878 posts tagged with Etiquette.
Displaying 301 through 350 of 878. Subscribe:
Trying to pick a fight
What you REALLY wanted to ask was...
So, at what point does answering the question you feel someone *should* have asked cross the line?
fandango_matt callout
fandango_matt, please stop posting animal shitting pictures. Thanks.
Shrill cries of "tasteless!"
Hello, JudgeMe! A guy asks about copyright infringement, and everyone jumps all over him. It may be tasteless to you...
Misleading Tags
YouTube Etiquette
Why the need to type (YouTube) next to the link in a post that goes to YouTube? I don't care if your post links to YouTube, and since you posted it, neither should you. Following that logic, wouldn't we need to put (Txt File) next to links that go to pages of text, for example? YouTube seems to be a fully accepted internet format and as such does it need special deliniation? (say, unlike 'Flash")
Calling someone a rapist could be libelous
Calling someone a rapist on the sole basis of an accusation made to a reporter is wrong -- and could be libelous. The allegation against Girls Gone Wild producer Joe Francis is horrible and contains a lot of persuasive details, but that doesn't mean it's true.
Oops, I accidentally killed Decani's thread, which was
oops, I accidentally killed Decani's thread, which was:
A matter of idle curiosity.I'll move the comments to this post.
Why did Meatbomb's post asking for examples of racist jokes get shat on from a great height yet this one seems to be perfectly acceptable?
Is Projects only for 100% (or close to 100%) web-based projects?
Is Projects only for 100% (or close to 100%) web-based projects? I ask, because I'm producing a play that's opening in NYC (where there are many MeFites). I would like to announce it, but it's not a website. (My theatre company HAS a website, and I could link to the play's page, but that seems like a fudge to me. Yes, there's a website, but the real project is in meatspace, not cyberspace.)
Judiciousness in Lebanon newsfilter
Considering the recent events in Lebanon, can we perhaps consider a bit of extra judiciousness with postings like this one,and commenting therein if they stay up? I don't think anyone questions the gravity of the situation there, but most posts dealing with it are basically Newsfilter situations that devolve into extremely impassioned flamewars and insoluble arguments about the validity of a number of Big Issues.
Answer the question without preaching
I'm going to totally ignore your question, but I am going to pimp my religion.
no more Coulterfilter!
Single-link post giving attention to an attention whore OR: no more Coulterfilter!
namecalling: watch your mouth
Metafilter: a generation of irrational, prinitive nincompoops, people who habitually spout indolent, fallacious arsedribble, fucking idiots, dreadful, ignorant, piss-witted religious apologists, fucking pathetic, whining, retrograde imbeciles... Fuck you vermin. Fuck you; you disgrace humanity.
AskMe posts deleted, not discussed
Some posts to AskMe about tailgating and driving etiquette were deleted from this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves...
Please, klangklangston, tell us about the music
I was hoping klangklangston would, if he has the time, post one or two lines about each of the numerous albums he cites, either in the main thread or his own blog. I was concerned that a request for a self-link or major derail might be frowned upon in the blue, hence this MeTa.
Help me clarify my AskMe question
How could I have phrased this question in a more clear fashion that I didn't want any systems or methods or computer programs to track finances?
Re-Post with Pictures?
I'm somewhat new to Ask MetaFilter, is it ok (scratch that), is it proper to re-post or a make a new post now that pictures are supplied? A few weeks ago I posted a question about the value of a Coke bottle with pork rib bones inside. At the time I had no pictures to go along with the original post, but a few days later I was able to post some, by that time the post was history - no response.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you for your consideration.
Beefy ID3 tags on MeFi Music songs, please!
Hello! I'm addicted to MetaFilter Music. One thing I'd like to encourage is well-fleshed ID3 data. Some of the songs I've downloaded simply say things like "Track 4" and then I can't figure out who the hell provided me with the wonderful ear-candy. Thanks to everyone for posting their tunes!
I know we can be catty, but this...
AskMe question being dragged into chatfilter
Who has ever, or intends to ever, or never will, view pornography, at work?
This Ask Metafilter is devolving into this question rather than how the situation should be handled.
This Ask Metafilter is devolving into this question rather than how the situation should be handled.
Music Guidelines
Question regarding the new Music section: Current guidelines run along the lines of "Music you have written and/or recorded". I have an album which I helped produce, but did not write/record. I was very much involved in the creation of this album and would like to post an example or two. [MI]
a bit of mischief behind, and in, AskMe
I suspect a bit of mischief behind this post. I rather like it.
YouTube Guidelines
Could we get a moratorium on YouTube links?
Why do people kick the other kid's toys in the Sandbox (Ask Metafilter)?
I would like to commend the regulars of AskMetaFilter for letting their style of asking questions happen. It inspired the way I write AskMe questions now (and now I don't care if any people answer). Which brings me to my next and final point; about ettiquete and policy. Why can't people relax and just realize that's it's a sandbox, and if you kick the other kid's toy or throw sand in their face, I'm going to shove you? The conflict is necessary to watch the community form, but I think it's time to move to the monkey bars, you know what I mean kids?
Is it acceptable to offer an incentive for a successful answer in AskMe?
Is it considered in bad taste or a breach of policy to offer a prize or reward to whomever successfully solves a tech problem I'm tempted to post in askme? I've tried various customer support avenues and have had no luck so far.
If it is acceptable, what sort of incentive would be appropriate? Money strikes even me in poor taste. Any ideas, or should I just scrap the reward avenue?
