3 posts tagged with comments by stbalbach.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Follow-up post corrections annoy some people

Followup post corrections in th reads. Theydrive me nuts. It takesawayfr om the point your tryingto make. People knowwhat your tryingtosay. It disrupts the flow of conversation. Mostpeople are not spelling/grammer nazis. It looks worse to correct it.
posted by stbalbach on Jun 22, 2004 - 54 comments

I know you aren't reading that fast

I've noticed (myself included) that comments to a FPP are often posted within minutes, even though the links on the FPP would take a lot longer to read. This means the poster probably did not read the FPP links. One thought to have a comment moratorium period (coded) to encourage the reading of the FPP links before posting. There sometimes seems to be a /. "first post" mentality to get a comment in as quick as possible near the top of a thread.
posted by stbalbach on Dec 11, 2003 - 20 comments

Dead friend hot-or-not over the line

Culling of the heard. Can somthing be done about crackedheadmatts post to someone whos friend just died. "Was she hot?" -- over the line.
posted by stbalbach on Sep 26, 2002 - 83 comments

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