202 posts tagged with Post.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 202. Subscribe:
I could still have time to delete this
A formal proposal for allowing users to anonymize or delete their own posts and comments as part of the new site. [more inside]
Why was this post not deleted?
This post does not seem beloved by its countrymen.
Gang of Mods: [chanting] We are the mods! We are the mods!
New rule proposal: Moderators should not be able to moderate threads posted by themselves. [more inside]
Oh, huh, I guess I do post a lot about that
I was meandering among the tags on one of my past front page posts, and noticed that "inspirational" said:
Users that often use this tag: brainwaneOther MeFites who make front page posts: are you ever surprised to notice a theme emerging among your posts? Like, "Oh, huh, I guess I do post a lot about that"? I'm curious!
Please help me find this post
I'm looking for a MeFi post about people setting up a co-op in San Francisco. The core people involved treated it as a startup, almost, and a few others would cycle in and out of the house. There was an interview process to join the co-op. I just can't seem to find it; thanks for any pointers.
Help me find this long-ago post on the blue about a singer who vanished
Many years ago, there was a post on the blue about a troubled young woman singer who recorded a few acoustic tracks and then (died? disappeared? left the music industry?). They were achingly sad and lonely. I remember in particular an absolutely devastating cover of the Beatles song Don't Let Me Down. There were also some originals, including, I seem to recall, one about a guy named Sam. Google and site search have failed me — does anyone remember this? [more inside]
Help me find a recent post about guide for bereaved on what next
In the last couple of months I saw a post on the blue or green about a detailed guide for people who had a relative die, about all the things you will have to do if you are responsible for making arrangements and tidying up as it were. I cannot find it. Can you? Really want to share it with someone who sadly very much needs it.
Too Many Links
This post is a revised version of a comment I posted a little while ago on this post on the blue by kliuless.
My complaint was that the post was really more of a linkdump than a coherent post. It's not the first time kliuless has done this, but I'm not singling them out -- I'm pretty sure I've seen other users do the same thing. [more inside]
Iso post about a costume designer who found her dress for sale
I'm looking for a post about a woman who designed historical costumes. She designed and made a beautiful dress to her own measures and blogged about it. Then she found the dress for sale WITH A PICTURE OF HER WEARING THE DRESS. She ordered the dress and they sent her a piece of crap. I believe there youtube videos.
MeFi Posts for "Sale"
We're all pitching in for Fundraising Month. Ever wanted to see a post on a topic, but didn't want to write it yourself for whatever reason? Let us do it for you. [more inside]
💖 Announcing February "Doubles Jubilee" Theme Month! 💖
Happy February 1, everybody, and welcome to get-out-of-jail-free double posting month, in which everyone is invited to repost the best of old posts from the archives, either yours or someone else's. Here's how to do it: [more inside]
Coming up, February theme post month: Doubles 💖 Jubilee
Hello, gentlepeople of Mefi! This is just a heads-up to prepare to dust off your bookmarks and favorites, because February will be (drumroll) ... [more inside]
How about a new fuckity fucks post?
Time for a new fucking fucks post? I really liked that MeTa post where we were all posting Jingle Bell fucks. Hath you any, dear friends? Share them right here! Verse, prose, however moves you. [more inside]
MeFi Posts: $20 SAIT
We're all pitching in for Fundraising Month. Here is my contribution: ever wanted to see a post on a topic, but didn't want to write it yourself for whatever reason? Let me do it for you. Pledge a donation of $20 to MetaFilter and I'll make a MeFi post on a topic of your choosing. [more inside]
Apparently it's Scorpion - Scorpion - Scorpion - Crop Is On day on MetaFilter, so, y'know, post some fucken scorpions if you got 'em.
How to block a specific post category
I'm grateful for the fact that I can block US politics posts. However, for mental health reasons, I really need to not see any Metafilter posts about the current environmental catastrophe - climate change, microplastics, mass extinction etc - even just the headline. This is not about keeping my head in the sand; I have taken personal and political action on these fronts in many ways. But reading about it has a profound emotional effect on me and can ruin my entire day, sometimes more than that. When I'm on tumblr, I use TumblrSavior and XKit to make sure I don't see posts about these topics - is there a greasemonkey script or similar that will take these posts completely off the front page for me? [more inside]
Double-post etiquette?
I'm kind of confused as to why this post is still up. It's been flagged as a double since about half an hour after it first went up - yesterday's post is a link to the official TED Talk YouTube channel version of a talk that was posted to the blue, linked to the ted.com version, when it was first published in 2012. Is there a "we haven't seen this in a while, so it's OK" rule about double posts that I missed somewhere?
Most eponysterical post or comment
After seeing this post appear just now, are there other good recent examples of eponysterical posts or comments? The definition in the Mefi Wiki and Urban Dictionary, a 2007 Meta on the origin of the term which is a fun read, a 2005 Meta on such posts and comments and the old list compiled by scarabic.
