834 posts tagged with Metafilter.
Displaying 351 through 400 of 834. Subscribe:

15th Anniversary

So, it was brought to my attention by eamondaly that the 15th anniversary of Metafilter is coming up in a few weeks. Here's some suggestions as how to celebrate: [more inside]
posted by garlic on Jun 25, 2014 - 77 comments

Call for input and interviewees for an essay on Metafilter

Hi, I'm in the process of writing a long essay on Metafilter for Hazlitt and I'd love to get some input from the community on it. In particular, if the site has intersected with your IRL life in a meaningful or interesting way, I'd love to talk to you. [more inside]
posted by skwt on Jun 23, 2014 - 116 comments

Google’s Matt Cutts: MetaFilter Hit By Previously Undisclosed Algorithm

This article from June 12 has a lot of useful up-to-date info and context about how MetaFilter was penalized. There is also some discussion about a potential solution (although Matt Cutts is being typically cryptic) in coming "weeks or months."
posted by KokuRyu on Jun 20, 2014 - 75 comments

Metafilter Hate Machine

This is the metatalk thread for the MeFi Diplomacy game "Metafilter1"(on playdiplomacy.com) spawned by the recent Grantland boardgames thread. To enable maximum kibitzing, I would like to encourage all PUBLIC game related communications to take place in this thread. PRIVATE communications, of course, can still take place through in-game channels. Robocop is bleeding has offered himself up as unofficial reporter/biographer/historian for the game, so we'll see where he takes that. I will try to post periodic links to up-to-date maps in this thread, but you can also watch the game by signing up at playdiplomacy.
posted by 256 on Jun 18, 2014 - 344 comments

Revisiting misogyny on Metafilter

The comments of this Metafilter post about misogynist songs at Trader Joes demonstrates that our work to keep Metafilter free from sexism is far from over. [more inside]
posted by divabat on Jun 11, 2014 - 1844 comments

Tagging and construction posts

Hey, just a reminder that when tagging posts that if you put a space between words that counts as two tags, not one. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jun 7, 2014 - 34 comments

"How Google is Killing the Best Site on the Internet"

MeFi is the subject of today's TLDR podcast from NPR's "On the Media". [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard on Jun 2, 2014 - 97 comments

Because You're Worth It, Metafilter.

How about a "Donate/Subscribe" link in the main menu of the site? As it stands now, if a user happens to hide the "Help Fund Metafilter" link at the top of the page, it disappears, never to be seen again. I don't think it's unseemly to make the option to support the site monetarily a little more visible and persistent.
posted by killdevil on Jun 1, 2014 - 69 comments

Humans can be drained of blood in 8.6s given adequate vacuuming systems

One of the nicer things about being a MeFite is exposure to new ideas and content we might never have otherwise encountered. I'm curious to know what life lessons and other bits of knowledge you've learned about the world thanks to MetaFilter. Please share!
posted by zarq on May 8, 2014 - 290 comments

Sad, but thankful

I've had a terrible few months, but AskMefi was there with me and so I wanted to give thanks to all the Mefites who helped me along the way. [more inside]
posted by CrazyLemonade on Apr 23, 2014 - 120 comments

Meta Comment Deletion What Fors?

Starting this "me too" thread for anyone having their comments quixotically deleted from the main metafilter thread. [more inside]
posted by Colonel Panic on Apr 2, 2014 - 813 comments

advertising budget for FY2014 is through the charts

Was extremely confused to see a flashy commercial for MetaFilter preceding a Youtube video. [more inside]
posted by threeants on Mar 17, 2014 - 3 comments

This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels

In the "In fact, there are no places that are not for ladies anymore" thread, which generated a lot of discussion about the incident possibly being fake, user skoosh offered a proposal that strikes me as a fine one, and one I think is worth discussing here. [more inside]
posted by Bunny Ultramod on Mar 10, 2014 - 166 comments

Warmth. Depth. Fatness.

