1338 posts tagged with mefi.
Displaying 251 through 300 of 1338. Subscribe:
... and never bet on tax, apparently
FPPs posts that are conclusive should be based on evidence.
This post is emotive, shrill and conclusive in tone. Considering it deals with emotionally charged topics, its sure to get a lot of attention. I can take emotive and shrill if the topic had been approached from an interrogative viewpoint, rather than conclusive. [more inside]
I'd like to take issue with this comment (the "I was a neocon Nazi" comment) being up on the sidebar. [more inside]
Server like butta'
Oh how easily we forget! Months ago (a year?) the server was consistently slow or down. Now it's smooth as a baby's butt and fast as the Google. Is Federer your server? I love it. My Mefi addicted brain thanks you.
Come on y'all this is embarassing. I don't think anyone would appreciate getting their religion bashed this way and Mormon's LOVE that man. Believe me, I know some. Totally uncalled for.
Mea Maxima Culpa
On the vagaries of intoxicated posting from the bowels of my "shithole" "corpse" of a city. [more inside]
Good Work FPPers!
As of the time of this post, the blue has had an unbroken string of 71 undeleted FPPs (numbers 68210 to 68280). That's almost three full days with no doubles, no self-linkers, no crappy stunt posts, etc. Good work, people! It got me wondering, though, what's the longest string (number-wise and/or timespan-wise) of undeleted FPPs on the blue? Does this mean we're all finally "getting" what makes a good post? Or are people getting better at following the guidelines? Or is this just an anomaly? [more inside]
Bickering ahoy. :(
Those Run of the Mill Hasidic Landlords
Wow. We really aren't grown up yet, are we?
Nutjobfilter: Metafilter Ad Hominem Much? How about we delete posts that start out with grade school name calling? Just for thrills. [more inside]
LOLXtians! No - LOLScientologists!
We don't think religious satire goes down well on Mefi. Well, 'cept for the 'Tologists, that is. [more inside]
Fears for Obama's safety not a reasonable topic?
This post which raised the issue of fears among some in the African-American electorate that Barack Obama would not be safe as president. The thread was shut down for reasons of WTF. Not exactly sure what the problem was, and I was disappointed, as I had recently heard about this and was hoping the thread would shed some light on the issue. This NYT article would be a good starting point for discussion.
Following up an online spectacle
What will the Bhutto assassination mean for the future stability of Metafilter?
Yeah, assassinations are hard to be unemotional about, but can we start acting reasonable? [more inside]
No guessing required: this is a callout
Is tombola breaking the guidelines by posting a blog post from a site for which he is an editor? [more inside]
Trainwreck Thread
All I am saying, is give posts a chance
At first I was kinda surprised the video in 67602 got dumped on in comments. There is nothing intrinsically bad here. It's actually rather professionally done, it feels very much like something that was produced for television. I strongly suspect the fault here is with the FPP. [more inside]
Poorly constructed or blatantly inaccurate.
I have a problem with people making posts here that are blatantly inaccurate just for the sake of making a political point. [more inside]
Why doesn't matthowie have a $200M valuation?
Why is MeFi not part of the social news site boom? Digg, reddit, newsvine, and others are the lucrative hot trend, but MeFi seems to do the same thing better (no Ron Paul spam), smarter, and for longer, and we even have favorites, for those who want voting-like capabilities. So why is MeFi not included with these young whippersnappers? And why are they not learning from MeFi's evolved model of light moderation, talk pages, and strong self-policing?
More tips & hints on a good post
Since I can't be an example to others, at least I can serve as a stark warning... [more inside]
Sexism debate, displaced.
It appears that some people feel that a non sequitur remark made in the "more inside" portion of a recent post was sexist. Others remain unconvinced. [more inside]
Help me find the post to my prayers!
Please help me find an old post! [more inside]
Silent deletion of FPP, no reason given.
What the hell? Silent deletion of my FPP! I know that political correctness is the force that moves Metafilter, but come ON here people!
The post was a short one, centered on this story: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,314564,00.html and apparently that's a story that Metafilter is not ready to handle at this point in time.
ND¢'s two cents cause a shitstorm. News at 11.
