281 posts tagged with search.
Displaying 201 through 250 of 281. Subscribe:

Can we have a search function for AskMe?

Matt, I'm in love with ask mefi. I have ideas for questions that I eventually want to ask (or research) but I want to make sure that it hasn't been asked before. Can we please have a "search" ask (rather than getting results from MetaTalk or the main filter?)
posted by filmgeek on Mar 18, 2004 - 14 comments

Expanding the URL search?

Very Small Pony: Matt, would it be possible to copy the code used for the URL search on the Post A Link page onto the Search page, so it could be accessed even if you have posted something within the past 24 hours?
posted by anastasiav on Jan 15, 2004 - 6 comments

Google query in lieu of an answer

In a recent AskMeFi thread a link to a Google query was provided in lieu of an answer [more inside].
posted by cedar on Dec 22, 2003 - 20 comments

Site linked in askme is 404, and I can't find the askme!

Ok, maybe I'm just an idiot...or my google fu is way off...but does anyone remember a post in the last couple of weeks that went to a satire site for a sensual surrogate love lump thing? It was a silly site, and I was going to use it in a column, but the site is now totally 404 and I'm wondering if anyone has a picture of the lump in their cache that you could send me? I would ask in the thread...but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
posted by dejah420 on Dec 3, 2003 - 11 comments

Redundancy for easier searches

Re: Links, titles, and searches. [more]
posted by hama7 on Nov 20, 2003 - 19 comments

Mefi not showing up as top search result on google

Could we fix this? [More inside]
posted by kickingtheground on Nov 5, 2003 - 36 comments

I haven't seen the search time out for months.

I haven't seen the search time out for months. Could we afford to set "since day one" as the default?
posted by timeistight on Aug 22, 2003 - 11 comments

There are only about five active posters running thousands of sockpuppet accounts

I hate to derail the potental hilarity from within the 'quonsar - who he?' thread, but I have a teeny bug: I was searching for stavros (to make sure he really was in Korea and I wasn't making a huge mistake asking him to comment on something of which he knew nothing), and got two results for 'stavrosthewonderchicken'. One was him. The other was actually vacopinta.

Here's the url of the search.

And just to get back to quonsar-filter, there are five of him - one of which is jonson, one of which is madamjujujive, and none of which really are quonsar.
posted by humuhumu on Aug 11, 2003 - 49 comments

The Search Engine Is Kinda Crap

When I search for the user "signal", I get one hit. I click on it, and see asterisk's home page. Surely that ain't right?
posted by andrew cooke on Jun 27, 2003 - 15 comments

Link check to prevent double posts?

Probably been mentioned before, but how hard would it be to link check on a post to ensure no double posting? You could even mock the poor soul!
posted by xmutex on Jun 12, 2003 - 16 comments

Did I see this link here?

was I dreaming?

I thought I saw a link here a few days ago, about a bookmark that would quickly let you know, using amazon's database, whether a specific cd was put out by a member of the riaa. but when I searched for this link here, it was gone. And I didn't see it on lofi, when I looked there. Normally, I wouldn't care too much about a deleted thread, but I can't seem to find the link in question via google either. can anyone help me out?
posted by jann on May 23, 2003 - 8 comments

links breaking uup words make threads unfindable

The famous "bohemian rhapsody" post is utterly impossible to find with the normal search methods, due to the way the words are divided up into more than one hyperlink. If I didn't know it was y2karl's post I wouldn't have been able to find it at all. Also, search doesn't seem to let you search the text within the title tags, either.
posted by Space Coyote on May 17, 2003 - 21 comments

Tired of double-posting

Tired of double-posting, even though I search'n'search the key words. What am I doing wrong?
posted by theplayethic on Apr 25, 2003 - 11 comments

Archives for Sale

Would it be possible to offer for purchase the complete (and, if possible. updatable online) MetaFilter and MetaTalk archives? Would enough people buy it for it to be worthwhile for Matt, revenue-wise? How much would such a treasure cost? Could it be produced on demand, to minimize costs? I know I'd buy it.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Apr 2, 2003 - 46 comments

Pie for you if you help me solve this search

Apple pies to the people prepared not to scruple perversely or crumple prematurely in providing ample particulars to this disciple posting a simple problem.
posted by taz on Mar 19, 2003 - 22 comments

Blog service that lets users participate via email?

