305 posts tagged with deletion.
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Comment deletion in the religion thread.
Why can't you love your fellow man and be selfless, without needing to believe in a giant invisible wizard in the sky? This statement was attacked, defended, reconnected with the topic at hand, and was further clarified and apologized for by its author. But as of a few minutes ago, it no longer exists. This, my friends, is Chewbacca, and Chewbacca does not make sense.
Is our children learning is verboten
So have we really reached the point where posting a direct quote from the President is considered too vile a slander to let stand (twice)?
Is this album release announcement a good FPP?
Is this album release announcement a good FPP?
Why was this question closed?
Why was this question closed -- it was really not all that bad and was generating some good answers....What is metachat (where they told me to post it)?
Thanks -- http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/37437
Thanks -- http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/37437
I despise comment deletion
This is why I despise comment deletion.
Historical engineering
If the admins are going to delete comments then at least delete any responses to those comments and the collateral damage. It has more finesse, although I guess it would take more time, but that's the price of historical engineering. Yes, it was my comment that was deleted. That's fine, I don't mind that at all, and I'm sorry for the mess.
Where did the hybrid thread go?
Where da hybrid thread at? It was actually kind of interesting.
Newsvine FPP link not as advertised
I think I just screwed up. The Newsvine FPP I just made doesn't seem to be working for people, and just takes them to a sign-in page. The site is still in beta, and may not be publicly accessible without invite. I did not know this, and I am truly sorry. Can my FPP be removed? Thanks, and many apologies.
Where did the death threat go?
Hey Matt, what happened to Alumshubby's death threat email post to The Jesse Helms? It was here, it got closed, and then it disappeared. Did you uncover some info to lead you to believe it was fake, and you removed it to keep from besmirching alumshubby's good name? Cause if so, say something, cause he still seems like a death threat issuing prick otherwise.
Why did you delete this? Plus, you missed some.
matamyn: was it really necessary to remove mr_roboto and my little two-comment My Dinner With Andre side chat from here? Sheesh!
Besides, you missed part of it.
Besides, you missed part of it.
What's the policy on removing links?
Policy clarification question: Matt deleted a link to revisionist.org. I'm not necessarily opposed to this, but I do have a few questions: a) What is the history of link removal from FPP - not modification, like adding a NSFW, but under what circumstances are links actually removed? b) When a link is removed for political reasons, what is the rationale behind the removal? [mi]
Why was this deleted?
I have to disagree. I thought things were just getting interesting. There was no name-calling or other objectionable activity going on, was there? What gives?
Where do deleted comments go?
Mommy, where do deleted comments go after they're deleted?
Reasons given for deletion in MeFi
Looks like we have blue-style deletion in the green now! Yay! That sort of feedback loop is a good thing. (Besides, I enjoy reading reasons for deletion.)
Display reasons for deletions on the deleted post?
Thanks to bloglines, I often see Ask MeFi questions that were deleted in my updates, only to see the "Nothing to see here, move along..." error when I try to view the question. This bothers me, for some reason. Is there any way to make the page for a deleted question show why the question was deleted?
For example, why was this deleted? It doesn't seem out of scope for Ask MeFi:
"If you could take a sabbatical from everything in your life, what would you pursue? Forget the job, forget the kids, forget the mortgage. Take one year of your life and do something inspirational, heroic, adventurous, altruisitic, or any adjective. Do not worry about money, do not worry about health insurance, do not worry about coming back. What would you pursue, why would you choose it, and how would you do it?"
For example, why was this deleted? It doesn't seem out of scope for Ask MeFi:
"If you could take a sabbatical from everything in your life, what would you pursue? Forget the job, forget the kids, forget the mortgage. Take one year of your life and do something inspirational, heroic, adventurous, altruisitic, or any adjective. Do not worry about money, do not worry about health insurance, do not worry about coming back. What would you pursue, why would you choose it, and how would you do it?"
