362 posts tagged with Posts.
Displaying 301 through 350 of 362. Subscribe:
Blind FPPs suck.
Blind FPPs suck. Is it asking so much to tell me what the link is about?
Did someone change my URL?
An URL posted here has changed. I posted a link to the Glass Engine on the weekend as http://www.philipglass.com/glassengine/#. The URL now coded inside the Metafilter page is http://euphorbia1.client.dti.net/glassengine/ but it fails to connect. The www.philipglass.com site appears to be down as well (and I really hope I didn't get the place MeFied) so the original URL doesn't work either. This is not a redirect I'm talking about: the code in this Metafilter page is different. I just checked http://www.jerrykindall.com/ where I got the URL -- and his code has changed to the new URL, too. Say, you all aren't trying to glasslight me, are you?
Poorly typed posts ruin the subject matter.
I hate when important stories are ruined by lousy posts. How many errors can you find? Where's the cleanup crew when you need them?!
why was this post deleted?
For the sake of review, and so that we may all learn from the past in hopes of making a better future, why was this post deleted?
Maybe there should be a limit on MetaTalk posts.
Suggestion: Limit users to one MetaTalk front-page post per week.
I saw it on Fark but want to discuss with MeFites
So there's interesting story (or two) being prominently linked on another site with known readership overlap. I'm interested in hearing the comments of the MeFi community on either. Is that reason enough for a FPP?
I still can't figure out how to put a link in a response; can someone help me?
I feel dumb for asking, but... after being here for a few months I still can't figure out how to put a link in a response. Can someone tell me? Or is there a "How To" page here that I haven't found? Thanks in Advance.
20 out of 27 posts yesterday were news pieces.
Of yesterday's 27 posts, no fewer than 20 of them were links to news sites or concerned recent events or happenings.
Posts leading to "premium" sites are not very useful.
Posts leading to "premium" sites are not very useful. (more inside)
Can we get a thread tracker?
Often, it is complained that threads scroll off of the page too quickly, etc. Perhaps some sort of thread-tracking like that suggested here could help.
Please don't change fonts.
Dates on old posts
There doesn't seem to be any way to tell exactly when an old thread was posted. The original FPP has a 'time posted' tag, and the comments all have 'day' tags, but there's no year listed anywhere. (more inside)
Deleted post topic pony
Instead of simply deleting posts that people suggest should be deleted, remove them from the front page and disable further new posts on them. That way people like me who don't read MeTa very often will still know what you guys were talking about and why thread x should've been deleted rather than just having to figure it out from comments.
Please kill this thread
Please kill this thread. [More]
Help me find this old thread
This is almost certainly bad MeTalk etiquette, but I desperately need to find a thread posted some months ago about an autistic (or otherwise mentally handicapped woman) who made "art" by wrapping common objects in string. I want to write a paper for my Philosophy and Art class on this woman, but can't find the link... I've been Mefi/Google searching for about an hour now with no luck. IIRC, there was quite a lively discussion at the time... can anyone remember where the link was?
I absolutely adore long front page posts
For the record, I absolutely adore long front page posts that are three paragraphs long with more links than I'm ever gonna get around to clicking on. I just wanted to say that before some MeFi cop came in here reading the riot act. =) I cite this as an example of when it's okay to do that. Who's with me?
Is there a statute of limitation on double posts?
Seeing this thread regarding the hoary old chestnut (you know, back in 2000) of Steve Albini vs. The Music Biz and Courtney Love ripping him off begs the question:
Is there a statute of limitations on double-posts?
Since TiggleTaggleTiger is a new user (May 2001), should he get cut slack? What if a newbie - new to the Web, new to MeFi - posts this link to a great site he found called fray.com? What's the correct procedure here?
Is there a statute of limitations on double-posts?
Since TiggleTaggleTiger is a new user (May 2001), should he get cut slack? What if a newbie - new to the Web, new to MeFi - posts this link to a great site he found called fray.com? What's the correct procedure here?
Hey, what's going here?
Hey, what's going here? I read a very long fpp, with a comment inside saying it was too long. Now the comment has been axed, the post stays and two more very long fpps are there....
is something amiss?
is something amiss?
another day - another spoony thread removed.....
another day - another spoony thread removed.....
I didn't think this one was bad at all, what harm can there be in table tennis game all flash stylee?
one day i'll get it right.
I didn't think this one was bad at all, what harm can there be in table tennis game all flash stylee?
one day i'll get it right.
A thread begging for deletion
A thread begging for deletion or to be folded into the previous thread. This is not the Tit-for-Tat Lounge, this is not a debate club, no one is scoring points.
Post formatting
Is something in the posting code deliberately down-casing all the text in a link? In this thread there were two attempts to post a NYT link which included upper case letters and both failed, so the link was posted directly as text to be cut and pasted.
What if Matt has it backwards?
What if Matt has it backwards? Maybe people ought to get front-page posting priviledges first and discussion priviledges later. Is MeFi a community 'blog or a discussion board?
Is it OK to post a lengthy follow-up to your own thread?
Is it OK to post a lengthy follow-up to your own thread?
The temporal nature of hackedness
When you link to a hacked site, please consider that it may not still be hacked by the time some of us wake up, yet your link will still be there..... there are places you can go to get screen shots of hacked sites.
Good posts: examples sought
ok, i've been reading over mefi for the past couple of weeks and i continually hear every other person say "this is a not a good post, etc." i've read the mefi guidelines but simply hanging around when apparently half of the stuff is considered improper, it's kinda hard to distinguish between good versus bad. could someone point me to some older examples or just general ideas. i'd appreciate it.
