1341 posts tagged with mefi.
Displaying 401 through 450 of 1341. Subscribe:

working together for the common good

Ironically, for the off-topic stuff from this post on people from different beliefs working together for common good.
posted by The Deej on Jan 2, 2007 - 127 comments

But at least one should be on the outside

I know that FPPs should have, like, links and all, but it doesn't seem so terribly strange that a bunch of 'em would be all inside, at least not ban-worthy strange.
posted by StickyCarpet on Dec 29, 2006 - 58 comments

I like stavros. I like copyright infringement.

I like stavros. I like copyright infringement. I like the kind of hard work that goes into a FPP like this. But there's something about this Wii-winning post that doesn't sit well with me. Could you help me put my finger on it?
posted by localhuman on Dec 29, 2006 - 258 comments

You're so meeean.

"I do not like thee preachertom" That seems kind of cold.
posted by caddis on Dec 23, 2006 - 32 comments

AskMe comment linked to by LifeHacker

Hey MetaFilter is famous again! Adam Savage's AskMe answer shows up on LifeHack. (Via Fark. Oh the irony.)
posted by The Deej on Dec 16, 2006 - 1 comment

Have at me

Methylviolet sucks.
posted by Methylviolet on Dec 16, 2006 - 117 comments

Ponies! (popular favorites, more inside, images)

A pony for Christmas?
posted by anotherpanacea on Dec 16, 2006 - 27 comments

Librarything.com's resident librarian joins Metafilter

librarian filter
Librarything.com's resident librarian joins Metafilter. Woot!
posted by cosmicbandito on Dec 14, 2006 - 67 comments

Please don't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.

Women aren't funny. Please don't pretend not to know what I'm talking about.

I don't know - I think if you filled in an ethnic group and some other behavioral stereotype, with a link to a simularly bigoted rant that contains no scientific information, this post would be seen as explicitly and obviously offensive.

I'm not sure what the best action is here - it's not so overtly offensive that I necissarily think it should be removed. Reading back on previous Meta discussions it seems that this type of post is generally left standing, and looking at the faq, I see that bigoted language is not necissarily a qualification for deleting, but posts that are just saying "this group of people is inherently bad at x compared to that group of people, don't pretend you don't agree with me, and here's a link to some wingnut saying that too" seem to serve no purpose but causing people to freak out. Thoughts?
posted by serazin on Dec 12, 2006 - 103 comments

More Inside

A wee pony for the holidays: How about a "More Inside" option for the Blue, so that interesting posts like this one are not consistently derailed by people pissing and moaning about "too many paragraphs on the front page" or some other such useless pedantry.
posted by briank on Dec 12, 2006 - 54 comments

First time jitters

NervousAboutMyFirstPostToTheBlueFilter: So, I was surfing a few cartooning blogs, I came across this news story about the creator of Mallard Filmore's recent DUI address.

I was considering posting the news to the blue thusly:

"Edward Bruce Tinsley, creator of the comic strip Mallard Fillmore, is no stranger to controversy, nor apparently is he a stranger to irony. For while he has presented Exhibit A in "Irony Isn't Dead" it turns out that his recent arrest might be Exhibit B."

But before I did so, I wanted to make sure it was FPP-worthy. And who better to weigh in than Meta?

(it's my first time, please be gentle)
posted by ShawnStruck on Dec 12, 2006 - 55 comments

My father is cool, but is he linkable?

My father has done some things that I think would be of great interest to a lot of MeFites. I have no connection to the work other than being related to the fellow who did them. Does it belong in projects, or in the blue?
posted by phrontist on Dec 10, 2006 - 20 comments

50 works of art you should see before you die - rocks!

kirkaracha ftw
posted by bardic on Dec 7, 2006 - 49 comments

The only things I have to post are digg, news, and selflinks

I don't come to MeFi much anymore, and I clearly misunderstood what constitutes a self-link. Yes, I linked to my co-worker, but I'm not drunk. I just thought MeFi would appreciate it because of Matt's Star Wars Kid video.

The thing is, if you count out things you can easily find on digg, things that are brreaking news stories, and things that my friends do, I don't have anything else to post.

Which probably explains why I don't post anymore.
posted by jragon on Dec 7, 2006 - 2 comments

Is it okay to lift meterial from a blog?

Um. If someone admits in an FPP that most of the material was lifted from a blog, is it time for an upside-down pitchfork party?
posted by scrump on Dec 7, 2006 - 68 comments

Playing time of video in superscript? Annoying!

Is this the first time someone has linked to videos with the playing time in superscript? Am I the only one who finds it really annoying?
posted by chunking express on Dec 4, 2006 - 91 comments

cleanup requested on smart quotes

The PIRG post might be fantastic, or it might be crap. It might be the best post of the month, or just pure drivel. I can't tell. Any chance an admin could go in and clean up the smart quotes issue?
posted by anotherpanacea on Dec 4, 2006 - 22 comments

"I've seen defendants in criminal matters try to trademark their names..."