Out-of-context links
AskMe deletion
My Askme question, about a DVD that was burned on a PC that wouldn't work on my Mac, was deleted for no other seeming reason than that it mentioned P2P. [More inside]
Why was the Stan Tookie Williams interview with Amy Goodman deleted?
Why was the Stan Tookie Williams interview with Amy Goodman deleted? Flamebait?
Poor Deletion?
This post shouldn't have been deleted; while the first blog link had been posted before, the other material hadn't. And it was entertaining.
Why was my thread deleted?
Downright rude.
Why was my thread on 03/12/05 on George Best's funeral deleted? If you're deleting threads then explain to the poster. I know Meta is primarily US-based but you have no idea who George Best represented. I'm really livid.
Why was my thread on 03/12/05 on George Best's funeral deleted? If you're deleting threads then explain to the poster. I know Meta is primarily US-based but you have no idea who George Best represented. I'm really livid.
Troubled by the disappearance of parts of the conversation
I am a bit troubled by the disappearance of some comments in this thread. How do others feel about the altering of a record of a conversation?
Why was the candy bar question deleted?
So why was the AskMe thread "must I eat the whole candy bar" deleted?
A user seems to be comment spamming
One user's great post is another user's meh....
I really don't care to see a FPP about what you vaguely remember your friend told you today. The Wikipedia links don't help, thanks.
Why was this AskMe deleted?
Just wondering why askmefi thread 26643 was deleted. (As you've grown older what sort of changes have you seen in your face?)
I bookmarked the question and never got round to reading it, and now it's gone.
I can normally understand why a question doesn't fit askmefi, but this one I don't get. So please satisfy my curiosity - why was it deleted?
I bookmarked the question and never got round to reading it, and now it's gone.
I can normally understand why a question doesn't fit askmefi, but this one I don't get. So please satisfy my curiosity - why was it deleted?
Deletion query
Ah! The sting of deletion has pricked me for the first time. Without getting into boring specifics (I would assume my offense was off-topicness), I wonder if the policing in AskMe has become more stringent? Guidance from the deleters-on-high would be appreciated--I am all for making the site as useful as possible, and also for not wasting my own time.
User complaining about comment deletion
My second of two comments made in this thread http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241 was removed apparently because I disagreed with someone who was complaining that the tangents related to the discussion were not germane to it (http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241#399539).
Of course, since I'm posting this, I disagree with the removal. If this is standard way, we are limiting the involvement of human opinion in Ask MeFi, and end up with nothing more than regurgitation of facts that could probably be gained much better elsewhere on the internet.
Could the person who moderated this clarify the removal?
Of course, since I'm posting this, I disagree with the removal. If this is standard way, we are limiting the involvement of human opinion in Ask MeFi, and end up with nothing more than regurgitation of facts that could probably be gained much better elsewhere on the internet.
Could the person who moderated this clarify the removal?
Request: official deleted threads index on the site
Deleted threads should have their own place on this site somewhere. Not only could they be accessible for reference, but many are funny as hell.
Deletion requested by poster
Matt, please kill the Creeley post on the front page--it was a mistake (I'd been sent some false info, and posted before looking into it further...)
Double Submitting Comments
This isn't about double posts but double posts inside a post. Or something like that, MI.
My lively Burning Man post was deleted?!
My burning man post was deleted because it was "an excuse to talk"? Admittedly, it wasn't the most stellar post, but a lively discussion ensued, and gee, I thought that's why we came here. Besides, any post that allows mefites to express their everlast hatred for "hippies" has got to be doing the community some good, no?
Deletion of crackpot theory fpp called into question
This post was deleted for the following reason: crazy speculation with a source, but no support for crackpot theory.
Okay, we have many crackpot theories to grace the front page, and a good number in recent history have made it without oodles of support. The discussion was good and mostly civil, and honestly, this criteria seems a tish subjective.
Not much of a MeFi gadfly here, but just sayin'.
