636 posts tagged with Callout.
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why are racist questions allowed on netatalk
So it's cool to post racist and stereotypical trolls to ask.me now? When did the rules change?
This is not what AskMe is for.
Don't favorite this comment.
hermitosis, you are an attention whore. [more inside]
Yes, it looks a bit funny
I'm not a big fan of call-outs, but this thread, on alzheimers research that happens to involve dorky looking headgear, seems to have gone really wrong. It's pretty much entirely devoted to the false premise that the helmet would be worn at all times, and the humour derived from said dorkyness of helmet, which seems completely the wrong tone for the discussion of a serious disease and what seems to be some legit research. [more inside]
Hey, you know how I'm apparently your friendly neighborhood irrational/uptight/bitchy feminist? Well, my Batsignal is going off. 'Cause I'm bitchy/uptight/irrational/out to ruin your fun. And I don't like conversations that are all about the hilarious inevitability of adults ogling some lady's rack. [more inside]
Is this something I'd have to have a Metafilter account to know about?
Users commenting just to say they haven't heard of the topic of discussion is 100% noise and garbage.
[more inside]
Bickering ahoy. :(
Self Link?
hopefully nipping this in the bud
hey, bruce? I, and other folks, aren't too thrilled with what you're saying in the Elyse Sewell thread. Let's talk about you over here, and keep talking about her over there. [more inside]
Don't Mess With "Don't Mess With Texas"
It's getting tedious seeing wfrgms bring out the same old "Don't Mess With Texas" derail one more time. [more inside]
GiveWell, or Give 'em Hell?
Is This Transparency? OP with very slim, one-year posting history asks a question about finding a good charity in AskMe, just prior to year-end tax-decision time. Newly registered responder posts a newly formed charity-aggregator/evaluator organization, without mentioning that he is, apparently, one of the two founders. Self-promotional setup leading to self-link? Or am I being too cynical?
[update, 1/3/08: a summary of events is being developed on the wiki. --cortex]
[update, 1/3/08: a summary of events is being developed on the wiki. --cortex]
Battle of the Flickr All-Stars
This FPP sucks. It's basically just an excuse to ogle Rebekka: 'Look, she has boobies!' [more inside]
No guessing required: this is a callout
Is tombola breaking the guidelines by posting a blog post from a site for which he is an editor? [more inside]
Do callouts have a shelf-life?
I'll probably regret it, but I guess this is a callout. [more inside]
What will we think about and why?
It's chatfilter because "major issues" is objective and undefinable, or if not undefinable, a distasteful acceptance of political groupthink. Well, anywho, it's standing, so let's put discussion here. [more inside]
Bottom posting links
My recent activity is becoming homunculus' blog/link dump. [more inside]
We hate hip-hop
ND¢'s two cents cause a shitstorm. News at 11.
ND¢, generally I really like you, but it's clear that you are being a dick for the sake of being a dick, notwithstanding your attempts at justifying that as your real and valid opinion. All you had to say was "yeah, maybe my joke was a little offside" and no one here would have busted your balls over it. Just be a decent human being with a little respect and understanding and things don't have to turn into a shitpile.
offensive, sexist, NOT RACIST
I see that this AskMe post gratuitously compares a beautiful woman's face to a diseased rectum, distended with constipated feces. [more inside]
Persecution complex, much?
Someone is begging for the banhammer.
These comments are really making me think, actually... I really wish people could post comments as anonymous sometimes. Because by percentages alone, YOU KNOW that there are people reading this thread who are, indeed, serial flashers or public masterbators. There HAVE to be.
You know, I can take a bit of sexism, but this is really overboard.
wtf quonsar
Does anyone really know what time it is?
Teaser posts suck
I really hate this. But since I don't want to do the same thing, I need to explain what "this" is. "This" is writing a whole post on the front page without ever saying what the post is actually about. Teaser posts are teh suck.
There is a snark in the title, covered with a URL
I'm as big a fan as anyone of the LOL-christian/republican-does-something-out-of-character story, but this is in poor taste.
really, your own blog is more useful for this.
"Your world is filled with non-people."
That little drive-by rant made you sound like the biggest pompous asshole in mefi history, buddy. It really did. Ethereal Bligh, stop this. Your continual personal insults and belittling are neither appropriate nor conducive to discussion or community.
