305 posts tagged with deletion.
Displaying 251 through 300 of 305. Subscribe:

Can you delete follow-up comments when the original comment is deleted?

When you're pruning the site and deleting comments, do you mind deleting followups that only make sense with the original comment?
posted by null terminated on Jan 31, 2005 - 45 comments

Why was this post deleted?

So, was fivefreshfish's post deliberately deleted as a double to taumenson's, or are whole threads disappearing too?
posted by cosmonik on Jan 31, 2005 - 7 comments

What makes a post inappropriate?

What's inappropriate?
Is there a guide for how racy a post can be? I posted a fairly racy (but funny, or at least I thought so) thing eariler and it was taken off. Did I step over the line?
posted by Shanachie on Jan 30, 2005 - 6 comments

Deleted comment cipher?

In this post a number of comments that (at least in my opinion) were legitimately funny but a little tasteless were removed without notice. Two questions - (1) would it make sense to have a "comment deleted" notice so that meta-comments make a little more sense, and (2) why were they deleted if none of the guidelines were violated?
posted by thedevildancedlightly on Jan 24, 2005 - 52 comments

Deletion Reason

On Ask MetaFilter I appealed for advice on how to get around being banned from a blog. It seems the thread has been deleted. Why?
posted by lacus on Jan 12, 2005 - 1 comment

AskMe thread about useful software for troubleshooting

There was an AskMe thread today about essential software to take on tech support calls to loved ones' computers over the holidays. It got deleted, I assume because the question's been asked and answered a couple of times. (+)
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Dec 21, 2004 - 9 comments

Hey, what happened to that lion FPP?

Hey, what happened to that lion FPP?
posted by clockzero on Dec 8, 2004 - 26 comments


OK Matt : I took your deletion of my previous two posts on this subject, the 2004 election controversy ( and probably several by other folks ) as an indication that either 1) you oppose posts on the election controversy or 2) you want quality posts. Since I don't like to think of you as a site manager inclined towards censorship, I took the deletion of those posts as an indication that they weren't of sufficient quality. So, I addressed #2 : I thought that was a high quality post - well substantiated, and which presented an angle not yet discussed or noted elsewhere on the net. If you are opposed to discussion of the 2004 election, why not state that in your posting guidelines ? I feel that would be more helpful. Otherwise, new users may be confused for those unspecified posting categories which you are inclined to delete.
posted by troutfishing on Nov 22, 2004 - 222 comments

Explain yourself (deletion)

OK, I might sound like a whiner, but I gotta ask. Why did my post to this letter get deleted while the Neal Pollack stuff stays up? Too incendiary?
posted by lumpenprole on Nov 12, 2004 - 33 comments

A poster wonders why his or her post was deleted

How do I find out why my FPP from today got deleted?
posted by alumshubby on Nov 7, 2004 - 45 comments

This post was deleted for a political reason?

This post was deleted for the following reason: fuck zell miller
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood on Nov 4, 2004 - 124 comments

Why was my comment deleted?

Is there a reason why my really innocuous comment in this thread was deleted? I think I said something like, "Ahhh, the benefits of the scientific method...", or some-such nonsense...

Just wondering if I did something wrong ... or did something go kablooie?
posted by jpburns on Sep 27, 2004 - 7 comments

Dangerous comment, please delete

This isn't funny. Though I concede that the probability of anyone actually doing it is remote, the comment is nonetheless inappropriate.
posted by Kwantsar on Sep 18, 2004 - 61 comments

deleting metatalk, broken blogad

Two things:

1. Deleting metatalk threads is bad karma.
2. The "don't pardon big tobacco" blogad is broken -- apostrophes ['] and quotes ["] are displaying as question marks [?] (this is strange, since quotes are displaying fine in the other blogad).
posted by reklaw on Aug 25, 2004 - 57 comments

Vanishing post

A post just vanished off the front page. What was that about? And did anyone else see it? (It was called "The Cost".)
posted by suleikacasilda on May 18, 2004 - 7 comments

This doesn't belong here.

Not a question. Should have been posted as a comment to the original (still-open) thread. Can the MetaFilter backend accommodate moving a post (and subsequent comments) to within another thread?
posted by Danelope on May 17, 2004 - 9 comments

Why was my AskMe question about a web template nixed?

So that I can avoid doing so again in the future: Why was my AskMe question about a web template nixed?
posted by oissubke on Feb 16, 2004 - 30 comments

Pixies reunion: grounds for deletion?

since when is confirmation of the pixies reunion a candidate for deletion ?
posted by sgt.serenity on Feb 2, 2004 - 28 comments

This logic argues for the deletion of this thread.

