735 posts tagged with meetups.
Displaying 601 through 650 of 735. Subscribe:
NYC meetup photos
NYC Meetup reminder
Reminder: MeFiNYC Sunday, June 26, 7ish, The Ginger Man (midtown). I can't wait to see you! (You can always email or IM me, too.)
Meet up in progress
Meet up in progress. Details inside.
Meet up in progress. Details inside.
NYC meetup June 2005
Hey NYC: Why wait for scody when you can drink with ME on June 26th?
NYC meetup
Summertime, and the meetups are easy... So hey! NYC MeFites, you just had one meetup, howzabout looking in your crystal balls to think about another? I'm going to England sometime in August or September. [more inside]
Houston meetup
Houston meetup, Saturday, June 18! More inside.
Does San Diego do meetups?
Does San Diego do meetups? (MI)
just wondered how much MeTa spills over into real life
Having never been to a Metafilter meetup, I have a question.
Do people gravitate together in chat groups in the same way they do online? Do the snarky posters just wander over and interject something trollish?
I know people personally that fit many personalities found here, and just wondered how much MeTa spills over into real life, by those who have met them.
Do people gravitate together in chat groups in the same way they do online? Do the snarky posters just wander over and interject something trollish?
I know people personally that fit many personalities found here, and just wondered how much MeTa spills over into real life, by those who have met them.
Vegas meetup May 2005
It's worth a shot. Vegas MeFi Meetup. Friday, May 27, 9PM. [more inside]
Lawrence meetup photos
Pictures from the extremely fun meetup in Lawrence last Friday.
The DC Meetup took place yesterday
nyc meetup fever
We must fête in recognition of our wandering Odysseus, who will be holding down 212 later this week.
THIS WEEK, please choose either: Thursday, May 26 *or* Friday, May 27, 2005. Who's in for what?
We must fête in recognition of our wandering Odysseus, who will be holding down 212 later this week.
THIS WEEK, please choose either: Thursday, May 26 *or* Friday, May 27, 2005. Who's in for what?
First International MeFi Zurich Meeting
First International MeFi Zürich Meeting. (Or at least the first one I know of). 24 May, from 8pm somewhere.
willnot is in town for one night so I'm showing him around town. Any other MeFi's are more than welcome to join! (MI)
willnot is in town for one night so I'm showing him around town. Any other MeFi's are more than welcome to join! (MI)
MeFiChi? I'm going to be in Chicago from 5/28 thru 6/7. Any Mefites up for throwing back some adult beverages?
Side note: any Mefites considering attending any IML related events?
Side note: any Mefites considering attending any IML related events?
Would an Ireland meetup be feasible?
How many mefites are living in Ireland (ROI or NI)? is there enough to do a meet up?
Photos of last night's Los Angeles meetup.
E3 Los Angeles meetup?
Now that E3 is one week away, I feel it's time to revisit the Los Angeles meetup. How about it, west coasties?
London meetup!
Londoners: are y'all due for a meet-up anytime soon? Say, between may 20 & june 2?
Upcoming.org entry for Seattle MeFi meetup (May 2005)
Upcoming.org entry for Seattle MeFi meetup, May 8th (Sunday), in the evening. Take your mom bowling!
NYC Metafilter Meet-up
NYC Metafilter Meet-up Reminder: Friday, April 15th, 2005.
The Magician:118 Rivington Street between Essex and Norfolk, Lower East Side, New York, NY 10002. Telephone: (212) 673-7881.
Flock gathering at 7:00 pm
The Magician:118 Rivington Street between Essex and Norfolk, Lower East Side, New York, NY 10002. Telephone: (212) 673-7881.
Flock gathering at 7:00 pm
Using upcoming.org to organize Metafilter meetups
Upcoming metafilter meetups meet upcoming. The kids at Whedonesque recently started using upcoming.org to organize their events. If we did something similar to what they're doing here I could just pull in a RSS feed from the event search for "metafilter" and display it here, as a sidebar. Also, anyone could subscribe to the search and keep track of new events around the world. Sound good?
World's smallest meetup.
World's smallest meetup. St. Jeromes, Melbourne, Australia. Photos here.
Why the upsurge in Mefi meetups?
Anybody else noticed a recent upsurge in the number of Mefi meetups? What could be the reason for the newfound urge of more members of the community to meet in RL?
Tessa is in Melbourne
Ok, so I was a bit rude hijacking this thread but anyway Tessa is in Melbourne and we are meeting tonight (Thursday 7th) here. Late notice I know but I was apprehensive. I tried this once before and it kind of didn't work. I know there's not many of us but still come on down from about 9PM.
Appalachian Mountain Mefi Mofi Meetup Reminder
Appalachian Mountain Mefi Mofi Meetup Reminder -
it's this Friday, April 8, as in the day after tomorrow, after work (5ish/6ish and continuing) at the Flying Frog on the corner of Haywood & Battery Park in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC. Hopefully outside, weather permitting. Be there!
it's this Friday, April 8, as in the day after tomorrow, after work (5ish/6ish and continuing) at the Flying Frog on the corner of Haywood & Battery Park in beautiful downtown Asheville, NC. Hopefully outside, weather permitting. Be there!
Sydney meetup photos
Pictures from the Sydney meetup.
A great night of discussion. I've checked back and mea culpa, I suggested the Erko.
A great night of discussion. I've checked back and mea culpa, I suggested the Erko.
