3 posts tagged with etiquette by Optimus Chyme.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Where's the line drawn on public figures and privacy?

In this thread, regarding the attacks and vandalism on Democratic Party offices nationwide, I requested a photograph of Mike Vanderboegh, the Tea Party activist who has been in the news for inciting these attacks. He has been discussed widely in mainstream media. When I asked if there were any photos of Vanderboegh, cortex said "can we please not do this" and jessamyn asked me to take it to MetaTalk if I had a problem with it. [more inside]
posted by Optimus Chyme on Mar 24, 2010 - 156 comments

paleocon is being seriously disruptive.

I say die New Orleans die.
posted by Optimus Chyme on Sep 3, 2005 - 75 comments

Chatty Cathy

Let's not set any precedents.
posted by Optimus Chyme on Jun 13, 2005 - 141 comments

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