This logic argues for the deletion of this thread.
posted by scarabic on Dec 21, 2003 - 18 comments

FPP about a deleted FPP

QuestionableSwami, meet QuestionablePost.
posted by The Michael The on Nov 2, 2003 - 30 comments

Deleting MetaTalk threads?

Deleting MetaTalk threads?

Deleting blue threads, I understand and support. But deleting a metatalk thread is unexpected. Of course I'm not on the grey much. Maybe this happens all the time. This has been the first time in a very long time I've been interested in anything going on here so maybe I've just not noticed.

I would think a MetaTalk thread might be closed, but deleted too? That seems counter to what the grey is for, why it even exists. Maybe I just don't understand.

The grey is to discuss things you shouldn't discuss/don't belong on the blue. So now things in the grey are to be slashed as well?

I would prefer it not to be, but of course it is not my say. But I would like clarification, because there are other threads in the grey that have gone FAR BEYOND what I can only assume caused the demise of the affected one and survived.

(Deleted thread purposefully not mentioned so as to perhaps increase the lifespan of this question).
posted by Ynoxas on Oct 9, 2003 - 90 comments

Not just a double, a double invoking the N-bomb is the subject of a deletion request.

Delete this post Matt. Not only is it a repeat of a topic, the N-bomb is used. Totally unacceptable, even if you are a rapper. It still has the same connotation as hate. Still way too soon since the Civil War.
posted by alicesshoe on Oct 4, 2003 - 24 comments

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. - Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)
posted by hama7 on Oct 4, 2003 - 24 comments

Does Matt remove posts from the archives?

Does Matt remove posts from the archives? I've been trying to find a couple of old threads from a few months ago, a link about the whilstler devices that people are putting in the tailpipes of thier cars and an interview with a guy that had one in his car. I've searched thru the archives post by post and used the search but it seems to have disappeared. Is it possible that it has been dumped for some reason? Is this common? I cant even seem to find the post from earlier this month that had the old GI Joe PSA. What's up Matt?
posted by daHIFI on Aug 27, 2003 - 6 comments

Deleted posts search feature?

This thread for googling for WMDs has come up I think three times now. (And will probably be deleted before most of you read this post.) As It took me quite a while to locate via search where the page in question was first posted, and this mistake could be made with similar distributed content is there any way that we can have the search feature include deleated posts? If it did this person would have probably seen the other two deleted posts and not posted this. Perhaps a checkbox on the search page for 'include deleted posts'.
posted by woil on Jul 8, 2003 - 15 comments

Laughing at you, not with you.

Over the line. Please kill this.
posted by squirrel on Jun 28, 2003 - 10 comments

What happened to the CafePress/LGF thread?

I haven't had my coffee yet this morning, but unless I'm mistaken, the CafePress/LGF thread from yesterday is gone. What happened?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jun 10, 2003 - 54 comments

Ranting and raving

Apparently tjenson has hir panties in a bunch about matt deleting a thread and is now stomping through other metafilter threads ranting about it.
posted by bshort on Mar 27, 2003 - 33 comments

Posts that just are links to Google searches

Self-link-by-stealth? And what's with all the recent (appropriately deleted) posts that are just links to Google searches?
posted by sillygwailo on Mar 13, 2003 - 9 comments

discrete comment deletion

The coment count for this thread is two higher on the 'lofi' page than on the regular front page. Is this a bug or did Matt do a little discrete comment-deletion (I admit I go to 'lofi' at least once a day for its 'bonus content' - nudge nudge, wink wink)
posted by wendell on Feb 27, 2003 - 4 comments

Is that thread helpful or not?

Someone claiming to be a close friend of the guy that died on IRC asked me to remove the thread about it, so I obliged before reading what was said. After reading it all however, it seems like it's full of a lot of useful information. So what to do? Bring it back or keep it away?

(also keep in mind that although I don't think it would happen in this case, but I have been threatened with a lawsuit for not removing requested material before)
posted by mathowie on Jan 22, 2003 - 75 comments

"In Soviet Russia..." jokes on MeFi.

mmm, new soviet-style pancakes.
posted by luser on Jan 21, 2003 - 16 comments

Was this post deleted?

Did I imagine the George W. posting concerning statutory rape yesterday? Or was it just yanked?
posted by puddsharp on Dec 12, 2002 - 37 comments

Fair is fair.

