834 posts tagged with MetaFilter.
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Known issue: logged-out search not working right now
Quick heads up since a number of folks have noted/asked about this: yes, the search function for logged-out readers is currently not working. It throws up a complaint that is unhelpful but also not dangerous: "Unauthorized access to internal API. Please refer to...". We'll have it fixed soon, but just a heads up that (a) it is indeed a thing and (b) it's not something to worry about. Sorry about the annoyance!
Thank you Thank you Thank you
This year was incredibly hard for me in a lot of ways. [more inside]
135: It's A Dang Podcast
It's me! It's Jessamyn! It's a damn-the-torpedoes, full-amble-ahead ramshackle of an episode as we catch up on MetaFilter, talk a bit about the recent US politics discussion changes, and just recklessly chat about this and that while I enjoy a nice big glass of wine. Covers November and runs about 80 minutes. [more inside]
Resetting expectations about U.S. political discussion on MetaFilter
Hey folks, big discussion time. We're going to be making some changes on how U.S. political discussion plays out on MetaFilter, to try and make sure it remains available as a useful resource in a way that isn't as unsustainable as the current approach has been. I’ll lay out some concrete steps we’re taking, and some general thoughts, below. This is detailed but important and I appreciate you taking the time to read through it. [more inside]
MetaFilter is moving to https as a default
A week from now, we'll be updating MetaFilter to always serve https pages instead of http! You most likely don't need to care at all that this is happening, but I'll explain what it means below. Come on in! [more inside]
Most Popular Song 15 Years Ago: "HOW YOU REMIND ME" - Nickelback
I noticed that I just passed my 15th anniversary on Metafilter, and I imagine I can't be the only one. Congrats to all you other old geezers. [more inside]
MeFites offering seasonal refuge and open homes
As folks gear up for holidays, I know some will be avoiding family for various reasons, so I wanted to set up the second annual thread to facilitate seasonal connections for support and good company (here's the first, from last year). [more inside]
Eponyappropriate Timing
I made this post about trees/plants in video games and lazycomputerkids made this wonderful comment. And then Joyce Kilmer Rest Area, Imaginary Jersey Turnpike responded and it was like the comment gods had lined up. Searching for other examples of these types of perfectly lined up comments on the Meta.
134: Stuff and Things
Hey, it's me and Jessamyn chattering about MetaFilter and Halloween and more MetaFilter and large burdensome televisions and even more MetaFilter. This episode covers the month of October and runs about an hour and a half. [more inside]
Get your MetaFilter sticker pack!
Wish you could put your favorite website on your favorite automobile? Need to apply an adhesive Ask MetaFilter label to your laptop? Just like buying stickers? Good news: We've got stickers for sale (as well as some remaining t-shirt stock) over on our TopatoCo page! [more inside]
Right Post at the Right Time
I had a pretty terrible yesterday and a somewhat grumpy today. Towards the end of my work shift I switched tabs over to MetaFilter and I saw Wordshore's delightful post on the new Animal Crossing game. And it's cheered me right up. Something was just right about this post and it hit me at the right time. I thought I'd share my joy and gratitude about that here. Feel free to share your own stories of posts that hit you at the right time. Maybe its the linked subject or the comments, but something just worked and it made your day like this one made mine. Thank you Wordshore. :)
MetaWhat? MetaWho? MetaHuh?
I wanted to know what parts of this community do you sometimes forget, neglect, or outright ignore? Maybe it's lack of interest or maybe it's just something you keep forgetting exists? FanFare? Jobs? AskMeFi? Labs? Chat? Podcast? Are you only on the blue? What part of MetaFilter is pushed to the side?
133: Eggs On Your Pegboard
Jessamyn and I catch up on Canada trips and broken feet, and my idiolectical idiosyncrasies get dragged out of the bag again, along with a bunch of good MetaFilter stuff, in this podcast episode recorded Friday September 29th. It runs about 80 minutes total. [more inside]
Obits: Not Such a Nice Guy?
When we have an obit for someone who is ... controversial, as Jerry Pournelle, what should be the mefi etiquette for either leaving the obit at all or possibly crapping it up with the bad memories and misdeeds? Feelings with regard to some people can run strong, and the reasons aren't always obvious to everyone.
