305 posts tagged with deletion.
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Hypothetically speaking...
deleted post reconsideration?
Self-links and deletion on Mac Tonnies death FPP [more inside]
It's a penis; get over it.
Can we please stop the "Why hasn't it been deleted?" thread shitting in the penis post. [more inside]
Outrage? Why, yes.
This post was deleted for the following reason: this is crappy terrible news but is there anything here besides an outragefilter post? Two short news articles on crazy people behaving badly doesn't give people much to discuss other than "wow people suck" -- jessamyn [more inside]
Notification for deleted posts?
So earlier this morning I posted something innocuous but inane in an askme thread that had been more or less answered. Just now, logging in, I see that that comment has been disappeared. This is fine, and not particularly worthy of complaint, but I find it sort of annoying that there's no notification or anyway for me to know that the reply was ever made at all. [more inside]
This is a stupid question on multiple levels.
Thank you for deleting me. [more inside]
Is something up with the AskMe database?
It seems like half the time I try to post an answer on the green, it will show up saying it was successfully posted, then disappear. This isn't just in preview, it POSTs the comment and I get a full HTML page back with the new comment included. But if I look later, anytime between minutes and hours later, the comment's gone. It disappears from my posting history too, and I've gotten no mail from admins or anything like that. This doesn't seem to happen on the blue.
Four minutes of hate and a deletion
Attention MeFi posters! Madonna is not on the approved cool celebrity list.
Where's my question?
I posted a question in AskMeFi and can't find it. What gives? [more inside]
FPP Deletion re Clinton and Subprime?
Why was my MeFi FPP about the Clinton administration's connection to the subprime crisis deleted? [more inside]
I must really rank
Outright censorship? [more inside]
Time and Effort Wasted
It's not my decision...
The Veteren's case against John McCain post was deleted, and I can understand why, but... [more inside]
Yeah, really.
Yeah, really. It's topical (during a very political time, where such issues are being widely discussed), interesting, well-written, and had never been posted before. I honestly don't see the problem. Or is NewsFilter the rule? Does the date on this really matter?
Clarification on reasons to delete answers
Poster asks: Does dating through craigslist actually work? I answered simply, "No." My answer's been deleted. This is not the first time my on-topic answers have been deleted from threads and I find it pretty annoying. Further, someone else posted "Yup" and there answer is still there. WTF? [more inside]
Why wasn't the Timecube theory of finance question deleted?
Followup to this post.
Fightin' Obama and the howlin' wingnuts
Hmm. I thought the WWII Post/Obama post was interesting and don't see the excessiveness GYOBness. What's that all about?
deleted militarization thread
Not sure why the "Militarization of Consumer Companies" thread by five fresh fish was killed? [more inside]
Please kill my thread
This post was deleted for the following reason: I freakin' hate it when I go to delete a double and some has already snagged like the perfect deletion reason. It's like, hey, thanks, DAD. -- cortex (more inside) [more inside]
keep comments while still killing posts
I was a little sad to see the Purple Reign post deleted; I realize that the post itself was DOA but I loved some of the links posted within the thread. Perhaps there is a middle ground that is a step above killing that would still allow folks to at least see the comments while still culling the post.
When the cat's away the mice will SPAM.
Can we please have an automatic deletion and/or penalty box for posts that get flagged for breaking guidelines by many users at times when no mod is online? [more inside]
I blame thread deletion
I'd like to ask for a reconsideration on this on teh grounds that, well, I was finding bits of the discussion interestign, and though I disagree with the premise of the post (as do a lot of people discussing it) deleting it seems pretty harsh. [more inside]
Did I dream a post deletion?
Am I imagining things, or was this post deleted at one point, then re-appeared?
Post deletion
Not sure why, but my first post was deleted. It was about the News Corp discussions with Microsoft. Definitely not spam, so I'm not sure what happened.
No snark here.
This post was flagged and the system worked as it usually does with cortex quite rightly deleting it. [more inside]
Fears for Obama's safety not a reasonable topic?
This post which raised the issue of fears among some in the African-American electorate that Barack Obama would not be safe as president. The thread was shut down for reasons of WTF. Not exactly sure what the problem was, and I was disappointed, as I had recently heard about this and was hoping the thread would shed some light on the issue. This NYT article would be a good starting point for discussion.
What will we think about and why?
It's chatfilter because "major issues" is objective and undefinable, or if not undefinable, a distasteful acceptance of political groupthink. Well, anywho, it's standing, so let's put discussion here. [more inside]
The Mitchell Report is a big deal (if you care about baseball or American sports, anyway). We should have a post about it that, y'know, links to it, or at least some substantive analysis of it, not a post that links to one guy's stats and a 100-word "article" that refers to things it's rumored to contain, followed by an unattributed list of names.
