735 posts tagged with Meetups.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 735. Subscribe:
Sun day, sun day, sun day!
San Francisco Sunday Brunch? [more inside]
Grand Rapids Impromptu Drink?
Grand Rapids impromptu drink? [more inside]
MeFi/myopenbar Chicago meetup?
shakespherian posted this (imo) great fpp about myopenbar.com, suggesting coordination with MeFi meetups. I don't have a plug-in solution, but wondering when you full-time Chicagoans are thinking about a next meetup, so an ex-pat (ex-paddy?) might do some planning? [more inside]
Likely Small, Perhaps Difficult Meet-up in the Big Easy
New Orleans meet-up on Thursday, July 24th featuring ColdChef, Afroblanco, Navelgazer and... maybe you? [more inside]
not maine, oregon, let's meet in portland
Portland Oregon, let's meet up Friday or Saturday! [more inside]
NYC meetup, Aug 22 weekend?
I'm coming to NYC on the weekend of August 22-24. Meetup, y'all?
[more inside]
-t's roadtrip and the first ever Fayetteville, Arkansas (and region) meetup.
St. Louis Meetup
St. Louis Meetup on the 17th... [more inside]
Nibbles in Tibbles
Meetup in Tbilisi in July?
over wine and dumplings, or perhaps at a mafioso disco.
over wine and dumplings, or perhaps at a mafioso disco.
Dubai Meetup?
Any interest in a Dubai meetup? I'll be there from July 23rd- through Aug3.
Let's meetup during my excursion
Attention MeFites between Colorado and Tennessee. I want to meet you. [more inside]
Yes we can meet up in Berlin?
Berlin meetup 24/25/26 July? [more inside]
what they bring the coal in
South Florida meet up
South Florida meet up [more inside]
Bawlmer with or without Boh
Anyone for a Baltimore pile on? [more inside]
Denver Meet Up
Denver meetup anyone? [more inside]
"... The Bronx is up and the Battery's down ..."
Yes, it's another NYC meetup thread. [more inside]
Start Conference in San Francisco
I saw the ad for the Start Conference, and clicked on it. Love the concept and the speaker's list looks solid as well. I also noticed that MetaFilter is a sponsor of the event. So who here is planning on going?
Hot Fun in the Summertime.
To all the NYC Mefites I loved before, it's been too long. Let's meet-up. Above 14th street. On the West Side. You can all discuss how uncool that is inside this thread. [more inside]
We're not so backwards after-all!
Anyone interested in a Central Mississippi Meetup? [more inside]
Montreal Meetup
Montreal meetup? [more inside]
Bier in Sint Fransiscus
Hoi, let's meetup in SF around july 3rd! [more inside]
Toronto Pride Meetup!
Toronto Pride meetup? [more inside]
Because beer makes fire better
All right, andycasses: Chicago meetup on July 3rd, 6pm, Billy Goat on (under) Michigan [more inside]
Quarters for PhatLobley!
So is the Ann Arbor MeFite mini-meetup tonight to save PhatLobley's laundry still happening? [more inside]
Hong Kong meetup
Hong Kong meetup on Lamma Island this Sunday? [more inside]
When is the next Amsterdam meetup scheduled? [more inside]
Pop songs your new boyfriend is too stupid to know about
I'll be in NYC the weekend of June 13th if anyone would like to meet up. [more inside]
The New York to Los Angeles Metafilter Goodwill Caravan 2008
Thin Lizzy and I are going to be in Los Angeles the first week of June, scouting for our upcoming move. Howsabout a meetup? [more inside]
Anyone going to CMWC2008?
Any MeFites coming to Toronto for the Cycle Messenger World Championships in June? I'm trying to get time off to attend and am wondering if anyone else'll be there.
Mefibrarian meet-up in Anaheim?
The omniglorious ALA Annual Conference is June 26-July 1ish. Any Mefi Librarians want to meet-up? Non-librarians too! The only potential problem is that it is in Anaheim, and I know nothing of Anaheim, especially how difficult it will be to get anywhere without a car.
Boston Meetup!
x at the paradise
Any Boston area mefites planning to see X next week?
Burning Blue
This question got me to thinking about the possibility of a meet-up at Black Rock City this year. [more inside]
Berlin: mich, dich, Sie, euch, und uns. Was denken wir?
Hallo Berlin. I arrive on June 2 and would love to meet you. Anyone in the mood for a something sometime thereafter? [more inside]
Paris-France meetup
Paris-France meetup, who would be interested (may 9 evening)? [more inside]
Yo quiero meetup.
Spontaneous San Diego Meetup! Okay, sooooo I'm still in town... anybody want to get together for drinks and a pool game or something this week while I'm around? [more inside]
Philly: May MetaFilter Movie Meet Up
Because I like living on the edge, I want to invite you--Philadelphia-area internet strangers--into my home for an evening (or weekend afternoon) of snax and movie watching. This idea popped into my head because of the recent Sneakers thread (the fact that so many people gleefully clicked through to answer the question made me realize that you are the type of people I need to watch movies with). [more inside]
One definite, one possible
Specklet will be in New York Memorial Day weekend; [more inside]
Montréal Meetup? Magnifique!
Magnificent May Montréal MeFi Meetup? [more inside]
Beer in Istanbul?
Beer in Istanbul? Any night between 2nd and 5th May inclusive, I am buying.
Mayday update
Hey, remember that MayDay meetup we will have in Minneapolis? Here is some updated info. Also mods can you create something where a user can update the info on the meetup sidebar? That would help. Thanks. [more inside]
Central Vermont Meetup to Welcome ThePinkSuperhero and Stynxno
ThePinkSuperhero and stynxno will be in the area over the Memorial Day weekend, and naturally we central Vermont folks must welcome them with a meetup on Saturday, May 24. [more inside]
Toronto meetup?
So, uh.. Toronto. Booze. Etc. Check one:
[ ] YES
[ ] NO
PDX Meetup
Portland, OR Meetup? Looking back, it's been a looong time since a Portland Meetup. Any one interested? [more inside]
Iowa City 5/4/08
Iowa City,IA Michael Chabon reading (4pm) and dinner (6pm?) meet-up, Sunday May 4. [more inside]
Drinks in the evening in Antigua Guatemala, around Sat May 3rd. [more inside]
We're gonna adventure like it's 1983!
Red Box Basic D&D meetup: Sunday, May 4 in Montreal? [more inside]
Some MeFis in Paris
Anyone interested in a MeFi meet-up in Paris on Friday, May 2nd or Saturday, May 3rd? I think, other than myself, nasreddin can be forced to participate...
Mumbai (India) meetup in May?
Any mefites living in Mumbai, India? [more inside]