735 posts tagged with meetups.
Displaying 401 through 450 of 735. Subscribe:
Cambridge/Boston science trivia meetup April 25?
Cambridge/Boston meetup? Anybody interested in meeting up for a science trivia challenge this coming Wednesday night (April 25, 6:30pm)? It's too late to sign up as a team, but it should be fun just to watch.
London meetup?
Is it time for another London meetup? Maybe something midweek, or a weekend afternoon picnic?
East Van Meetup?
Off the back of this AskMe, I propose an East Van meetup sometime in the next couple of weeks. Weekends are out for me (for the next couple of weeks, anyway), but I work more or less in the area, so after work at 8ish somewhere on Main would be good...who's in?
Let's meet n'at!
Pittsburgh Meetup! It's been nine months and I miss you guys!
web2.0 expo?
FOWD MeFi Meetup?
Any UK MeFites going to FOWD this Wednesday?
Wake for Vonnegut in Ann Arbor/Ypsi
I think that Kurt Vonnegut would have approved of commemorating his death during Happy Hour. Corner Brewery, Ann Arbor/Ypsi, Friday, April 13, 6:00 pm. Or get there earlier and save us a table.
Atlanta Meetup
Anyone interested in an Atlanta, GA meet-up? I recently moved from an area with no local MeFites so it would be nice to finally meet some members.
Okay, folks. You convinced me.
Miko creeped me out, because I was just coming here to suggest my own Chicago meetup. Wednesday, April 25 at the Hopleaf. Details in the comments.
Chicago Meetup
Chicago Meetup. Saturday, April 28th. Details after this message.
BlanketFilter -- Dolores Park this Sunday.
SanFranciscoBlanketMeetup. Dolores Park Easter Sunday. Don't miss Hunky Jesus!
A Richmond meetup?
Richmond, Virginia: delicious, nutritious or suspicious beverages? [more inside]
Bundle up, it's gonna be cold!
???, NYC! It's almost time to ring in the Boar! Since nobody's suggested a meetup for the Chinese New Year, I figured we could find someplace to hang on February 5th. Naturally, any venue with Sonny & Cher on the jukebox is a must, as would be any old Disney memorabilia. Who's in?
Toronto Meetup?
Toronto MeFites, how do you feel about bowling?
Beer, rabbit food, pipe cleaner bunny ears
This Saturday, March 31st at the house of nate: beer, rabbit food and pipe cleaner bunny ears. Details inside.
The city is here for you to use (and you're invited)
Not rilly a meetup proper, but I definitely wanted to invite my MeFi bredren an' sistern to a talk I'm giving in NYC on April 9th. Details inside.
Join us next time for Karaoke Rapture...
New York meet-up photos, if you please.
Chi-town meetup?
City of the Big Shoulders MeFites: Soon comes my first foray into Chicago. I'll be there for business reasons, but headed out a few days early to enjoy the weekend of April 27-29 as a tourista. Any chance of a meetup?
London meetup photos (Mar 2007)
Photos from last night's London meetup. Features sandwiches and corruption.
AskMe: The Quicker Meeter-Upper
Anyone want to set up a NC meetup so that I can crash it?
grapefruitmoon at AS220.
I wasn't sure the ettiquette of this, but uh, if you're in Southern New England and have nothing to do... I'm currently exhibiting at AS 220 gallery in Providence, through the end of the month. [a little MI]
Denver Meetup Photos!!
Denver Meetup Photos HERE
Sydney Meet-up photos
Pictures from the Sydney meet-up at the Australian Hotel. Good times had with Jessamyn and her sister, as well as the Sydney contingent.
NYC Meetup?
Hey, New Yorkers. I'll be in town soon and noticed you haven't had a meetup in a little while. Anyone interested in something either next weekend (of the 17th) or the early part of the week after?
London March meetup?
Oi, Londoners! March meetup?
Melbourne Mefi Meetup - Jessamyn in Melbourne
Jessamyn will be in Melbourne on Saturday night. So. Melbourne MeFi meetup on Saturday 10 March. Let's do stuff. More inside.
Denver Meetup - Confirmed!
Denver Meetup - Confirmed!