Okay, we have many crackpot theories to grace the front page, and a good number in recent history have made it without oodles of support. The discussion was good and mostly civil, and honestly, this criteria seems a tish subjective.
Not much of a MeFi gadfly here, but just sayin'.
What part of "Best of the Web" do you have a problem with?
Hide instead of delete
Rather than deleting comments that are "bad" because they're considered trolls (or just not helpful in AskMe), I think that it would be better to hide them so that only the person who posted the comment can still see it.
PickyProofreaderFilter: "You've stumbled upon a non-existent post, or one that was deleted for various reasons." Are threads never deleted for only one reason? :-)
Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme
It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
AskMe poster shoots rabbit?
Fuckwit AskMefi poster wonders if torturing bunny rabbits is a good idea.
Good deletion!
I, for one, Welcome our new Stark Fist of Removal overlords!
MetaChat link in the MeFi top bars
Can we please get a MetaChat link added to the MeFi top bars? It might help prevent threads like this one. [Though my hopes in that direction are faint.]
Please delete me, let me goooooo
Please obliviate drakepool. He wants his metafilter output erased and his time here behind him. He can't communicate what he think anyway. He content to go back to laying his nonsense on his friends...
Comment Deletion
I am not a fan of "why did you delete my comment"? posts, but, er, feel compelled to ask... Why delete the three comments in the NYT thread which linked to other online papers? Maybe they should have been more verbose, but I think the point they were making is clear - there's a whole variety of fish in that online paper sea, why get so het up about the NYT?
That deleted thread had an interesting Q&A about #mefi
Look, that deleted thread had an interesting Q&A about #mefi where I learned quite a bit. You'll certainly delete this one, but did you even read it before you bombed it?
Bad job. Totally unreasonable.
Bad job. Totally unreasonable.
I think this post warrants review.
I think this post warrants review.
Where is my AskMe question about parallel universes?
So I posted a question about parallel universes on askmetafilter yesterday (got a bunch of great comments within the first hour) and when I checked in this morning I can't find the question either on the page or in the archives. Where is it?
What happened to my MeFi question?
Earlier today I posted a question about MeFi (how to turn off background color) in the main Ask MeFi area, which appeared for a few minutes then vanished. Did it likely get moved somewhere else, or just censored? for being in the wrong place? for expressing (in mild terms) dislike of a Mefi feature (I can't see text on colored background). Or did it just vanish into the ether?
Just curious - How is this a double post?
Just curious - How is this a double post? I know earlier I had flagged a double comment I had made, but when I checked back to see if any new comments had been added the thread was gone.
Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.
Quonsar! Horowitz! Matrioshkadolls!
Yikes, my eyes! Whaaaa. Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.
Yikes, my eyes! Whaaaa. Posts get deleted, but tags stick around.
Why are metatalk threads disappearing?
Why are metatalk threads disapearing? Though I may not always agree, I do understand why mathowie would desire to close some. But deletion, as if they never existed? Is server space at such a premium?
Without some continuity, the site feels like a book with pages ripped out, or a newspaper that has been chopped up for a school project.
Without some continuity, the site feels like a book with pages ripped out, or a newspaper that has been chopped up for a school project.
Plea for editorial discretion when deleting AskMe comments
YA plea for editorial discretion/benevolent neglect. [greater within]
Two questions about AskMe
I'm going to combine two questions into one here since they're related:
1. When did "mark as best answer" show up in AskMe? Sometime in the last few hours, if I'm not mistaken. What is the effect of marking something as the best answer? (Apologies if I missed an announcement)
2. Does asking a question, and then having it deleted, still use up your AskMe quota?
1. When did "mark as best answer" show up in AskMe? Sometime in the last few hours, if I'm not mistaken. What is the effect of marking something as the best answer? (Apologies if I missed an announcement)
2. Does asking a question, and then having it deleted, still use up your AskMe quota?