July 2008 Archives (all archives)

July 31

Pompous bands do not make good questions.

Will someone please tell me how this is not chatfilter? [more inside]
posted by youcancallmeal to Etiquette/Policy at 3:14 PM PST - 74 comments

Related tags feature request

Pony request for related tags feature. [more inside]
posted by Green With You to Feature Requests at 1:53 PM PST - 23 comments

The ever wonderful Metafilter

A metafilter shoutout from the Globe and Mail (Randy Pausch content but see last paragraph).
posted by bluesky43 to MetaFilter-Related at 11:50 AM PST - 1 comment [closed]

Haha! Let's make things worse.

"This is a really excellent question"? Seriously? [more inside]
posted by allkindsoftime to Etiquette/Policy at 10:43 AM PST - 162 comments

"similar questions" as a search tool

When you post a question in AskMe, on preview, you're shown similar questions and asked whether you've seen those. Is there a way to open that functionality up as a search tool? [more inside]
posted by stupidsexyFlanders to Feature Requests at 8:36 AM PST - 8 comments

I predict the answer will be neigh...

Two Shetland ponies for you. One's cute and cuddly... the other one you may not like... [more inside]
posted by twine42 to Feature Requests at 5:06 AM PST - 34 comments

Alabama big pig followup

Remember the big pig kill? Death threats came of it. [more inside]
posted by five fresh fish to MetaFilter-Related at 12:20 AM PST - 49 comments

July 30

I invoke the banhammer!

New member Leggen is spamming.
posted by adamrice to Etiquette/Policy at 2:59 PM PST - 23 comments [closed]

The longest boat

Shed a tear for the passing of the LongBoing, this day at 9:58am. We got 2516 oars in the water before setting the whole thing aflame, standing on the strand to watch it drift beyond the horizon. It's where we were all Vikings.
posted by mwhybark to MetaFilter-Related at 1:56 PM PST - 155 comments

Mac Envy / Windows Envy / Eliminating Envy is a Step to Buddha-Nature

From this to this - when Windows people are left out it's justified, when Mac users are left out it's a tragedy that must be addressed. Note: tongue firmly in cheek, I know these are two different users. I'm just feeling snarky.
posted by OverlappingElvis to MetaFilter-Related at 1:42 PM PST - 9 comments [closed]

Tokyo meetup?

Tokyo meetup week of 11 Aug.? What about elsewhere in Japan? [more inside]
posted by grobstein to MetaFilter Gatherings at 12:57 PM PST - 48 comments

Can You Repeat The Question?

Is it okay to keep asking a question until you get the answer? [more inside]
posted by jack_mo to Etiquette/Policy at 2:47 AM PST - 34 comments

July 29

remove from activity, keep in favorites?

Is there a way to remove a post from the My Favorites tab in Recent Activity while keeping the post as a favorite?
posted by Anonymous to Feature Requests at 7:57 PM PST - 7 comments

hugs all round

I think it's about time Kattullus got a pat on the back for a staggering output of consistently excellent posts.
posted by UbuRoivas to MetaFilter-Related at 3:20 PM PST - 83 comments

The Case of the Missing Favorite

Displaying post 1 to 1 of 2 from projects. How do I see my other favorite? [more inside]
posted by Citizen Premier to Bugs at 2:25 PM PST - 8 comments

Merge With Caution

Ask MeFi inspires an author: there's a plethora of traffic-related questions that pop up on the green, but one such question (I'm betting this one) helped to inform a book that's out today. [more inside]
posted by sjuhawk31 to MetaFilter-Related at 11:05 AM PST - 4 comments [closed]

You need a license for that.

This question needs to be deleted or at the very least anonymized. [more inside]
posted by konolia to Etiquette/Policy at 10:48 AM PST - 56 comments

I Vant To Resuscitate Interest In Your Novelty Board Game

MetaFilter: makes games hot! [more inside]
posted by Shepherd to MetaFilter-Related at 8:47 AM PST - 20 comments

July 28

A midsummer night's dream...a Chicago meetup?

Can we try again for a Chicago meetup? [more inside]
posted by MeetMegan to MetaFilter Gatherings at 8:06 PM PST - 64 comments

Astor Zombie is a Favorite Tycoon

Astro Zombie had a comment with 15 favorites in MetaFilter. 5 hours ago
Astro Zombie had a comment with 41 favorites in MetaFilter. 6 hours ago
Astro Zombie had a comment with 23 favorites in MetaFilter. 6 hours ago

How do I get rid of this Astro Zombie character, anyway? [more inside]
posted by yhbc to MetaFilter-Related at 6:16 PM PST - 77 comments

Metafilter in the Globe and Mail

Metafilter mentioned in Globe and Mail [more inside]
posted by acoutu to MetaFilter-Related at 3:23 PM PST - 52 comments

Region filter?