An intuitive interface. Built-in keyboard access. Three world-class modulators.

Introducing MetaFilter — — — Push the Envelope™
posted by Rhaomi on Mar 7, 2014 - 65 comments

Is Metafilter compromised?

I hate to be the poster child for tinfoil, but... (dons tinfoil hat): I have recently had several comments deleted from threads relating to the Ukraine crisis. [more inside]
posted by NiceKitty on Mar 7, 2014 - 272 comments

The Day We Fight Back

I'm curious, is MetaFilter going to join The Day We Fight Back protest against mass surveillance tomorrow, along with Boing Boing, Reddit and others?
posted by homunculus on Feb 10, 2014 - 74 comments

What is the reason, again?

What is the difference between this and this? [more inside]
posted by efalk on Jan 29, 2014 - 176 comments

When to post about a series of content?

I'm interested in hearing from the MeFi community about when people think is the best time to post about a series of content. Would you prefer to hear about such content on MetaFilter at the outset, or at the conclusion, or somewhere in between? [more inside]
posted by paleyellowwithorange on Jan 29, 2014 - 18 comments

A news-savvy community of over 60,000 users

User #1 describes MetaFilter in a piece "Even if it’s fake, it’s real" for the Nieman Journalism Lab. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 27, 2013 - 2 comments

Best O' Best Of

What were your favorite long read articles + accompanying threads on the blue in 2013? [more inside]
posted by mannequito on Dec 19, 2013 - 53 comments

Can we get a "Remove from Activity" button on the Mobile site?

I was wondering if it would be possible to get the "Remove from Activity" link added to the Recent Activity page of the Mobile site. Is this something that people would like to have, and if so would it be feasible to implement this feature? [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Dec 18, 2013 - 42 comments

Metafilter Youtube Rolling Playlist?

I want to see all of the metafilter-linked youtube videos in a single Youtube playlist. [more inside]
posted by joecacti on Dec 14, 2013 - 14 comments

Rules on ask metafilter

I have had questions deleted before for being "too chatty" but I see questions all the time that seem very chatty. Can someone tell me if you can post chatty questions?
posted by john123357 on Dec 13, 2013 - 152 comments

Android, Firefox, and Metafilter commenting

More and more I find myself visiting Metafilter on my Android tablet. I am using Firefox 25.0.1 on a Nexus 7 with Android 4.3. Recently, commenting has become almost impossible - namely, any kind of HTML tags get very screwed up. Typically, I'll copy a comment I want to reply to, surround that with em tags and then reply. Lately, in the process of posting, Android or Firefox or Metafilter decides to empty the closing em tag (leaving two carats) and append a set of empty carats and a closing em tag to my whole post. Trying to clean it up leads to all kinds of problems - the cursor jumps around and deletes things on its own. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it Android, Firefox, Metafilter, or some combination of all three? Any help would be appreciated.
posted by Benny Andajetz on Dec 9, 2013 - 41 comments

Does MetaFilter age?

I am attributing this thought to a Simpsons-related thread from October. Does/will MetaFilter age? [more inside]
posted by 0 answers on Nov 17, 2013 - 135 comments

Signs of Life

I was recently off Metafilter for a bit and missed it. While thinking about how awesome Metafilter is I got the idea about having a place in real life that was Metafilter related. Maybe a bench in a public park somewhere with a plaque that says it was donated by Metafilter? Or a tree? I bet we could come up with some cool ideas. It'd be so fun to travel there and take a picture with THE METAFILTER in real life. Or does a place like that already exist? There are so many of us who truly value this site, maybe some would be willing to contribute towards a small offline presence? Any thoughts?
posted by travelwithcats on Oct 30, 2013 - 100 comments