Silent deletion of FPP, no reason given.
What the hell? Silent deletion of my FPP! I know that political correctness is the force that moves Metafilter, but come ON here people!
The post was a short one, centered on this story: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,314564,00.html and apparently that's a story that Metafilter is not ready to handle at this point in time.
basic site guideline violation
I'll be the first to admit that it was a weak post and an unknown double. However, I'm unclear as to what 'basic site guideline' I violated.
Awesome deletions abound!
Can I just say that, despite the gravity of the post itself (I thought it was interesting, anyway), I do find it absolutely brilliantly hysterical that a post about four starving tigers eating a fifth is deleted because...
the post was "pretty thin".
Discussion Point
A post about how women experience street harassment has been deleted. The one about how the psychology of exhibitionist men remains. The grounds:
This post was deleted for the following reason: one exhibitionism post per day is enough. This is linked in the thread just below this. Please don't use MetaFilter to forward your point from metatalk. -- jessamyn
My point was to continue a discussion some people thought valuable from a previous thread deleted apparently because that post was poor.
Just can't get the hang of this thing. Hey ho.
aww. come on.
Any chance of explaining this: "This post was deleted for the following reason: clearly my filter for these isn't working properly. But wait, Hitchens AND Dawkins you say...? * taps pager * Damn this thing is broken. -- jessamyn"
Wait.. a longtime user criticises the deletion of a post about one intellectual's review of another intellectual's book - a deletion with obscure sarcastic reason "clearly my filter for these isn't working properly. But wait, Hitchens AND Dawkins you say...? * taps pager * Damn this thing is broken. -- jessamyn" ... then you close the Meta thread? [more inside]
Question about deals: Bad deletion
How was the AskMe about "your favorite frugalities" chatfilter? Seemed like a legitimate question to me with some decent, interesting answers. Bad deletion.
Could we get rid of the bunny craps in posts?
I'm not going to make any callouts, but could short comments like "that was ghey" or "boring" be deleted as policy? They seem way too... youtubey. I wouldn't want to see an end to criticism or snark, but grunts of dissent tend to damage my perception of the Metafilter brand.
"Obviously, you're not a golfer."
I know I'll be run out on a rail for this, but jessamyn's deletion of the Bonds HR record FPP was weaker than the post itself. I take it she's not a baseball fan, because plenty of breaking newsfilter/obitfilter has stuck around on just such a quick post.
Rage, rage against the flaming of the mefite
jessamyn: Wait, what? [more inside]
Yet another why was it deleted : repulitards or kids with troubles ?
What's the line between axegrinding (this axegrinding ? or some kind of GodWin rule ? ) which caused the deletion of this post of mine and showing the psycological troubles of bunch of indoctrinated kids that are just parrotting talking points ? It this better and/or acceptable , because it clearly (?) shows a nascar redneck or because he makes fun of Michael Moore, therefore it must be "republitard" BUT it fits under "satire/comedy ?" I tolerate deletion with no problem, and may even accept that I was deemed brutal and deleted, but I would like to understand where the borderline could be, according to you guys.
When will computers figure out how to delete a double?
Soooo...what happens when we get a much better post on the exact same topic just a few minutes later?
This post was deleted for the following reason: seen it. -- jessamyn
censorship on Metafilter
My post titled "The Most Dangerous Video on the Internets" was pulled after appearing for a mere 10 minutes or so. In addition to that, jessamyn's posted "reason" was a cheap resort to name-calling. The video to which I was linking is 2 hours long. How can you possibly have decided that it was worth censoring after a mere 10 minutes? Are Metafilter readers really unable to decide for themselves whether or not they should view the video? I've received an email reply from jessamyn which I appreciate, but believe her reasons to be without merit. I like Metafilter a lot (it's my homepage), but really don't like censorship which is exactly what this smells like. I'd like to know more about this decision.
Oh where, oh where, oh where has my post gone...?
Just wondering what happened to my Metafilter post (why it got deleted). Did I do something wrong? I checked my email and there was no reason given over there too. Sorry if I'm being a bother Jess; just wanted to know if there was something I could've done better to make the post stay up (liked the andaman site that I'd linked it to).
whatever, techsters
Was there really a good reason why every post in this AskMe thread was deleted? Looking at the question, it looked as though the poster was looking for A) good tech news sites and B) whether it would be worth it to start one. Not my fault it turned into a fight.
Justice: Blind?
Are we deletion-worthy sure that this guy is blind based on an anonymous comment on another site? Especially after jourman2's examples showing a bad photographer is likely to blame for the image?