1431 posts tagged with meetup.
Displaying 701 through 750 of 1431. Subscribe:
Meetup Protocol
Meetup protocol: do you reveal your username, real name, or both? Is there an expectation as far as this?
Yet another London Meetup?
Yet another London Meetup?
Roller rink meetup
Following this most fantastic post, I'm inviting NYC-area Mefites to join me on the roller rink this Friday.
Meet in Chicago this week?
Chicago area meetup(ish) events this week? [more inside]
Toronto Meetup
Okay, I realize this may ridiculous and silly but... any Toronto MeFites interested in grabbing a drink... Tonight? Say, Annex or Danforth or Roncy, 9:30 or 10ish? I'm bored and it's apparently the saddest day of the year.
Philly Meetup
Let's (preemptively) welcome god particle to philly and make him drink lager. Philly meetup.
Vancouverites, unite!
Vancouver Meetup?
I have claimed, on many,many,many occasions that I will be at a meetup, but, as yet, have not showed. I'm not so flaky as to not turn up for one I've organised myself, surely? (I'm not.) Anyone interested?
I have claimed, on many,many,many occasions that I will be at a meetup, but, as yet, have not showed. I'm not so flaky as to not turn up for one I've organised myself, surely? (I'm not.) Anyone interested?
Boston Meetup: January 2007
Where do Metafilter people meet their mates online?
Where do Metafilter people meet their mates online?
Meetup: Buenos Aires?
Buenos Aires meetup? I have a project that involves eating a lot of ice cream and I could use some help. It would be great to combine ice cream and a meetup. Before the end of the month would be great. Possibly next weekend, 26 or 27 January?
Santa Barbara Meetup
Santa Barbarians - let's try again! Meet up at the end of January or beginning of February?
New Mexico Meetup
Hello New Mexico ...
Anyone interested in a mefi gathering here?
Anyone interested in a mefi gathering here?
London Jan 2007 meetup update.
London meetup update:
Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese -- very slight change in plan. The Johnson Annexe is available from 6.30 only and contrary to what I was told, it will set 15 people for eating. ("But we managed to get 20 in at Xmas".) [more inside]
Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese -- very slight change in plan. The Johnson Annexe is available from 6.30 only and contrary to what I was told, it will set 15 people for eating. ("But we managed to get 20 in at Xmas".) [more inside]
London Meetup
Reminder: London meetup tomorrow (Friday 12/1) at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. Details in previous thread.
Dallas TX Meetup
So a cool guy told me that a dreamy gal was coming to Dallas on Friday to have some drinks. Seeing as how I never turn down drinks with these two, I will be there too. We were thinking about the Meridian Room and Friday (the 12th) on a time in the evening to be determined. I was tasked with advertising the event to invite whomever is up for it. So, anyone around Dallas interested in having a drinks, let us know your availability so we can adjust and plan accordingly. TIA.
Regina Saskatchewan meetup Jan 12 2007
Regina, Sask MeFi Meetup - I posted this in the "Little Mosque on the Prairies" thread but thought it's proper procedure to post it here too.
I'm organizing a MeFi meetup for next Friday, January 12 at 7pm at Bushwakkers in Regina, SK. I sent e-mails to the four people shown as living in Regina via the "Users Near You" feature but some people don't have their geo-coordinates and/or e-mail addresses on their member pages. So if you're interested in joining us, please e-mail me at: jason@hammond.net as I plan to make a reservation. Also, feel free to invite non-MF friends as I'm sure we aren't going to have a huge crowd like the meetups in New York and LA get!
I'm organizing a MeFi meetup for next Friday, January 12 at 7pm at Bushwakkers in Regina, SK. I sent e-mails to the four people shown as living in Regina via the "Users Near You" feature but some people don't have their geo-coordinates and/or e-mail addresses on their member pages. So if you're interested in joining us, please e-mail me at: jason@hammond.net as I plan to make a reservation. Also, feel free to invite non-MF friends as I'm sure we aren't going to have a huge crowd like the meetups in New York and LA get!
NYC meetup!
Meetup in London, Jan. 12, 2007
London, UK meetup. Attempt at organising a venue and activities thread. hugsnkisses proposed and it looks like Friday 12th January is go (that's a week today). So the food and drink...what & where?
Brooklyn Meetup
Lots of members in and around Williamsburg and Bushwick in Brooklyn. What about a meet-up?
DC/Baltimore Meetup Photos
First batch of DC/Baltimore meetup photos. Nice folks, cold beer, snackity food, and for a double bonus the Terps whiiped Purdue and Saddam got the dirt sandwich.
Chicago/Quad-Cities meetup
Chicago/Quad-Cities meetup - How about we Chicagoans celebrate winter by doing a ski meetup at one of the near(ish) ski hills? How about Chestnut in Galena? That would make it easy for quad cities folks too.
Also, don't worry if you've never ski'd, you undoubtledly won't be the only one.
Also, don't worry if you've never ski'd, you undoubtledly won't be the only one.
NYC Meetup
Remember, New Yorkers: Tomorrow we play taunt-the-foreigner at Welcome to the Johnsons. Begins at 6.
Photos from the Grand Rapids meetup
pix from the grand rapids mefi meetup tonight. er, last night. more coming tomorrow...
Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor meetup?
