1431 posts tagged with Meetup.
Displaying 601 through 650 of 1431. Subscribe:
San Francisco meetup: Amber, 11/11/07.
Pictures from Down Under
Blah blah Sydney meet-up photos blah blah lots of weddings yadda yadda good times had by all blah blah look there's tutu's... [more inside]
Turkey day round-up in the East Bay anyone?
Turkey Day round-up in the East Bay? [more inside]
Social networking in meatspace.
I know the new social networking trends around here are stirring controversy, but I think there's room at metafilter for one more! I'd like to see a place to announce a less-than-meet-up and ask who's-going-to-be-at-local-event? [more inside]
Rome Meetup
La Dolce Vita--Rome Meetup Nov. 14-19? [more inside]
Asheville Meetup Pictures
Condos and Couches: Are you going to Whistler?
Now that Halloween is almost here, and Fall is at its median, I thought it might be an auspicious time to start committing to the Whistler Mefi ski trip proposed in these threads. The tentative date is for the weekend of December 15-16. Are you planning on going? State your plans on the Wiki! [more inside]
Shoreline photos
Photos from the (very enjoyable) Shoreline meetup.
MeFi Biker Meetup...Ann Arbor
Last Minute, MeFi Motorcyle Meetup (MMM)...Ann Arbor area... [more inside]
Chicagoland mapgeeks unite!
Calling all Chicagoland map lovers! Are you ready for the Festival of Maps? Anyone want to meet up and discuss mapgeekery?
Bloomington, IN, meetup Nov. 11
Bloomington, Indiana, meetup on Sunday, November 11th. Just need a time and a place. [more inside]
Twofer Tuesday
Tuesday, October 23rd, The Harvey Girls (lots of mefi members) and Steve Golberg (ludwig_van) bring the rock to Kelly's Olympian in Portland along with The Minor Thirds (no mefi connection but I can throw them a free account for a mefi trifecta of rawk). Anyone up for a live music school-night meetup?
Tip the World Over on Its Side...
So I'm reading this, and I'm thinking it makes a pretty good prelude to a Los Angeles Meetup. [more inside]
London Calling/Calling London.
London Calling/Calling London. Perchance a meetup? I'm visiting next week and would love to meet and greet and talk and talk and talk. [more inside]
Coulton Plays the Chitlin Circuit
Proposed Atlanta Meetup / Jonathan Coulton concert: 11/09/07 20:30 EST at The FiveSpot [more inside]
First Ever Meetup in Africa
Africa Meetup: I hereby claim this continent for Metafilter. [more inside]
meetup indiana
Proposed: Indiana Meetup(s) in November. [more inside]
Meet-head in Beijing?
Do we have enough people for a meetup in Beijing in late October? [more inside]
hull, UK, oct 24/25?
proposing a meetup, hull, UK, oct 24 or 25? [more inside]
Mathowie Meetup Pics.
Lawrence Metafilter Meetup Tonight!
4 MeFites > 3 Musketeers
There was a small MeFi meetup in Chicago on Wednesday. Small. [more inside]
Spell out the fucking acronym already
Get together at SOTFAA? [more inside]
Beer + information = more, better information.
Get together at ASIS&T? [more inside]
Jessamyn, meet Vancouver.
All the way from the woods of Vermont! One night only!! Jessamyn, live in Vancouver!!! [more inside]
Shoreline Meetup (Gilbano Grinders all around)
Shoreline, Washington meetup! [more inside]
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
Are any mefites coming to this year's Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, Oct 5th through 14th? [more inside]
NYC Meetup: Astoria.
Not Exactly a Meetup
Is anyone planning on hitting the Adams Ave Street Fair this weekend? (San Diego, Normal Heights)
Boston Meetup, Friday 5th October
Boston meetup! Myself and wimpdork happen (independently!) to be visiting the area at the same time, so how about a meetup on Friday 5th October? [more inside]
Ottawa meetup?
South Florida Meetup
South Florida Meetup - Mid October 2007 - Post your date/place preferences below... [more inside]
Goodbye, DaShiv
He's not even here in NYC yet, and we're already planning his gooodbye party- come to DaShiv's Goodbye Dinner on September 26th. [more inside]
SLO Meetup?