I need to pick MeFier's brains and I guess this is the place to do it.
I belong to a mailing list that has an absolutely horrible archive. There's great information in the archive that's next to impossible to dig out.
The solution seems to be to switch to something like a blog. But Movable Type, as far as I can tell, doesn't allow people to participate both on a blog-type page and by email, does it?
Can any MeFiers tell me of a blog-type program that also sends out posts as emails and lets people respond via email?
Thanks in advance for any help and I apologize if this is too off topic.
posted by stevefromsparks on Mar 5, 2003 - 9 comments

search didn't find double; what's up?

So, I did a search here on "search functionality" and found an indepth thread about search terms. What is the deal with searching for an href? Is that not the most important thing? My post a few moments ago was a double. Though no link was provided I trust that it was indeed posted before.

Is url matching the most difficult thing or what?
posted by folktrash on Mar 3, 2003 - 4 comments

Search is broken

MeFi Search appears to be out to lunch [More Inside]
posted by DBAPaul on Feb 26, 2003 - 9 comments

Avoiding Duplicate Posts

Trying to avoid repeat posts is pretty hard because of timeouts from the search system. (In fact, I wanted to see if this is a duplicate Metatalk topic, but my searches stalled.) I want to avoid dupes, really I do! My memory isn't encyclopedic, though (and I have a life, *cough* ;-). How do the old hands here really avoid repeat posts? Shouldn't it be in a FAQ?

(Interestingly, after I started doing more searches, MetaFilter went into general "Server Error" mode for a while. Hmm...)
posted by tss on Jan 4, 2003 - 10 comments

Duplicate search issues with x.com vs. www.x.com

This is a double-post. Presumably the author wasn't told because he used "http://idea-a-day.com" while the first post used "http://www.idea-a-day.com". Perhaps a little bit of code could be implemented to solve this problem?
posted by Pretty_Generic on Dec 15, 2002 - 30 comments

Is Google indexing broken?

When I wanted to do a search to find out if someone had linked to a given site in a FPP yet, I decided to try something different. I went to old google and put in this URL, which was the link in the most popular FPPof the day exactly two weeks ago, as a "who link's to you?" search.

Shouldn't google have indexed the thread, then, since it links back to the original article? Strange, that it doesn't do this for a link and lenghty thread on a topic that will have serious implications for everyone on the internet, specifically Americans? Has google dropped the ball? Is this all just a bunch of Tom-Foolery?
posted by Hammerikaner on Nov 23, 2002 - 8 comments

MeFi Search for Exact Phrases Using Speech Marks?

Mefi search functionality and double posts. Using google extensively I've developed the habit of searching for phrases by using speech marks in order to retrieve more specific results. Metafilter search doesn't seem to support this feature, and partly as a result I made a double post, after searching for "moon trees" instead of moon trees. I'll know for next time, but could more double posts result from other new users with the same habit? Possibly.
posted by nthdegx on Nov 21, 2002 - 24 comments

Preventing reposts of deleted stories

This dangling baby . . . it vibrates? Every time Matt kills a "Jacko's dangling baby" post, another pops up to replace it. We've talked about this before, but I think the (general) question needs to be raised: What, if anything, can be done to prevent reposting deleted stories? It's been pointed out that posters may not know that they're posting something that has been deleted before because, um, it's been deleted before! (And with wacky news like this, there can be any number of sources for the same story, sorry.) Short of deleting the story every time it pops up, is there a better solution?
posted by mcwetboy on Nov 20, 2002 - 75 comments

Is the anti doublepost code broken?

Is the anti doublepost code broken? [1, 2]
posted by mr_crash_davis on Nov 14, 2002 - 17 comments

Searching Metafilter

Searching Metafilter: on first search, threads and users only. Thereafter, other options appear. Bug, or crap browser (IE5.5, W98)?
posted by walrus on Nov 12, 2002 - 8 comments

Add google to MeTa search page

Certainly not a pressing need but I'd appreciate it if you could add the google search to the MeTa search page just like we have it on the MeFi search page.
posted by gen on Nov 11, 2002 - 10 comments

can we find double posts in comments?