Ypsi-Arbor meetup? I know there was one in the last month or so at Aubree's, but how about on the other side of Ypsi? TC's or the Elbow Room?
Grand Rapids Meetup
Say, Homer mefites, do you like beer?
Do you like nachos?
Well, why don't you come over andwatch the game meetup, and we'll have nachos. And then, some beer.
Grand Rapids Meetup Reminder: Tonight, 8PM at Founders Brewery Taproom.
Do you like nachos?
Well, why don't you come over and
Grand Rapids Meetup Reminder: Tonight, 8PM at Founders Brewery Taproom.
London meetup
Meetup in merry old London town?
Dallas Meetup Update
World's smallest, most exclusive MeFi Meetup Evar: ufez, romakimmy's perennially lurking sister, romakimmy and a CareBears Checker Set were in Dallas these past two weeks. Despite a massive amount of obligatory family time, we did manage to do some shoutouts. Auguri y'all.
Meetup reminder: Portland on short notice
REMINDER: Short notice Portland Meetup tonight at the (very soon to be closed) Rose and Raindrop, 7PM until drunk o'clock.
Daegu South Korea meetup
Daegu, South Korea: any Mefites here? If so, do you drink beer? Any time before Jan 16th.
NYC Meetup
Short notice NYC MeetUp? I'm holidaying in Manhattan from the 26th to the 6th, and I'd love to play the London Mefi Ambassador, and rendezvous with a few native New Yoikers.
Anyone fancy a pint?
Anyone fancy a pint?
Short notice Portland, OR meetup?
Short notice Portland OR meetup?
Meetup in Bristol, Dec. 21, 2006
Bristol-Weston-Super-Mare-Somerset MeFites! Parmanparman is in Bristol! Easton to be exact, looking into running an interfaith radio station. Nothing stamped down on paper yet. Anyone up for meeting for drink on Dec. 21? Perhaps in Clifton or near U-Bristol? Easton has no pubs, so nuts to that idea.
Chinese Metafilter Meetup in Beijing 2006
Sino-MeFi Summit 2006 (aka the Beijing Meet-up):
Is it a go? Tonight? Tommorrow night? When? Where? How? Why? Discuss.
Is it a go? Tonight? Tommorrow night? When? Where? How? Why? Discuss.
Beijing Meetup?
God dammit. Everybody's over there in the US and England having their little metafilter meetups, but based on my last post in askmefi, there seem to be a few of us mefites in Beijing, and we're missing out. Well I've had enough, and I say we need to rise up and outmeetup the Anglomeetupspherers. So if you're in Beijing, or you'll be in Beijing soon, talk to me about where/when/how we should do this.
Scotland Meetup
The Scottish Mefi Meetup - a new chapter in world history.
Chicago Meetup
Chicago people! Don't forget we're meeting up tomorrow! I can't wait to see you all.
London Meetup Photos
Another batch of pics from the London Meetup on Friday added to the pool and Illy document for make-your-own-meetup-sign fun.
Wooster Street Art Meetup
What degree and combination of seniority, authority, respect, and recklessness does it take to suggest or organize a meetup? Nil? Is it possible to submit this Wooster Street Art event as the locus of a small NY meetup? It seems that the subject has emerged a couple times recently . . .
London Meetup Photos
Photos from tonight's London meetup at the Bricklayer's Arms, taken by a variety of participants. It was a fantastic night.
Twin Cities Meetup
Twin Cities Meet up tonight at 8, at Britt's Pub at 1110 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis. Meet me in the front area, I will be the one with the wheels and the John Lennon sweatshirt. Cheers!
Portland Meetup
Portland, OR Saturday, 1/13/07... Quasi-Meetup at Pi-Rem
Meetup in DC or Baltimore, Dec. 2006
DC or Baltimore meet anytime soon?
Grand Rapids Meetup
Is there any interest in a Grand Rapids (MI) area meetup?
London Meetup
Reminder that there's a London meetup this Friday at The Bricklayers. Last time there was a shortage of chairs and table space, if someone gets there early-ish, could they loiter around a table upstairs?
Meetup before Christmas in Auckland, NZ
Is there time before Christmas for an Auckland (NZ) MeFi meetup? Or is everyone too far into end of year festivities and already booked up? I have some free evenings here and there and would love to get together before going camping. [more inside]
Chicago Meetup
There were vague rumblings about a festive Chicago meet-up (Yes, we have a lot of meet-ups in the city of big shoulders. We need booze to stay warm). Tuesday the 12th at the Duke of Perth has been proposed and seconded.
Scotland Meetup
What's going on with the Scottish meet-up? Looks like there's lots of new blood, and most prefer Edinburgh, so... let's do something here. December 15th, 16th or 17th seems like the best bet, unless people are free this weekend.
MeFi Comp awesome!
Cortex, Artifice_Eternity, and all the MeFi compers are totally awesome. That's right: last night New Yorkers gathered to listen & I was mighty impressed. Good work all of you.
Twin Cities meetup
I propose a Twin Cities meetup for Friday the 8th, at Britt's Pub downtown. I miss hanging with the local MeFites here and I think it's about time we met again. What do you think?
NYC Meetup
NYC Meetup Reminder: Sunday at Solas at 5 p.m. Come celebrate the release of the Mefi Comp CD (and buy your own copy for a low, low price).