San Luis Obispo, CA Meetup in late September? [more inside]
NY hearts plep
The enigmatic plep, originator of many remarkably fine FPPs, now resides in NYC for an indefinite length of time, on unspecified business. This calls for a meet-up, if only to pin him down as to location, and how much he's paying for rent.
Stood up at the meetup?
What happened, Tucson? [more inside]
Meetup in Ottawa?
Those of you putzing around on MeMu know I am heavily into folksongs and folk singing. This Thursday at 7:30 pm I am hosting a song session at Rasputin's in Ottawa (696 Bronson, for those of you who live here). The focus will be strongly towards accapella song, whether in groups or solo, and there will (hopefully) be singing from as many different musical traditions as we can manage.
Since I'm new here, I'd love the opportunity to meet some local Mefites; I thought this would be a fantastic excuse for a meetup. No singing is required, I'll only ask that you don't talk when someone is singing, out of respect for the singer.
So, are there any Mefites in Ottawa interested in coming down to Rasputin's on Thursday? I'd love to meet you!
Mefi Summit
How many skiers/snowboarders are there on Metafilter? I'm wondering if there is sufficent interest for a meetup/summit at a resort this winter. Perhaps if it is planned far enough ahead of time, Mefites who are interested can coordinate ski vacations.
Berlin Meetup
I'm hanging around Berlin for a few weeks. Are there any Mefites here interested in a meetup?
A fair warning: I'm headed your way
Sooo, I'm going to be in London starting from Sept. 17, leaving on the 22nd. I was just wondering if any of the good people of London would be so kind as to spare a couple of hours for this lone NYC delegate.
Burning Man Meetup
So I'm going to be in the Nevada Black Rock Desert near the end of the month. If anyone else is gonna be in town, come have a Meetup!
London dim sum meetup – Saturday the 25th of August
I was very excited to learn at a recent meetup that I am not the only London MeFite with a fondness for dim sum. So – who else is in for dim sum at Chuen Cheng Ku (as recommended in this thread)? Wilder will be in town on the Saturday the 25th, and is in. Let’s meet outside on Wardour Street at 12:30 p.m.
Sydney BBQ meetup?
Spring has well & truly sprung in Sydney, and it's been about six months, so I am proposing a MeFi BBQ.
If people are up for it, I'd propose finding a BBQ area (in local aboriginal, babakuarea) somewhere around Victoria Park or in Sydney Uni, just to be close to the traditional MeFi meetup home, the Alfred.
Albuquerque meetup?
Albuquerque meetup anyone?
How about Sunday, Aug 11, or is that too soon?
Maybe at Kelly's Brewpub on Central? 7pm?
Meet Me at the Comics Festival!
A plug, sort of: I'm going to be attending the Toronto Comic Arts Festival in a couple of weeks—I'll be there on the 18th and 19th, with my own little table. Robot Johnny will also be there. If any Mefites in Toronto are planning on coming to the festival, I'd love to meet you!
Don't be fooled by cheap imitations.
Meatbomb Travelling Roadshow August 2007. I am travelling aimlessly through the United States with my lovely fiance, in a rental car, in the month of August. We want to come and meet you.
Time's up. Where are the pictures?
It is afternoon in Portland, Oregon. Where are the pictures from last night's big 8th anniversary meetup? Lynsey and da shiv and maybe others had cameras there. Skip the photoshopping and just post the pictures, please.
Twofer: Los Angeles and Portland meetups?
I'm visiting Portland, OR from July 21 to July 27, and it would be really groovy to meet up with some MeFites while I'm up there. Any takers? Suggestions on location and time welcome.
Also, I'll be at the Grand Hallows Ball in Los Angeles on July 20, ready to get my grubby hands on my copy of Harry Potter and the Somethingsomethingwhatever. There's a good chance I'll be wearing a cape. Any LA peeps who'd like to join me would be good company.
Any Pre-Party Parties Going On?
Is anybody doing anything in Portland before the big party tomorrow? I've been traveling the western states with my camera looking for interesting sites to see, and I will be driving from Seattle where my parents are to Portland tomorrow. I'm just not sure if it's worth getting to town before 7 or not.