How about some kind of regional filter for AskMe questions that relate only to a specific country/area? Like this one. If the question appeared on the front page as [AU] What should I do ..., it would be more easily brought to the attention of people who could answer it and allow people who can't answer it to easily skip over it. [more inside]
posted by desjardins to Feature Requests at 10:41 AM PST - 48 comments

July 27

I think my AskMe question belongs in more than one category.

I think my AskMe question belongs in more than one category. [more inside]
posted by AmbroseChapel to Feature Requests at 11:04 PM PST - 19 comments

London picnic meetup

London picnic meetup! [more inside]
posted by goo to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:53 AM PST - 97 comments

The Prime Of Miss Jean Bonaldi

You'll have had your Meetup Edinburgh -this August ! (Silvery Robot Men not included) [more inside]
posted by sgt.serenity to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:02 AM PST - 39 comments

July 26

Hubbard tested, Xenu approved!

MeFi unwittingly (?) supporting Scientology? [more inside]
posted by Cat Pie Hurts to Bugs at 5:43 PM PST - 185 comments [closed]

Call Olbermann, we got us THE WORST PERSON ON METAFILTER

No, you're not a kind person, and you haven't faced anyone threatening. You are so full of shit that it isn't even amusing on metafilter.
posted by Brian B. at 9:19 PM on July 25

...in response to Dee Extrovert.

Brian should be ashamed of himself, but probably lacks that ability. So let's all be ashamed of him. [more inside]
posted by wendell to Etiquette/Policy at 2:36 AM PST - 35 comments [closed]

Men do have babies. Ask any transgender man who has had one.

How much anti-trangenderism is considered tolerable? [more inside]
posted by humannaire to Etiquette/Policy at 1:33 AM PST - 91 comments

July 25

Thought or not

Having taken some personal time out myself, and thus looking at things from a non-contributor perspective, is it possible that we can avoid terms like douchebag, asshole, dickwad, etc. These are violent words that make the reader take a step away. I am not saying they should be banned, but they really do have a proliferation within the site that is off putting to someone who might wish to contribute.
posted by Sparx to Etiquette/Policy at 3:37 PM PST - 171 comments

Randy Pausch, 1960-2008

A sad follow-up to last year's post on the Last Lecture: Randy Pausch passed away this morning at the age of 47.
posted by I Said, I've Got A Big Stick to MetaFilter-Related at 7:56 AM PST - 40 comments [closed]

July 24

Crafty folks have friends too!

Pony Request: Can we add Instructables.com to the list of social networks?
posted by dejah420 to Feature Requests at 1:21 PM PST - 31 comments


Followup to this post.
posted by mr_crash_davis to MetaFilter-Related at 7:04 AM PST - 167 comments

July 23

Too much steampunk?

Too much steampunk? [more inside]
posted by joeclark to MetaFilter-Related at 1:41 PM PST - 127 comments

History from a witness.

I would like to thank Dee_extrovert for sharing her experiences and insights with us in this thread. [more inside]
posted by foxy_hedgehog to MetaFilter-Related at 9:58 AM PST - 58 comments

July 22

Your solitary compulsion becomes a shared experience.

This AskMe post blows my mind in a minor and enjoyable way. Who knew? It turns out a lot of people have a Tourette's-like response to embarrassing memories. [more inside]
posted by ottereroticist to MetaFilter-Related at 10:12 PM PST - 75 comments

Users and tags and dendrograms, oh my!

MeFi clustering analysis. [more inside]
posted by signal to MetaFilter-Related at 9:01 PM PST - 81 comments

Lesbian / lesbian

Update to this post on Greek lesbian/Lesbian controversy.
posted by Morrigan to MetaFilter-Related at 5:20 PM PST - 15 comments

July 21

Seattle Brunch

Since everyone else is doing one, let us have a Seattle Brunch Meetup. [more inside]
posted by mrzarquon to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:59 PM PST - 53 comments

Give it to me scrambled

San Francisco Sunday Brunch? Meh. Washington DC Longest Table in the House Sunday Brunch with Extra Bacon! [more inside]
posted by parmanparman to MetaFilter Gatherings at 7:18 PM PST - 28 comments


"Muse" is romantic? [more inside]
posted by Miko to MetaFilter-Related at 6:24 PM PST - 112 comments

The Cabal Strikes Back

Anyone up for another Boston-area pub trivia meetup? [more inside]
posted by DiscourseMarker to MetaFilter Gatherings at 2:22 PM PST - 62 comments

Whoa - security/cookie issues?

