834 posts tagged with Metafilter.
Displaying 401 through 450 of 834. Subscribe:


I've had it, I'm done.

Callouts for excellence: Pope Guilty, Drinky Die, Malor, Mayor Curley, delmoi, lupus_yonderboy, Meatbomb, AElfwine Evenstar, hippybear, BitterOldPunk, Civil_Disobedient, thsmchnekllsfascists, ioerror, loquacious, Joe Beese, Trurl, Blazecock Pileon, and orthogonality. I may have forgotten some. [more inside]
posted by dunkadunc on Mar 26, 2013 - 1 comment

We Need a Hero

@mathowie: "I think RSS is so important that I'd take a job (leaving MeFi) at any startup aiming to make an improved Google Reader (w/ social features). [...] I'm serious, and feel free to email me. MetaFilter can continue with the employees running things."

I think that this maybe merits some serious discussion here, pronto. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Mar 14, 2013 - 198 comments


I am not sure how elusive the Metafilter moderator GUI screenshot might be to the average MeFi user, but I have always wondered about it's efficiency and I was pleasantly surprised when I finally caught a (blurry) glimpse of it during Matt's SxSW 2011 talk: Lessons from 11 Years of Community
posted by TangerineGurl on Feb 19, 2013 - 42 comments

Link Change?

Rhomboid asked this question about a link on the blue which switched from liveleak to YouTube. I'm curious about this as well, and a little ... concerned? Anybody know what's up there?
posted by Apropos of Something on Feb 16, 2013 - 29 comments

The $2.5 million comment

Last night I dreamed that Metafilter introduced premium comments that you had to pay to view, and some company posted a very long comment that was listed at $2.5 million. There was wild speculation as to its contents, and the motivation behind the high price, but of course no-one could afford it, so we never found out what it said. [more inside]
posted by PercussivePaul on Jan 30, 2013 - 94 comments

Hold On To The Slight

Metafilter gets a shoutout on Salon.
posted by timsteil on Jan 20, 2013 - 2 comments

Why does Ask Metafilter sometimes displays greens differently.

Sometimes when I load Ask Metafilter the green color will show up washed out, but I can open it up in a new tab and it is now a different shade. Usually scrolling down the desaturated page or selecting text will change it back to a more saturated green. Any reasons for this? Safari OSX. screenshot
posted by travis08 on Jan 17, 2013 - 59 comments


In an effort to enhance your overall Metafilter Experience, I present the preliminary Metafilter Achievement System Slash Drinking Game. Comparing Achievement score is a widely accepted method for determining respectability, one's contributions to society, and for enhancing self esteem. Feel free to contribute suggestions, modifications, or cash. Bonus points for obscure references to Metafilter history. [more inside]
posted by Justinian on Jan 16, 2013 - 132 comments

Five days of MetaFilter interest

Out of curiosity (or work deadline avoidance), anyone know why the MetaFilter entry on Wikipedia suddenly get a lot more "readership" or views than normal for the five days of January 5th to 9th inclusive, then suddenly go back down to the previous background level? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Jan 15, 2013 - 55 comments

Metafilter Frequency Tables updated, now with 636 million words!

It's been over a year since we first made the Metafilter Frequency Tables available, and now they're updated with word frequency information for all of 2011 and 2012 as well, bringing the total number of words up to six hundred and thirty-six million. Gosh! (Is a word we've collectively used 5,707 times since 1999!) [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 14, 2013 - 96 comments

Unpacking the viral ninja hack guru in the cloud

This AskMe thread about new and overused business cliches/jargon is a thing of beauty.
posted by The Whelk on Jan 10, 2013 - 166 comments

Rookie <3s MeFi

Maggie from Rookie gave MetaFilter yet another shoutout in her article about TV mythologies. Scroll down or search the page for "grumblebee".
posted by pxe2000 on Jan 9, 2013 - 14 comments

MeFi is adding titles

We're rolling out titles to the front pages of Ask, MetaTalk, and MeFi today (all the other subsites have titles on their front pages). In addition, we've revamped the posting pages on those subsites in order to make the title more obvious and prominent (along with improved helper text). [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jan 7, 2013 - 1816 comments

there's a good chance the VideoSift might not have survived without that spark.

The History of VideoSift Part 1 details the founding of a popular video site by a couple of MetaFilter members, Dag Maggot and Sourbrew. MetaFilter and Our Glorious Leader are heavily credited.
posted by lazaruslong on Dec 28, 2012 - 49 comments

Secret Quonsar Recieved

Yay for secretquonsar! Got my gift today! Hoping mine wings its way on time.
posted by infini on Dec 15, 2012 - 3 comments

How has MeFi changed in the past few years?

