1431 posts tagged with meetup.
Displaying 1151 through 1200 of 1431. Subscribe:

Cleveland Meetup Photos

Cleveland Meetup Photos! • My camera decided yesterday was the day to break so only three turned out. Here they are.
posted by sciurus on Apr 4, 2005 - 11 comments

Pittsburgh Meetup

Pittsburgh Meetup Reminder! • Saturday April 2, 8:00pm, Church Brew Works.
posted by Dreama on Apr 1, 2005 - 5 comments

Cleveland Meetup

Cleveland Meetup Reminder! • Sunday April 3, at 7:00pm; Great Lakes Brewing Company. [+]
posted by sciurus on Mar 31, 2005 - 11 comments

Sydney Meetup

Sydney Meetup Reminder: 1st April, The Erko, Erskineville at 7 pm. Details here.
posted by dhruva on Mar 30, 2005 - 12 comments

Portland Meetup

Dang, I was supposed to plan the next Portland, OR MeFi gathering. So how about it? 9th of April OK with everyone? Any suggestions as to place? Prefereably a brewpub environment that's quiet enough to talk in on westide downtown, has beer, and where those under the magic age of 21 are permitted.
posted by SpecialK on Mar 30, 2005 - 15 comments

Philadelphia Meetup

Philadelphia Meetup - Sunday April 10th. Standard Tap, North 2nd Street
I'm a lousy organizer...but my email can be found in my profile here - contact me so I can warn Standard Tap about how many people are showing up.
More details inside (like google map links + Standard Tap link)
posted by filmgeek on Mar 30, 2005 - 9 comments

LA meetup proposal

So I'm coming to LA between the dates of May 18-21 for E3. I would like to meet any LA Mefites if possible.
posted by Hands of Manos on Mar 29, 2005 - 23 comments

Montreal Meetup?

CanadianMeetup#2: Montreal--this Thurs-Sun?
posted by amberglow on Mar 28, 2005 - 25 comments

Edmonton Skydiving Meetup

Metafilter Edmonton (Sorta) Skydiving meetup idea.

I've never been to one, and someone was trying to organize one a while back in the early days of the $5 signups. However, it never came to pass, or at least never came to my attention. So, I'd like to have a MESS Meetup (inspired by this thread) happen. I'm already organizing a group jump on May 14th, and I'd love to add any MeFi members from the area who are interested in a different sort of meetup. Bring cameras, but I promise no falling cars.

My contact info is on my user page (Extra link for those too lazy to move the mouse 1 line down)
posted by ChrisR on Mar 28, 2005 - 13 comments

Chicago Meetup

April Copynight. I'm trying to put together a copynight gathering in Chicago next month (the March event is tomorrow night and I doubt I can get it thrown together by then). While not a per se metafilter event, I think some Chicago area mefis would be interested. I'd like to pick a venue near the loop to make it easy for the postwork crowd. My short list includes Monk's Pub, Fado and Manhattan's.
posted by crush-onastick on Mar 28, 2005 - 7 comments

London meet-up follow-up

There was a MeFi Meetup in London yesterday. Here is the photographic evidence.
posted by dodgygeezer on Mar 27, 2005 - 46 comments

London Meetup

Meetup: ~18h00 UTC, Saturday. Downstairs, The Fitzroy Tavern, 16 Charlotte Street, LONDON, W1T 2NA, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
posted by Pretty_Generic on Mar 24, 2005 - 40 comments

Philly meetup!

I'm curious - having had such a good time at a DC meetup; I was wondering if there was interest in a Philadelphia Meetup?
posted by filmgeek on Mar 20, 2005 - 32 comments

Raleigh Durham meetup?

Raleigh/Durham Meetup! • Who, What, Sunday the 20th, Where, I'll be in town/why not?, How.

In short, I'll be down in the Research Triangle area, staying in Raleigh, and would like to get together for biscuits/food/etc. with Marxchivist and others [MeFibrarian Posse or no] next Sunday either lunchish or lateish. Anyone got a good location or other ideas?
posted by jessamyn on Mar 11, 2005 - 18 comments

Pittsburgh Meetup

Pittsburgh Meetup! • Who, What, When, Where, Why, How. (Thanks, Sciurius.)
posted by Dreama on Mar 10, 2005 - 5 comments

Cleveland Meetup

Cleveland Meetup! • Who, What, When, Where, Why, How.
posted by sciurus on Mar 10, 2005 - 16 comments