New member; first post; searched and searched; usual story. Then this comment, by furiousthought, pointing to the fact that my link had already been posted in a thread (albeit, in my defense, long before I joined and cryptically referenced). So I wonder whether the automatic URL search facility which exists when you preview a front page post could possibly be extended to include URLS mentioned in comments? At the very least, we could thank the first users to link to it. Nobody has the time to read all the threads or click on all the links in comments and searches, whether MetaFilter or Google, often fail to point to cryptically described links.

Forgive me if this is impossible to achieve, stupid or has been asked before, of course!
posted by Carlos Quevedo on Oct 27, 2002 - 15 comments

UI issue in MeFi search

Hardly Life Threatening......but..........
posted by lampshade on Oct 7, 2002 - 12 comments

Suggestion: Change default search behavior

I noticed this thread (lofi link--in case it doesn't last) earlier and noticed that the poster, BarneyFifesBullet, mentioned that he'd searched for the topic and hadn't found it. A cursory search, however, turned up that it had, in fact, been posted a few months earlier. Long story short, I noticed that the default setting when you use the search function on MeFi sets the drop-down menu to "in the past month" which seems like it could be the culprit in a case like this where the poster seems to have searched unsuccessfully for a previously-posted link. It doesn't seem like something that would be frightfully hard to chance, and it might save us a few double posts...
posted by The God Complex on Sep 16, 2002 - 22 comments

Searching would be so much easier with more descriptions

Su has a point here. Wouldn't it make searching a lot easier, as well as being fairer to the original authors and more descriptive in general if users could mention the name or title of a linked item in their lead post or, at least, in a follow-up ("more inside") comment.

As it is, I fail to see how Su could have detected tomplus2's May 2002 post, unless he arbitrarily searched for "graffiti" or some other term which isn't exactly apposite.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Sep 12, 2002 - 28 comments

Why didn't moviespoilers FPP show up as double

When I posted this it came up as not a double. Then brownpau pointed out this. The HTML for the links seems to be identical, plus I searched the archives (used the google search option). What else should I have done?

posted by PinkStainlessTail on Aug 6, 2002 - 32 comments

Meafilter Search option missing options

The MetaFilter Search option is initially only showing options (2)threads only, and (4)users, but the results page has all four options. Change, bug, already covered?
posted by mikhail on Jul 19, 2002 - 10 comments

Searching with Quotation Marks

Words or phrases enclosed in quotation marks (e.g. "too much") are ignored by the search app, while the the same words work fine when used without the quotes. What gives?
posted by me3dia on Jul 17, 2002 - 10 comments

keyword search in addition to URL search?

Would it be possible to add a key-word search in addition to a URL search on the post submission page? Seems like it'd go far in reducing double-posts.
posted by me3dia on Jul 12, 2002 - 22 comments

Is an automated search feature possible?

Is an automated search feature possible? Before submitting let's sayMahir's "I kiss you" or "All your base are belong to us" the posted url would be filtered through existing posts.

Poster would receive a message saying something like : thanks for the effort but someone posted that already with a link to the original post.


posted by Baud on Jun 25, 2002 - 13 comments

Deleted threads should not show up in user history

Threads which have been deleted by Matt should not show up in a search of those posted by a user, but they do.
posted by moz on Jun 24, 2002 - 8 comments

Search isn't working for me....

Double-posting is haunting me. I always search for something I'm about to post. If there are no results on MeFi, then I go ahead and post it.

But, if someone posted the same subject, but with different wording, it doesn't show up. For example: I searched for same sex classrooms. I found out that there was alread a post on single sex classrooms. Is there any way for the search to connect to a database of synonomous phrases, and have the option to use that database?
posted by Kevin Sanders on May 10, 2002 - 20 comments

Search page options

For the search page, how about at least one more option: in the past 3 months. Maybe it's just me, but I seem to always be using it to find threads that are approximately six weeks old. A minor coding change, a major performance change.
posted by dhartung on May 8, 2002 - 3 comments

Can we please have some mechanism to prevent double posts?