Whoa - security/cookie issues? [more inside]
posted by jkaczor to Bugs at 12:28 PM PST - 17 comments

Sun day, sun day, sun day!

San Francisco Sunday Brunch? [more inside]
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur to MetaFilter Gatherings at 12:12 PM PST - 34 comments

July 20

The title of the proposed LA meetup.

I'm in LA working for a large sports league for the next two weeks, and I haven't met up in this city since E3 2005 (wow, three years already?). So, to keep me from dying of boredom, is anyone up for a meetup between Monday July 21st, and Friday August 1st? [more inside]
posted by splatta to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:55 PM PST - 141 comments

Singapore Meetup

Repost: Singapore Meetup July 25. [more inside]
posted by Rash to MetaFilter Gatherings at 7:32 AM PST - 5 comments

July 19

Grand Rapids Impromptu Drink?

Grand Rapids impromptu drink? [more inside]
posted by chococat to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:04 PM PST - 7 comments

Gotta scroll, baby, gotta scroll...

This is just a small point, but about those little yellow slider bars on the right side of the music players on the Music top page and the Music Challenges page and individual user's pages... [more inside]
posted by flapjax at midnite to Bugs at 8:48 PM PST - 15 comments


Are there any Mefi user accounts that have a coincidental (or intentional) relationship with their user number? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi to MetaFilter-Related at 7:43 PM PST - 117 comments

Please don't ask

I was in my local public library today and wanted to look up a thread about Paris that I'd seen in Ask Metafilter, so I got on one of the library's computers. I was surprised to find that the library blocks Ask MeFi. How common is this? How can I get the library to unblock it?
posted by lukemeister to MetaFilter-Related at 1:24 PM PST - 30 comments

July 18

He likes education, thinks he's innocent, so what?

I haven't done this in a while, but: This post sucks. It should be culled. [more inside]
posted by klangklangston to Etiquette/Policy at 7:30 PM PST - 74 comments

Tags in RSS feeds

I know we've discussed not adding tags to front page posts, but how about the RSS feed? For posts that are somewhat cryptic, it could help with context.
posted by Drama Penguin to Feature Requests at 3:55 PM PST - 18 comments

AskMe Answer Generator

Before you post your next AskMe question, you might try checking out MetaChat's thread of suggested automated AskMe answers. From "Don't eat it" to "Try Craigslist" to "Check out these twenty-five identical previous AskMe questions on this topic" to "Learn how to communicate. Pouring your heart out to 60,000 random strangers on the internet ≠ effective communication with your partner", we've pretty much got every topic covered.
posted by orange swan to MetaFilter-Related at 10:28 AM PST - 120 comments

July 17

Amsterdam Meetup?

Amsterdam Meetup? Somewhere between Aug 5th (tues) and up to (and through) friday night the 8th? [more inside]
posted by filmgeek to MetaFilter Gatherings at 10:17 PM PST - 14 comments

Wonky deleted threads showing up in place of music players.

MeFi Music: MusicTalk threads showing up on main page as deleted threads, tossing out the flash player for the preceding song. Latest example: July 11, the track Settle Down's player is gone and replaced by "Deleted thread:2308", which was actually posted on MeFiMuTa later. [more inside]
posted by self to Bugs at 7:01 PM PST - 11 comments

"xx new" links in Recent Activity?

Pony: Can the recent activity page topics include a link to "xx new" just like the front page? [more inside]
posted by maxwelton to Feature Requests at 12:47 PM PST - 6 comments

Why deleted?

My answer deleted. Please explain why. [more inside]
posted by Sitegeist to Etiquette/Policy at 11:40 AM PST - 144 comments

July 16

MetaFilter DNS records goofy?

Are the metafilter.com DNS records configured properly? I'm having to do a DNS lookup of all mefi sites like once a minute, as if the expiration counters in the records are set way off. Even if you were planning a server move, that's way too tight. Seconds vs minutes error?
posted by intermod to Uptime at 9:55 PM PST - 35 comments

Spam from a MeFi user.

