March 2009 Archives (all archives)
March 31
Mixing MefiMusic Tracks... [more inside]
Editorializing about Optimalized Recent Activity
Changed interface in Recent Activity!
"78 total comments. 5 since the last comment you read. 20 since your most recent comment, last 10 shown below..." This? Is very cool! Thanks! Very much!
"78 total comments. 5 since the last comment you read. 20 since your most recent comment, last 10 shown below..." This? Is very cool! Thanks! Very much!
Hunch invites up for grabs.
This post about Hunch was deleted because the site is currently invite-only. I have three invites and I'd like to give them to MeFites. [more inside]
Why it's rational to believe what scientists say
I'm looking for a comment on Mefi or AskMe where someone gave an extended quote from a scientist/commentator (maybe Richard Feynman), explaining why it's rational for a layperson to believe what scientists say, even if you haven't figured out the mechanics of how they arrived at their conclusions. The gist was that it's sufficient just to know that the scientists are generally skilled at figuring things out. (That's probably oversimplifying, which is why I want to find the actual passage.) [more inside]
Memail html.
Tiny pony filter: How about basic html in mefimail? [more inside]
March 30
Metafilter Music Podcast?
Has anyone thought about doing a periodic podcast of tunes exclusively from music.metafilter? Would Metafilter or any of the artists have an issue with someone doing this? Would anyone want to host it or help in other ways? Would anyone listen to it?
What does "editorializing" mean?
I don't understand what "editorializing" means (really). [more inside]
Another flame-bait FPP.
This flame-bait FPP does not belong on our site. The post contains editorializing and includes a drive-by smear of a Nobel laureate. [more inside]
March 29
How long do we let the ghosts haunt us?
I'm all out of Cleveland jokes...
Cleveland meetup? I can't resolve the East Side/West Side rivalry, but maybe we could meet in the middle.
comment count in rss feeds
pony up? how about a comment count in the rss feed? [more inside]
A View to a Killfile? (Couldn't Resist a Pun)
Has anybody else just received a MeFiMail from a spanking-new member? [more inside]
March 28
39: Tenth Anniversary Plans
Right out of the gate we talk about our ideas for the tenth anniversary party coming up in July, then follow it up with the best bits from the month of March. It was recorded on the 23th of March and runs just over an hour. [more inside]
"Thanks!" Button
Some MeFites use favorites as a show of support, while others (like me!) use them predominantly to save interesting posts and are unable to use them in this manner. Would it be at all possible to add some sort of "agree!" or "thanks!" button in order to separate the two functions? [more inside]
Swedish meetups?
Has there ever been a meetup in Sweden? Are there enough of us to warrent a meet up or will the three of us just feel awkward?
Maybe a Scandinavian combo? Malmö would be close enough for Danes to bridge, and for Norwegians to ski? (I keed)
March 27
Torture videos do not belong on Metafilter
I don't believe that this torture video post is material that belongs on the front page. The post's writer is editorializing, and, worse, the subject is not dealt with in any serious matter, by virtue of the "ouchies" tag and any lack of substantive material other than the near context-free recordings of physical violence and suffering. [more inside]
Let me tell you a thing or two about community blogs
Add to Recent Activity without commenting?
Pony Request: Add to Recent Activity. [more inside]
What was the story with that threatened Scientology lawsuit?
For Those Of You Joining Us Late-filter: What was the story with that threatened Scientology lawsuit? [more inside]
In the city of mighty facial hair
March 26
interesting profiles
We have profiles: [more inside]
Posting comments from an iPhone or iTouch.
Live preview with iPhone/iTouch? [more inside]
Screwy Links and Reloading Issues
I'm not sure if this a MeFi bug or something with my browser or set-up. I have experienced this on different computers and tried reloading Firefox, but I think that it is still going on. What gives? Is it some sort of local proxy or cache issue? I'm at work right now and it's definitely doing it, but this has happened to me at home as well (I am 95% sure). [more inside]
I've got nothing clever to say about John Scalzi, but I am reading one of his books.
meetup for career networking?
Do people here do meetups that focus on career networking? [more inside]
The Q Tipoff.
March 25
Smile/Tilt Head/Favorite/Move On/Come Back/Smile Again
Has anyone ever mark favorite on a post in an AskMe thread in hopes that will light the way for the OP to mark it as Best Answer? [more inside]
Customizing or disabling nav keys
So, the j and k keys can be used to jump between posts or comments, which is neat, except I already have those keys bound to scroll down and scroll up in my browser. Would it be possible to let users customize or disable nav keys, or do I just need to User JS it?
More classless comments from Malor
Where we once again see Malor is incapable of making his arguments stand on their own merits. [more inside]
MaxFunCon 2009
mmm, snouts and entrails
No more "can I eat it"-filter... [more inside]
Just curious...