LA Meetup

L.A. Meetup: 3pm Sunday March 13
at "Monsoon" restaurant, 3rd Street Promenade.
Let's make this happen! :)
posted by Radio7 on Mar 9, 2005 - 18 comments

Atlanta Meetup at Babs

Atlanta Mefi Meetup tomorrow 7pm at Bab's (in Midtown).
posted by Hands of Manos on Mar 3, 2005 - 14 comments

Portland Meetup

There is nothing better than drinking in School. Portlanders, Oregonians, Northwest aficionados and random travellers, come join us to remember our youth as we raise a glass in school. This Saturday, March 5th, at 7 pm we gather in the Courtyard Restaurant of the Kennedy School. Just look for the "here, thar be dorks" sign.
posted by ..ooOOoo....ooOOoo.. on Mar 2, 2005 - 33 comments

SXSW meetup

SXSW is coming soon! Hey guys, let's have a meetup! I'd love to meet all you out-of-towners, plus any Austinites I haven't met, plus the nice folks who showed up to the one Austin meetup I have known about... So, let's start some planning so we can make this happen, shall we?
posted by beth on Mar 1, 2005 - 13 comments

Seattle Meetup

Holy Crawdads! It's March first! I'll see you Seattle peeps at The Big Time in the University District on March 5! But what time? I lean toward five-ish, in order to camp out and defend the terrain from unruly grad students!
posted by mwhybark on Mar 1, 2005 - 28 comments

Lafayette LA Meetup

Swamp meetup & crawfish boil [plus à l'intérieur]
posted by atchafalaya on Mar 1, 2005 - 20 comments

Fearless Leader at SXSW

Fearless Leader will be at SXSW in a few weeks. Who else?
posted by Asparagirl on Feb 24, 2005 - 26 comments

Atlanta Meetup

Lets try this again...

March 4th, 7pm at Babs in midtown
posted by Hands of Manos on Feb 21, 2005 - 15 comments

Pittsburgh meetup

Uno tiempo mas con seriedad -- there are more than 30 of us in the Pittsburgh metroplex judging solely by those who've given zip codes. Is there any interest in a meetup? It's grey, it's cold, it's damp, we're entitled to a little fun, aren't we? (Related question: should we attempt to work through the rubric of meetup.com? I'd be happy to organize, fwiw.)
posted by Dreama on Feb 21, 2005 - 5 comments

London Meetup

Mefi London meetup disappeared from this page within 24 hours, due to a load of navel-gazing posts to MeTalk. Here's a reminder: P_G wants it to be Vaguely Competent this time, OK?
PS: I suggest Friday 25th March: venue - that's up to you.
posted by dash_slot- on Feb 19, 2005 - 22 comments

Toronto Meetup

Last reminder! Toronto meetup tonight!

We have space reserved under the name Metafilter.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Feb 19, 2005 - 42 comments

Ottawa Meetup Update

MeFi Ottawa: 11 members, spousal units and lurkers made it to Pub Italia last night, where we consumed obscure beers, made boisterous small talk, annoyed other patrons with our flash photography, and crafted inappropriate shoutouts. So far, sboivert's photos and my photos have been posted to the MetaFilter pool on Flickr; aedra's photos, containing many more shoutouts, will be up once I let her have some time in front of this computer.
posted by mcwetboy on Feb 19, 2005 - 33 comments

Portland Meetup

How about a Portland meetup? The limitedpie family just moved to PDX from NYC and would love to meet Pacific Northwest MeFites. And to the New York meetup veterans: we miss you already, have a deep fried Mars Bar for us!
posted by limitedpie on Feb 18, 2005 - 81 comments

Toronto meet-up reminder

Toronto Meetup Reminder! Tomorrow! As previously discussed.
posted by DrJohnEvans on Feb 18, 2005 - 23 comments

London Meetup

Let's have a London, England meetup. Let's make it Vaguely Competent this time.
posted by Pretty_Generic on Feb 17, 2005 - 27 comments

Los Angeles Meetup

Los Angeles Mefis: How about a meetup?
Being a newish member, it'd be cool to meet some of the other posters.
posted by Radio7 on Feb 17, 2005 - 11 comments

NYC Meetup photos 2005

I've put up four superb photos from last night's NYC meetup.
posted by Plutor on Feb 13, 2005 - 45 comments

Seattle Meetip

Time for YA MeFi Seattle wingding? Early March. I suggest we try the Big Time in the University district, which is well lit, not smoky in the front, and advertises free wifi. A recent Saturday evening scouting trip with jimfl and Danelope revealed an uncrowded, quiet scene. Also, they have good beer.

posted by mwhybark on Feb 13, 2005 - 21 comments

World of Warfare Guild?

