779 posts tagged with policy.
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eBay has been especially zany lately
what is with the recent spate of threads about 'zany' ebay auctions? it's not like there's a shortage of other, more appropriate venues. can/should something be done to curtail this practice before it becomes a daily occurrence?
the p in fpp is not for poll
What's your favorite among the many recent FPPs (front-page polls)? There are just so many to choose from.
Is there a statute of limitation on double posts?
Seeing this thread regarding the hoary old chestnut (you know, back in 2000) of Steve Albini vs. The Music Biz and Courtney Love ripping him off begs the question:
Is there a statute of limitations on double-posts?
Since TiggleTaggleTiger is a new user (May 2001), should he get cut slack? What if a newbie - new to the Web, new to MeFi - posts this link to a great site he found called fray.com? What's the correct procedure here?
Is there a statute of limitations on double-posts?
Since TiggleTaggleTiger is a new user (May 2001), should he get cut slack? What if a newbie - new to the Web, new to MeFi - posts this link to a great site he found called fray.com? What's the correct procedure here?
At what point does "Community Policing" become censorship?
At what point does "Community Policing" become censorship? [More inside]
This post should be on the poster's blog, not mefi
A post like this seems like it should be on someone's personal 'blog and not Mefi...
Swearing on FPPs
What's your opinion on using expletives on front page posts? I know they add flavor to posts, but wonder if children were to visit the site?
wait..... children reading mefi? that'll be the day.
wait..... children reading mefi? that'll be the day.
Link changed from print-friendly
The thread I posted earlier has had it's link redirected away from the low bandwidth "printer-friendly" version to the high bandwidth version. Why?
My Post Was Deleted
my last post now missing from metatalk...
It was about bad cia art.
Are there reasons for this?
Where has it gone?
Why? Why? for pities sake Why?
It was about bad cia art.
Are there reasons for this?
Where has it gone?
Why? Why? for pities sake Why?
Etiquette and policy pages
Do you think that a page with links to the best etiquette and "what is the policy on...?" threads from MetaTalk would help new members get a feel for the tone that MetaFilter has had in the past?
Cutting and pasting full article text in comments section?
What is view re cutting and pasting full article text in Mefi comments section if unavailable any other way? (I found thread re posting to subscription sites, but could not find this topic)
Not how we'd like others to see us, is it?
Latest entry on the The Amos n Andy Episodes List? I think I'm with Malphigan on this. Talk about a poor reflection of MetaFilter to the larger world.
Self-linking boundary question.
Self-posting question:
I know it is poor form for me to post a front page link to my own web site. What about to a site that I have other involvement in? For example, say I were Editor in Chief of a newspaper and I post a link to a controversial article from said paper. Is that bad? Does it make a difference if I am up front about my involvement in the paper?
Just trying to get a feel for what the community standards are.
I know it is poor form for me to post a front page link to my own web site. What about to a site that I have other involvement in? For example, say I were Editor in Chief of a newspaper and I post a link to a controversial article from said paper. Is that bad? Does it make a difference if I am up front about my involvement in the paper?
Just trying to get a feel for what the community standards are.
Circulate this web address to you friends and neighbours. Don't depend on others.
Turn Mefi in a telemarketing call to support your charity of choice. Do the right thing. I said so. So do it now.
Discussing discussion: discuss.
Lately, many people have been promoting concepts such as MetaDiscuss, which implicitly attack the concept of discussion on MeFi. But is this what we really want? [More inside.]
What can MetaFilter learn from This American Life?
In forever searching for a bridge to close the gap between those who want more restrictive MeFi Guidelines and those who want less, I've recently found myself comparing recent MeFi discussions to how TAL submissions get on the show. Or Ira Glass' basic Radio Principles. What can MetaFilter learn from This American Life?
Drunken posting
What's the policy on posting while under the influence of alcohol? Drunken posts seem to have increased dramatically since September 11. I'm all in favour - it makes for great silliness and sincerity - but wonder if sober members find it as funny as I do. (Please don't flame; I paid yesterday!)
Posting to sites requiring subscription?