POTUS45 on Metafilter - I may have got a bit nerdy
Okay, someone made a (possibly throwaway) comment in one of the POTUS45 threads that it would be interesting to see how the comments/content of the threads had changed since the election.
I got my teeth into that, and after some playing with the HTML of the threads with VBA and Access, I now have a headache. As well as that I've got a database with 48 threads, 139,882 comments (including the posts themselves as a comment), 9,230,306 words, 2,193,898 favourites and 46,692 links.
Some charts and stats inside. Let me know if there's other stuff you're interested in. [more inside]
132: During Pre-Roll We Talked About The Dacia
This episode of Best of the Web, Jessamyn and I chat about MetaFilter in August, and camping, and Jess filling in, and a whole dang bunch of MetaFiltery things, as is our wont. Recorded September 1st, it runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
Themed Metafilter Posts
Inspired by Fizz's recent run of excellent gaming-related posts and Wordshore's similarly awesome food posts, I'm looking for further examples of mefites posting series of front page posts with a common theme. [more inside]
You're awesome MetaFilter. Best of the web indeed!
There have been some amazing posts hitting the front page lately and I just wanted to have a place to say thanks. Also, it's an excuse to have a thread where we can just be positive and nice to each other. You're awesome and I like this place and I'm always finding something new and interesting. So thank you to everyone. Those who post and those who comment. And even those who lurk. :)
The Election Year That Never Ended
Where Cortex is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe of Community Signal. Issues include the (ongoing) impact of the 2016 election on MetaFilter, member deaths, the recent transfer of ownership and how MetaFilter has addressed casual sexism, racism and transphobia. Recent interviewees include Jessamyn and Matt. Contains profanity.
Can't stop the signal.
Can we please either discuss or determine what guidelines we should be following for doxxing / revealing personal info about the subjects of linked content in a thread? [more inside]
131: Today. Server Time.
Jessamyn and I carve out about 80 minutes to talk about MetaFilter and our respective weird busy months, including side threads on having too many dictionaries, what exactly qualifies as the greater Boston area, and questions about bathroom stuff. We cover pretty much all of July. Also, hey, we had a best post contest last month! [more inside]
When Your Post Lines Up Nicely With the Next Post
Right now on the front page we have a discussion about the ethics of owning pets. And immediately after that is a post about awesome cat-bros. I love it when stuff like this lines up, intentional or not. Do you recall any of your favourite cosmically timed/sequential MetaFilter posts from throughout MetaHistory?
Help build MetaFilter’s savings
The generosity of the MetaFilter community has been invaluable in keeping this place up and running for the last several years via community funding. We’re in a position right now where we need to ask for a little more of that help to ensure that the site remains financially secure. [more inside]
mathowie transfers ownership of MetaFilter to cortex
Big news: a few days ago Matt Haughey and I signed paperwork to transfer ownership of MetaFilter from him to me. This is sorta huge and sorta not a big deal at the same time: things are fine and basically nothing is changing on the site as a result, we’re just keeping on as before. I’ll talk about the whole thing below the fold. [more inside]
Best Metafilter posts for outsiders?
I have, over the years, tried to convince IRL friends of the awesomeness of metafilter. But getting them interested is daunting- there is so much history and culture here. Any given day the front page posts are good; but if you're not familiar with the site, can seem like just a collection of links with discussion.
So what threads/posts/discussions do you use to really show off metafilter to people unfamiliar with it? Are there any standout posts you use time and again to people unfamiliar with metafilter? This isn't the best metafilter posts, exactly, as some of the best posts jusdged by mefites may be too culturally specific to hook someone on the outside looking in. [more inside]
Featuring MeFi's own MetaFilter
The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress has announced the creation of the library's Web Cultures Web Archive Collection. Archived sites of note run the gamut from Urban Dictionary to ¡Cuánto cabrón! to creepypasta to MeFi's own Metafilter. [h/t]
130: ...And Special Guest Star Robocop Is Bleeding
Hey, who's that on this month's podcast? It's long-time MeFite and all around good fellow robocop is bleeding, who joins me and Jessamyn to talk about making art, living in Salem, MA, and a bunch of MetaFiltery stuff. This episode covers the month of June more or less and runs about 95 minutes. [more inside]
Please help me find a piece of writing that was linked on Metafilter
It appeared some time ago, I remember it was written from the perspective of someone stocking shelves (at a supermarket or Amazon warehouse?). In it is a description of the organisation as if it were an organism of emergent intelligence—a blind but many-limbed monster armed with thousands of portable barcode scanners. Does this sound familiar to anybody? [more inside]
What's your online genealogy?
