150 posts tagged with fun.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 150. Subscribe:
A Questionnaire for Adults on Play?
I'm trying to find a questionnaire/assessment focused on different activities that adults can rate to understand what might be fun or playful for them. [more inside]
Calling all Cards!
Having just mailed my cards for Project G.I.V.E. M.E. (that is, Great Internet Valentine Exchange, Metafilter Edition), and having had at least as much fun as I did with the winter holiday cards, I'm wondering if there's enough momentum and interest for another project. [more inside]
MST Club Video Marathon 2017: Christmas In SPAAAACE
This is MST Club announcing our 4th annual "No Stress" Christmas Video Marathon! No Stress means it's pretty laid back as far as marathons go: feel free to have it going on in the background to cooking, sleeping, football or whatever, or exchange jokes with us in the chat window. The primary site of this thing is the MST Club Cytube page, with our Rabb.it room as a possible alternate if things go awry. The time is throughout December 24 and 25, from 6 AM Eastern/ 3 AM Pacific through to Midnight on the 25th. Come by with or without your favorite nog if you like! More details are in the extended description. [more inside]
It is the time for feasting, which means it is the time for recipes! We have no other outlet for our dark perversions, so let's do it here. Oh, such recipes we should all share... here's mine for Maple Bacon Dirt Rockets! [more inside]
Tell Me Something Good
This is a complementary post to Fizz's necessary post, but tell me something good, tell me that you like it, yeah! It doesn't have to be an amazing thing, but something that made you smile, or feel happy, etc. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: School's Out for Summer!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's metatalktail topic: It's Memorial Day weekend in the US, my kids are already (!!) out of school, so that mean's it's summer! What awesome things do you have planned for the summer? Books, movies, Netflix marathons, actual marathons, trips, hobbies, hanging out, cooking, never cooking, drinking summer booze ... tell us! And if you are one of our many friends from the lovely lands down under, tell us all about your cool winter plans!
the delightful side of MetaFilter
Please share the MeFi post/discussion that has *delighted* you the most, in an irrepressible smile-inducing sort of way. It can be old or new, brief or epic, an FPP whose comments devolved into a series of terrible puns, an in-joke-filled post about your favorite show on FanFare, an Ask about naming a really cute pet, the IRL where you met your SO... whatever you've seen discussed or discovered by this community that has given you a frisson of sans schadenfreude delight, I'd love to see or be reminded of it, too. Here's to brighter days. [more inside]
Happy Fun September
As [northern hemisphere] summer winds down, [other people's] kids are back in school and [US] politics ramp up, I would like to suggest more happy and/or fun posts in September. More cats and kittens! More puppies and dogs! If you find spiders to be cute and/or amazing, post some! Whatever strikes your fancy, share it! [more inside]
Happy birthday, Cortex!
I hope you got the weekend off to play.
We know the queue is there for just that reason.
To let the mods have downtime, just like folks.
And let us all cool off despite the season.
Your first birthday as our dear leader.
Hope this has made your life sweeter.
We'll also see you on the "Tweeter."
Dear Cortex, nothing could be neater!
Happy birthday, dude!
NaNoWriMo 2013
Nanowrimo is a week away, are any Mefites taking part this year? If so, are you a planner or a pantser, and what are you thinking of doing? Last year we had our own Metafilter group and several people took part. If anyone took part last year or previously, share your joys and despairs, and any dirty tricks you used, so that any n00bs out there who don't know what Nano is like can know a bit about what to expect. [more inside]
What do you call this particular type of post?
Is there a term or phrase for posts where most of the comments are creatively continuing the theme of the thread? I first thought about this after my Pico Horror post, and I also thought of the recent Book Titles with One Letter Missing post. The former is a case of the comments being little stories, while the latter is wordplay, like Spoonerisms and Tom Swifties. And of course there are joke threads, which are somewhere between the wordplay and story telling. What would you call these? [more inside]
Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket...
Famous Dates in FPP History
• NEVAR FORGET the Microsoft Kin!!!1!
• An FPP that will live in infamy. -> Birds
• Is it "Back, and to the left," or, "Back and to the left"?
• Today's FPP: it is important that you wear underpants.
You get the idea -- the FPP# corresponds to the famous date, written as [MMDDYY]. What are some more famous dates' FPPs?
Bastille Day? A surprise volcano!
[more inside]
• An FPP that will live in infamy. -> Birds
• Is it "Back, and to the left," or, "Back and to the left"?
• Today's FPP: it is important that you wear underpants.
You get the idea -- the FPP# corresponds to the famous date, written as [MMDDYY]. What are some more famous dates' FPPs?
Bastille Day? A surprise volcano!
[more inside]
Don't worry about the vase, Neo.