A post about the passage of time?
I'm trying to find a post that I am 99% certain was made on the blue within the last 5 years. It linked to an interactive site that was trying to communicate how as we get older we perceive time passing faster because we have more context / memories compared with when we were younger. [more inside]
Pony request: mobile edition or better responsiveness
I have trouble posting to Meta on my phone. I don't access any personal accounts on my work laptop during the day but when I'm at lunch by myself I'm reading Metafilter on my phone. Here's what I see when I try to post a comment or AskMe response. This is the latest version of Chrome on the latest version of iOS on an iPhone 7.
Portrait: The post box is much wider than the screen and the keyboard is over the box as well. It requires much scrolling left and right which causes a back button event if you aren't careful.
Landscape is even worse. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and I often read in landscape view. But the on-screen keyboard is tall enough to bump into the URL bar and there's no way I can post in landscape view.
I looked at the site in the Chrome dev tools in the mobile view and it looks fine but on the device itself not so much.
Portrait: The post box is much wider than the screen and the keyboard is over the box as well. It requires much scrolling left and right which causes a back button event if you aren't careful.
Landscape is even worse. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and I often read in landscape view. But the on-screen keyboard is tall enough to bump into the URL bar and there's no way I can post in landscape view.
I looked at the site in the Chrome dev tools in the mobile view and it looks fine but on the device itself not so much.
Post About Flower Symbolism and Gifting Flowers
I vaguely recall a post about the gifting of flowers and the symbolic meaning behind them. And I think it's also a post that talks about this being done in a specific period of history, like the 20s/30s (could be very wrong about this part) and how this relates to the type of relationship you're trying to establish with a person? You'd give a person a rose if you wanted to send this message or a yellow tulip if you wanted this type of relationship. Please and thank you.
Possibility of occasionally doing two FPPs in a day?
This has happened several times, but today's example is a bit frustrating. I did a post about Norway and the Winter Olympics, which went live at 12:02. At 12:14, I spotted the perfect fodder for another (even better) FPP, namely the spectacular hair of MulletFest. But couldn't do a post (or even start to edit one) as over 23 hours still had to elapse (and I'm away tomorrow judging a baking competition somewhere hopefully warm and, ironically, getting a haircut, so I can't post then anyway). As this afternoon has gone on, more linkworthy content has appeared [1][2][3], making it more frustrating that I can't do an FPP. Could there be exceptions, or a place on MetaFilter where people can drop a "I can't post about X, but it's there if someone else wants to"? Otherwise most MeFites remain unaware of e.g. the latest hair fashions. Thank you.
A whale of a Meta!
Halloween Jack posed a question in response to aniola's wonderful post about whales and literature.
“So, can any of you boffins on the blue tell me if there's a longer post than this one?”I thought it'd be nice to have a place to discuss that subject and share some of the longer posts that have managed to hit MetaFilter.
What are some of your favourite custom MetaTags. I was given the opportunity to create the #gayblacksanta tag with my most recent post and I was smiling as I typed it out. You have your every day #science #books #videogames kind of tags (and of course these are important and useful). But then you have those special ones that are specific to a particular post. They're often one-off kind of tags and may not ever be used again based on their specificity. What are some of your favourites?
December is for giving good FPP
It's that time of year again and it brings out the best in us.
Are we having a December best post bonanza as previously?
With all the crap out there in the real world I think we deserve it. [more inside]
When Your Post Lines Up Nicely With the Next Post
Right now on the front page we have a discussion about the ethics of owning pets. And immediately after that is a post about awesome cat-bros. I love it when stuff like this lines up, intentional or not. Do you recall any of your favourite cosmically timed/sequential MetaFilter posts from throughout MetaHistory?
At least three scenes with Homer.
I am trying to find a post that I could have sworn was posted to AskMetafilter within the last month, but my Googling and frantic searching through threads is not backing me up on that. [more inside]
Happy Fun September
As [northern hemisphere] summer winds down, [other people's] kids are back in school and [US] politics ramp up, I would like to suggest more happy and/or fun posts in September. More cats and kittens! More puppies and dogs! If you find spiders to be cute and/or amazing, post some! Whatever strikes your fancy, share it! [more inside]
Trying to find an old post about a fake commercial
I'm trying to find an old post that appeared on MetaFilter some time back. It was a YouTube link to some kind of fake commercial, though I don't remember at all what it claimed to be selling, just that there was a woman doing the whole testimonial and it went slowly off the rails. Does anyone else remember this? [more inside]
post it!
You should post that.
That link you saw would make a good post - you even said so.
Post it! [more inside]
Videos and transcripts
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who would much rather read a transcript than watch a video. Some kind posters do include a link to a transcript, but it doesn't seem to be a convention. Could the New Post page include a nudge to do so, like "If you're posting a video, please also post a transcript if possible"? [more inside]
AskMefi post on Leaning Out?