All you need is love

This is a post calling out nobody. This is a post pointing a finger at no one. This is a post in honor of peace, love, and diversity of thought and action. This is a post casting no aspersion or ill will on any others for any perceived malefaction or misdeed. This is a post in celebration of the spirit of generosity and cooperation and the exchange of ideas. This is a post with no links to anyone or anything. This is a MetaTalk post for those who wish to contribute their thoughts, be they holy or unholy, approved or unapproved, controversial or non-controversial. A celebration of Metafilter. A hello and best wishes to the mods and to the members, past and present: those whose accounts are closed, and those whose accounts will always be open. A post for the whole swirling, opinionated, crazy and beautiful community. Big love and happiness to you all, Metafilter.
posted by flapjax at midnite on Oct 26, 2013 - 4 comments

Minimallist MeFi Chat

Just in case any other MeFi chatters want to use it, I've made a modified version of the userstyle that pb offered in the recent Chat Update MeTa. It turns off the sidebar in the MeFi chat web client. [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Oct 5, 2013 - 3 comments

No Comment

"The Web forum MetaFilter, for instance, which is known for a positive commenting flavor, depends on a 24/7 team of moderators. “People come to us all the time and say, ‘Here’s a problem with people behaving badly, we want a tech solution,’ ” says Paul Bausch, a MetaFilter developer. “We tell them that human problems require human judgment.” MetaFilter's own pb quoted in a New York Times Magazine piece on the evolution of online commentary.
posted by Miko on Sep 24, 2013 - 99 comments

Reading a textbook via index analysis

I recall reading an article (written by an academic, I think) about a method of getting through a textbook quickly by analyzing the most frequent entries in the index. Pretty sure it was linked from MetaFilter. Does anyone remember?
posted by paleyellowwithorange on Sep 18, 2013 - 5 comments

Happy significant numerical birthday, PB

PB celebrates his birthday today, as indicated by a tweet from mathowie... [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Aug 30, 2013 - 74 comments

Chekhov's Dirtbike

Cortex and Griphus' Hellraiser recap podcast WE HAVE SUCH FILMS TO TO SHOW YOU (previously) comes to the end of all Hellraiser movies so they watch and talk about the 2012 meta-fictional horror trope breakdown, The Cabin In The Woods. And structure, and false codas and what kind of human sacrifice it is. And it's neat.
posted by The Whelk on Aug 26, 2013 - 127 comments

Better dead than Redd! Reddshit, not threadshit!

I was quite surprised when I realized that this absolutely brilliant comment hadn't been sidebarred. [more inside]
posted by GoingToShopping on Aug 21, 2013 - 2 comments

Writing for the blue.

Once upon a time I read a guide to writing for the blue by a fellow MeFite who is known for excellent posts and describes researching a topic after stumbling upon an idea for a blue post and making sure it's not already posted. It's very thoughtful, well written and detailed. Further, it describes how to achieve those three things in a blue post. It's not in the wiki and I haven't been able to find it in Google. Can someone help me find this?
posted by brokeaspoke on Aug 15, 2013 - 22 comments


Whenever I talk to friends about MetaFilter they always relate it to Portland - does MetaFilter have a historical or philosophical association with Portland, or is it just a nice way of saying it's liberal and wordy?
posted by four panels on Aug 6, 2013 - 366 comments

A gentle request from your Health Month organizer

It's almost a new month, and we all know Health Month is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that Team MetaFilter is reserved for actual MeFites. I've now got a dozen requests to join the team from people whose names on Health Month don't match users on MetaFilter. I don't want to needlessly blow people off. If you have asked to join the team, and haven't been added, please shoot me a message on MeMail, and I will add you posthaste so that you can get rolling for August. Thanks!
posted by ambrosia on Jul 31, 2013 - 57 comments

Lost comment

I recall a discussion on the blue about the ACA recently wherein someone stated there will be (or may be) a federally managed insurance option available on the exchange in all states. It was portrayed as a back door public, not-for-profit option. I can't find the post now. Anyone have it bookmarked or recall the details of who will be managing the plan and what it will consist of?
posted by jsturgill on Jul 16, 2013 - 9 comments

Happy BasTeal Day*, MetaFilter!