ND¢, generally I really like you, but it's clear that you are being a dick for the sake of being a dick, notwithstanding your attempts at justifying that as your real and valid opinion. All you had to say was "yeah, maybe my joke was a little offside" and no one here would have busted your balls over it. Just be a decent human being with a little respect and understanding and things don't have to turn into a shitpile.
I Could Understand this on MeFi but on the Blue?
"If you absolutely must post another link within 24 hrs, email me the post for approval." [more inside]
Make the Pledge
I think everyone's read the "note" about relevance and respect at the bottom of the posting window in the blue. But it seems that very few people actually take that message to heart. [more inside]
These comments are really making me think, actually... I really wish people could post comments as anonymous sometimes. Because by percentages alone, YOU KNOW that there are people reading this thread who are, indeed, serial flashers or public masterbators. There HAVE to be.
You know, I can take a bit of sexism, but this is really overboard.
wtf quonsar
Just a "mefi awesome today" post
Today has been the best day in terms of FPPs in living memory. The sort of day that will keep me coming back for years to come. Can Fridays always be dedicated to the very best of the web? And statistically - what day has provided the most favourites?
Three Strikes, SLBOE
A good post to MetaFilter is something that meets the following criteria: most people haven't seen it before, there is something interesting about the content on the page, and it might warrant discussion from others.What? [more inside]
My recent post was deleted and I'm going to bitch about it.
Deleted: It's obvious from the comments that almost no one read the linked sites. It's obvious that the mod that deleted my post didn't either. I didn't express an opinion within the post, but tried to objectively cite various viewpoints and facts. It was essentially a response to what is currently being reported on the major news outlets, pointing to several sites in connection to what is being reported in those broadcasts. I honestly have no opinion as to the cause of the fires, nor do I have any opinion regarding 'eco-terrorism', nor even on what George Carlin said. These ideas are being discussed on all news outlets. [more inside]
e pluribus unum
The demon lived at Mach 1
True to form
"Your world is filled with non-people."
That little drive-by rant made you sound like the biggest pompous asshole in mefi history, buddy. It really did. Ethereal Bligh, stop this. Your continual personal insults and belittling are neither appropriate nor conducive to discussion or community.
Top Ten Best List Posts.
hama7 posting style
MeFi Fantasy Baseball 2007
MeFi Fantasy Baseball 2007- the results are in! [more inside]
Is it just me?
Hey, I'm new to MetaTalk, so go easy on me, and I hope this hasn't been talked about before, but... [more inside]
metafilter >> hodgepodge
Why aren't there categories in MeFi? AskMe has categories. MeTa has categories. Why not the blue?
Metafilter: Amusing lists outside of google's power
I was thinking it would be good to see a complete list of all those "Metafilter: eating babies and porking hamsters" things that crop up from time to time constantly, but my google-fu i dont know how to so i hereby throw myself on the mercy of the court
Suspicious minds
Maybe I'm being paranoid... [more inside]
clarifying mystery links
Occasionally links without any real description are posted to the front page. It would be nice if any user could add a short description that would appear when you moused over the link, so users don't have to click on eight different links to find out what a post is about. [more inside]
Chelsea headhunter.
What makes this a good FPP?
What the world need now is crap, more crap?
ok, flag it as crap we know you want to. But do we both need you flagging it as crap and then posting a crap "flagged as crap" message in the allegedly crappy thread? Comment should be flagged as masturbatory noise.
Schadenfreude by proxy?
What are the limits to absolute hilarity when "in bad taste" comes into play before posting something to the blue? I ask because I'm itching to share this video with everyone. It's wholly repugnant, but ridiculously high on the Unintentional Comedy Scale. [more inside]
Not cool.
Any chance of explaining this: "This post was deleted for the following reason: clearly my filter for these isn't working properly. But wait, Hitchens AND Dawkins you say...? * taps pager * Damn this thing is broken. -- jessamyn"
Wait.. a longtime user criticises the deletion of a post about one intellectual's review of another intellectual's book - a deletion with obscure sarcastic reason "clearly my filter for these isn't working properly. But wait, Hitchens AND Dawkins you say...? * taps pager * Damn this thing is broken. -- jessamyn" ... then you close the Meta thread? [more inside]