5 posts tagged with etiquette by The Jesse Helms.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

fandango_matt callout

fandango_matt, please stop posting animal shitting pictures. Thanks.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Aug 16, 2006 - 110 comments

YouTube Guidelines

Could we get a moratorium on YouTube links?
posted by The Jesse Helms on Jun 25, 2006 - 114 comments

Apeshit over circumcision.

meehawl has gone apeshit over circumcision. Just relax, man.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Mar 10, 2006 - 99 comments

Please stop posting animal shitting images, thanks.

Please stop posting animal shitting images, thanks.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Dec 23, 2005 - 72 comments

Don't copy the article, link to it

When y2karl quotes 4000 words of an article, it's really annoying. Just link to it. Thanks.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Nov 19, 2005 - 25 comments

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