If it is acceptable, what sort of incentive would be appropriate? Money strikes even me in poor taste. Any ideas, or should I just scrap the reward avenue?
What's so wrong about good old-fashioned dorky enthusiasm?
What Not to Post to AskMe
Here's a very entertaining and highly instructive thread on What Not To Post To AskMe.
Can I Post an MP3?
I have an mp3 I'd like identified. I could crop it down to a few relevant seconds and post it to askme for help. How much, if any, of an ill-gotten mp3 can I host and post before the RIAA puts a hit out on me? The end goal truly is to purchase the music, I just need to know who made it. Also, if this is a just a really bad idea in general, feel free to let me know.
heated, and off topic
This AskMe thread is getting a bit... ermmm... heated, and off topic.
Bad AskMe response
This post is abusive, flamebait and does not address the question.
There is an entry on my blog about this malarky
There is an entry on my blog about this malarky. Feel free to contribute to the discussion.
There is an entry on my blog about this malarky. Feel free to contribute to the discussion.
There is an entry on my blog about this malarky. Feel free to contribute to the discussion.
I don't wish to breach protocol, but....
I don't wish to breach protocol.
I found a great page that has been posted on another high profile community. That page is a .swf image I wish to print in a large size. I had planned on posting on Askme on how to do this.
I also find the image cool (and informative) enough that I thought it would be great material for The Blue-though I have reservations about posting it on both pages. Additionally this page was just shown on digg.com, so it may be old hat anyway.
So--any thoughts?
I found a great page that has been posted on another high profile community. That page is a .swf image I wish to print in a large size. I had planned on posting on Askme on how to do this.
I also find the image cool (and informative) enough that I thought it would be great material for The Blue-though I have reservations about posting it on both pages. Additionally this page was just shown on digg.com, so it may be old hat anyway.
So--any thoughts?
Does blocking Google-analytics affect revenue for metafilter?
Google-analytics.com. What's the upshot of my blocking scripts from this site/service? Does this effect advertising or revenue for metafilter? [more...]
Too much information and not enough privacy? Where does one draw the line?
To etiquette/policy: How bad is it to have posted a full name with some work history while asking AskMe for help in finding that person?
the most annoying person ever to post in the green
Was the rock song thread deleted?
The "most perfect rock song" thread has been deleted, no? I understand the reasons behind this; it was quite chatty with no real question. However, I'd glanced at it while at work and was looking forward to writing down the reccomendations when I got home. Does anyone have any sort of a cached version of this page?
Is this a kosher use of MeTa? If not, do forgive me, and feel free to delete. Ta!
Is this a kosher use of MeTa? If not, do forgive me, and feel free to delete. Ta!
What do you call a xxxx xxxxx man?
What do you call a xxxx xxxxx man?
clarificaiton wanted, derail not wanted
Looking for clarification for this comment by undule. Just trying to avoid a derail in the thread in question. [More inside]
"The evidence on breast self-examination is clear, there is no benefit to breast cancer mortality and results suggest that breast self-examination may do more harm than good." [MI]
"The evidence on breast self-examination is clear, there is no benefit to breast cancer mortality and results suggest that breast self-examination may do more harm than good." [MI]
Answerers jumping the gun
While it's very nice to, for once, see an answer-poster own up to
Any ideas? Perhaps, including a "Did you read the [more inside] at the top of the page?" reminder?
"Crap. I posted my brilliant secret before reading the whole post. Really sorry.there are another 106 times that I've seen answerers who never realized that the [mi] should have forestalled their answers.
I guess I got caught up a, "Holy crap I can contribute trip". Really, really sorry, and I have nothing useful to say.
Any ideas? Perhaps, including a "Did you read the [more inside] at the top of the page?" reminder?
Presumably-drunk user shitting in AskMe
When is it ok to pile on a poster?
Regarding this question. What's the rule of thumb here? Is it ok to pile on a poster and not answer his question if he's a minor? If his parents are possibly rich? If he lives in LA? If you don't like his attitude? If you're mad because you had a shitty car when you were 16, or even -- GASP -- no car at all, and this kid totally doesn't even deserve one, much less a NEW one?
Offensive Ask-Me
Maybe it's just my ameri-centric liberal oversensitivity and 'wheatish' skin-tone, but somehow I find this thread to be highly offensive.
Stay on subject in relationship filter
Can we try not to hijack a relationship thread with judgements about "breeders"?
An updstanding community member
This guy has really learned his lesson. He's a worthwhile member of the community, who really respects the admins.
That's why he mentions that he'd like to do the exact thing that got him banned previously. Because he's so sorry, and has so much respect.
That's why he mentions that he'd like to do the exact thing that got him banned previously. Because he's so sorry, and has so much respect.
you ask about drugs and insurance; my advice is to quit
I didn't want to derail this AskMe with this, so I clipped what I wrote there about drug testing and am posting it here. [more inside]
Snark fight in AskMe thread.
AskMe Homework Guidelines
I have an AskMe question, and I want to be sure that it's not breaking the "no homework on MeFi" convention. [mi]
Kirkaracha Love
Kudos to kirkaracha for dodging the urge to be clever and actually making the text of his link to IMDB the name of the movie. Rather than content free nouns, adverb or adjectives. "Honey, I've got a tool that'll fix anything." -- Actor in this sequel would have been less useful.
You'd love to see him die what?
Mr. Hincandenza, this is the United States Secret Service. We've got a few questions for you about something you posted on the internets.