I don't know what the policy is on this but I just got this spam via MeFi email from someone I don't know or care to know: [more inside]
posted by stbalbach to Etiquette/Policy at 4:32 PM PST - 99 comments

More favorited posts, more awesomeness

Somewhat selfish pony request: Could we add a "more results" or "next" button to the All Time Popular Favorites tab, allowing people to scroll through a larger list? [more inside]
posted by blahblahblah to Feature Requests at 1:22 PM PST - 31 comments

Some kind of weird AskMe troll?

This AskMe question was posted by "fairlysober", and a pointed response was posted by "prettydrunk". Both joined in the last couple of weeks and only have a 5 posts/comments between the two of them. How did prettydrunk happen upon his "extremely close friend of 10+ years" on a MeFi when he/she has no other method of getting in contact? Coincidence? Trolling? This doesn't pass the smell test.
posted by desjardins to MetaFilter-Related at 10:37 AM PST - 98 comments

MeFi/myopenbar Chicago meetup?

shakespherian posted this (imo) great fpp about myopenbar.com, suggesting coordination with MeFi meetups. I don't have a plug-in solution, but wondering when you full-time Chicagoans are thinking about a next meetup, so an ex-pat (ex-paddy?) might do some planning? [more inside]
posted by beelzbubba to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:48 AM PST - 10 comments

Adobe Acrobat scanning issue

Adobe Acrobat 8.1.2 no longer reads an entire document from the attached scanner. It used to read and scan the whole document, now it stops at 1 page. Scanner works when used thru another program.
posted by Iaddiso to Bugs at 8:12 AM PST - 1 comment [closed]

recursive linking?

Why do people keep linking back to the thread they're in? [more inside]
posted by Who_Am_I to MetaFilter-Related at 5:27 AM PST - 32 comments

July 15

This guitar fights flashism

Is there a flash-less way to download and/or listen to songs on Metafilter Music? [more inside]
posted by umbú to Bugs at 5:39 PM PST - 18 comments

Likely Small, Perhaps Difficult Meet-up in the Big Easy

New Orleans meet-up on Thursday, July 24th featuring ColdChef, Afroblanco, Navelgazer and... maybe you? [more inside]
posted by My Bloody Pony to MetaFilter Gatherings at 4:22 PM PST - 49 comments


I'm playing with a simple python MeFi text-based RSS checker. Code here. [more inside]
posted by signal to MetaFilter-Related at 3:45 PM PST - 24 comments

not maine, oregon, let's meet in portland

Portland Oregon, let's meet up Friday or Saturday! [more inside]
posted by jessamyn to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:13 AM PST - 31 comments

July 14

NYC meetup, Aug 22 weekend?

I'm coming to NYC on the weekend of August 22-24. Meetup, y'all? [more inside]
posted by pseudostrabismus to MetaFilter Gatherings at 11:36 PM PST - 15 comments

Searching posts by user via keyword?

Am I missing something from the search function? I can't ever, ever seem to find posts. [more inside]
posted by TomMelee to Feature Requests at 9:05 PM PST - 8 comments

Instapaper doesn't like Metafilter?

Instapaper, a very useful offline reading tool for the iPhone and iTouch, doesn't seem to work with Metafilter. [more inside]
posted by TochterAusElysium to Bugs at 7:36 PM PST - 14 comments

broken posting - preview

One or more of the links you entered were found in 47597 previous threads. [more inside]
posted by wilful to Bugs at 7:06 PM PST - 30 comments [closed]

Oh, well, if there's MORE inside I'll read it then.

Why do we need to know there is more inside? [more inside]
posted by Shepherd to Etiquette/Policy at 6:11 PM PST - 32 comments


Noticed that this post has what might be Unicode replacement characters instead of (presumably) Cyrillic characters in its tags. Er? [more inside]
posted by electronslave to Bugs at 11:50 AM PST - 12 comments

Ten Ten Ten Ten For Everything Everything Everything Everything.

In case you haven't noticed, the cat scan thread is back. It'll be back again, I'm sure, in a year. And you know what that requires? [more inside]
posted by eriko to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:19 AM PST - 117 comments

"Second Editions"

I would like to know what people's thoughts are on the idea of allowing Metafilter posters to make a "second edition" of a post after a certain amount of time has passed (a week?, a year?). [more inside]
posted by rongorongo to Feature Requests at 4:47 AM PST - 16 comments

How do I get a heads-up on new comments to an FPP I didn't post?