I stumbled upon this tweet recently:
“what's your online genealogy. mine is: digimon forums moderator -> rpg maker - > somethingawful -> lf -> twitter” ~ @immolationsIt got me thinking about the various online communities I've been a part of in my digital life, the different digital phases I've posted, shared, & tweeted my way through. Where does MetaFilter fall into your own digital history? What is your online genealogy?
129: We're Blaming Everything On Pancakes
In this episode of the MetaFilter podcast, Jessamyn and I dig in on a May's-worth of MetaFilter, more or less, and also discuss the upsides and downsides of having pancakes for breakfast and whether me having done so ruined everything. This one runs about 85 minutes. [more inside]
Why allow blocking private messages?
For the first time, I just had another user block my private messages after a polite but heated exchange where I guess they just really wanted the last word. I'm not like offended, but I had never noticed the option to block private messages before, and was wondering what the rationale is there. If someone is spamming or harassing another user, that seems like something that could be resolved through the mods. Is this something that has always been there, and do people use it all the time and I'm just out of the loop?
The Week You Joined MetaFilter
This recent MetaTalk comment brought up some past bit of history, specifically posts that occurred during the first week of MetaFilter. It had me thinking. Were there any standout or significant posts that you recall from the week that you joined MetaFilter?
Adding mltshp and Ravelry support to profile page Social Apps
We're celebrating the launch of mltshp by adding it to the Social Apps options on profile pages (and deprecating mlkshk). While we're at it, we're also adding Ravelry support finally. Details inside! [more inside]
Making room for pronouns on the profile page
We've decided to move forward on an idea that's come up in MetaTalk previously: adding an explicit spot for pronouns on MeFi user profile pages. It's a small change: we've tweaked the free-form "Gender" field to "Gender and/or pronouns". [more inside]
128: DUMPIN' M' BEEF with Jess and Josh
This episode is short, late, and out of control! Things have been busy, so Jessamyn and I finally snuck in a quick hour to record and said to hell with the usual structure, let's just mention a few things we like. Runs a bit under an hour total. [more inside]
127: I Have No Tabs And I Must Stream
Jessamyn I are back in normal podcast business, making up for lost time after last month's Ask A Moderator show by trying to recap two months of MetaFilter despite neither of us having the time to prepare. The result: a goofy biggun at an hour and forty five minutes, covering as much as we can from February 8th through April 3rd. [more inside]
Introducing the Faves & Flags roleplaying system
We've received a large volume of user complaints in the last few months about performance issues with our current version of reality, and so today we're rolling out some fantasy instead to see if that can help take the strain off. Please help us beta test this new initiative with the Faves & Flags Character Sheet Generator. Want more detail? Check out what little remains of the original game manual (or a more legible and screen-reader friendly OCR version here). [more inside]
Fond farewell to ads from The Deck
Advertising service The Deck, whose ads we've long featured in several spots on MetaFilter, will be shutting down in April. As a result, we'll be removing that ad box, and exploring other ad solutions to make up the revenue. (Don't worry, MetaFilter's okay.) Here's some details. [more inside]
State of MetaFilter, 2017
Heya, folks, it's time (and then some!) for a State of MetaFilter post. I want to give everybody an update on how the site is doing financially, and catch y'all up on the major goings-on in both the business and community aspects of MetaFilter in the time since the last State of MeFi post.
