1431 posts tagged with meetup.
Displaying 1101 through 1150 of 1431. Subscribe:
SF Meetup
SF Meetup reminder: tomorrow (Sat 25th), Thirsty Bear, 8pm. Pervious meta thread and upcoming.org page.
The Glasgow Meetup Thread!
Howay, it's the Glasgow meetup thread!
Who's going to ALA?
Who's going to ALA?
javaone/san francisco - anyone going? meetup?
javaone/san francisco - anyone going? meetup? saturday 25th maybe (yeah, i didn't realise the "java university" thing was an extra cost til i bought my tickets)?
NYC Meetup
MeFiNYC: June 26 (Sunday), evening. Someplace with beer, hopefully not too far from Penn Station - but where? Help a girl out!
2005 Chicago Meetup Photos
Photos from last night's meetup in Chicago.
NYC meetup
Summertime, and the meetups are easy... So hey! NYC MeFites, you just had one meetup, howzabout looking in your crystal balls to think about another? I'm going to England sometime in August or September. [more inside]
San Francisco Meetup
WWDC Meetup? Any other MeFites coming to San Francisco for the World Wide Developer Conference next week want to get together some night? Or any native SFers want to show the visitors what's what?
I don't know SF at all, so I'll agree to any popular consensus for time and place. Close to the Moscone Center would be preferable, of course.
I don't know SF at all, so I'll agree to any popular consensus for time and place. Close to the Moscone Center would be preferable, of course.
Poker Meetup
The Metafilter No Limit Hold 'Em Tournament is set for this Saturday, June 4th at 21:00 EST. (Old thread) (Wiki page)
Houston meetup
Houston meetup, Saturday, June 18! More inside.
nyc meetup thread photos
Last Thursday's NYC meetup for Mateo was a blast. This is a thread for all the photos.
naxosaxur's photos
Smart Dalek's photos
naxosaxur's photos
Smart Dalek's photos
NYC Jazz Meetup?
Hey, Noo Yawk! I remembered there was a jazz show this Friday! Wanna come with?
Las Vegas Meetup Update
MeFi Meetup Update: Vegas Meetup suffers from lack of attendance. I'd say that what happens in vegas stays in vegas, but in this case it seems nothing happened.
Chicago Meetup
Chicago MetaFilter Get-Together? Delilah's on 6/2 - 8PM. Is this on for sure? I ask because there is an electronic music festival thingy happening at the same time. Any alternate locations/dates we can meet?
Michigan -Camping- Meetup
Michigan MeFi Camping Trip. I know there's only six or seven of us, but I was wonderin' if there was any interest. I got some great land in Mancelona (4 1/2 hrs from detroit, 3 from G.R.), we could drink beer and shoot some guns and catch some fish. more fun than hanging out at some fruity sushi bar and showin' off our fancy pants leather jackets.
New Jersey Meetup Cancelled
CANCELLED: I call New Jersey Meetup: Saturday, June 4th, 7:30 PM at the Hard Grove Cafe. Ask yourself: Does cuban food and lots of sangria sound good to you?
posted by lilboo to MetaFilter gatherings at 8:33 AM PST [!]
[Unless someone else wants to take it over. I'm just not up to it anymore.]
posted by lilboo to MetaFilter gatherings at 8:33 AM PST [!]
[Unless someone else wants to take it over. I'm just not up to it anymore.]
San Francisco meetup photos.
London Meetup
London! Meet-up this saturday, may 28, in Islington! as previously discussed.
The DC Meetup took place yesterday
Origin of Shoutouts?
What is the origin of shout-outs at meetups? It seems like a strange tradition. For that matter, when was the first meetup?
Would an Ireland meetup be feasible?
How many mefites are living in Ireland (ROI or NI)? is there enough to do a meet up?
NYC Meetup
In the discussion of last month's NYC meetup, mention was made of another meetup to be held a month or so later, perhaps with a special guest star. Anything ever happen with that?
Photos of last night's Los Angeles meetup.
Kansas Meetup
Reminder: Lawrence, Kansas Metafilter meetup, Friday night, eight o'clock. Due to popular demand, the meetup is happening at the Eighth Street Taproom, 801 New Hampshire.
San Francisco Meetup
MeFiSF Meetup: Weds, May 25, 6 PM, Pauline's on Valencia. Swing by on the way home!
Los Angeles Meetup
LA Meetup reminder! As per this bug report, I thought I might post a last minute reminder where it may be seen. Per SpaceKitty:
May 18 at 7 pm at Guelaguetza
3014 W Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90006-2516
(213) 427-0608
Predictably, under the name "Matt". Barring unforeseen circumstances, I will be there
May 18 at 7 pm at Guelaguetza
3014 W Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90006-2516
(213) 427-0608
Predictably, under the name "Matt". Barring unforeseen circumstances, I will be there
DC MeFi Meet Up on Sunday?
DC MeFi Meet Up on Sunday? Is it still "on"? Original post here
(I apologise if this isn't "done"... I'm really new to the MeTa.)
(I apologise if this isn't "done"... I'm really new to the MeTa.)