The Oracle of MeFi is a curated tumblr of "intelligent, insightful, funny or otherwise interesting comments from all over MeFi," created by Foci of Analysis. Via Projects. [more inside]
We love seeing where you work, now show us where you play!
Where's your hangout, your hideout, your favourite place to have fun? Show us pictures of the places you go and the things you do to relax when you get away from your work.
2012 Datawankery
The Joy of FPPing
To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
The MeFi 2012/2012 "Hookers And Blackjack" Fantasy Basketball League
After some discussion here, it appears that A) there is a desire among MeFites to play fantasy basketball and B) although there may or may not be a league this year already, in either case there is clearly interest for fantasy basketball that is not satisfied. [more inside]
At first I thought someone had hit "post" twice, but no, it was just that that Fight or Flight and Zoomorphic entered the Metafilter Singularity at 1:01 PM.
shuffling the hive mind
Idea: MetaStrategies Card Deck [more inside]
Tag, MeFi Mag is it or something else witty
MeFi Mag needs a tagline, got any suggestions? [more inside]
Better late than never: Issue 8 of MeFi Mag is here
It's taken a while, but Issue#8 of MeFi Mag has finally arrived! [more inside]
MeFi Pick 'em: Fantasy Football For Lazy People
MeFi NFL Pick 'em is on. Details inside. [more inside]
Your post, "Gorbachev sings tractors: Turnip! Buttocks!" has been deleted....
mccarty.tim's latest project: Worst Post Ever is a "home version of the deleted post game." Bonus: See the red box of deletion in action! (Via Projects.) [more inside]
Come chill out with MeFi Mag#5
New month, new MeFi Mag! Read on for more about this and upcoming issues and deadlines. [more inside]
MeFi Mag #3 is here for a visit
MeFi Mag#3 is now available! Join us after the jump for more information on this issue, how to follow us online and open staff positions. [more inside]
Mmmmm, collaborative book project
Wanted: 4 writers, a couple of editors and a designer/artist or two to finish up a collaborative zombie love story novel. Let's have some creative fun. [more inside]
Late August Canoe Trip Meetup
As previously proposed here and acted upon here, I would like to reintroduce the concept of a Seattle area canoe trip meetup over the third weekend of August for a variety of reasons. As for details on the how, what and where, click on those links above for the further details. And, as for the when, let me propose the late afternoon to early evening of Saturday, August 21st... [more inside]
Let's bag some better bags!
A Multi-Region, Multi-National, MeFi Reusable Shopping Bag Swap. Interested? [more inside]
Sometime before hurricane season would be nice...
Houston MeFites, we need to have a meetup to celebrate the arrival of summer. (Because if it gets any hotter - and you know it will - I will stop leaving the house altogether and you wont see me until October.) [more inside]
March Madness 2010
NCAA basketball is upon us. For all interested parties, I have set up a pick 'em on Yahoo! [more inside]
Fun and games
Merry Christmas!
Got a game console for Christmas (either today or in the past)? Want to play a Mefite or three? Drop your info in here and lets go! [more inside]
Winter MeFiSwap!
You listen to good music. You pick some of it out, and you put it in a certain order, and you listen to your mix all the time. It's good! It sounds good, too good to keep to yourself. So you burn 5 copies of your mix to CD and you put 'em in the mail. Soon 5 different discs containing 5 different mixes from 5 other people appear in your mailbox, and this is good because you're tired of listening to the mix you made and some new tunes from cool MeFites is just the right thing.
MeFi Swap Winter 2009 is open for sign-ups. [more inside]
MeFi Swap Winter 2009 is open for sign-ups. [more inside]
The banhammer
Lets all do our best 'Jimmy the Greek' impersonation
Football Pick' Em, anyone? [more inside]
Scrabble players wanted
Scrabble, anyone? [more inside]
Fantasy Football 2009
It's fantasy football time again! [more inside]
MetaFilter Games: It was jessamyn, with the banhammer, on the green...
What MetaFilter themed party games are you going to play at YOUR 10th Anniversary MeetUp? [more inside]
Oh pleasepleaseplease!
Free TF2 Weekend
This weekend is a Free TF2 weekend (instructions at the top of the page). So if you wanted to know what all the fuss was about, join MeFightClub at for pubbie action,* or join the forums to find out how to hop on the privvy. JOIIIN USSS. [more inside]
Metafilter makes the Jerry Springer show look boring.
I'm so bored I can shit. I would like some links to some entertaining posts. Thanks. :) [more inside]
London meet-up pretty please?
How about a London meet-up for an out-of-towner? I'll be visiting for a couple of weeks and may be lonely! [more inside]
It Comes Full Circle
Paper Dolls and too cool. [more inside]
Not fantasy sports - fantasy movies!
