5 posts tagged with etiquette by jonmc.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

Fucking Wannabe.

This is NOT me. [more inside]
posted by jonmc on Jul 27, 2009 - 227 comments

Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?

Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?

He has his opinions and that's great (even though I strongly disagree with a lot of them), but I don't think providing a platform for the Gospel According To Cleardawn was what matt had in mind.
posted by jonmc on Sep 5, 2005 - 134 comments

Is somebody feeling cranky?

Is somebody feeling cranky?. I recently handled a personal attack poorly, so this time I'll do the civilized thing and bring it in here.
posted by jonmc on Jun 22, 2004 - 75 comments

Burying the hatchet.

This has gone on long enough. I'm going to take a radical step and drag myself into MetaTalk. Once upon a time skallas was a guy, whom while I disagreed with him often, I respected his intelligence and convictions. But somewhere things got weird and no we're at eachother's throats all the time. It's making this unpleasant for me, probably for him and probably for everybody reading too. So, it's gotta stop.

I could have taken it to e-mail, but I'm doing it publicly for a couple of reasons. One, I think if the both of us (two well known public fueders) can cool out and agree to disagree like gentlemen, we can set an example for the rest of the site. And also, because someone once said that I owed skallas an apology as public as the insult I made, so here it is.

So, skallas, I'm willing to bury the hatchet if you are. You with me?
posted by jonmc on Mar 25, 2004 - 79 comments

the thin line between a little laugh and thoughtless cruelty

The unintentional revelations in this thread have got me thinking. Like many other people, I've poked fun at "bizarre" sites. In fact several online venues exist expressly for this purpose.
When the sites are merely stupid or silly, I suppose joking is harmless enough. But rcade's research shows us that some "odd" sites can be related to circumstances like those in today's thread. I've enjoyed sites like the one's above and wouldn't want them muzzled; I suppose what I'm asking is where is the line between harmless mockery and thoughtless cruelty and how much discretion should we exercise before linking to sites like this one?
posted by jonmc on Mar 1, 2002 - 4 comments

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