If my math is correct Metafilter will be 20 next year. This seems like something that may take a year to plan. Are there any plans? Anyone planning on making plans? What's the plan for plans?
posted by If only I had a penguin... on May 23, 2018 - 131 comments


Happy 10 Years! This is me saying thank you for dealing with my idiosyncrasies. My video-game obsessed posts, my overly polite Canadian need to apologize. I want to say thank you to all the moderators, developers, members, lurkers, friends & acquaintances, the entire community. You make living online worthwhile. This place truly is 'Best of the Web'. Here's hoping for 10 more! Cheers.
posted by Fizz on May 20, 2018 - 57 comments

140: We Usually Come Up With A Title

It's episode 140 of the MetaFilter podcast, and you know what that means: we've been doing this a while and we're all out of clever ideas, leave us alone, sheesh. Also it means Jessamyn and I talk about MetaFilter stuff and sundry internetries. I obsess about house numbers a little, and we chatter about weddings and downtimes and some of that recent Stack Overflow stuff and so on. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
posted by cortex on May 7, 2018 - 23 comments

"Also On" Cleanup

We've tidied up a bit in the "also on" sites in your profile. First, the cleanup discussed previously has been done. Thank you to everyone who categorised websites on the wiki and made it easier on me (if no less saddening) to remove deceased sites. Second, Mastodon and Diaspora have been, after requests and discussion, added. [more inside]
posted by frimble on Apr 9, 2018 - 36 comments

139: The Joke Show

Happy Basically-Nobody's-Life-Got-Ruined-This-Year-By-April-Fools, everybody! It's the latest podcast ep, with me and jessamyn talking about MeFi as usual and also telling each other some jokes, along with a nice crop of call-in/mail-in/write-in jokes from your fellow MetaFilter members! This'n was recorded Monday April 2 and all told runs about an hour and a half. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 3, 2018 - 37 comments

10,000 and counting

Holy crap! So turns out the Radiohead song on a cello post by cozenedindigo just now was my 10,000th favorite on MeFi. Just wanted to say thanks for all the entertaining, thoughtful and thought-provoking, hilarious, nerdy, bean-plating, and otherwise awesome posts and comments from all of you over the years. Also: I got a rad haircut recently, Minecraft is adding tons of underwater content in the near future, and the patriarchy is deaththroeing all over itself. <3!
posted by Celsius1414 on Mar 20, 2018 - 10 comments


Is anyone else experiencing instability with MetaFilter today? I've had a fair number of time-outs and slow-downs with site loading and refreshes. It seems only limited to this particular site. Just checking in.
posted by Fizz on Mar 17, 2018 - 17 comments

MetaJokes Podcast 'April Fool's Edition'

Back in January we had a year end call-in show/podcast. MeFites were able to call a line that Cortex set up to record seasonal greetings and well-wishes. A fun way to connect and listen to all of the wonderful people that make up our community. A number of MeFites called in and told some humorous jokes/asides. I previously mentioned how it might be fun to have a specific call-in episode for just jokes that would then be released on April Fools' Day (April 1). I realize it's a bit of behind the scenes work for our moderators, but if they're open to it, I think it would be fun. Let's discuss whether we can make that happen.
posted by Fizz on Mar 1, 2018 - 39 comments

138: Don't Leave Me Hanging

It's a magical low-energy podcast! Okay, it's not especially magical. But it's me and Jessamyn and we talk about MeFi and shaking fists at kids and the Olympics and sundry other things. Recorded on Monday the 26th, it runs about 75 minutes. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 28, 2018 - 24 comments

Is the MetaFilter code available for public use?

Is it possible to use the MetaFilter code for your own site a la SportsFilter.com? I had an idea for a specialized weblog in another language and the MetaFilter format would be a perfect fit.
posted by Clementines4ever on Feb 25, 2018 - 32 comments

(## new) on sidebar threads (feature request)?

With all the latest political thread links pinned to the MeFi sidebar, it would be helpful to have a (## new) after each sidebar link (just as on regular MeFi posts) which take users to his/her earliest unread comment in each post. [more inside]
posted by hexaflexagon on Feb 21, 2018 - 11 comments

Calling all Cards!

Having just mailed my cards for Project G.I.V.E. M.E. (that is, Great Internet Valentine Exchange, Metafilter Edition), and having had at least as much fun as I did with the winter holiday cards, I'm wondering if there's enough momentum and interest for another project. [more inside]
posted by The Underpants Monster on Feb 7, 2018 - 38 comments

137: It Descended Into Butts

This episode, jessamyn and I catch up on the last month and change of MetaFilter, discuss books and the reading-or-not thereof, and workshop the title of this podcast episode briefly. Recorded Tuesday February 6th, it covers January and bits and pieces of December while we're at it, and runs about 75 minutes. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 6, 2018 - 34 comments

A whale of a Meta!

Halloween Jack posed a question in response to aniola's wonderful post about whales and literature.
“So, can any of you boffins on the blue tell me if there's a longer post than this one?”
I thought it'd be nice to have a place to discuss that subject and share some of the longer posts that have managed to hit MetaFilter.
posted by Fizz on Jan 15, 2018 - 25 comments

136: 2017 year-end call-in show

It's the call-in show! Jessamyn and a very sleepy moi chatter for a bit about site and life stuff in haphazard fashion, interspersed with a couple long strings of calls from a bunch of lovely and occasionaly slightly cheeky MeFites. It was a lot of fun and a minor pain in the ass to put together, and runs about 80 minutes total. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 6, 2018 - 85 comments

Staff tags expanded to the Blue and the Green

To make mod notes a tiny bit easier to see and find, we've added Staff badges, like the ones currently used in MetaTalk, to MetaFilter and Ask MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by frimble on Jan 6, 2018 - 18 comments

MefiReply Userscript

MefiReply is a new userscript for quote-replying to comments. It works on all Metafilter subsites in both Modern and Classic modes. If you have Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey, you can install it by visiting this page. [more inside]
posted by waninggibbon on Jan 3, 2018 - 5 comments

Who Are The Bloggers of Metafilter?

EmpressCallipygos's link to her blog post about losing a 5 lb. container of sugar in her apartment highlighted that my feed reader is short on personal blogs, as most of the personal bloggers I followed have quit. If you are still blogging somewhat regularly (for any definition of regularly that you like), and don't mind other Mefites reading your blog, please share the URL. I will add all to my feed reader. This will also help me avoid Facebook, which is something I am trying to do.
posted by COD on Dec 28, 2017 - 79 comments

Metatalktail Hour: I want to get those stories recognized

Inspired by the post about furries being a community that helps each other out, I want to pose this here: Tell me about a time MeFites reached out and helped you. I wan to get those stories recognized. [more inside]
posted by hippybear on Dec 16, 2017 - 99 comments

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