Date- this coming friday, march 9th
Time - 7(ish) PM
Place - Falling Rock Taphouse, 1919 Blake St., Denver CO
be there or be trapezoidal
Short notice Los Angeles meetup: Tuesday March 6th, 7:30
Short notice Los Angeles meetup: Tuesday March 6th, 7:30
Not that a reason is needed, but official MeFi photographer Dashiv is in town for a few days, so why not?
Tuesday (March 6th), 7:30 pm
Hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood
8288 Santa Monica Blvd (at Sweetzer)
Jessamyn in Sydney!
Jessamyn in Sydney! As part of her tour of the Great Libraries & Librarians of Australia, Jessamyn will shortly arrive in Sydney for a few days. A meetup has been suggested for next sunday, 11th March. As she will be staying near Whitlam Square, the tentative plan is for a stroll through Hyde Park & the Botanical Gardens, then perhaps hop onto a ferry to Doyle's. The last ferry back from Watson's Bay on a sunday is at 7:05, arriving Circular Quay at 7:30, which coincides nicely with a 7:20 sunset.
1 day in Moscow?
Any Muscovite MeFites out there willing to help a traveling fellow MeFite with 1 night of lodging and some sightseeing?
Which do you 'believe' is better?
Baltimore area meetup at The Brewer's Art...St Patrick's Day (a Saturday) or April 1 (a Sunday)? Or suggest another day that works for you.
Bloomington Meet Up
Here are all three pictures of all two of us at Monday night's Bloomington meet up. You can't even imagine how much fun we were having.
MetaMeetup in Chicago - Tonight!
Denver, anyone?
so, it appears there are something like fifty or sixty Mefites in and around the Denver/Boulder area. Of these, at least a handful are active members, right?
Anyone interested in doing a Denver/Boulder meetup? boo_radley? koeselitz? eekacat?
My time is equally split between Boulder and Denver these days, so I'm not particular. I'd lean towards Denver simply for the sake of numbers. Bonus: as the weather improves, it's likely I'll be down in LoDo on Wednesday nights for the Denver Cruise anyhow yes I know they say they don't start these till May but there's a hardcore group of nutjobs dedicated cyclists who do the cruise all year long... any excuse for a pubcrawl, right?
Bloomington Meet Up
Bloomington, IN meet up reminder:
Soma Coffee House (at Kirkwood and Grant) at 8 PM this Monday night (meaning tonight, that is). Look for the guy with a camera, markers, paper, and a big foam sword.
Bloomington, IL and Bloomington, MN mefites are welcome to make the drive.
Santa Barbara Meetup
Reminder: Santa Barbara Meetup 7pm Mercury Lounge Goleta Friday February 23.
SXSW 2007 - meetup?
SXSW Interactive -- do the cool kids do that anymore? I'll be arriving a day early, the evening of the 8th, and leaving the last day of Interactive. Any MeFites want to do a meetup in Austin?
Brisbane, Australia, Metafilter Meet Up.
Attention all Brisbane Me-Fites! Anyone else interested in having (what I believe would be) the first ever Brisbane, Australia Metafilter meet up sometime soon?
London meetup photos (Feb 2007)
Photos from last night's London meetup. Straight from sueinnyc's camera to my Flickr account to your face. Features health warnings.
London meetup 16/2
MetaGras in New Orleans
MetaGras 2007 Any MeFites coming to New Orleans for the annual Pre-Lenten festival next Tuesday? Or am I deluding myself once again?
Buffalo Meetup?
There seems to be a surprising number of people in the greater Western NY/Buffalo area. How about a meetup?
Philadelphia meetup February 2007
Reminder: Philly Meetup tomorrow, Thursday, February 8. Meet at 7 p.m. at Abysinnia (45th and Locust Sts.) for tasty Ethiopian food and humor that favors the the lewd, the geek, and more!
Boston meetup 1/26/07
Boston Meetup, try again?
Boston Meetup, try again? This Friday, the 26th. [mi]
Boston meetup this Saturday night
Reminder and possible change of venue for Boston meetup this Saturday night.
Montreal meetup Jan 2007
I'm in a PC Bang in Montreal thinking this... It's been a year and half since the last time a montreal meetup was planned and even more since the last successful one. How's Thursday at a place to be detirmined by knowledgable locals...
Photos up
First pictures from last night's London shindig are now on the MeFi London Flickr group, including this group photo.
Photos from the Grand Rapids meetup
pix from the grand rapids mefi meetup tonight. er, last night. more coming tomorrow...