636 posts tagged with callout.
Displaying 501 through 550 of 636. Subscribe:
copious vitriol
Is this the way to do self-links?
This thread is interesting to me, because I've held off posting similar content, for fear of reprisal and bandwidth usage. Is there an appropriate way to post 'discovered' content without having the MeFi Hall Monitors yell "SELF LINK! SELF LINK!"?
I am inclined to think this is a bit over the line.
Scott Peterson post complaint
Dennis Murphy : "It kills you that everyone doesn't think exactly like you, right? This is metafilter. There is one post on on this case, and hundreds on the iraq war, most antibush, antiwar, antiright. What more do you want?"
What to do with out of line comments
WAY outta line. Ideologically speaking, I'm far, far closer to y2karl than I am to the victim of this jibe, but it left an awful taste in my mouth.
This is the kind of thing that makes us all look shallow and vituperative. Outside of the importunement of a heartfelt email (already sent), what venue does the average MeFite have for redress when something like this crops up?
This is the kind of thing that makes us all look shallow and vituperative. Outside of the importunement of a heartfelt email (already sent), what venue does the average MeFite have for redress when something like this crops up?
debka verboten
i seem to recall mathowie expressly forbidding postroad from ever posting a debka link again. since postroad continually flouts even basic metafilter guidelines and seems to regard this forum as his personal colostomy bag, i think he needs a time out.
Ranting and raving
Apparently tjenson has hir panties in a bunch about matt deleting a thread and is now stomping through other metafilter threads ranting about it.
The very worst kind of IraqFilter thread
This is an example of the very worst kind of IraqFilter thread. Grabbing the first news story on a subject, a Fark-style minimal headline and people getting out the popcorn for a surely ensuing flamewar.
Can we please not have anymore crap like this on MeFi? There are many other places to get information like this.
Can we please not have anymore crap like this on MeFi? There are many other places to get information like this.
We will discuss whatever is in the links
Posted by nofundy at 2:48 PM EST on March 14:
This so didn't need to be posted. Do we really need to hear yet another pundit's fascinating views on Iraq?
"So you think discussing Eminem would be a better use of time than considering alternate viewpoints on serious issues?"
This so didn't need to be posted. Do we really need to hear yet another pundit's fascinating views on Iraq?
"So you think discussing Eminem would be a better use of time than considering alternate viewpoints on serious issues?"
Anti-war activists
Over the past three days, there were FPPs on anti-war statements here and here. Each time, hama7 (a/k/a dhoyt) derailed the thread through guilt-by-association redbaiting. Can we just stipulate that anti-war activists will not be satisfied until the means of production have been turned over to the proletariat, and move on?
Attacking and insulting members isn't cool.
Use of the anchor tag
y2karl, meet the anchor tag. Say hello!
What ever happened to quite rational discussion?
I'm slightly disturbed by the vitriol suddenly on display here. What ever happened to quite, rational discussion? [more]
Got the hate-on for "I for one welcome our...."
mathowie : I delete a handful of 'I for one, welcome our ___ overlords' comments every day. I used to do the same for vibrating comments. I hate pancake references too. They're all just forms of heckling, attempting to derail any discussion and take attention away, just like an in-the-flesh heckler at a speech. I don't buy the 'but other kids were doing it, mom!' because everyone doing it is being a bad citizen by contributing noise to the site."
Noise comments to raise contribution index
Do we really need more newsfilter posts?
newsfilter. in the last five minutes i've seen the same info via politech and slashdot. why does it need to be duplicated on mefi too? this is a place for interesting links, not breaking news. faq. wiki.
please, people, if you're interested in this kind of thing, read and post to appropriate sources. posting everything everywhere just makes a big muddy mess where the only distinction between different sites is the member list and moderation system.
please, people, if you're interested in this kind of thing, read and post to appropriate sources. posting everything everywhere just makes a big muddy mess where the only distinction between different sites is the member list and moderation system.
I/P snark as usual
I found some of the following comments irresponsible and irritating. This attack nearly hijacked a thread. These comments are off-topic and are not fair to both the poster of the thread and the victim poster.
thread about abortion aborted
the making of an abortion. nuff said.
This post has too many links!
I think it has been mentioned before, and maybe I'm just grumpy tonight, but there are TEN FREAKIN' LINKS in this post.
How did these users sign up?
This is not supposed to be a theology debate.
This is not supposed to be a theology debate. Although I don't mind walking the line because I am interested in people's reactions and interpretations of a natural phenomenon. But I don't want my first FPP yanked because people couldn't at least flame on topic and the topic is HIV, how it works and what it looks like.
Pointless post.
This post does not seem to have any point, nor do the comments.
FPP post chauvanistic sniggering, poor commentary followed
Is this really necessary? A front-page post consisting almost solely of chauvinistic sniggering at the name of an indigenous group? And it's not redeemed by the discussion.
"Once again, for the fourth time, I have been banned from, and censored by, metafilter.com for politically incorrect speech."
Is this really a worthwhile contribution?
posted by Pancake Overlord at 9:40 AM PST on November 16 {more inside}
The lovely and talented JonnyX says: MCWETBOY-------------so go play on your own blog then you dipshit. if you dont like it here then FUCK OFF.
In a word, "no".
In a word, "no".
Where are all the lefties?
Don't be jerks to folks with lupus
"I've got Lupus." You're a werewolf!? No wonder you don't go outside. I'm no model MeFite, but this struck me as particularly offensive, inappropriate, and sophmoric, especially in the context of the thread. Sharing too much personal information is discouraged, but I don't think anybody deserves this amount of disrespect.
Wouldn't want to let the lack of an actual link interfere with being the first to post, would we?
As soon as any news links appear i'll post them here.
Wouldn't want to let the lack of an actual link interfere with being the first to post, would we?