Can I subscribe to a specific FPP in order to get email notification when a new comment appears? [more inside]
posted by tzikeh to MetaFilter-Related at 12:25 AM PST - 13 comments

July 13

London meetup, Saturday 26th July?

London meetup, Saturday 26th July? [more inside]
posted by TheDonF to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:32 AM PST - 28 comments

108 ain't bad.

Olive Riely has died at age 108. [more inside]
posted by mmahaffie to MetaFilter-Related at 8:44 AM PST - 34 comments

July 12


This post should've been deleted within seconds after its posting. [more inside]
posted by wendell to Etiquette/Policy at 4:27 PM PST - 165 comments

MeFiNo round one completed.

Remember that Nomic game we started? It's finished! [more inside]
posted by Meatbomb to MetaFilter-Related at 10:30 AM PST - 23 comments

Exclusively viewing new questions.

Whenever I visit the green front page I see that there are x number of new questions and y number of new comments. Is there somewhere I can click to see ONLY the new stuff that has arrived since I last visited? [more inside]
posted by taff to Feature Requests at 3:13 AM PST - 8 comments

-t's roadtrip and the first ever Fayetteville, Arkansas (and region) meetup.

-t's roadtrip and the first ever Fayetteville, Arkansas (and region) meetup. [more inside]
posted by lilywing13 to MetaFilter Gatherings at 1:35 AM PST - 10 comments

July 11

Y'all kick ass! Brag on Yourselves!

As a group-wide hug: I'm just curious as to what everyone's own personal favorite post or comment of their own has been. What do you look back on now and think, "right on, go me!"?
posted by Navelgazer to MetaFilter-Related at 11:12 PM PST - 78 comments

monkey king

You can take your own sanctimonious smugness and shove it deep and far up inside your poophole.

loquacious, maybe you should relax and not be so violent.
posted by plexi to Etiquette/Policy at 4:11 PM PST - 254 comments

HTML Special Characters

Super-trivial bug with HTML special characters. [more inside]
posted by fogster to Bugs at 10:46 AM PST - 31 comments

Bay Area Meetup?

I just moved to the bay area this past Saturday- anyone care to meet somewhere for food, drinks, etc? [more inside]
posted by potch to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:38 AM PST - 16 comments

MetaFilter: It is what it is

MetaFilter: It is what it is? [more inside]
posted by spock to MetaFilter-Related at 7:39 AM PST - 91 comments

St. Louis Meetup

St. Louis Meetup on the 17th... [more inside]
posted by notsnot to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:18 AM PST - 20 comments

Nibbles in Tibbles

Meetup in Tbilisi in July?
over wine and dumplings, or perhaps at a mafioso disco.
posted by harhailla.harhaluuossa to MetaFilter Gatherings at 3:27 AM PST - 4 comments

July 10

Dubai Meetup?

Any interest in a Dubai meetup? I'll be there from July 23rd- through Aug3.
posted by filmgeek to MetaFilter Gatherings at 10:06 PM PST - 9 comments

Why anon?

This anonymous question about swimming has picked my curiosity. The guidelines say that questions that 'don't appear to require anonymity' may not be approved. Is swimming a reason to be ashamed in some part of the world?
posted by Memo to MetaFilter-Related at 8:55 PM PST - 45 comments

Announcing: York Beach, ME, Meetup & SkeeBall Tourney, August 16!

Announcing: York Beach, ME, Meetup & SkeeBall Tourney, August 16! (Posting for Miko the bunny!) [more inside]
posted by By The Grace of God to MetaFilter Gatherings at 2:17 PM PST - 45 comments

"Wow, look at the Boobies!"

How is this not a "Boyzone" post? [more inside]
posted by anastasiav to Etiquette/Policy at 12:22 PM PST - 371 comments

It's is not the possessive form of it.

The apostrophe seems to trip up just about everyone, even many Mefites. For future reference, you may want to bookmark this site that gives the 13 rules for the use of the apostrophe.
posted by Daddy-O to MetaFilter-Related at 10:52 AM PST - 128 comments

pullus requestus

Recent Activity on My Comments Pony Request: I live on this page, but would find it more useful if I could limit how far back it goes. For example, if there were an option to "don't show any comments over 12 hours old", etc. What say you?
posted by blue_beetle to Feature Requests at 10:35 AM PST - 9 comments

Comment quantity on tag pages.

