878 posts tagged with Etiquette.
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AskMe Etiquette

LazyFilter: I think Ask.Me is most helpful when people get questions answered that are difficult to answer elsewhere, or after having done some research on their own. I'm not a particular fan of "Inspired by this other ask question..." as if we need to brianstorm questions.

The latest egregious example is this thread which coming a mere 11 minutes after this other thread, I can only assume the poster's thought process was "Hmmm...thats slightly puzzling! Let me hit the Ask-a-Question button!" instead of say, doing some research on style manuals first and/or uncovering this previous thread on the exact same question. Do some research first, people!
posted by vacapinta on Mar 14, 2006 - 21 comments

Clean up in Aisle 7.

Clean up in Aisle 7.
posted by nixerman on Mar 14, 2006 - 63 comments

Not answering the damn question.

Another example of folks not answering the damn question.
posted by aberrant on Mar 13, 2006 - 78 comments

Askme etiquette on using first line of question as title

I've noticed that when posting questions to AskMeFi people will often just copy verbatim the first sentence of their question text into the title field.
posted by Rhomboid on Mar 13, 2006 - 20 comments

Dialup and video don't mix; how about a warning?

It would be nice to have a warning about Google Video in front page links. Dial-up and video don't mix.
posted by phewbertie on Mar 11, 2006 - 22 comments

Worst post ever contender

Worst post ever? Single link: Check. Self-post: Check. changed contact info to disguise ID: check.
posted by dash_slot- on Mar 11, 2006 - 64 comments

Apeshit over circumcision.

meehawl has gone apeshit over circumcision. Just relax, man.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Mar 10, 2006 - 99 comments

Projects Etiquette

Is Projects for alterting people to your own projects, or for telling people about a friend's blog that you find funny but realized it was too lame for the front page. I always figured Metachat was more for that sort of thing.
posted by Jimbob on Mar 9, 2006 - 50 comments

Moderation of Morality Talk in Science Thread

Space exploration topics in just about any online community are inevitably derailed by "why isn't that money being used for worldpeace/hungrychildren/education" bleeding hearts, so that the original subject is lost in repetitive defense of space programs. May I request that if you have a bone to pick with money being spent on space exploration, that you post your own link with discussion on the issue, rather than interrupting a good science discussion with never-ending arguments about the antiphilanthropism of government-funded space flight?
posted by brownpau on Mar 9, 2006 - 53 comments

Political discussion on Metafilter

Is there a section of MetaFilter that allows political discussion?

The only two comments I've posted were deleted. The first was archived because I used the same link as another person, but I had a completely opposite take. That was my point in using that same link. My post was political and critical of the Bush administration's actions in the New Orleans flood.

The one I posted today asked if the Bush administration is the most corrupt in government in our history or simply the most corrupt in modern times. I posted a link that explored that very question. Six quick comments, then boom The thought was silenced.

There was a mention, I presume by the editor, of the axe to grind filter being two doors down. I wasn't sure if there really is a place where political discussion is welcome, or if this was a way of saying political discussion isn't proper policy here.
posted by BillyElmore on Mar 6, 2006 - 111 comments

Using another's name to prove a point

This post is unrepentantly awful. Oh so brave internet crusading aside, is using another Mefi member (let alone four of them) to prove a point going to be allowed in FPP's now?
posted by Cyrano on Mar 1, 2006 - 79 comments

You might post my project to MeFi, but can I add related info?

At some point down the road I will release a project to Projects. I think it's cool and interesting enough that a MeFi post could well be deserved, not just linking to my project but to a number of related sites and documentation. I'm very close to this project, so I can handily write up what I think is a good and wide view of the issue to do more than promote my project. However, I don't want to be accused of self-linking and instead would rather post it to Projects with enough info for someone else to post on MeFi about it. Would suggesting someone do this in the writeup in Projects be going too far?