March 24
Huge dog
Post containing pictures of a guy's huge dog? [more inside]
Final Week of the Interactive Fiction Contest!
Reminder: Only 1 week left for the MeFi Interactive Fiction Contest! Get your entries in soon (okay, by midnight MeFi time on March 31st), or sign up to become a judge/voter of submitted games! [more inside]
Thanks, AskMeFites!
Just wanted to thank the many MeFites who chime in to offer advice to travelers... [more inside]
Philadelphia Meetup: April 2009
Tired from all the MetaFilter Brotherly Lovin'? I'm not. Let's have another Philly meet-up. [more inside]
This is a stupid question on multiple levels.
March 23
Some posts stay, some posts go, who knows...
I'm a tad confused. Do all AskMe's have to involve solvable problems, and not random questions to be answered? [more inside]
Focus, people, focus!
Can-you-ID-this-filter: Focus, people, focus! [more inside]
March 21
What flameout?
You can't fire me, I quit!
Taken My Ball and Gone Home Filter: So, the poster really did quit. Should we close up the thread? Is there some kind of policy about this sort of thing where the poster doesn't like answers and then runs off and disables the account?
March 20
Don't leave me this way!
Music pony! Can we get a warning when we're about to navigate away from a page where a MeFi Music track is playing? [more inside]
Chicago April MeetUp
It's nearly time for the monthly Chicago MeFi meetup! [more inside]
Bigger Front Page?
Why is the front page the size it is? [more inside]
March 19
Jezebel takes on Ask MeFi
All the news that's fit to MeFi?
Why are links to New York Times and New Yorker articles MeFi worthy? [more inside]
rushkoff responds
In case you missed it, Douglas Rushkoff (briefly) responded to some of the nuclear criticism his opinion piece received in this thread.
Obits done right
I just wanted to commend WCityMike for his outstanding obit post on Natasha Richardson, and commend the mods for opting for a post that gets it right, rather than simply getting it first. [more inside]
March 18
MeFites at the New England Webcomics Weekend?
Anyone attending the New England Webcomics Weekend (this weekend)? I imagine there are some other MeFites who registered before it booked up.
¿Crisis? ¿Cuál crisis?
¡Mexico City meet-up! The non-existent Mexico City chapter of the non-existent Cabal will not have a meet-up on or near April 12. Please respond accordingly.
No Furloughs in the DMV
DMV let me here you holler! Washington, DC meet-up!! [more inside]
MeFi in Taipei?
anyone in taipei? [more inside]
March 17
supporting our local mefites
An evening of new music, Los Angeles mefites? With bonus fellow mefitian content! speicus and I couldn't help but notice a familiar name on an upcoming program, so I figured I'd through this out for anyone else interested. We will be there waving our big foam #1 hands whilst chanting "best of the web". [more inside]
Sooo, doing anything Bastille Day?
What's the plan for Metafilter's 10-year anniversary? [more inside]
A quick comment
I wanted to say something about the discussion happening in this AskMe, but in a way that does not derail the thread itself. So, here I am. [more inside]
The Follow-Up Thread
I thought I'd gather together some follow-up links for various things I thought were worth following up on since they were originally posted to the blue. Some things worth checking out, but not individually meaty enough for a whole new FPP. [more inside]
March 16
i dislike your answer
So why isn't there a "disliked" button to go beside the "favorite"? [more inside]
Best of MeFi
Where do I find a "best of MeFi" - i.e. collected AskMes as they can be found on the MeFi Wiki? [more inside]
Key West meetup?
Any Mefites in Key West care to meetup in May? [more inside]
MeFi Fantasy Baseball 2009!
Last call for MeFi Fantasy Baseball '09! [more inside]
Unreserved Apology
Unreserved Apology [more inside]
March 15
Why did my Askmefi question go unanswered?
My Askmefi question only recieved one answer...I realize that this must just happen every so often, but I'm wondering, a) how I might avoid it, and, b) can I ask the same question again in the hopes of getting more answers? [more inside]
AKA Eat Poop You Cat
Broken Picture Telephone..."meetup"! (brought over from the blue) [Note: now with wiki action! -c] [more inside]
March 14
There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't yet met
A really trivial pony request: The Metafilter logo as a PDF, suitable for printing out and using for meetup signs. [more inside]
March 13
Who watches the Watchmen comments?
I finally got to see Watchmen last night and in talking about it afterwards, I was reminded of a comment I read on the blue that I cannot for the life of me find again. I have been looking for a couple of hours now and beginning to wonder if I made the whole thing up. Please help. [more inside]
Frequently Posted Sites
I've noticed that Vanity Fair articles and's Big Picture are posted regularly to MetaFilter. Are there other sites (besides news sites and YouTube) that are linked to as frequently?
Who lives in that quiet area between LA and SF?