How has MeFi changed in the past 2-3 years? [more inside]
posted by deacon_blues on Dec 10, 2012 - 207 comments

The Joy of FPPing

To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 7, 2012 - 119 comments

Looking out onto the ash-filled street, the poetry of T.S. Eliot seems more poignant than ever.

When the apocalypse comes, MetaFilter will be there.
posted by shakespeherian on Nov 29, 2012 - 144 comments

Mining the HiveMind

Is there a good way to have volunteer Mefites critique my grad school personal statement without asking an AskMe? [more inside]
posted by Katine on Nov 27, 2012 - 30 comments

Greasemonkey hacks

Grease my monkey, guvnor: Greasemonkey scripts get talked about a lot in Metatalk comments, and they seem pretty useful. I would like to ask our more Greasemonkey-oriented friends to recommend the best ones and discuss their experience of installing and using them. [more inside]
posted by MuffinMan on Nov 27, 2012 - 72 comments

The Buddy System Works

How about an FPP mentoring/buddy system? [more inside]
posted by griphus on Nov 26, 2012 - 89 comments

Mr Haughey amusingly discusses MetaFilter

An interesting and entertaining interview of MetaFilter user #1 by Colin Marshall. It's a free podcast, an hour in length.
posted by Wordshore on Nov 15, 2012 - 23 comments


Is it time for another talk about the hipster thing? [more inside]
posted by Egg Shen on Nov 12, 2012 - 172 comments

2012 Presidential Prediction Contest Winner

Now that Florida has finished counting votes (always a challenge for us), the 2012 presidential election results are 332 electoral votes for Obama and 206 for Romney -- barring faithless electors. The popular vote is 50.6% Obama, 47.9% Romney and 1.5% other. The Nate Silver Medal for Political Prognostication goes to JKevinKing. J. Kevin was one of 15 people to tie for first in the electoral half of the contest with a perfect prediction. He finished third in the popular vote half, ahead of I am the Walrus and UrineSoakedRube who tied for ninth. The $50 Threadless gift certificate and life-size cardboard Joe Biden are on the way to JKevinKing as soon as I send them. Please keep Joe in the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed. [more inside]
posted by rcade on Nov 12, 2012 - 25 comments

Election 2012: Domo Arigato, Larry Sabato

The pundits and psychics have already weighed in. Now it's your turn in MetaFilter's (mostly) quadrennial presidential prediction contest. The winner will receive a $50 Threadless gift certificate and a life-size cardboard Joe Biden. To enter, predict the percentage of the vote that President Obama, Mitt Romney and Everybody Else will receive and the number of electoral votes that Obama, Romney and Everybody Else will receive. Entries must be submitted before Dixville Notch, N.H., reports its vote early Tuesday morning. [more inside]
posted by rcade on Nov 5, 2012 - 360 comments

MetaFilter Election 2012

What's the plan for US Election Day? Is there going to be one thread continuously updated with the election results or a bunch of them. Conversely, will there be no talk of the 2012 election at all? Do the mods have the day off and will the site be inactive?
posted by Renoroc on Nov 5, 2012 - 167 comments

Help, please : Differences in news magazine covers?

Does anyone remember a post on the Blue, or the Green, or maybe it was here on the Gray, about differences in cover stories published in North America and international editions of news magazines? [more inside]
posted by MelanieL on Nov 5, 2012 - 4 comments

Halp: Googling "your fucking Macbook Pro" didn't bring up any MeFi results.

My Google-fu is failing me: someone posted a comment a while back, probably on the Blue, ranting against the privileged idiocy of "minimalism"/"simplifying your life". It brought up the privileged idiot's Macbook Pro several times, and how they'd like everything in life to be more like it, not realizing that their smooth-lined aluminum shit costs money and most people don't have that. If anyone remembers the comment, I'd greatly appreciate a link!
posted by randomname25 on Nov 2, 2012 - 67 comments

MetaFilter covering election day, vote counting, subsequent wrangling

Assuming any MetaFilter users are interested in writing posts or comments during voting and counting, how will this bloggie handle what will be its 4th US presidential election? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Oct 30, 2012 - 71 comments

sort the beans into four categories, decide each one is the less-preferred option.

After a few wonderful years on MetaFilter, I think I've picked up on a frequent thing that we tend to do when discussing power inequalities, i.e. sexism, racism, class and wealth, etc. I'd like to propose a 2x2 model for describing the possible perspectives that the analysis of the problem can take. Based on this model, I believe I have discovered something that MeFi "doesn't do well" - all possible conclusions are shot down as talking about the wrong thing. Hopefully, as a community we can recognize this and either "solve" the problem presented by the model, find alternative conclusions when using it, or at the very least stop using the model in the future. [more inside]
posted by rebent on Oct 26, 2012 - 360 comments

zarq's 500th post

A tip of the ol' fedora to zarq, for 500 posts of quality.
posted by filthy light thief on Oct 10, 2012 - 47 comments

How can we improve access to primary research on MetaFilter?

