305 posts tagged with deletion.
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Chests are good, butts are bad, mmmkay? Bingo!
I'd like to know the reasoning behind keeping some posts up while deleting others, especially as it pertains to these particular threads. [more inside]
As happy an ending as we're going to get.
what's the deal?
I'm uncomfortable with this deletion, the post seems fairly "just the facts", albeit with one grammar meh, the comments were good thus far, etc.
Apologies for the apologies...
This is just to say / the best deletion reason / I have ever read / was in this post / forgive me / for posting it / it was fantastic / cortex / have my manbabies
Best of the Web (except cnn.com?)
When did "you can find this on your own" because a reason to delete an FPP? [more inside]
Why in hell was my comment deleted?
Why in hell was my comment deleted? [more inside]
Bad deletion.
Time stamp for posterity.
Could we get a time stamp added to deletion reasons? They are the only type of comment that isn't time stamped, so all we know is that the deletion occurred sometime after the last comment (or sometime between posting and any comments).
Is this really deletion worthy?
This hasn't been voted on yet, so let's wait and see what happens before posting.
Respectfully, I think this is a terrible deletion reason. [more inside]
question about deletion
Is my deleted question really unanswerable? [more inside]
One of these things is not (apparently) like the other.
Is seems curious to me that this post was deleted for editorialising while this post remained. [more inside]
Leukemia story makes (inter)national headlines, but is deleted from mefi
Maybe it was not written dispassionately enough, but a post I feel is newsworthy was deleted - please weigh in? [more inside]
Thread deletion reason, please.
This thread was deleted with the reason being "let's not". That reason is obtuse and may be difficult for some people to understand. Could we have a clear explanation of why the thread was deleted, please?
Who are MeFites?
I have sent a query to admin, but to help me get a better idea of what the MeFi community (overall) thinks, and the perspective they come from, I'm looking for feedback and discussion about why my FPP was deleted. I'm looking for reasons why, not simple statements of objection. I'm not looking to respond or debate with anyone. Unless a technical question is asked of me, I probably won't respond. I would sincerely just like to read and take or leave what I find. Thank you. [more inside]
Your post, "Gorbachev sings tractors: Turnip! Buttocks!" has been deleted....
mccarty.tim's latest project: Worst Post Ever is a "home version of the deleted post game." Bonus: See the red box of deletion in action! (Via Projects.) [more inside]
Nobody to blame but myself...
If a link has been posted and deleted, am I right to assume that reposting the link, even as a sub-link in a post leading on another link about the same thing, is a bad idea? [more inside]
Your Honor, I Object!
U2, Brute?
Should offensive language be allowed through the keepers?
All of the discourse about his TRULY TRULY TRULY offensive language and questionable behaviour aside.... would it have been better for the community if the mods had refused to publish this question? I wonder if they would have let it through if it had been a racial epithet... [more inside]
Meeple of Walmart
Was People of Walmart ever posted here? Did the thread last? [more inside]
It rarely stops.
Questions From Another World
Cut it in.
Why was this deleted? It seems separate enough from the main Wikileaks saga going on elsewhere, and I can't recall it being discussed all that extensively here previously.
Air Guitar
Much Ado About Donuts
I appear to have just gotten my first comment deletion, out of this thread. Out of concern about aggressive moderation and love for the MetaFilter community, I have several pony requests. [more inside]
needs more context?
When is "needs more context" an appropriate reason for deletion? [more inside]
Problem questions get problem answers
Criticizing a question is not the same as insulting the asker. It's also not necessarily derailing. [more inside]
I'd probably want to sweep this booger-string of a deleted thread under the rug too if it was my site. But it's sort of sad to lose such a gold star collection of mefi members practicing the non-bigotry they preach, so if anyone lost a comment they're particularly proud of the deleting mod pretty much invited you to re-post it to the open thread here.
Deletion at the poster's request
Last night this post was deleted at the poster's request. It seems from the context within the post that the poster probably requested deletion because the discussion wasn't going the way he imagined it would. Something about asking to have a post deleted for that reason rubs me the wrong way. [more inside]
Since I was accused of "announcing" a flag reason in the thread, I guess MeTa must be the place to object to pure advertising. [more inside]
Someone loves to delete
I guess sexuality is a banned topic nowadays for me.
Sorry Ask MeFi users... I guess someone is being a bit overzealous with their delete rights. This has nothing to do with me figuring out myself. This is a completely different side to the issue of sexuality and me trying to explain the facts to it.
Honor killing deletion
lame delete
Can cortex's deletion reasons be collected?
Pony request for my birthday: Can cortex's deletion reasons be collected? Stuff like this is one of my favorite features of the site.
lame thread, excellent comment
Is there a way to delete a thread, but leave a comment? Maybe that should be a feature for making me laugh, at least. [more inside]
Perez, Child Porn, or Celeb Culture - What's the Offense?
"Metafilter is too good for this low crap." "This really doesn't seem like a good idea." - I'll shoot. Why? [more inside]
Was it that bad?
I don't want to be the whiny "that guy," but I'm not sure what I did wrong with this question to warrant deletion. [more inside]
Ranty? Not ranty?
Why did this post get deleted for being ranty and then reinstated in its same form?
So it's "ranty" when a non-American calls out US behaviour, hey?
On Threadshitting...
I just noticed that a few early comments of the "This will surely be deleted" kind have been deleted from threads. I just wanted to say to whatever mod responsible: Good on you. And please continue to exterminate them with extreme prejudice.
Taking one's 120 Crayolas and going home
What is MeFi's policy when people quit the site and want all their posts + comments deleted? [more inside]
I have to ask.
So this question wasn't framed very well, but did it really break the guidelines to the extent that it needed to be deleted? [more inside]
Eight Million Ways to Die verus Sgt. Pepper
There Goes Another One
I have this rash...
Anonymous pony? One time I asked a question about squicky things, and I asked it in a way that wasn't very useful to the community. Not having it show up, I contacted Jess and she gave me some advice on how to improve it. What if failed anonymous questions were posted and immediately deleted and looked like regular deleted ones with reasons for deletion. This will only work for those with the Firefox script, but at least the asker gets an opportunity to remain anonymous, and other users acquire a sense of what's not going to work.