It would be nice if tag pages for MetaFilter (e.g.) showed the number of comments for each post, as those for AskMe do.
posted by enn to Feature Requests at 10:33 AM PST - 2 comments

X-posting AskMeFI and Uclue - is it bad?

Is it considered bad etiquette to post the same question to both Ask Metafilter and Uclue? [more inside]
posted by vogel to Etiquette/Policy at 4:36 AM PST - 53 comments

July 9

I c*nt stop saying twat.

UK vs. US or shock value vs. prudishness? Swearing in the drum circle thread. [more inside]
posted by BrotherCaine to Etiquette/Policy at 12:33 PM PST - 541 comments


When I preview my inchoate FPP, the link search informs me that my links were found in three previous threads, but only sometimes. [more inside]
posted by prefpara to Bugs at 9:11 AM PST - 27 comments


Yeah, we fell for it. Here's to less viral videos in the future!
posted by Citizen Premier to MetaFilter-Related at 7:48 AM PST - 5 comments [closed]

MeFi Seed Exchange

MeFi Gardeners: Save your Seeds! [more inside]
posted by Miko to MetaFilter-Related at 5:52 AM PST - 41 comments

Cause there's some life yet, in them thar old posts, I'm a tellin' ya right now!

Can we get an « Older posts button for the new Music Talk section over at MeFi Music? Seeing as how there's only room for five posts at a time (I suppose), it seems like a feature folks will want. [more inside]
posted by flapjax at midnite to MetaFilter-Related at 1:26 AM PST - 16 comments

July 8

Bleep bloop

Looking for a post about a programmer who worked at Atari and blogged about his work... [more inside]
posted by Blazecock Pileon to MetaFilter-Related at 8:52 PM PST - 19 comments

Let's meetup during my excursion

Attention MeFites between Colorado and Tennessee. I want to meet you. [more inside]
posted by -t to MetaFilter Gatherings at 1:39 PM PST - 27 comments

July 7

Yes we can meet up in Berlin?

Berlin meetup 24/25/26 July? [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane to MetaFilter Gatherings at 12:49 PM PST - 49 comments

What'd I miss?

How the heck do you catch up after a MeFi hiatus? I've been too busy to read the site the past few weeks, and a zillion posts have passed me by. What's the best way to filter the Filter? What'd I miss?
posted by desjardins to MetaFilter-Related at 12:41 PM PST - 101 comments

Wherefore art thou mdn?

Does anyone know whether mdn left or is just taking a break? Or why? I was just clicking through some favorites and noticed her account has been closed since June. There is no way left to contact her directly on her user page, and I can't remember how to find her website. [more inside]
posted by onlyconnect to Feature Requests at 11:57 AM PST - 41 comments

what they bring the coal in

There's something the matter with Glasgow, can we meet up and sort it out ? [more inside]
posted by sgt.serenity to MetaFilter Gatherings at 7:10 AM PST - 20 comments

Pony Request: All-time favorites.

I recently found the Weekly Favorites page. Is there a way to get the all-time best of the best?
posted by taumeson to Feature Requests at 6:23 AM PST - 32 comments

July 6

A million monkeys... and some editors!

An update to the Metafilter Writers Collaboration Project, and a request for volunteer editors. [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 to MetaFilter-Related at 11:49 PM PST - 84 comments

South Florida meet up

South Florida meet up [more inside]
posted by srs to MetaFilter Gatherings at 8:56 PM PST - 10 comments

SCIENCE! bags and tees

The website of the Mefite who made science! themed tees and bags? [more inside]
posted by Ugh to MetaFilter-Related at 7:05 PM PST - 14 comments

Bawlmer with or without Boh

Anyone for a Baltimore pile on? [more inside]
posted by QIbHom to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:10 PM PST - 26 comments

Denver Meet Up

Denver meetup anyone? [more inside]
posted by NailsTheCat to MetaFilter Gatherings at 5:04 PM PST - 41 comments

trying to find an old askme about browser portal thingy

Coulda swore there was an AskMe about a site that would allow you to punch in a URL and see what the site looks likes on different browsers/platforms... but of course I can't find it. Anyone recall this or am I imagining it?
posted by dobbs to MetaFilter-Related at 2:00 PM PST - 29 comments

July 5


Mumbai meetup next week? I'll bring har.har.
posted by Taksi Putra to MetaFilter Gatherings at 12:41 PM PST - 5 comments

July 4

work out your personal issues somewhere else, will you?

this personal drama thing that dirtynumbangelboy has got going needs to stop - this whiny victim playing has utterly wrecked this thread and it's getting ridiculous just.stop.it.
posted by pyramid termite to Etiquette/Policy at 9:07 PM PST - 134 comments [closed]

Burning the black book

Last post on this project [more inside]
posted by Kickstart70 to MetaFilter-Related at 12:38 PM PST - 27 comments

Another open letter.