Can we please have some mechanism to prevent double posts? it's pretty simple to implement, and should'nt increase any load on the server... For example, this post has many double posts...
posted by arnab on Apr 20, 2002 - 12 comments

Where'd that post go?

so what happened to the asians offended by the A&F clothes story? There were 18 comments, but I never got to read them...
posted by azazello on Apr 19, 2002 - 4 comments

Callout for multiple sock puppets

I was searching for a thread that I knew MiguelCardoso had posted. To find it I did a search on his name (Miguel). Turns out he is a master of disguise with no fewer than three registrations.... Tsk Tsk Miguel...(or imposters)...
Is there some way of cleaning things like this up, so some sign-up space can be created for new users?
posted by Frasermoo on Apr 18, 2002 - 27 comments

Google Search

'Your original search: beer bottle betadene was misspelled and returned 0 results. The corrected search: beer bottle betadine was done instead and the results appear below.' Has Google always done this (ie, this just happens to be my first misspelled search to score zero hits), or is it something new?
posted by obiwanwasabi on Apr 14, 2002 - 17 comments

Help find this 9/11 thread for a reporter

A reporter asked me this question in email, which I couldn't answer. Does this ring a bell for anyone? If so, I'll paypal five bucks to the first person to find the appropriate thread (I'll ask the reporter to pay me some research fees)

"I'm writing to you today to see if you can help me with a search I'm doing or perhaps offer some suggestions. I'm working on a story about emergency dispatchers, and I remember an incredibly affecting thread about 2 months or so after Sept. 11 that had accounts from New York City dispatchers on their experiences that day. I've put every imaginable search term into the Mefi engine ("emergency operator", "operator," "Sept. 11," "911," "dispatcher", etc.) but the search either times out or comes up with nothing."
posted by mathowie on Mar 27, 2002 - 18 comments

Help Me Find Defense Spending Thread

Help a guy out. I'm looking for a link to a website that was posted here a few months ago. It was a flash animation about what America could do as a country if it reduced its defense spending by 5%. I've searched and just can't seem to find the original thread. Can anyone help? Please?
posted by yangwar on Feb 8, 2002 - 2 comments

Double Posts Must Stop Or Else

I'm sick of double posting. I want to stop double posting. How can I be sure, without manually searching the source codes of every month in the archives, that I'm not double posting? And is there any point in telling someone they've double posted when there's no way they can avoid it?
posted by swift on Jan 28, 2002 - 17 comments

To Index or Not?

The site is getting pummelled lately, so I ran stats on the past few days to see if there was a national news story or something. Of the 300k page views in the past four days, 100k, or 1/3 of the traffic was solely due to the googlebot.

It appears that having 13k threads filled with 200k comments of google-loving ascii is acting as some sort of honeypot, attracting the google indexers like mad. Broken down by day, the Googlebot appears to visit over 25k pages at metafilter.com PER DAY. If you look at browser/OS stats, the googlebot visits metafilter more often than all Netscape clients combined. Also, the googlebot exceeds all visits by people using Mac operating systems.

Although I'm impressed with the results (google searches are the #1 referrer), is it worth basically bringing down the machine and keeping humans from being able to access it? If I were to include a robots exlusion file and block all search bots, would the net community be at a loss for not being able to find information discussed here?

I guess the big question is, does the utility of having the site indexed outweigh the problems the indexing causes?
posted by mathowie on Jan 4, 2002 - 32 comments

Any chance of a more useful/informative 404 page?

Any chance of a more useful/informative 404 page?
posted by astro38 on Dec 16, 2001 - 9 comments

Ranking most linked sites? Search posts by site?

Is there a way to see a ranking of the sites most often linked to by mefi members in their posts? (would be interesting to see where mefi takes us every day, sites might find it interesting to, if that mattered) Also, is there a way to search for all mefi posts linked to a particular site? (was going to post something from ApeCulture but then thought maybe everyone goes there already, so why bother) Thanks.
posted by Voyageman on Dec 5, 2001 - 12 comments

Discussing things that have already been discussed

It seems lately there have been a lot of MeTa threads recently discussing things that have already been discussed to a simply ridiculous level of refinement. Is it appropriate to begin encouraging members to search MeTa before posting in the same way people are encouraged to search MeFi?
posted by willnot on Nov 30, 2001 - 3 comments

Better than Google Images?

Help: can anybody point me to the thread where they discussed various image-search engines better than google's? I think the original post was about one that used some sort of fuzzy logic system instead of just keywords.
posted by signal on Nov 6, 2001 - 5 comments

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