Anyone interested in a fantasy movie league? It's like fantasy foot/basket/baseball but not. It's with movies.
[more inside]
Taglines wiki.
Let's play mefi Fantasy Baseball
MeFi Fantasy Baseball! Anyone up for some last-minute shenanigans? I could throw together a free Yahoo 5x5 Roto league if there's enough interest. Draft would probably be Sunday.
Community-building posts just for the fun of it.
Does anyone else think that we need to have a little more fun together on a regular basis? Opportunities to be creative, silly, funny, loony, just for the hell of it, can really disperse tension, and might help us vent negative energy. Certain FPPs come along with a game everyone can play in the comments. People love those, but they're rare. I thought this was a pretty enjoyable spontaneous outpouring of randy energy, but, again, rare. Other sites have Photoshop contests, or other games/challenges. Those seem a bit puerile for us. Getting drunk at meetups is fine, but not practical for all of us. Suggestions? Is this a totally lame line of thought?
Time to cry FridayFilter?
The news posts have pretty much dissapeared (huzzah). But what's taken their place? I know "we've already discussed this" already, but there have been a few "Friday" posts in the past few non-Fridays. They're usually great fun, but I'm not getting any work done. Time to cry FridayFilter? But seriously folks, what makes a "Friday" post? Sillyness, flash, fun?
And yet MetaFilter is a joy to read
Piling on clavdivs; piling on riviera; piling on fold_and_mutilate; piling on stavrosthewonderchicken; piling on rodii; piling on evanizer; piling on rcade; piling on bluetrain; piling and unpiling; back and forth; predictably lashing and then cuddling; the pack mentality rife; the mob rule always subjacent... This is what MetaTalk looks like after two weeks away.
And yet... and yet MetaFilter is a joy to read. I'd wished personalities weren't made into issues at the cost of issues themselves - issues are, after all, what MetaFilter does best - but then it struck me that perhaps MetaTalk is fulfilling its role as a sort of blotter-paper, soaking up all the displaced aggressiveness and natural human attrition and rivalry. And keeping MetaFilter clean, so to speak. Is this perverse or healthy in a leeching, purging sort of way? So - can this be talked about without thinking it's about somebody or another? Has MetaTalk been efficiently used so that MetaFilter can be MetaFilter? Is it being dumbed down and fouled up? And does it matter if the result over in the blue seems so successful?
And yet... and yet MetaFilter is a joy to read. I'd wished personalities weren't made into issues at the cost of issues themselves - issues are, after all, what MetaFilter does best - but then it struck me that perhaps MetaTalk is fulfilling its role as a sort of blotter-paper, soaking up all the displaced aggressiveness and natural human attrition and rivalry. And keeping MetaFilter clean, so to speak. Is this perverse or healthy in a leeching, purging sort of way? So - can this be talked about without thinking it's about somebody or another? Has MetaTalk been efficiently used so that MetaFilter can be MetaFilter? Is it being dumbed down and fouled up? And does it matter if the result over in the blue seems so successful?
What Dictator/Sitcom Character are you?
Collectively, the Weblog Community has been ga-ga over sites that claim to analyze your personality (the generic personality types, what kind of dog are you, your celebirty mate, sci-fi character types, etc., you know the links).
Well, now it's become popular to use the Dictator/Sitcom Character Guesser in the same manner, by answering all the questions as yourself.
Early results: Ev is Lou Grant, Jason K. is Jack from Threes Company, Brig is Gary Hobson from Early Edition (WHO? The guy who gets tomorrow's newspaper and tries to change it), Bumper Bob is Frohike from X-Files, Jezzicuh is Willow from Buffy, there's even a 'blogger who's one of the Powerpuff Girls.
Who am I? Er... uh, well... On first try, I came up as Hans Moleman from The Simpsons, but after changing my answer to "are you losing hair" to "no" (it was lost years ago), after 43 questions I came out as that wacky neighbor Wilson on Home Improvement.
Well, now it's become popular to use the Dictator/Sitcom Character Guesser in the same manner, by answering all the questions as yourself.
Early results: Ev is Lou Grant, Jason K. is Jack from Threes Company, Brig is Gary Hobson from Early Edition (WHO? The guy who gets tomorrow's newspaper and tries to change it), Bumper Bob is Frohike from X-Files, Jezzicuh is Willow from Buffy, there's even a 'blogger who's one of the Powerpuff Girls.
Who am I? Er... uh, well... On first try, I came up as Hans Moleman from The Simpsons, but after changing my answer to "are you losing hair" to "no" (it was lost years ago), after 43 questions I came out as that wacky neighbor Wilson on Home Improvement.