What's the world view here on posting links to articles that are on a site that requires a paid subscription? Every once in a while, the Wall Street Journal publishes some interesting articles with a unique insight not quite duplicated on a non-subscription site. I'm just trying to avoid a wrist slap here and I couldn't find any threads concerning this using the search function.
MeFi Sin Bin
Possibly the first newsfilter complaint?
Is it getting nastier and more bloodthirsty here? (Apres 911)
This might be a bad thread, or it might not. Apologies if so. I really can't tell, so I'll just get it off my chest. Now that the bombs are dropping, and violence is in the air again, does it seem to anyone else that the tenor has also gone a little nasty and bloodthirsty on MeFi? (more)
Paysites: link? copy and paste? ?
What's MeFi's ethical position on posting stuff from paysites? (more)
Hypothetically, would this kind of link be okay?
With the rash of self-links I thought of a quandary. What if someone has a web site that they own, but other people write articles (or take photos, or whatever) for it. The person then links to an article that he didn't write, but is hosted on his web site. Would it be a legitimate link? I would never do this, but I would hesitate to say "that's wrong".
spam harvester posted for discussion
Aiiee! Make it stop! Yet another e-mail spam harvester posted for "discussion". These are generally tiresome and dangerously close to content-free sites that some schlub whipped up between smoke breaks -- the web equivalent of trolls. They're built with a content management system that automatically begs people to send it to friends, thereby collecting the e-mail addresses. And they don't belong on Metafilter. Or has Metafilter changed that much?
Should I post another WTC memorial site?
how should I handle this? a user has written asking that I post another WTC memorial site to the top page. (more inside)
Too much WTC.
If you don't contribute front-page links, you probably haven't seen the post a link page where Matt pleads with users to show some restraint with WTC links. Should he put it in a bigger font?
Should a poster 'moderate' his post?
I just saw something I haven't seen in such a concentrated form before, so let me ask this question: Should a poster 'moderate' his post? Play talk-show host so to speak..?
Are people from dotcomscoop.com spamming mefi?
I noticed an odd trend recently in the way a couple new people were posting and I think I've uncovered a problem. (more)
Comment guidelines?
We all know the guidelines for front page posts and obviously the rules are a bit more lax for comments, but what exactly is (or should be) the policy on deleting comments? Do ones like this qualify for the big eighty-six?
Is a link to the Onion never justified?
Douple post from comment to FPP?
is a post that includes a link previously posted in a thread, but not on the homepage, a double-post?
appropriateness of posts on illness of minor celebrities?
Can I get a witness?
Even if you think "RIP" posts for obscure celebrities are appropriate, do we really need "X is sick", "X is really sick" and "X is dead" posts?
Even if you think "RIP" posts for obscure celebrities are appropriate, do we really need "X is sick", "X is really sick" and "X is dead" posts?
every discussion starts with a link
The One World Ribbon Project
The One World Ribbon Project. Is this a temporary and necessary relaxing of the rule against self-linking? Or does it set a bad precedent?
Too much Ananova.
Could we have a moratorium on Ananova links for now? While other news sources have not been dead on, they seem to be way off base more than others. There are quite a few reading Mefi right now, and disinfo from what looks like a credible source could hurt.
Constructive (or not?) Criticism on Metatalk
Constructive (or not?) Criticism on Metatalk
MeTalk is the place where we gripe about what we think is wrong with certain posts. So what happens when you're a little too straightforward about your opinion? Hurt feelings and accusations of flaming. Was I over the line with my comments? What can we do to ensure that posters don't take offense to criticism doled out in MeTalk? [more inside]
MeTalk is the place where we gripe about what we think is wrong with certain posts. So what happens when you're a little too straightforward about your opinion? Hurt feelings and accusations of flaming. Was I over the line with my comments? What can we do to ensure that posters don't take offense to criticism doled out in MeTalk? [more inside]
Thoughts on online communities
"One of the things that separates Synapse from other online communities, is that its members have the opportunity for their words to be shared with people outside the community, by being published in Mindjack Magazine." So say the Synapse guidelines.
Whatever groups is it still all right to make jokes about on MeFi?