San Francisco meetup.
Isn't it about time for another SF Meetup? When and where is good for you?
NYC Meetup
MetaTawk: Wasn't there to be an NYC Meetup this month? Special Guest? Etc? I see none listed. What is the deal?
New Jersey Meetup
I call New Jersey Meetup: Saturday, June 4th, 7:30 PM at the Hard Grove Cafe. Ask yourself: Does cuban food and lots of sangria sound good to you?
E3 Los Angeles meetup?
Now that E3 is one week away, I feel it's time to revisit the Los Angeles meetup. How about it, west coasties?
Possible meetup in VT?
How many MeFites are there in the Burlington, VT; Plattsburgh, NY area? I would like to see a possible meet-up in the future, if there are enough interested.
Seattle bowling meetup
We're going bowling! Put on your shoes! Ad-hoc last-minute pre-meet at a bar downtown which will be revealed to prior thread commenters in an email from me. I'd post the locale of the bar, but a MeFite works there and has requested privacy in this matter. Mum's the word.
London meetup!
Londoners: are y'all due for a meet-up anytime soon? Say, between may 20 & june 2?
Portland Meetup
Sorry for the short-notice reminder, it snuck up. Portland, Oregon MeFi Meetup, May 7th, 5:30, Lucky Lab Brewpub in Hawthorne. Same time, same place, same cast and crew, and hopefully some new faces. We'll be meeting out back by the parking lot in the covered area so that those that want can bring their pooches. See you then!
Philadelphia Meetup
Any MeFites in Philly, free, and bored tonight (Friday, April 29th)? If there's at least one "yeah" in the next forty-five minutes, I suggest we meet upstairs at Tattoo'd Mom's at 2300 (530 South Street, Phila, PA).
(Keep in mind, this is super impromptu. I'll be watching this thread, organizing as best I can.)
(Keep in mind, this is super impromptu. I'll be watching this thread, organizing as best I can.)
Seattle Meetup
MeFi Seattle: meetup much? Rumor has it that a quite amiable and accomplished actress will be visiting Seattle May 8th and 9th. Surely we can spare a few hours for coordinated hooliganry, malted beverages, and inevitably the Most Revered Bearing of Digital Gadgets both Great and Small. Discuss within.
LA meetup to coincide with the E3 convention
Was there not talk of a meetup in LA to coincide with the E3 convention? What about it, folks?
Kansas Meetup
It's almost time for the first ever Lawrence, Kansas metafilter meetup! Who's with me, and where and when should it be?
East Bay Meetup Photos
A few photos of last night's East Bay meetup shenanigans. In keeping with the no-paparazzi aim of the meetup, these are all just buttons, art and chests, plus shoutouts. Thanks to the East Bayers for organizing and for bringing the cards.
New York Meetup
Where are you? We're at the NYC meetup! And I'm taking the JONMC SAYS HI opportunity to pop my Grey-cherry. Jon says I look like prospero. In attendance are: jonmc, vidiot, amberglow, adampsyche, cunninglinguist, SmartDalek, lilboo, chicobangs, naxosaxur, bingo, dame, ursus comitas, hellbient, TNLNYC, and a few "real" people. I might've left someone out. Sorry if I did. (is this the first post AT a meetup?)
Reminder: Hands Across the Bay MeFiSF meetup in Berkeley
Reminder: Hands Across the Bay MeFiSF meetup in Berkeley, starting at 5 PM at the Albatross (San Pablo and University), Sat, April 16th. More detail at upcoming.org. Attendees will receive a gift!
Meetup in Winnipeg, April 2005
Calling all Winnipeggers I will be in the 'peg this weekend and would loooove to cause/organize a meetup if there's interest. Anybody?
Asheville meetup pictures!
With sheer glee and drunken merriment, the Asheville MeFi meetup celebrated its first convergence this weekend. Photographic evidence abounds. (after a while you may be able to guess who is who)
Philly Pics
Metroplexual meetup
I've been nudged enough - by more than a few interested parties - to point out that it just may be time for another Dallas MeFi meetup. Granted, we've an awful lot to live up to this time around, but how many of us metroplexuals are in and when and where? (and yes, Eris, you brought this on - and maybe, just maybe, we can trump the record in my apartment of six people crashing at my place)
Why the upsurge in Mefi meetups?
Anybody else noticed a recent upsurge in the number of Mefi meetups? What could be the reason for the newfound urge of more members of the community to meet in RL?
San Francisco Meetup
The stars are in proper alignment for an East SF Bay meetup on Saturday, April 16, at 5 pm. The place: The Albatross in Berkeley (San Pablo and University).
Portland Meetup
Portland Portland Portland! (The Oregon one)... MeFi Gathering this Saturday, April 9th at 5:30 pm at the Lucky Lab Brewpub on Hawthorne ... which means that you canine companions are very welcome to join us. We'll be there for brew and sandwiches, but any youngins must leave by 9 pm. Please post here so that I know about how many to expect; I will be there early with a sign and to get a table as they don't take reservations.
NYC Meetup
NYC MeFi Meetup? Anyone interested?