The very short version: it's been a weird couple years out there in the world; we've hired a couple staff and wished pb well; and things are financially pretty stable, thanks in significant part to the ongoing generosity of the MetaFilter community whose contributions continue to represent a vital chunk of the site's operating revenue. But come on inside for a much less short version! [more inside]
The very short version: it's been a weird couple years out there in the world; we've hired a couple staff and wished pb well; and things are financially pretty stable, thanks in significant part to the ongoing generosity of the MetaFilter community whose contributions continue to represent a vital chunk of the site's operating revenue. But come on inside for a much less short version! [more inside]
Closing Your Community Right: Jessamyn interviewed
A podcast where Jessamyn is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe about the experiences around an online community (mlkshk) closing down and what happens afterwards. There is much on moderating, membership, community issues and service shuttering procedures within, as well as discussion of death/the passing of people, how this impacts on online communities and how moderators and community members deal with it. The page contains many MetaFilter-related links and a link to the transcript.
Identifying mods on the blue and the green
Mods are identified as staff on MetaTalk, but not identified as such on AskMe or on the blue. Why is that? [more inside]
Favorited comments, but not in *those* threads
My first MetaTalk post, and alas, it's a Friday afternoon pony request for the queue. I think it would be nice to be able to filter my Contact Activity to exclude activity on threads with specific tags. The election threads (yes, of course that's what I'm talking about) have been a lifesaver, and I'm spending most of my MetaFilter time on them. But my Contact Activity is also completely taken over by highly-favorited comments in those threads, usually topical but transient, and I'd like to be able to see what else is happening on MeFi. And I think others might like this feature too. [more inside]
126: Ask A Moderator
In a big break in format, Jessamyn and I spend the entire show doing nothing but answering your questions! For over two hours; it's an epic. Featuring few bonus voicemail answers from Eyebrows McGee and write-ins from other mods on a couple things. Thanks everybody for calling in, that was a lot of fun! [more inside]
125: It's Been A Weird, Weird Time
This episode of Best of the Web, jessamyn and I catch up on the last month-ish on MetaFilter, and I mostly manage not to lapse into grumpy ranting about the state of the world, mostly. Also, we get voicemail from Greg_Ace, Wordshore, wenestvedt, and a mystery caller with an update re: bananas. This episode covers January 3rd through February 7th and runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
Open sourcing the metafilter code base
It’s been a little over ten years since the subject was last raised (at least based on a search for “open source”), but I’m curious if there’s been any thoughts about open-sourcing the MetaFilter codebase or admin tools. (I imagine the answer is “no”, especially to that last one.)
On Jews and their Comments
So Joe from Australia posted this comment in the Nazi punching thread. The crux of it was a link called Solidarity is for Goyim, in which the author argues that Jews have not received the same sort of support from the left as other Jews, despite the very visible rise of antisemitism. [more inside]
What'd I miss?
For combination of reasons, I took 2016 as a break from MeFi. As the year passed, I thought I would see if I could make it till 2017 without signing back in, even though I missed y'all. Now I'm back (yay!) and wondering what I missed? [more inside]
124: Happy New Year Call-In Show
It's a new year, and good riddance to the old; jessamyn and I do a shorter-than-usual version of our usual MeFi roundup podcast chatter, but the real star of this episode is the dozens of MeFites who called in to the podcast voicemail with greetings, memories of 2016, wishes for 2017, quotes, songs, baby and pet noises, and more. The episode alternates between chatter and strings of voicemail; it covers December 1st through January 2nd and runs about 90 minutes total. [more inside]
An SEO expert walks into a bar, pub, liquor store, brewery, alcohol
Once I was reading this comment on MetaFilter, and it made me do the stupidest Butthead laugh, and then my housemate started laughing at my laugh, and then I started laughing at the stupidity of my own laugh, and then I read her the comment and we laughed even more. It was great. I'm pretty sure it was a brilliantly lame programming-related pun. I forgot to favourite it. If you know of any brilliantly lame programming-related puns that have been made on the site, could you link them here for me to see? I think this one was from the blue and also maybe from 2015 as well, but I'm not 100% sure. I think it was original too, I haven't seen it in any lists of programming jokes since.
We're podcastin' through the pain: me and jessamyn chat about MeFi, vent a little about the election, and talk about stuff like dealing with art vs. concrete activism and how people can't agree on which way to face in the goddam shower. This episode covers November 2nd through November 30th and runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]