Are there enough MeFites in coastal Central/Southern California for a Meetup? [more inside]
If EVERYONE is special, then NO ONE is special.
Best Answers on AskMe: If you mark ALL of them as "best," it's the same as marking NONE of them as "best!" [more inside]
March 12
Right of reply
This question irks me:
The business in question really has no right of reply. I don't see why the question couldn't be worded in such a way as to not to mention the dealership's name. For all we know the OP may be a direct competitor (I know, you most probably aren't), and now when someone Googles the dealership it will for ever have this rather unpleasant result- and recommendations to other similar business. I suppose Comcast, eBay, Sony etc come in for a hiding every so often- but they are in a different league. What's the MeFi policy on this sort of thing?
The business in question really has no right of reply. I don't see why the question couldn't be worded in such a way as to not to mention the dealership's name. For all we know the OP may be a direct competitor (I know, you most probably aren't), and now when someone Googles the dealership it will for ever have this rather unpleasant result- and recommendations to other similar business. I suppose Comcast, eBay, Sony etc come in for a hiding every so often- but they are in a different league. What's the MeFi policy on this sort of thing?
it's not about you, it's about them
Is it just me, or does the front page really suck lately?
Sita's Singing in Boston
The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston will be showing Sita Sings the Blues several times in the next week. Since many Mefites are admirers of the film, this seems like a good excuse for a Meetup. Thoughts?
Just thank you.
$5 is a bargain [more inside]
March 11
No mentions across the site? Really? Has no one heard of this before?
Does anybody here have a WhatPulse profile? Would anyone be interested in a MeFi team? [more inside]
Can we tag favorites, please?
With all this discussion about favorites going on lately, can I ask when, if ever, the plan to add the ability to tag your favorites will be implemented, as mentioned by #1 here. [more inside]
Springing forward prematurely...
Tiny UK-centric bug/oversight: time in top right shows British Summer Time, but we don't put our clocks forward here until March 29th.
My sentiment be scorned
Eep, sorry. [more inside]
That preview that you do not-so-well
Bug report: The preview function is disabling some features. [more inside]
March 10
C-x C-z
HTML tag hotkeys? [more inside]
Please kill favorites
Favoritism is killing Mefi. Please kill favorites. [more inside]
rant at 11
It's lazy, it's snarky, it's the smug, knowing older brother of "meh," and half of you are getting it wrong. News at 11. [more inside]
Service: Love
Yay! A server vs served thread! Wheeee!! (via) - Sounds like it happens all the time, but I must be missing it. Any notable mefi threads out there with these entertaining exchanges?
March 9
Where to post a request to fill out a survey?
If I want to ask MeFites for help on a friend's survey for her dissertation, where is the proper place to post it, if anywhere is the proper place to post it?
SF Meetup
San Francisco meetup, anyone? [more inside]
Closure? Let me have my own!
I think this is where I ask for my very own pony. Re: AskMe updates. [more inside]
Optimum posting time?
What are the peak hours of MeFi and AskMe? [more inside]
There but for the grace of....
This FPP, a Washington Post article about accidental hyperthermic deaths of children, has elicited some amazing responses, in particular this post by scrump.
March 8
happily hairless.
SoCal meetup
Irvine/Santa Ana meetup? [more inside]
Help searching for old post
Looking for an old post on book of made-up flora and fauna [more inside]
March 7
Hope me understand
Would Metafilter admins appreciate deliberate shit-stirring on their site? If not, why encourage it elsewhere by approving the question?
Problems selecting EST time zone
Why can't I set my timezone to -5 (EST)? It's not an option in the drop-down menu.
March 6
Who will throw the imaginary first pitch?
Fantasy Baseball, anyone? [more inside]
Whilst that was the lamest video I've ever sat through, you did point us to a pretty decent website of time-wasting videos. [more inside]
Languagehat: please do it like this.
I beseech languagehat here, publicly: please, my brother, try to be nice? [more inside]
Bug in search engine with two-character usernames
Mefi search doesn't seem to handle very short (specifically, two character) usernames correctly. [more inside]
Metafilter Stats: March 2009
By request, I updated my Metafilter Stats for the first time in two years. User growth, Top 20 lists, and daily stats are all current, as of last week. [more inside]
Collecting Specialness
I noticed Neatorama had another post from Metafilter on their site (previously), but then looked closely and noticed it wasn't Metafilter they were linking to. [more inside]
evhead headed
evhead headed to the White House today. [more inside]
Why so many Penis Questions?
I've just been noticing a recent pattern in Ask, which got me thinking about patterns in ask. Possibly NSFW. [more inside]
March 5
I would totally give this site a dutch rudder.
I just want to share why I love the Blue. [more inside]
metafilter data analysis
Has anyone done any interesting analysis of metafilter data? I'd like to see average posts/day, average comments/post over time, for starters. But I bet there are many more interesting/pointless questions to be answered beyond that.