I'm having trouble finding a post on the Green about jobs that are good for a mid-career professional who doesn't want to do a lot of self-promotion or leadership. I'm pretty sure it wasn't posted within the past year, and I don't recall it being one of the librarianship-specific posts on introvert-friendly careers. Is this ringing bells for anyone else?
Looking for a post about an awesome judge
I am looking for a post I saw a while ago- maybe last summer? Maybe before? In the last five years, probably the last two years. It was about an American judge, an older white man, who was fairly conservative, absolutely demolishing the arguments of a lawyer against.. gay marriage? Some form of gay rights? This judge is known for doing this sort of thing. I think he's a fairly high placed judge somewhere in the middle of America.
Testing Saved Post Drafts
Last week we discussed saving drafts of posts in case of browser crashes. Today we're testing this out on MetaFilter. [more inside]
About time
Looking for something I read ~2012 (+/-) on the blue *I think*... Had to do with different cultures' experience/perception of time. [more inside]
Looking for an old post about a flipped house
I remember reading a post here about a guy who had bought a house that turned out to have been flipped by someone incredibly shady, and the house was full of stuff like vents leading to nowhere, architectural details secretly supported with popsicle sticks, etc. He and his friends then documented the process of making the house livable. I'm having trouble finding it.
FPP titles that made you smile or laugh
One of the more splendid attributes of the MetaFilter community is the regular ability of MeFites to write titles of posts that are offbeat, witty, hilarious or smart. A few recent ones I've enjoyed include this and this. While Y(humor)MMV, what post titles have you particularly enjoyed?
Looking for an old question about relationship experiences...
I have been combing through AskMeFi looking for a question that I remember reading approx. 2 years ago about relationships. I cannot find it here or in google search. I am curious if anyone has bookmarked or favorited it and will happen to remember. [more inside]
Looking for a post I swore I saw on the blue
I'm looking for post that I swore I saw on the blue. It was diseases of middle age as comic book covers. Thought I had favorited it, but I can't find it in my favorites or via search. [more inside]
When the search fails, the going gets boring.
Looking for a comment on AskMe, probably within the last few months, that linked to an article about powering through a relationship after the honeymoon period was over. [more inside]
unique distinct idiosyncratic peculiar
I've noticed that I use a pair of tags for my front page posts that no other or only a few other posters use. Doing some digging, I've found a few unique or highly limited tags. Do you know of any more? [more inside]
What is the reason, again?
Mefites' Choice 2013 winners, Week Two
Another week of Mefites' Choice Awards, another bunch of fantastic posts flagged by mefites as, uh, fantastic? Phrasing's a bit clumsy, let's take take that again from the top and see if—what do you mean we're live? We're, ah—yes! Welcome to week two, come inside! [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2013 winners, Week One
Aaand the results are in for the first week of this year's "Mefites-Choose" all-singing, all-dancing Most Fantastic Posts! (Reminder: the contest is going all month, so please keep voting – using the "fantastic post" flag!) [more inside]
How do you decide which tags to include?
When constructing FPPs for the blue, how do you determine which tags to use? Nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, things that appear in your post, things that don't appear in your post, number of tags? I'm rarely ... no, never ... happy with the tags I assign to a post and wonder if they are rubbish, and future readers interested in the subject will never find it because of insufficient tagging, or readers not interested in the post will come across it because of vague or overdone tagging. Reminded of this issue when looking at, and admiring, the (IMHO) beautifully contextual and comprehensive tagging that has gone into that post. [more inside]
pony request: auto link obvious urls in posts
I'm not a huge voice on this site but I'm a regular visitor. I often read, and occasionally comment from my phone. It'd be nice if the URLs added in comments were auto linked, it would make it easier for both posters and readers. I understand that their can be ambiguity in URLs but maybe we could make some simplifying assumptions, such as anything matching http://(optional.)(whatever).(whatever) gets linked. I'll keep visiting either way.
Post about photos of sullen teens?
Please help me find a recent post about teens' sullen expressions in photographs! I think the post linked to someone who had coined an expression about the "oh my god, why are you making me do this thing" face that some teens make in photos.
Why is the S.H.A.M.E. project blacklisted on mefi?
My post appeared to be deleted because a page consisting mainly of a bibliography of internet publications of a prolific author (subject multiple mefi fpps) documenting his connections with right-wing political activism and with critiques of selected quotations is "editorially undiscriminating" and people don't like it. Editorially undiscriminating? Is MeFi now "fair and balanced." It seems like we are only allowed to talk about politics when provoked by someone like Balko (in a fpp) but can't actually examine the politics of provocateurs on the internet.
Backdoor FPP?
Is there a consensus on "backdoor FPPs?" I have noticed a few - do people think they unnecessarily steer a thread? Takeover discussion? Provide a new viewpoint and welcome context? [more inside]