PS. Additional suggestion for the form I'm currently filling in: "Projects related"
posted by Kickstart70 on Feb 27, 2006 - 8 comments

Prolific poster posts 17 posts per hour for 3.5 hours

This has got to be some kind of record. Setting aside the merits of Glider's argument, you have to admire his persistence. By my back-of-the-envelope calculations, the guy made roughly 17 posts per hour for 3.5 hours, took a three hour break, then jumped back into the fray for a total of 70 posts over 13 hours. Wow.
posted by BitterOldPunk on Feb 25, 2006 - 64 comments

not ready to swim in the adult pool

Yet another specific example from the same user that they're not ready to swim in the adult pool. Is this harsh lambasting of every less-than-perfect-in-thine-own-eyes answer really proper AskMe decorum?
posted by disillusioned on Feb 24, 2006 - 151 comments

Penalize Self-Linking

Metafilter is not doing enough to penalize self-links. Pile-ons are not a deterrent, as they only provide affirmation to offenders who believe there is no such thing as bad publicity. No doubt Mitchell Rose of Red Red Rose Pictures is already patting himself on the back for a jorb well done, and despite the deletion of his spam, he has still succeeded: previously deleted threads are still indexed by search engines, thus continuing to provide incentive to perpetrators even if their malice is detected and hidden from the front page. I suggest adding a robots exclusion META NOFOLLOW tag to the head of any thread which has been deleted.
posted by brownpau on Feb 15, 2006 - 29 comments

It's a question, of course it was asked.

The worst noise I see on AskMeFi is simple: posts that suggest that a question should NEVER be asked on AskMeFi. I keep wanting to flag them as "obnoxious" but that isn't specifically an option.

Why do people assume that if someone asks on AskMeFi that they are somehow prevented from asking a real specialist? To put it the other way, can we assume - especially when the poster SAYS so in their question - that the person knows to seek proper help, that they are just asking here for additional points of view?

People here are adults and just because someone asks something in the Green doesn't mean that they're going to let the answers they receive trump a doctor or lawyer's advice. It usually just means someone's a little worried and wants to know what this often intelligent audience has to say on a subject in addition to any other advice they might seek.
posted by mikel on Feb 5, 2006 - 39 comments

Can we please stop questioning the need for anonymous AskMe posters to be anonymous?

Can we please stop questioning the need for anonymous AskMe posters to be anonymous? The posters can't respond, and I find Matt does a decent job of filtering out the questions that have no possible necessity for anonymity. Maybe you can't think of a reason, but then again, it's not your life at issue.
posted by grouse on Feb 5, 2006 - 20 comments

"Bullshit, and fuck you for assuming that."

"Bullshit, and fuck you for assuming that." -- I've observed that without further insight into the poster behind relationship questions, most people will naturally make their own assumptions and bring their own personal experiences to bear. If you're going to put yourself "out there" like this (and I question whether this is a good use of Ask Metafilter since these questions have no real "right" answer) then you also need to be a bit more patient with those who respond -or, don't respond at all.
posted by vacapinta on Feb 4, 2006 - 29 comments

comment in blue lacks context

posted by dersins on Jan 29, 2006 - 19 comments

"If this story is to be believed, then it looks like I was wrong about my condemnation of Lindh"

Thanks to jperkins for taking the high road.
posted by Rothko on Jan 26, 2006 - 21 comments

Let's stop these ad hominem-themed derails, ok?

Let's stop these ad hominem-themed derails, ok?
posted by clockzero on Jan 25, 2006 - 72 comments

Inappropriate Flagging?

Marketing Research? Two people have flagged this thread, saying (or implying) that it goes against Metafilter policy. Forgive me for not ready the policy very closely, but I don't see what is wrong with this kind of thing. What do you folks think?
posted by rossination on Jan 21, 2006 - 40 comments

Deleted AskMe

I'm pissed and slightly baffled. My first post to Ask MeFi was deleted. Apparently I should have posted it here in MetaTalk instead? No one has bothered to explain why, but I'm assuming it's because it was a question about MeFi. (Why do I keep having to log in every time I return to MeFi on my iBook, but not on my PC?)

