485 posts tagged with Comments.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 485. Subscribe:
Where has everyone gone?
Has site commenting become less frequent? It seems like threads are shorter on average these days, especially in the last few months. Is this due to the loss of a few prolific people?
Metafilter: blah blah blah
What are some of the best "Metafilter: description" phrases? [more inside]
How can we reduce the number of similar comments?
I've been noticing more and more lately that many people who comment in a thread are not reading the thread very closely, and as a result they end up repeating things that other people have already said. This was especially apparent in this thread about the animal escape in Ohio, but it's by no means the only example. Can we do a better job? [more inside]
Stop deleting comments.
AskMeFi amendments
Feature Request: AskMeFi "amendments," long after a thread has been closed. Maybe 3% of the questions I've answered, life goes on, I learn, and I wish I could add something to the boneheaded advice that was supplied by an earlier me, so future searchers see it. [more inside]
Mr. Fireman, bet you couldn't put me out if you tried.
Pony: most comments by a single user. [more inside]
How can I access popular comments on the non-mobile interface?
How can I access popular comments on the non-mobile interface?
You can lead a ponyto water, but don't be surprised if I spend my time talking about ponies on the beach.
"Please refrain from bicyclist vs. driver discussion here. This post is about recovering from a serious injury."
Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that... as such, I'll flag this comment and stay out of the thread. [more inside]
Help me find this AskMe comment, please
I remember (but can't find) an AskMe comment where someone said she had slept with her male, virginal friend "to boost his confidence" or something, but that ultimately it changed nothing and 10 years later he still hadn't slept with anyone else. Anyone remember where it was/have better search skills than me?
This "x new comments," does it delete too?
When the "x new comments" link is clicked, does it also magically pull out deleted comments as well? [more inside]
Deleted comments?
Was there stuff deleted out of this thread? There appear to be comments referencing material that's nowhere to be found. [more inside]
Hi, I'm from MetaFilter and I could overthink a plate of 10 - 20 beans!
I noticed that the posting guidelines suggest looking at posts with 10 - 20 comments as examples of posts that spark a decent amount of discussion. These numbers seem out of date to me. Maybe they should be changed to 40 - 50 comments? [more inside]
How to search favorites for posts/comments by a certain user
Is there a way to search my favorites for comments I have favorited by a specific user? [more inside]
New comments not updating after visiting thread
None of the threads that I visit get remembered, so I constantly see X new posts, even if I've just gone to the thread and come back. [more inside]
!click and reload ...
About the (fabulous) 'X new comments, show' function: I can't say enough good things about this, as it makes following long threads so easy compared to the old system of having to reload. But why not take it just a small step further - instead of making us click to load them, why not just have the script go ahead and load the new comments when they are detected? (Maybe a user preference?)
What a tangled web we weave
yourcelf's snazzy new GraphFi bookmarklet makes catching up with long threads a breeze. [more inside]
Moderation on MeFi and NPR
"A 5-minute framework for fostering better conversations in comments sections." NPR's Matt Thompson interviews Jessamyn about why a thread about the assault on reporter Lara Logan turned so ugly on NPR's site, but didn't on the blue.
Why don't ask.metafilter answers count towards the three comments you need to post to the main page?
Why don't ask.metafilter answers count towards the three comments you need to post to the main page?
Infodump: Favorite 500 Short Comments
Hello everyone! I got bored today and wanted to read some witty, short comments, so I used the infodump to sort every short comment on MeFi by its favorites. [more inside]
I can't think of a title
The My Comments page isn't showing the number of new comments anymore. [more inside]
In a blizzard she was lost
What happened to the pony we named "Wildfire" -- i mean, the "x new" feature? Gone already?
I loved the Post, I just didn't have an opinion on it!
How many FPPs have more favorites than comments? [more inside]
Everyone likes ponies!
Pony request: "Load New Comments" for Mefi threads, at least on mobile. Pretty please? [more inside]
Single RSS feed for all comments on all threads I have favorited?
Single RSS feed for all comments on all threads I have favorited? [more inside]
What are the most popular posts ever for metafilter?
What are the most popular posts ever for metafilter? [more inside]
"Load new comments" for MeFi mobile?