If I had the force, I would choke the shit out of you.
Can I put this in my metafilter URL? [more inside]
Another Amsterdam Meetup?
Is late March too soon for another Amsterdam meetup? [more inside]
Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins?
Share your Mana'o?
O'ahu meetup? Has there ever been one? CAN there ever be one? [more inside]
Dayton Meet up?
If anyone is still talking to me, I'll be in Dayton April 1 and2, and was thinking Meet Up? Any Dayton MeFites out there? Don't know the area at all; I'll be staying in someplace called Beavercreek, but I've got wheels.
March 4
riding instructions
I don't want a new pony! I just want to know how to ride the one I have. [more inside]
Home network setup help wanted
I'm looking into setting up a home network. Mostly I want to be able to access from multiple machines and as the secondary backup. I would like to eventually be able to tie into my home entertainment system. I've done a lot of reading but would like to hear what's working for others. I'm not familiar with Linux but am wondering if I should venture that way. I'm using Vista. Thanks. [more inside]
Thread deletion marker pony request
I can haz pony filter: Some sort of live marker of deleted posts, perhaps in live preview, would be really nice. [more inside]
Comments RSS?
Comments RSS? [more inside]
Favorites? Meh. (But maybe not.)
In Monday's "meh" thread I quoted and linked to Sparx's clever 2007 verse on the subject. My comment, which added nothing original, unaccountably picked up some favorates. It may be a small matter but these favorites are surely Sparx's, not mine. Is it a lot of work to reassign 'em?
Where's my FAVORITES bucket?
Is there an echo?
I assume that the 'double comment' flag is for use when someone accidentally posts their own comment twice, so how about a flag to use when someone repeats exactly what was said by a previous commenter because they didn't read the comments before their own, or when their comment shows that they didn't read (or even glance at) the link/article/question at all? [more inside]
Are Bre and Jason related?
Is "jazon," the poster of this post about Bre Pettis, related to Bre? Jazon gives his name as "Jason Pettis" in his profile. [more inside]
March 3
"There is no afterlife." Cite, please...
"There is no afterlife." Cite, please... [more inside]
Hovercraft Eel call-out thread.
Hovercraft Eel call-out thread. [more inside]
Why do Americans always dance around singing the same song?
Great Answer! But.....tell me more, please.
Newbie MeFi-etiquette: On AskMe, it is considered acceptable to ask for more information/detail about a particular answer on the original question's page? [more inside]
March 2
fpps in recent activity
Why don't your own FPPs show up in 'recent activity' unless you've also commented in them?
Egg, no steak, it's Lent.
The next monthly Chicago, noncabal, meet-up should be this Wednesday, even though the Beard has not spoken, right? [more inside]
38: Zombie Bot Army
First episode after the great server hackening, this podcast covers activity across MeFi for the month of February. It was recorded on the 25th of February and runs about an hour. [more inside]
Links in AskMeFi
What do I need to do so that links in AskMeFi open in a new page, instead of taking me away from AskMeFi? Links on pages from other sites do.
Congrats to Maias
The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog, a book on dealing with child trauma was co-authored by Dr. Bruce Perry and Mefite Maias. Perry's clinical and research work -- the thing that the book is based on -- is the topic of Oprah Winfrey's show this coming Tuesday. Don't think Maias appears on the show, but presumably her sales should see an upturn. Congrats, Maias!
March 1
My (youtube) links, they're a changin'!
Is there some behind-the-scenes Youtube link changing going on? (not that there's anything wrong with that) [more inside]
Metafilter makes the Jerry Springer show look boring.
I'm so bored I can shit. I would like some links to some entertaining posts. Thanks. :) [more inside]
A Metafilter "B-Side"
I often come across amusing tidbits on the Internets that I'd like to post to Metafilter, but I don't for fear of the collective Meh. It would be great if there were a Metafilter B-Side for the Second-Best-Of-The-Web sites (such as this little bit hilarity) that folks might enjoy but aren't necessarily top shelf. I suspect that such a B-Side will actually improve the site-wide quality of the posts because folks might be less apt to self censor -- in fact a post-to-Metafilter-from-the-B-Side-button a la Projects would be a great way to make that happen. So, a double pony request, I guess.
Who frightens you most: cops or robbers?
We've had a lot of police brutality threads lately, and those have gotten pretty heated. It might be good for each of us who are interested in talking about this to make it clear where we're coming from. hermitosis suggested a poll -- let's do that. Here's a quick and highly unscientific survey about how crime and law enforcement have affected each of us (I hope this is the right place to do this -- it's not really an askMeFi question). [more inside]
I can haz more contact activity?
Pony request: Can we have contact activity on the green? [more inside]
Self-links on AskMe
I was wondering about the self-link policy on AskMeFi. [more inside]