A while back, someone (i don't remember who) posted a response to a MeFi post (or an AskMeFi post?) that was treating the theme of Intellectual Property and trademarks. Can anyone help me find it?

The responder wrote something to the effect of: 'I'm a public defender, and I've seen defendants in criminal matters try to trademark their names, and then try to impose a fee on the court whenever the court calls the defendant to bar. Courts don't like this.'

I'd like to contact the responder for more details. I'm currently doing research into IP abuse (copyrighting material that is properly protected by trademark, trademarking non-trademarkable words & phrases, etc.), and this example sounded so unbelievable and so on point.

I must have searched the blue like 20 times for this post. I'm sure I've searched the green a similar amount. How can I find a response from a poster I don't recall, on a forum which escapes my memory? Help me Obi-Wan MetaTalk . . . You're my only hope!
posted by deejay jaydee on Dec 4, 2006 - 22 comments

Japanese look and hip-hop imagery. Remember?

I'm trying to remember a post that was on the blue. It was a japanese artist who's pictures combine a traditional japanese look with hip hop imagery. For example, one picture was a group of samurai hanging around a low rider with a dragon painted on the side. Does anyone remember that?
posted by Shanachie on Dec 4, 2006 - 3 comments

What on earth is the point of the Cat on LSD fpp in the blue from Meatbomb?

What on earth is the point of the Cat on LSD fpp in the blue from Meatbomb?

Surely we don't need telling that administering recreational drugs to animals is wrong, especially in a way that basically just encourages people to gawp. If people have a need to ogle animal cruelty there are plenty of sites to cater to their despicable tastes. Mefi, isn't one of them and I'd like to see Meatbomb's post deleted.
posted by Arqa on Dec 2, 2006 - 99 comments

Recall: Peer pressure in place of restrictive laws

Does anyone remember a Mefi comment that touches on the idea that today's "social conformity/peer pressure" has taken the place of yesteryear's freedom restricting laws? I think it was posted during the summer.
posted by Clementines4ever on Nov 30, 2006 - 6 comments

LOL BUSH IS TEH ANTICHRIST - I did NOT say that! But close.

This post was deleted for the following reason: LOL BUSH IS TEH ANTICHRIST. whatever Care to translate that into an intelligible rationale? I didn't say Bush is the anti-Christ, violate Godwin's Law, or anything else. I thought the article made an interesting link between mental illness and certain political attitudes. But is there a daily limit to the number of FPPs perceived as "anti-Bush", or what? Help me out.
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Nov 30, 2006 - 95 comments

the front page has been incredible recently

I just want to say that the front page has been incredible recently. What's up as of this post is just stellar post after stellar post. I love you guys.
posted by shmegegge on Nov 27, 2006 - 61 comments

"post it at metachat" is not a good reason for deletion

I'd like to suggest that "um, yeah, post it at metachat." is not a good reason for deletion. Metachat may be all about the stupid links but saying this smacks of snobbery. This was simply a poor post that didn't meet metafilter's editorial guidelines. It wasn't chatty in the slightest. Metachat is not your dumping ground. Can't we all just get along?
posted by seanyboy on Nov 23, 2006 - 20 comments

Is this post facilitating copyright infringement?

Is this post facilitating copyright infringement?
posted by ZenMasterThis on Nov 21, 2006 - 20 comments

deletion, why?!

Loudon Dreps: self-link, no. Friend-link, yes. Was this post deleted because it sucked, or because I know the guy? If both, I concede. If only because of association, is that transgression articulated somewhere? I couldn’t find it.
posted by Milkman Dan on Nov 21, 2006 - 30 comments

Pony wanted: tag search

A pair of tag-related pony-requests: I've been looking for tag search for a while, and just today discovered it exists on the Metafilter search page. Would it be possible to:
- put a copy of the tag search on the "Tags" page?
- add the same sort of tag searching in AskMe?
posted by Upton O'Good on Nov 16, 2006 - 12 comments

Multi-single-link post callout

I hate to do this, but this post really sucks. So does this one. This one, too. Not the best of the web.
posted by loquacious on Nov 9, 2006 - 83 comments

Newsfilter: Zero Tolerance

Newsfilter: Zero Tolerance. [mi]
posted by Eideteker on Nov 8, 2006 - 116 comments

triple post and no follow-through

So I take it that the military endorsement for Rummy's resignation, as triple posted in the blue over the weekend, never materialized?
posted by c:\awesome on Nov 6, 2006 - 66 comments

Please close this argument

Can we please shut the comments on the Ted Haggard thread? It's turned into the same argument repeated over and over again.
posted by dw on Nov 3, 2006 - 537 comments

Wait, what? An ask vs. mefi callout

Wait, what?
posted by TheNewWazoo on Nov 3, 2006 - 9 comments

Namecalling is still inappropriate

"You know, the thing I really can't stand about queers is they're all Evangelicals like this guy or Republicans like Foley or both. As Amberglow will be the first to tell you, the more you deny it, the more that proves it true."
posted by prostyle on Nov 3, 2006 - 107 comments

Use of Wikipedia ^

I made a FPP (Stern Review of global warming) linking to Wikipedia using the ^ - for stylistic reasons, I wanted to emphasis the second link in the FPP and not the Wikipedia link, which is the first link, and so wanted to keep it small and unobtrusive. Someone< ?> then changed it and made it a full link. Is there a style-policy? Is it documented anywhere?
posted by stbalbach on Oct 30, 2006 - 50 comments

SaneWork self-linker.