Wouldn't want to let the lack of an actual link interfere with being the first to post, would we?
Why so much Nazi referencing?
So, when do Nazi references become gratuitous?
Take it to Sportsfilter
Here's a fun brain teaser for ya. Wouldn't sports oriented front page posts like this and this be better suited in SportsFilter? And if not, why not?
Dead friend hot-or-not over the line
Culling of the heard. Can somthing be done about crackedheadmatts post to someone whos friend just died. "Was she hot?" -- over the line.
Two self links in one post.
Two self links in one post. And they're kind of creepy, to boot. Not a particularly auspicious beginning for the 16K club.
how not to win friends and influence people
"ps to all the "spell check" asswipes I have compromised my systems security to please you now go away."
hoopyfrood is making friends and influencing people all over the place
hoopyfrood is making friends and influencing people all over the place
Stop picking on the n00bs
I'd like to suggest that there might be a bit of a danger these days of stripping some potential away from the site. A lot of new users are being called out (or belittled) rather promiscuously for posts or comments that are often no different than what they have been accustomed to seeing from Metafilter elders pre-14k (as well as post-14k). Vigilance is worthy and needed in order to protect the integrity of Metafilter, but I suspect that there is a risk of creating an atmosphere of paranoia in which many promising new members will be afraid to post anything that they are not absolutely certain will not reap condemnation. (more inside...)
What is with these peeps?
Having just posted a comment, and having had a pang of worry over an unintentional snarkiness implied by an italicisation, i continued to the thread on james randi which seems to be about to blow up due to the charming "Fuck you and your know-nothing smugness." comment. An unanswearble, i guess, but what is with these peeps?
Just because it's "another Coulter thread"
Hi, Jack. Just because it's "another Coulter thread" doesn't mean raysmj ought to piss all over it with his off-topic opinions on proper journalistic style. How many other threads have been similarly derailed by snarks on the writing style or site design of the linked page?
What the dogmuffins is up with this?
What the dogmuffins is up with this? I think that searching for the phrase "fuckwit" will prove that I've never used it. Is there someway to delete comments like this, which serve no purpose except to be nasty?
I really liked that movie -> FPP
Is this thread front page material? [more inside]
Newsfilter's Greatest Hits
So in case you missed the posts linking to well-known news stories in well-known media outlets, there's now a post that collects them all for you. Nothing new here, just collected for your browsing pleasure. Call it MetaNewsFilter. Jeepers.
Callout: comments in Asian bride spoof going to far?
I'll bet that makes her a Sour Kraut... in this episode, Perigee goes all Don Quixote...
Arguments over definitions.
Hey Matt, you should start a new subsite called MetaWord. Visitors would contribute single word posts, like Heart, or Hero, or Terrorist or Gallbladder and then everyone can argue about what the word means and did mean and should mean and would mean if we all spoke Esperanto and wore those hats with the fruit on them.
Alternatively -- and this might even be a better idea, if possible -- MetaWord would have regular posts, but comments would be limited to one word. You could even do away with the textfield and just give people a dropdown box with preselected words like 'Doublepost!,' 'Racist!,' 'Troll!' 'Nazi!' 'Liberal!' 'Kitties!' and '*yawn*'. And then we could argue about the meaning of the word "yawn."
Alternatively -- and this might even be a better idea, if possible -- MetaWord would have regular posts, but comments would be limited to one word. You could even do away with the textfield and just give people a dropdown box with preselected words like 'Doublepost!,' 'Racist!,' 'Troll!' 'Nazi!' 'Liberal!' 'Kitties!' and '*yawn*'. And then we could argue about the meaning of the word "yawn."
How about a little meat to go with that book?
The racist post needs to go.
I'm not one to post on MetaTalk, well, ever, but this needs to go. There's no excuse for it's overt racism. It's personally insulting a multitude of people, as well as most everyone's intelligence. Nothing constructive is coming out of it.
Can we call out the comment without calling out the commenter?
Have we at last completely abandoned any hope of civility and reasonable discourse on Metafilter? There's disagreement, and then there's constant, consistent patterns of personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with one in the slightest. Is there no line to be drawn, or is Matt on vacation? (links inside)
One of our favorite words
One of our favorite words.
Some people use it on Metafilter and get called on the carpet for it in MetaTalk. Others write songs about it, create newsgroups about it, or even (Miguel, I sense your hand in this) name cocktails after it. These guys get it. These guys, I'm not so sure.
Some people use it on Metafilter and get called on the carpet for it in MetaTalk. Others write songs about it, create newsgroups about it, or even (Miguel, I sense your hand in this) name cocktails after it. These guys get it. These guys, I'm not so sure.
Language callout
Or, more politely, shut the fuck right up.
Maybe you should tone down that language, it is uncalled for and i'm starting to think you might have a problem.
Maybe you should tone down that language, it is uncalled for and i'm starting to think you might have a problem.
Deletion: ask and ye shall receive
Is it appropriate to ask that clavdiv's moronic, homophobic, 4-post dump on this thread be deleted?
Please delete the link to the Daniel Pearl video
Out of respect for the dead, and in the interest of keeping this community a respectable forum, could Matt please delete the link to the Daniel Pearl video . . . And perhaps place a moratorium on this kind of posting in the future? MetaFilter isn't Stile or Rotten.com, and I'd prefer the site not sink to that level.
Fark posts don't do well here
"How does somebody that ugly get to reproduce? I thought there were laws about inbreeding."
"Damn...she must have hit all the branches on the way down."
The subject of one article about sexual activity with pre-teens, as seen at Mefi and Fark. Is this what we've become?
"Damn...she must have hit all the branches on the way down."
The subject of one article about sexual activity with pre-teens, as seen at Mefi and Fark. Is this what we've become?