On July 14, 1999, Stan Chin stormed the internet with the first ever post on MeFi. It was about... cats. (Unrelated: later that same day, a Lampson Transi heavylift crane nicknamed Big Blue crashed through the walls of Miller baseball park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.)

* Oui, it's a few days too early for an anniversary post, but I'm traveling this weekend. [more inside]
posted by wensink on Jul 10, 2013 - 62 comments

Mefi users' extreme locations?

Geographic extremes of all kinds of Mefi users. [more inside]
posted by InsertNiftyNameHere on Jul 9, 2013 - 92 comments

New profile "also on" updates: Strava, Steepster, Newsblur, [more]

MeFi cyclists/runners: your Strava account, if you have one, is now linkable in the "Also On:" section of your profile. In this same update it looks like pb has also added: Steepster, Newsblur, Hacker News, ResearcherID, ResearchGate, and eBay (any others, pb?). Related link: MeFi Social Explorer (for finding other users with profiles on growing list of linkable communities). [more inside]
posted by jjjjjjjijjjjjjj on Jun 3, 2013 - 50 comments

Deletion with a surprise twist: I'm actually not here to complain

Was redirected here from AskMe by a mod to ask the following question: Is there a way to block Metafilter comments without blocking the site? [more inside]
posted by Ndwright on May 29, 2013 - 10 comments

The tiniest of ponies.

When previewing an IRL post and you get an error, the error is kind of in the middle of the page and in normal text, so it's hard to see what's missing from the form. Having it at the top of the page and with IRL's alt-color beige, would help a lot.
posted by Evilspork on May 21, 2013 - 10 comments

Price of Metafilter

This post got me wondering if anyone has tried to buy Metafilter, how much an honest value would be, and if people would leave if a similar entity to Yahoo bought the Blue.
posted by Renoroc on May 19, 2013 - 161 comments

Birds do it, bees do it, even couples on AskMe do it...

Good evening. I am considering the purchase of an account on MetaFilter for my fiancee. She may find it of use for work (academic librarianship, cataloging), domestic (cats, pies) and leisure; I've sent her pointers to FPPs on here which she has found of interest, and she may be able to contribute questions and comments to AskMe. But... [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on May 10, 2013 - 124 comments

diachronic panposticon

Now you can use MeFi in the present and the past! jjwiseman made this cool thing. [more inside]
posted by threeants on May 3, 2013 - 53 comments

Happy birthday, Cortex!

"Moderator, chief datawrangler at Metafilter", "cortex is a 32-year-old musician, computer geek, and generally reckless creative-type person in Portland, OR. His username on mefi is “cortex”, for reasons that aren’t particularly interesting."
posted by Lynsey on Apr 26, 2013 - 5 comments

bestof.metafilter.com/ down?!

Just clicked on a link in the sideblog and got a 404. Tried http://bestof.metafilter.com/ alone and got a 403. [more inside]
posted by KMB on Apr 17, 2013 - 1 comment

No Avoiding Google

I was initially trying to read the metafilter post There's No Avoiding Google+ and I kept getting a server error: Your Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31 [more inside]
posted by UsernameGenerator on Apr 16, 2013 - 28 comments

Fuck yo title. I'm Rick James, bitch!

Buy A Shirt - how long has that black shirt been there? Did it used to be a different color? I need to know if it's new or if I have absolutely horrible observational skills.
posted by nooneyouknow on Apr 16, 2013 - 32 comments

Master Thesis Survey about MetaFilter

I have been a longtime lurker here on MetaFilter who just recently registered and I thought it would be a fascinating subject to dive into for my master thesis. In order to get a better understanding of user activity on MetaFilter, I created the following survey:

Master Thesis Survey About MetaFilter

As I mention in the introductory text, the survey is completely anonymous and IP addresses will NOT be saved. I hope you take the time to submit your response and help a fellow MeFite out :) [more inside]
posted by RIABAMFR on Apr 15, 2013 - 117 comments

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