If you're gonna delete this, you better delete this. Fair is fair.
posted by RylandDotNet on Dec 3, 2002 - 46 comments

What happened to my Black Friday post?

I posted a thread about retail price plans for major retailers being publsished on websites ahead of time. The retailers were ticked. The story questioned if this was a freedom of speech issue or did the retailers have a right to demand the information be removed.
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
posted by hockeyman on Nov 23, 2002 - 6 comments

We don't do politics well, so here are some other sites....

Matt's deletion of this particular smudge of excrement drives home a point: for the most part, I feel that we don't do political discussion well. Anyone care to recommend some other sites better suited to political wrangling? I'll start with Poliglut.

posted by PinkStainlessTail on Nov 6, 2002 - 154 comments

I'm seeing things

Just curious - I saw a post on the front page about an Enron auction this afternoon. I look a couple hours later and it's gone. Was it my imagination? What happened? and who makes decisions like these?
posted by kevin123 on Sep 24, 2002 - 15 comments

MeFi post deletion query

noticed a link I posted yesterday was removed? why? It would be nice for any moderator or higher up to e mail someone telling why the link was removed
posted by hoopyfrood on Sep 18, 2002 - 23 comments

Why did you deleted the CD swap thread Matt?

I'm curious. Why did you deleted the CD swap thread Matt?
posted by timeistight on Aug 27, 2002 - 18 comments

Why are threads deleted?

What causes threads to be removed? Deep-linking problems, threats by lawyer or is it someone's political sensibilities?
posted by drstrangelove on Aug 21, 2002 - 31 comments

Rio post no different from Apple posts

I disagree with the deletion of the post comparing the Rio with other portable MP3 players. We see new Apple product announcements every couple of weeks here; this was no different.
posted by BlueTrain on Jul 29, 2002 - 26 comments

Why was my post to badassbuddy.com deleted?

I posted a link on MeFi today to www.badassbuddy.com. It is a website that features tons of buddy icons for AOL IM. Matt took it down and I can't figure out why. Any ideas?
posted by wsfinkel on May 24, 2002 - 4 comments

Please delete the link to the Daniel Pearl video

Out of respect for the dead, and in the interest of keeping this community a respectable forum, could Matt please delete the link to the Daniel Pearl video . . . And perhaps place a moratorium on this kind of posting in the future? MetaFilter isn't Stile or Rotten.com, and I'd prefer the site not sink to that level.
posted by dogmatic on May 23, 2002 - 104 comments

Human cloning story cloned from prior post

Apologies in advance to Matt but I'm curious why my human cloning story got pulled. Is it because it was a double post? Or is because it has been conclusively debunked? Or did it cross some other line?
posted by lagado on Apr 7, 2002 - 11 comments

Why was Arafat photo deleted?

I think it's uncouth that the 'arafat' front page post was deleted. It was a photograph of a moment captured. Like any moment captured. Except it was explosive. Why must a candid photo of Yasser Arafat under siege be purged from Mefi's memory?
posted by crasspastor on Mar 31, 2002 - 24 comments

SXSW post, wherefore art thou?

So where did my post about SXSW go? There were 15-16 replies last night. Did I hit a nerve with the weblog gods? Did the posts touch on something some people didn't want to read? An explanation here would be nice instead of just deleting the post. "Community weblog," indeed.
posted by manero on Mar 11, 2002 - 22 comments

I haven't seen any double posts recently

Curious, as this is the only one I I've actually run across. It seems that double-posts have been very rare recently. Or have they just been getting caught that quickly?
posted by Su on Mar 5, 2002 - 12 comments

Deletion of Comcast FPP?

A FPP was posted today, regarding Comcast, but seems to have been 'disappeared.' Anybody know why? [my first post to MetaTalk, and I can't seem to find a tool for embedding a link, so here it is:]
posted by yesster on Feb 13, 2002 - 10 comments

It was a double? That hurts my feelings

Though it may make someone more hesitant to participate in the future, unless we are given a way to delete our own messages (or an easy way to alert someone who can), telling us that we've posted a duplicate link is nothing but a condescending tactic of metafilter bullies.
posted by crunchland on Jan 15, 2002 - 23 comments

Why was the Lego bible post deleted?

There was a link earlier to the entire bible created in legos. For some reason this was deleted. It was not blasphemous in any way and actually sorta cute. Anyone know why?
posted by statusquo on Jan 11, 2002 - 21 comments

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