Well, excuu-uuse me!

I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
posted by blogrrrl on Jan 19, 2006 - 327 comments

What's all this about urinals as art?

So if I were to post this article about someone attacking R. Mutt's "Urinal" with a hammer, would that be considered a "One Link News Filter Pseudo Self Link FFP" ?
posted by R. Mutt on Jan 18, 2006 - 24 comments

AskMe Policy

I'm as much for self-induced liver damage as the next guy, but some questions should not be answered. And thus, should not be asked.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jan 12, 2006 - 53 comments

Civility in Canadian politics thread.

Hildegarde, please clarify. Am I, or anyone else in this thread a "homophobic fuck"?
posted by angrybeaver on Jan 12, 2006 - 84 comments

Combative and snarky - keep up the good work

MeFi has been particularly combative and snarky lately. Keep up the good work.
posted by keswick on Jan 10, 2006 - 47 comments

A grand experiment in this phenomenon

Is y2karl's compulsive 'make huge extract, link and run' behaviour a grand experiment in this phenomenon?
posted by Firas on Jan 7, 2006 - 130 comments

'otherwise you're no better than any other date rapist'

'otherwise you're no better than any other date rapist': fair comment? [mi]
posted by ascullion on Jan 4, 2006 - 249 comments

Too Much Trolling

There seems to be a contingent of people on this website (we all know who they are) who feel the need to pollute threads that would be otherwise relevant, reasonable, and/or interesting. They come in, spew their opinion, and then proceed to turn thought-provoking material into a three ring circus. After having to sift through heaps of vitrol to find comments that even remotely relate to the topic at hand twice today, I've had enough. Your need to have your last word in a public meeting space that prides itself on civil, topical conversation is disgustingly revealing of your immaturity and arrogance. As a user of this site who is primarily a lurker, I want to make a statement on behalf of those people who come here for the fascinating content: If you feel the need to troll and argue, shut up already.
posted by potch on Jan 2, 2006 - 142 comments

Occasionally, I am reminded why I shouldn't read the comments here.

Occasionally, I am reminded why I shouldn't read the comments here.

I guess I'm soft-hearted or something, but I thought that yankeefog's link was a pretty good one: inspiring, heart-warming, maybe a little fluffy, but it's the holidays. So, after I read the article, I clicked back to the comments and the first half dozen replies are people whining about having to register to read it. Particularly annoying is thirteenkiller's one word dismissal. I'm sure a lot of thought went into that. I mean, what purpose does that kind of post serve other than to make yourself look like a complete dick? Seriously, you have time to dress up your user page with ironic hideously stupid rainbow shit, but you don't have time to swipe a password from bugmenot? Yeesh.
posted by MegoSteve on Dec 31, 2005 - 54 comments

"Pedophilia" comment in torture discussion

Rothko I bow to your knowledge of pedophilia.
posted by orthogonality on Dec 30, 2005 - 46 comments

Your typical callout

like the piece of shit, worthless fucking nobody you are. aw, somebody got a lump of coal in his stocking.
posted by quonsar on Dec 26, 2005 - 26 comments

Please stop posting animal shitting images, thanks.

Please stop posting animal shitting images, thanks.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Dec 23, 2005 - 72 comments

Using an appropriate tone of response to personal questions

Fair criticism: "I think your post was just a little over the top."
Getting too personal: "Pretty poor showing - but hey, we need to hear what [commenter] thinks we need to hear. Who am I to argue with that?"
Over the top arrogance: "Look [commenter], if you had 2mm of latitude to accept some criticism about what you said, this would have been over a long time ago. Don't feel the need to defend yourself." [Because I prefer attacking people who don't fight back -- editorial comment and emphasis added].
Hypocritical lashing out and name-calling: "Senor [another commenter] - other than playing an incredibly biased referee, what are you doing here? Don't you have more important threads to not participate in?"
posted by orthogonality on Dec 18, 2005 - 104 comments

Poster acknowledges overlooking indicia of a hoax...