Check out these essays at www.saneworks.us.
posted by interrobang on Oct 23, 2006 - 5 comments

haunting and moving comment, but offtopic

This comment had seemingly nothing at all to do with the FPP on which it was posted, yet I found it one of the most haunting and moving things I have ever read in MeFi.
posted by psmealey on Oct 21, 2006 - 73 comments

The link is what you're supposed to talk about

Would everyone please cut it out? Pretty please?!
posted by The God Complex on Oct 14, 2006 - 96 comments

Dawkins should be discussed sometimes.

I was sorry to see this post on Dawkins get deleted becuase it was "yet another Dawkings post", when the one from three weeks earlier was deleted as well. I understand he's discussed alot, perhaps ad nauseum to some folks, but they can skip the post. I think the mistake being made here is that the same arguments will always be rehashed over and over. This disregards the fact that new people may have registered since the last time the topic was discussed.

In a very "meta" sense, the addition of new people to the discussion allows the argument to evolve, over the course of multiple debates. These kinds of topics - religion, rights, abortion, etc. - appear not to have objectively correct answers, however the passions on all sides and the articulation of arguments are a reflection of the community and our collective culture. By returning to the argument, with newer and older members we start to understand everyone's basis for their position, the forces that motivate the passions behind people's positions and give rise to the issue in the first place.
posted by Pastabagel on Oct 13, 2006 - 99 comments

have some respect please

Please give it a rest in the blue.
posted by nixerman on Oct 11, 2006 - 185 comments

Self Link on the Blue

55335 on the blue is a self-link (I'm deliberately not linking to it), anyone know how to contact a mod? Are they asleep? It's especially irritating because it's a self-link to a crap site about "marketing and making money on the web". Also, how about a feature that allows a user to self-revoke posts for a certain amount of time (like 10 minutes) if they realize or learn it was a bad idea.
posted by delmoi on Oct 7, 2006 - 78 comments

Possible self-linker? Turns out no.

Is this setting off anybody else's self-link-dar? 8 comments to the 'Filter and one answer to AskMetafilter, no profile information, and she favorites her own not-particularly-interesting post?
posted by onalark on Oct 5, 2006 - 28 comments

Posting differences between AskMe and MeFi

Too fast... no, wait, too slow! It seems to me like AskMe is moving faster and faster every day in terms of the frequency of posts, especially at the busier times of the day -- it can go as high as a post every 10-20 minutes. Yet MeFi proper seems to be going slower and slower all the time, down to about one post every two hours or so. Am I right? Or crazy? And why?
posted by reklaw on Oct 1, 2006 - 36 comments

Can we request posts to be made by other people?

Just a thought....in what location could we put blue requests? Ie. if I wanted someone to make an excellent post about something or someone I had interest in, but I don't have the expertise or the time, where would such a request be made?
posted by Kickstart70 on Sep 26, 2006 - 24 comments

Hampster dance dupe deleted

"hampster dance" just got deleted. it did look (after 17 comments) as though it was about to spiral seriously out of control, but matt could have at least waited an hour or two.. ok, fine, i'll go read about the military coup in thailand.
posted by dminor on Sep 19, 2006 - 15 comments

How to selflink sneaky-like

Learn how to post properly if you want to hide the fact that you're just a self-linking wanker.
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese on Sep 17, 2006 - 40 comments

Tags -- a Connection Timeout Error

I'm getting a "Connection Timeout" message on both http://www.metafilter.com/tags/ and http://ask.metafilter.com/tags/
posted by octothorpe on Sep 17, 2006 - 5 comments

The quality and frequency of jonson's recent posts have been astonishing

The quality and frequency of jonson's recent posts have been astonishing. Thanks for making MeFi awesome.
posted by monju_bosatsu on Sep 16, 2006 - 76 comments

OK, it was a link to a google search, but why delete??

Itchy trigger finger? I liked that post, and it seems like everyone else who posted did too -- no-one seemed to be snarking or complaining or asking for it to go. Sure, it's a link to a Google search, but an interesting one I hadn't thought of before. It was headed for a fun interweb memories thread... but then it was tragically taken from us. As an official Metafilter King, I would urge you to reconsider.
posted by reklaw on Sep 14, 2006 - 45 comments

MeFi MeCha bookmark art swap reminder.

Last chance: Sign up for the groovycool mefi/mecha bookmark art swap. Yes, YOU. Do it. More is inside.
posted by taz on Sep 14, 2006 - 6 comments

Bush sucks, deleted

What happened to the thread on the Presidential speech?..
posted by clevershark on Sep 12, 2006 - 17 comments

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