On the internet everyone knows you are a wedge of spite
Yes it is a double, but it is also good example of how one or two cranky farts can totally change the tone of a thread. [more inside]
Not cool.
Hysterical Bligh
Is there a shrink in the house? I'm just curious what your diagnosis would be for this: (1, 2). Does somebody need a time out? [more inside]
item for your attention
Is there a shrink in the house? I'm just curious what your diagnosis would be for this: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Does somebody need a time out?
How is favoriting every single comment (in several different threads) different from any other kind of crapflood? It dilutes what (arguably little) utility the favorites have for anyone else, and annoys me because I haven't had coffee yet.
By request...
I can has NO Gnostic Novelist plz?
Could we perhaps gently show Gnostic Novelist where the door is? I would link to some of the more egregious of his baby-smearing-doodoo-all-over-threads, but it's probably simpler just to look at his posting history.
Self-linking comments
jbelkin needs an email from one of the admins about self-promoting comment links.
You know, as the guy who has trouble pointing out that you just cut in line in front of him, I gotta say wtf davy? Is it that hard to imagine that there are people who actually are insufficiently assertive—problematically so—and that this may cause trouble with partners who don't feel they're 'manly' enough? The world doesn't view everyone the same way so it's a bit too much to ask that everyone refuse to project anything besides hesitant soppiness.
Born Every Minute
I strongly disagree with This Thread being posted.
This post links prominently to this URL, (which redirects to this Blogspot site). A rudimentary glance at the source code reveals a rather obvious favicon icon almost certainly belonging to this first-time poster.
Cthulhu Blue
Seriously guys, he just wants a name.
The poster of this question has clearly stated, "I'm not trying to solve their problems, I'm looking for specific recommendations for a marriage counselor. You know, like a name. If I wanted advice about 'how do I deal with my friends' psychotic marriage problems,' that's the question I'd have asked." I've flagged the responses that judged the poster rather than answering the question, and several of those comments were deleted, but many of them remain. I'm curious about where that line was drawn. Also, if people really feel the need to question the poster's judgment, hopefully they can do it here and leave the thread with less noise.
history repeats itself
Something's rotten with bitrot.
b1tr0t needs a time-out. Telling someone who was seeking psychological counseling but didn't want to tell their parents to use adultfriendfinder.com instead was ... well, I'd like to think the green has just slightly higher standards.
WTF, Wendell?
So Wendell apparently harvested a bunch of Mefite email addresses and sent a pointless message to all of them, and a herd of the recipients went off on a "reply all" binge with equally pointless replies. Now I have a mailbox full of crap. This is without a doubt the lamest, most wrong-headed bullshit move I have experienced here. Thanks for nothing, jerx.
Offensive noise.
Completely ridiculous, disgusting askme response.
Is this really necessary?
I'm confused on the etiquette rules regarding when it's okay to push a thread off into lunacy. I was hoping that the pirates thread could be interesting (although the OP was a bit lacking), but it instantly turned into a useless flamefest. Is it too late to delete all the pirate songs and idiocy? Can we maybe agree on a brief moratorium to let threads develop before we turn them into Thomas Pynchon novels?
I'm Sorry
interrobang is being a real asshole today.
MeFi and antisemitism
So MeFi user Brian B. has chosen to use the recent Scientology thread to spread a bit of good old-fashioned antisemitism, selective quotes from the Talmud styley, explaining why, apparently, Jews believe is it ok to murder non-Jews, something my own rabbi omitted to mention at any point, starting here and continuing through the thread. As I am relatively new to posting here, I would like to ask what is the MeFi etiquette for dealing with a fellow MeFite who wants to use the site to spread racist propaganda of this sort. Because right now I am breathing very slowly and deeply and still seeing everything through an extremely red mist and I would appreciate some suggestions.
Detailed description of farm history; MeFi relatives get in on the act.
Callout for awesomeness: Want to know about farming history? Well, ontic's dad will tell you about farming history.
Remember to stick to the subject and issues raised by the post, not people that commented on it
This US politics thread gets pretty painful to read. My complaint isn't that original, but please, please, resist the urge to make it about other members of this site.