Another open letter. [more inside]
posted by krautland to Etiquette/Policy at 7:03 AM PST - 202 comments

July 3

"... The Bronx is up and the Battery's down ..."

Yes, it's another NYC meetup thread. [more inside]
posted by essexjan to MetaFilter Gatherings at 11:40 PM PST - 38 comments

Grow the hell up.

An open letter. [more inside]
posted by dirtynumbangelboy to Etiquette/Policy at 6:43 PM PST - 96 comments [closed]

We'll build our house and chop our wood

Is there are gardening wiki, or do we have enough gardeners here to have a garden.metafilter.com?
posted by nax to Feature Requests at 1:48 PM PST - 48 comments

Everything here is chatty

The question on the page is not always the question that is really being asked. [more inside]
posted by troybob to Etiquette/Policy at 11:46 AM PST - 48 comments

Singapore meetup

Singapore meetup (in a hawker food center!) between Juy 24 and 27? [more inside]
posted by Rash to MetaFilter Gatherings at 4:13 AM PST - 11 comments

5 minutes of great reading.

Lest anyone miss it on the blue, this post needs to be added to the list of those that are referred to whenever someone asks what an excellent FPP looks like.
posted by allkindsoftime to MetaFilter-Related at 12:20 AM PST - 195 comments

July 2

Memorial fund?

What would the community think about a memorial fund or something for the family of Brooke Bennett? [more inside]
posted by C17H19NO3 to MetaFilter-Related at 7:43 PM PST - 43 comments

Metafilter - lessons learned from the BB problem?

Metafilter vs. the BoingBoing Problem -- lessons learned, actions to be taken? [more inside]
posted by felix to Etiquette/Policy at 11:58 AM PST - 264 comments

Music Talk and Charts and Challenges, Oh My!

New stuff for Music! We've added a Talk section, a page dedicated to Challenges, and made the Charts more obvious. [more inside]
posted by mathowie to MetaFilter Music at 9:52 AM PST - 57 comments

I would like to re-find a MeFi post on the "artxhibit" website exhibit template.

I would like to re-find a MeFi post on "artxhibit". [more inside]
posted by Tufa to MetaFilter-Related at 5:26 AM PST - 6 comments

July 1

Start Conference in San Francisco

I saw the ad for the Start Conference, and clicked on it. Love the concept and the speaker's list looks solid as well. I also noticed that MetaFilter is a sponsor of the event. So who here is planning on going?
posted by cell divide to MetaFilter-Related at 8:01 PM PST - 21 comments

How to find Mefites by city

How to find Mefites in a specific location? I want to find all Mefites in Panama City, Panama. Is it possible to do this; if so, how? Someone suggested editing my profile and changing my location to the city I want to locate others in and then looking at nearby mefites but that didn't work.
posted by lometogo to MetaFilter-Related at 7:48 PM PST - 16 comments

Thread pagination +500 comments

On thread pagination +300-500 comments [more inside]
posted by loiseau to Feature Requests at 6:39 PM PST - 35 comments

Using the stumped tag in askme

Since promoting the resolved tag worked so well, how about promoting the stumped tag?
posted by drezdn to MetaFilter-Related at 4:30 PM PST - 20 comments

Hot Fun in the Summertime.

To all the NYC Mefites I loved before, it's been too long. Let's meet-up. Above 14th street. On the West Side. You can all discuss how uncool that is inside this thread. [more inside]
posted by Lola_G to MetaFilter Gatherings at 12:44 PM PST - 100 comments

Anyone mentions "gibson" they get to buy a round.

Shall we play a game meet up at the last HOPE? [more inside]
posted by Skorgu to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:57 AM PST - 30 comments

Can I post something I tested to Projects?

A friend developed a new Firefox extension. While I didn't write any code for it, I was one of the testers during development and like to think that my input has helped the product. Is this okay to post to Projects?
posted by grouse to Etiquette/Policy at 3:44 AM PST - 47 comments