Mountain Mefi/Mofi meetup
It's the first irregular (but previously attempted) Mountain Mefi/Mofi meetup: Friday April 8th, 7pm, Flying Frog Cafe, Asheville, NC. Out under the awning if the weather's nice. Watch the waiter to the spinning plate trick. Good times!
Will London Mefiites be at the Fitzroy this coming Saturday?
Will London Mefiites be at the Fitzroy this coming Saturday or will they all be at home watching the new Doctor Who?
Photos of last night's San Francisco meetup.
Meet me in San Francisco
MeFiSF: Couldn't be at SXSW this year? Come cry in your beer at at Martin Mack's! This Irish bar has food and is located at 1568 Haight St (between Ashbury and Clayton). Come on over anytime after 6 PM.
SXSW/Austin meetup March 2005
SXSW (Austin) Meetup: There seemed to be lot of interest a few days ago, but that thread died out. So, now that SXSW is here, anyone interested?
Raleigh Durham meetup?
Raleigh/Durham Meetup! • Who, What, Sunday the 20th, Where, I'll be in town/why not?, How.
In short, I'll be down in the Research Triangle area, staying in Raleigh, and would like to get together for biscuits/food/etc. with Marxchivist and others [MeFibrarian Posse or no] next Sunday either lunchish or lateish. Anyone got a good location or other ideas?
In short, I'll be down in the Research Triangle area, staying in Raleigh, and would like to get together for biscuits/food/etc. with Marxchivist and others [MeFibrarian Posse or no] next Sunday either lunchish or lateish. Anyone got a good location or other ideas?
A marriage of like minds - they met at a Meetup!
Anybody else have something fun or strange or lifechanging happen to them as the result of a MeFi meetup? Under "all of the above," for example, the ultimate outcome of this meetup for me was my engagement to NortonDC last weekend! So, thanks, Metafilter. You rock.
I missed the Portland meet-up
I'm feeling forlorn. I missed the Portland meet-up due to unexpected circumstances; how did it go? Any pictures?
Anyone interested in catching up in Sydney in the next few weeks?
Antipodean meetup? Anyone interested in catching up in Sydney in the next few weeks?
There's a meetup for St Patrick's
MeFiSF: There's a meetup for St Patrick's (well, on Friday the 18th), and there will probably be a more "organized" meetup at the end of the month or beginning of April for those who wish to avoid the drunk fest that will be the Friday after Paddy's Day. [+]
Ottawa meetup reminder
Ottawa meetup reminder: tomorrow night (Friday Feb 18), 7:00 pm, Pub Italia, 434½ Preston St. They don't take reservations so we're winging it, but there are a lot of big tables there. I'll try to teach the hostess what a metafilter is. All the cool kids are coming.
Toronto, how about another meetup?
Hey there, inhabitants of the centre of the universe Toronto, how about another meetup, next week-ish?
Photos of last night's Berkeley meetup.
Meet Jessamyn in NYC
jessamyn will be in NYC next weekend, and she's free on Sunday evening, 6 Feb. If we take her out for drinks, maybe she'll let us touch the ban-hammer! (Or at least the delete-mallet.)
NYC meetups for Kaki King?
I know there's already a NYC Meetup scheduled for Feb., but I just saw that MeFi darling Kaki King is playing every Tuesday in February at the Knitting Factory. Any interest in either changing the meetup (disclaimer: I discovered I can't make the previously-arranged one) or having another brouhaha?
Berkeley meetup
Meetup reminder: Jupiter in Berkeley, 6pm onward, this Saturday the 29th.
Post-Jeopardy meetup?
I'm going to be trying out for Jeopardy at 2:30 PM, February 11th in Atlanta. Would anybody be up for doing coffee during the evening of Feb. 11th or 12th? It'd have to be coffee, as I am not of legal drinking age. And if I could perchance find a mefite who could put me up on the night of the 12th I'd be even happier.
Sticky meetups?
MetaFilter gatherings are common, and often planned weeks in advance. In that amount of time, the related threads are pushed off the front page. Is there a system we can work out where they become sticky? Maybe be posted on the sidebar until they happen?
Photos from the Milan meetup.
First MeFi International Transoceanic Interfaith Metrosexual Milano Meetup Part 2. +
Seattle meetup pics
Seattle meetup pics and shoutouts now posted here.
Any of the MeFi Librarian Posse going to ALA this month?
Any of the MeFi Librarian Posse going to ALA this month? Boston/Somerville/Cambridge Mefi Meetup: Friday January 14 at The Burren in Davis Square in Somerville 7:30-ish. I'll be down from Vermont and robocop is bleeding says he'll be there.
Bay Area meetup January 2005
Bay Area Mefi/Mofi Meetup: Saturday, January 29 at Jupiter in Berkeley. Occasion: tracicle is visiting from New Zealand.
DC mefites assemble!
DC mefites assemble! The time of the metafilter gathering draws nigh. Tryst is the venue, and your hostess is the lovely and talented amandaudoff.
The date of the gathering is December 29th, the time is 7:00 PM.
(Note: I am not a DC mefite, as I live in sunny Virginia Beach, VA, but I'm going to drive up for the get-together, assuming one or two of you are committed to going.)
The date of the gathering is December 29th, the time is 7:00 PM.
(Note: I am not a DC mefite, as I live in sunny Virginia Beach, VA, but I'm going to drive up for the get-together, assuming one or two of you are committed to going.)
Wanna get together next week sometime?
Via AksMe. I know there's a few MeFites in Melbourne, Australia. Wanna get together next week sometime? (27th Dec onwards).