Poster acknowledges overlooking indicia of a hoax...
posted by rkent on Dec 17, 2005 - 36 comments

How can I steal my friend's apartment?

Dear ask.mefi, how can I fuck over my friend while he's overseas by stealing his apartment so that he doesn't have a place to live when he gets back. P.S. It IS a really nice apartment, and he IS a jerk for having let me live there while he's gone so I'm totally justified in my actions.
posted by furtive on Dec 12, 2005 - 119 comments

to put it on metafilter as a profound single-link post is ridiculous

"This is so obviously a retarded fabrication that to take it seriously is an admission of gullibility beyond measure, and to put it on metafilter as a profound single-link post is ridiculous."
posted by monju_bosatsu on Dec 10, 2005 - 41 comments

Trying to "out" a MeFian in meatspace?

In AskMe, CMichaelCook attempts to out the offline identity of a MeFite. I don't know if it's correct or not, but either way it seems completely out of place in that thread.
posted by raedyn on Dec 7, 2005 - 261 comments

Can we get some moderation or is this just a free-for-all?

Too much of this discussion is noise and pathetic behavior. It is really difficult to have a discussion when several people seem more interested in directly insulting the poster. Can we get some moderation or is this just a free-for-all? (There is more inside).
posted by dios on Dec 5, 2005 - 56 comments


AskMeFi could be improved if the people answering the questions gave more information about themselves and weren't so darned bashful. [MI]
posted by meech on Nov 28, 2005 - 32 comments

Images at MeFi

Images in thread posts seem to be on the rise. They used to be rather pleasantly nonexistent, and I was under the impression that they were traditionally frowned on here.
posted by es_de_bah on Nov 26, 2005 - 164 comments

There's a link with an entire article posted - I don't think this falls under "Fair Use"

The link associated with this post is not close to being "fair use".
posted by Ethereal Bligh on Nov 24, 2005 - 93 comments

Once again, with feeling

A while back I posted a wonderful video for a song called "JCB Song". It went down very well.

I found out today they are going for a UK Christmas number one, and have added a back-story of their touching song to their site.

Im guessing I cant draw attention to this no? I'm dying for a decent xmas #1 after last year's god awful Band Aid thing.
posted by lemonfridge on Nov 22, 2005 - 13 comments

Don't copy the article, link to it

When y2karl quotes 4000 words of an article, it's really annoying. Just link to it. Thanks.
posted by The Jesse Helms on Nov 19, 2005 - 25 comments

Multiple sockpuppets for one user

So, to recap, dhoyt was highsignal, hall of robots and jenleigh. [more within]
posted by y2karl on Nov 15, 2005 - 694 comments

Can I repeat my unanswered AskMe question?

A point of AskMe etiquette? I recently posted a question and got no useful response, and I suspect it's because I put the question badly. At this point, it's off the first page. Is it OK to repost the question in a more potentially useful way or should I just give up?
posted by Karmakaze on Nov 14, 2005 - 16 comments

Maybe they didn't hear you the first time it was deleted

What do you do when you post condescending noise in an Axme and it gets deleted? Post it again in essentially the same form, of course. But wait! Don't forget to act indignant for maximum effect. [mi]
posted by Krrrlson on Nov 13, 2005 - 189 comments

Abanadoned questions on AskMe

Abanadoned questions on AskMe:
I think one of the purposes of AskMe is to provide an archive of solutions. Too often, even though the questions are answered by the community, the asker doesn't bother to report back, or forgets about the question. [more inside]
posted by Sharcho on Nov 12, 2005 - 21 comments

One user's great post is another user's meh....

I really don't care to see a FPP about what you vaguely remember your friend told you today. The Wikipedia links don't help, thanks.
posted by rxrfrx on Nov 6, 2005 - 25 comments

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