Is there a community consensus about best practices for disseminating subscription-only journal material in threads? Also, what can we do to improve access within the community to primary research? Blasdelb's excellent comment in the Lenski thread prompted me to ask about this. [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Oct 8, 2012 - 41 comments

AskMe saved me. Seriously.

AskMe saved me. Seriously. [more inside]
posted by trinity8-director on Oct 8, 2012 - 17 comments

Overthinking Oglaf

It's a cartoon by Oglaf that could have been drawn for Metafilter! [First link is a work safe image at the current time, site as a whole is totally nsfw.]
posted by pharm on Oct 6, 2012 - 104 comments

metafilter dating media

Apparently Metafilter one way to "organic[ally] meet people online.. and maybe further adventures in dating", according to the Time Out Melbourne DIY Internet Dating article on alternative ways to find people to date.
posted by AnnaRat on Oct 3, 2012 - 81 comments

Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins

Bearing in mind how this AskMeFi query turned out in the end, is there a word, saying, acronym or something that means "A win for the MetaFilter community"? If not, could or should there be one?
posted by Wordshore on Oct 1, 2012 - 59 comments

I watch really trashy tv stations.

AskMe gets a pretty weird nod in an investigative show on truTV called Forensic Files. [more inside]
posted by phaedon on Sep 27, 2012 - 49 comments

Kaycee Nicole is back

Eleven years later, Metafilter and Kaycee Nicole is the subject of today's Now I Know (a daily email that I highly recommend).
posted by saeculorum on Sep 24, 2012 - 113 comments

Whither Kiva?

The Kiva team is now 301 members and $73,000ish of total lending. As a purely online lender pool it has maintained its position in the top five lending clubs for three-and-a-half years. It has been enshrined as the second most successful campaign for Kiva, but it has stopped growing. What could be next? Should it keep going? [more inside]
posted by parmanparman on Sep 18, 2012 - 23 comments

400 Bad Request

Can't get to the blue, can't get to contact form. [more inside]
posted by jon1270 on Sep 17, 2012 - 24 comments

The website so nice they headed it twice...er, thrice and a half.

Every once in a while, while reading MeFi on my phone, the heading will freak out. Like this. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Sep 12, 2012 - 41 comments

We were ahead of the game back on 9/11.

HuffPo asks, "What would 9/11 be like if social media was around?" [more inside]
posted by HeyAllie on Sep 11, 2012 - 118 comments

Artw's 750th post

On the occasion of his 750th post, a shout out to Artw for the abundance and quality of his contributions to MetaFilter.
posted by Egg Shen on Sep 9, 2012 - 140 comments

Metafilter is...

Is there a machine picking up on all the "Metafilter: [catchy slogan]" comments? [more inside]
posted by Galaxor Nebulon on Sep 6, 2012 - 60 comments


Why don't we have in-line video for non-members? I typically avoid sending posts with great videos in them to (like this) to non-members because they will just see a wall of text without being able to play videos in-line. Would it be possible to add the in-line video player for everyone who visits metafilter?
posted by rebent on Aug 31, 2012 - 27 comments

Doesn't Do President Well

Metafilter's own Avery Edison on our (hypothetical) thread with Obama: Thread is immediately deleted for being too similar to a recent post (“The Wire and the White House: Grantland asks ‘Is Obama All In The Game’?”) [more inside]
posted by Apropos of Something on Aug 30, 2012 - 25 comments

Life Imitates Meta

So. The folks at NBCNews seem to be fans of this great site. It's Lebowski everywhere!
posted by Jaymzifer on Aug 29, 2012 - 28 comments

The percentage of Mac users of MetaFilter

Is the percentage of MetaFilter visitors using OS X or iOS higher, lower, or equivalent to the 9.5% of computer users in general?
posted by Egg Shen on Aug 23, 2012 - 39 comments

Cat on a Scanner

Not a call out of anyone specifically, and certainly "be the change you want to see" but the front page today is comprised entirely of one-liners, mostly SYTL. Maybe it's decompression from the August Best Post Contest, but typically MetaFilter is known for it's "essay-like" posts and it feels like reddit today. [more inside]
posted by four panels on Aug 23, 2012 - 105 comments

"Metafiltered" as a verb

So, as a newbie (on here; rather older in real life) and as (currently) an Englishman, is "Metafiltered" an acceptable verb? e.g. "Spotted this great little news story so I Metafiltered it", or, like, are people going to start getting all OED on me if I do that?
posted by Wordshore on Aug 8, 2012 - 92 comments

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