"Load new comments" for MeFi mobile? Especially for tragic and topical threads. [more inside]
Best overlooked comments of 2010
Last year, Greg Nog made up a list of tragically overlooked comments from 2009. It was more monkeys than a barrel full of fun, so let's do it again! [more inside]
Italicization is significant.
Could the favorites pages reflect the italicization of the original comments? [more inside]
When a comment leaves the site and enters your BRAIN!
Comments that stay in your mind and pop out unbidden at the strangest of times. [more inside]
I want a hoverpony!
It is standard Metafilter practice is to add links inline, but when the website they point to dies or rearranges its content they become meaningless. I'd like Metafilter's link dialog to encourage us to add hoverable descriptions to our links. This wouldn't just preserve meaning when a link has died; it would give us a way to alert people to PDF or video files without putting distracting warnings (PDF) in the actual text.
Not for posts, but for comments; same same but different...
/Pony-request-filter: Would it be possible to see which comments are favourited the most, much like the "Popular Favourites" for posts?
seeing deleted comments
So I was looking at this bizarre Metatalk thread and started to wonder: is there a way for me to see which of my comments have been deleted? [more inside]
Most Favorited Comments
Can we have a Popular Comments tab like the Popular Favorites one? [more inside]
Looking for an askme comment about budgeting.
I'm looking for an AskMe comment about budgeting. The commenter described a budgeting system in which all income was immediately paid into a category, so the final balance was $0. [more inside]
Improved Display of Comments in Threads
Can we have alternate cell background colours for discussion threads? [more inside]
Seeking Epic Comments
How can I search/filter for comments of a certain length? Is there a way to filter comments via word count using infodump data? [more inside]
Loss for words
Why do people post comments that consist entirely of a period? [more inside]
All take and no give!
Forgive me if this was asked before (I searched the FAQ), but I see a lot of people asking questions in AskMeFi who have never commented. Why are the guidelines different from MetaFilter (where you have to comment a certain number of times before you post)? I understand that some people are lurkers and we want to be accepting of that, but it seems like a lot of the questions which break the guidelines could be avoided. Maybe I'm just a whiner?
Fighty gladiator thunderdome
This FPP's typical and relatively successful feminism discussion devolved into a mano a mano between DNye and myself. I admittedly took his bait and engaged; my bad. This led to DNye's epic 3,600 word comment (plus addendum and corrections). I'm trying to disengage in that topic 1 2 as I try to avoid pissing matches these days. He wants to keep on fightin' 1 2 so I'm asking him to bring it here. [more inside]
Old Comments are New Again.
Read comments appear as new after restart. [more inside]
New in My Comments not working right?
The "new comments" thing isn't working on the My Comments page. [more inside]
Script that explains new favorites on old things
Is there a greasemonkey script that lets us see why old comments have been favorited? [more inside]
Anonymity + audience = ?
Looking for an oft-linked cartoon. Maybe? [more inside]
Inaccurate realtime post/comment count
How is my "last visit" determined? [more inside]
Infodump updates: contact dates, comment length, metatalk closures, munging
Search Through User's Activity?
Would it be possible to have a search box on Activity subpages -- in other words, a search function that limits itself to a single user's comments or posts? [more inside]
Ui and feature request for Recent Activity page
Here's a couple of requests concerning the Recent Activity page and one for errors when previewing. [more inside]
Recent Activity Comm...
Very Little Pony request: There seems to be a character limit for comments in Recent Activity, showing '...' when a comment gets cut. Any chance of making the cut more noticeable? Maybe with a [...]? [more inside]
Why the sudden rash of "honey"s?
Is it me, or has MeFi been infected with "honey" recently? It seems as though in the past week or so, every thread I go into has someone referring to another poster as "honey" or "hon" -- a term that I find startlingly condescending (with overtones of ageism and sexism, to boot). [more inside]
Do we have a minute to spare?
Lukas Mathis is asking people to 'rate the quality of some comments from popular websites'
The majority of them are from recent metafilter threads — I've only seen a bit of youtubery.
The majority of them are from recent metafilter threads — I've only seen a bit of youtubery.