"That's OK Summer, I meant it in a "bugger the bloody Welsh" way anyway. :)"
Would a smiley negate the offence if I said "bugger the bloody Koreans/Irish/Jews"?. Which other racial/ethno-linguistic/whatever groups is it still all right to make jokes about on MeFi?
Would a smiley negate the offence if I said "bugger the bloody Koreans/Irish/Jews"?. Which other racial/ethno-linguistic/whatever groups is it still all right to make jokes about on MeFi?
It's not a double-post. It's not a troll. It's not a self-link. But it is just a "Ha, ha, ain't that funny?" link to an Onion story.
Am I being too picky for objecting? Should we have a required reading list for MeFi users?
Am I being too picky for objecting? Should we have a required reading list for MeFi users?
Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?
This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?
Why Was Cut Off My Feet Removed?
The thread about Cut Off My Feet was removed. What the reasoning behind its being pulled?
(I thought the was rather freakish and sick at first, but then I realized as I looked around the site that the man is cutting off his feet because his insurance comany won't pay for an amputation and new prosthetics. Perhaps poor marketing and communication of his message, but a powerful one, still.)
(I thought the was rather freakish and sick at first, but then I realized as I looked around the site that the man is cutting off his feet because his insurance comany won't pay for an amputation and new prosthetics. Perhaps poor marketing and communication of his message, but a powerful one, still.)
What the heck is wrong with a double-post?
What the heck is wrong with a double-post? Recently there seems to be a crusade afoot to teach the unwashed masses that a double-post is the Greatest Sin of All.
(more inside)
(more inside)
If it would be the best of the web, can I upload it?
If something can't be found on the web (private bbs, email meme etc.), is it appropriate to upload it to your own site, clearly label it as not yours and then link to it on metafilter? What if there is an original website, but it's bogged down? Is alright with certain media types (a video clip), but not ok with other stuff (a list of funny things kids have said, which would be a crap post anyway)?
Do we need a posting limit?
More Inside
Is there any thing uncouth about being the first person to post to your own link? Like **MORE INSIDE** or what I just did? All, it would seem to get it filtered to the top of recent comments.
i just want to make a quick comment about the post on stuttering.
i just want to make a quick comment about the post on stuttering. c'mon folks, can we not keep the level a little more intelligent than this?
Should one get permission before linking to another site?
should linking to another site be contingent on that user's permission? this question is an old one, mostly debated on slashdot regarding linking to DeCSS sites being ruled illegal. many said that was an impingement of their 1st amendment rights. as a site that relies on linking to other websites, i think it's a relevant issue.
i never read many of the comments on slashdot about the subject because there were so many, and perhaps this has already been debated here by others. but the notion of a site being "slashdotted" came to mind. the costs of bandwidth are, to me, a perfectly legit reason to sue another site over being unknowingly linked to or at least linked without prior approval. so what do you guys think?
i know that mefi is not the sort of site where you can expect a gigabyte's worth of bandwidth to come from one link here, but i think it's a problem that may need to be addressed. has anyone ever been slashdotted here? how much have you had to pay? if you could, would you want to sue to recouperate the costs of being slashdotted?
i never read many of the comments on slashdot about the subject because there were so many, and perhaps this has already been debated here by others. but the notion of a site being "slashdotted" came to mind. the costs of bandwidth are, to me, a perfectly legit reason to sue another site over being unknowingly linked to or at least linked without prior approval. so what do you guys think?
i know that mefi is not the sort of site where you can expect a gigabyte's worth of bandwidth to come from one link here, but i think it's a problem that may need to be addressed. has anyone ever been slashdotted here? how much have you had to pay? if you could, would you want to sue to recouperate the costs of being slashdotted?
Italics Policy
What about this? Can we frown upon front page posts that consist only of italics? Ouchie.
Inline Pong Animation
Isn't this frowned upon?
How about a Statute of Limitations on double-posts?
How about a Statute of Limitations on double-posts? jpoulos just posted a link that turns out to be a double-post from something from April 2000. Sure, he should have done the search, but is there a point where something has slipped out of our collective conscious long enough that it can be seen afresh?