Is there a bug in the MeTa post category options?
Uh...I know I didn't post that last thread to Bugs. Can anybody else back me up on this?
Is there any way to track if it was somehow (spontaneously?) moved, Matt?
Is there any way to track if it was somehow (spontaneously?) moved, Matt?
what do people think about pushing the TextAds beyond the home page
So if TextAds were so successful, what do people think about pushing the TextAds beyond the home page to the top of the main MeFi links of the day? That would allow for a lot more impressions, maybe at a slightly cheaper rate than the homepage ad rate?
I've enjoyed following the links from the TextAds more often than not, so I'm all for more, as long as they stay relatively high quality (I suppose Matt's the ultimate arbiter in this case.)
I've enjoyed following the links from the TextAds more often than not, so I'm all for more, as long as they stay relatively high quality (I suppose Matt's the ultimate arbiter in this case.)
What happened to this post?
does anyone know what happened to the oct 23 thread about kimble's megacar? was it removed?
how about a limit from Drudge?
It seems that many of the posts on the front page show up from Drudge. While we talk about limiting posts from CNN, the Onion, etc., how about a limit as well from Drudge?
Why has "deal with it" become the ultimate write-off at the end of a post?
"Discuss..." is annoying and useless.
MetaFilterians don't need to be instructed to converse. Discuss...
Notification of new threads and comments.
Would it be possible to add a "There have been X new threads and Y new comments on MetaTalk since your last visit" to the MetaFilter page?
What about an option to display the last 10 or 20 most recently commented on posts?
Most recent!? What about an option to display the last 10 or 20 most recently commented on posts? If you counted the initial post as a comment it might be a way to a)save bandwidth and b) keep up on what's being discussed.
For me metafilter is about discussion, and this would be a great tool to cut through the clutter.
Oh, and a pony.
For me metafilter is about discussion, and this would be a great tool to cut through the clutter.
Oh, and a pony.
Let there be karma
A Karma (voting) system for thread quality coupled to a front page ranking/filtering method. Karma to be weighted by the degree of enlightenment of the voting MeFi (using join date as proxy). Selected MeFi luminaries accorded Budda status, capable of bestowing Big Karma. [more]
Too much Ananova.
Could we have a moratorium on Ananova links for now? While other news sources have not been dead on, they seem to be way off base more than others. There are quite a few reading Mefi right now, and disinfo from what looks like a credible source could hurt.
Are these threads really right for MetaFilter?
Is this really the venue for moments of silence and lists of condolences? Especially when posters order 'do not comment here'? We saw how well it worked in the case of the first thread.
Can my comments include my posts?
I have no idea how difficult this might be, but it would be nice if "My comments" also included threads I started even if I didn't add any comments to them.
No more Stile links, please.
Please, in the name of whatever faith-based tradition you espouse, no more Stile links! Kee-rist.
Post quality improving.
Am I the only one (and I am a longtime reader, albeit not poster - almost 2 years) who thinks the quality here has gotten BETTER? I've gotten so used to the complaints in MetaTalk about posting that recent content (with some exceptions) has been a nice surprise.
What is MetaFilter to you?
What is MetaFilter to you? What works and what doesn't?
An eerie silence descends upon metafilter
No new threads.
I've logged out and then back in. I've restarted my browser, computer and net connection. I've dug up the fiber in front of my home. I've short-circuited the breakers at the Pacbell CO, instigating the start of their a massive emergency power generator.
And yet no new posts since this one at 3:57pm.
I've logged out and then back in. I've restarted my browser, computer and net connection. I've dug up the fiber in front of my home. I've short-circuited the breakers at the Pacbell CO, instigating the start of their a massive emergency power generator.
And yet no new posts since this one at 3:57pm.
Is it time for a word limit for posts to the home page?
How long is too long? Is it time for a word limit for posts to the home page?
can we validate?
Matt has said that a lot of the maintenance work he does is fixing HTML errors. Does anyone know of an easy way to run posts through an HTML Validator and reject the ones that don't pass?
9000th post celebrated here
MetaFilter surpasses 9000! Today! Unfortunately, there's no info on who gets the door prize.
What do people think about "linkless posts."
What do people think about "linkless posts." Are they not really what MetaFilter is about, or do they encourage discussion and subsequently build and enhance the community?
A "Post with Comment" feature?
A "Post with Comment" feature, which enables you to post a link *and* the first comment in a thread at the same time.
What's the point of metafilter?
I'm really new here, and I was hoping I could get some input as to what Metafilter's all about. What I thought it was all about was a community blog where we posted the most unusual links, the ones that every other semi-popular blog site was posting at the same time. The best example of this is "all you base are belong to us". Everyone had that link.
But now I think it's more intelligent of a community than that, or at least it's supposed to be. So the question I have is two part:
1. What's the point of metafilter?
2. If it's not to point to all your base are belong to us, then where can we post (and find) such links?
But now I think it's more intelligent of a community than that, or at least it's supposed to be. So the question I have is two part:
1. What's the point of metafilter?
2. If it's not to point to all your base are belong to us, then where can we post (and find) such links?
when will the number of registered users will surpass the number of threads
So, anyone want to venture a guess as to when the number of registered users will surpass the number of threads?
Edit posts pony
just wondering.... any way we could get a way to edit our own posts? ... i know there is a preview , but hey, mistakes happen
Does a link being posted elsewhere really mean it's bad for MetaFilter?
Memepool is nothing like Slashdot. I don't read memepool. I am glad that I did not miss this post because of my surfing habits. MetaFilter can't make my experience better by expecting me to read another web site, can it?