A MetaFilter WoW guild?
posted by Ethereal Bligh on Feb 13, 2005 - 68 comments

SanFran meetup photos

Photos of last night's San Francisco meetup.
posted by DaShiv on Feb 12, 2005 - 40 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Reminder: SFMeFi meetup 7pm tonight at the Odeon.

If anyone has Twister, bring it.

Side note: I finally posted my pics from the Berkeley meetup. Enjoy.
posted by quasistoic on Feb 11, 2005 - 14 comments

New York City Meetup

Is the aforementioned NYC meetup, 6pm at the Magician this Saturday (02/12), still on? Or did everyone just go to suck up to greet Jessamyn last weekend instead?

Just kidding about the sucking up :D I would probably have gone too if not for a prior engagement.
posted by cyrusdogstar on Feb 10, 2005 - 57 comments

Atlanta Mefi Meetup Reminder

Atlanta Mefi Meetup Reminder!
Hey guys, remember tomorrow to be at Manuel's Tavern in Midtown at 7pm!
and bring a jacket! By Atlanta terms, it's going to be cold."
posted by Hands of Manos on Feb 10, 2005 - 10 comments

Missed the Meetup

Hi Mefites. I'm sorry I won't be able to make the Atlanta meetup or the Jeopardy tryouts. I'm really upset...I was hoping to meet all of you and see Atlanta, but it's just not going to happen. Some unexpected money things have come up and it's one of those really-bad-timing things. If the tryout was a month later, it'd be no problem. As it is, it's impossible. Thanks for all the good wishes. I'm sure I'll try out sometime in the next year, somewhere, somehow.
posted by u.n. owen on Feb 7, 2005 - 5 comments

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF! Fri, Feb 11, 2005, 7:00 PM. Odeon Bar, 3223 Mission St (near Valencia). Email me if you want a reminder later this week. We can't promise $5 rebates, but we do welcome new members!
posted by caitlinb on Feb 6, 2005 - 14 comments

Ottawa Meetup

Ok Ottawa MeFites: Here are the details of the upcoming Meetup:

Date/time: Friday, February 18 @ 7:00 p.m.
Location: Pub Italia, 434½ Preston St.

Hope everyone can make it!
posted by nyxie on Feb 6, 2005 - 8 comments

Meet up on NYC

Just a reminder: drinks w/ jessamyn in NYC at Rififi, 7 PM tomorrow. If it's overrun w/ Superbowl fans let's try the back booth at Solas or the back room at Mickey's.
posted by nicwolff on Feb 5, 2005 - 19 comments

Ottawa meetup

There has been enough delay and debate! The time is ripe for a MeFi meetup here in Ottawa, Canada! I expect all three of us will have a great time.
posted by Jairus on Jan 31, 2005 - 61 comments

Pictures from extremely fun Madison MeFi Meetup.

Pictures from the sparsely attended but extremely fun Madison MeFi Meetup.
posted by tulseluper on Jan 31, 2005 - 23 comments

Savannah, GA Meetup

Savannah MeFi, reveal yourselves! According to the zip code neighbor-finder, I'm the only MeFite in Savannah, GA. I'm hoping this isn't true, so I propose a gathering within the next few weeks. Post if you're nearby and interested.
posted by still on Jan 28, 2005 - 7 comments

Chicago meetup reminder

Reminder to Chicago mefites: meetup tomorrow, 8:30, at Hopleaf's upstairs bar.
posted by kenko on Jan 28, 2005 - 10 comments

Madison Meetup

Reminder: Madison MeFi Meetup, this Saturday, January 29th, c.9:30pm, at Jolly Bob's, 1210 Williamson St. [more inside]
posted by Dr. Wu on Jan 26, 2005 - 7 comments

Minneapolis Meetup

Minneapolis Meetup Reminder: Tomorrow, 8 pm, Rock Bottom Brewery (at the corner of 9th St. and Hennepin Ave., downtown).
posted by neckro23 on Jan 20, 2005 - 37 comments

Madison Meetup

Anyone interested in a Madison meetup? I'm pretty new around here, and would like to meet some of y'all. [+]
posted by Dr. Wu on Jan 19, 2005 - 22 comments

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