1943 posts tagged with AskMe.
Displaying 1501 through 1550 of 1943. Subscribe:
Does this question promote violence?
Cleanup in aisle 25154... do we really want to be suggesting assault in an ask metafilter thread?
Google's new RSS reader might be pretty useful for following ask metafilter
Google's new RSS reader might be pretty useful for following ask metafilter (screenshot). You can click the little star to mark a thread as a favorite.
Heavy-handed moderation of one's own thread
Heavy-handed moderation of one's own thread is annoying.
An Update on me AskMe about a sick fish
RIP Fish Daddy . An update for this thread. I bought my fish anti-biotics, but sadly it was too late and he passed this morning. I also bought a test kit for amonia, nitrite and nitrate and am pleased to report that all is well with the water, suggesting that I am not the bad fish-taker-carer I feared I might be. A little bit of nitrate, but it seems that's not actually toxic. Anyway, thanks to all who offered advice.
Can i get art project help in askme?
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm after a large number (100-200) of participants in a future art project, and wasn't sure if AskMefi was a good place to raise the subject or not.
Is it acceptable? Would doing it here be better?
Is it acceptable? Would doing it here be better?
I'm my own Best Answer
You can't flag your own replies to an AxeMe (suck it, haters) as a "Best Answer." This sucks in those rare events you did not get your question answered satisfactorily and you want to leave a resolution for posterity.
Print-friendly pages for AskMeFi?
Print-friendly pages for AskMeFI?
MeFi generosity inspires house fire victims to Katrina/Rita relief
A follow-up to a most incredible show of Metafilter generosity. (More inside)
spellcheck should check for more inside
When posting a question on AskMe, the spellcheck checks the initial question textarea, but not the "extended description" ("more inside") text.
Yes or No?
Too many relationship questions on AskMe
When is unhelpful okay in AskMe?
So when is unhelpful okay and when is it not? This thread is a lot of fun, but it's also a lot of noise. I assume nobody cares because it's kind of a goofy question, but I think it raises the issue of when is unhelpful okay in AskMe and when isn't it? [more inside]
MeFi policy confusion
I think I've been confused about policy. This thread seems to me like it belongs in askmefi. It seems like that to a number of people, actually, who said as much in the thread. Those comments have been deleted, but the thread hasn't been moved to AskMe. Am I misunderstanding how posts like this fit in, here? [more inside]
weird phrasing in question
Strange superlative.
I have many delicious vegetarian recipes, but I better not tell this guy. I would hate to be responsible for him punching his mother in the mouth.
Or worse, my mother.
I have many delicious vegetarian recipes, but I better not tell this guy. I would hate to be responsible for him punching his mother in the mouth.
Or worse, my mother.
Answering AskMe Without Expertise?
It may be that I am not the first to notice this but --
Why do people post to AskMeFi topics when they don't know what they're talking about?
Sometimes when the question itself asks for input from some specific audience someone will post "Well, I think..."
(No, not going to link -- I don't want to be nasty.)
I just think it's weird.
Or rather -- "Well, I think it's weird."
Why do people post to AskMeFi topics when they don't know what they're talking about?
Sometimes when the question itself asks for input from some specific audience someone will post "Well, I think..."
(No, not going to link -- I don't want to be nasty.)
I just think it's weird.
Or rather -- "Well, I think it's weird."
Descriptive text error on AskMe preview page
Descriptive text error on AskMe preview page (+)
Sharpreader is Combining RSS Feeds
For the past week or so, Sharpreader has been combining Metafilter and AskMetafilter feeds, even though I'm subscribed to each separately. In other words, my Ask Metafilter feed (http://ask.metafilter.com/rss.xml) is picking up Metafilter threads, and my Metafilter feed (http://xml.metafilter.com/rss.xml) is picking up AskMe feeds. Things used to work properly, and I haven't changed anything at my end. Is anyone else seeing this?
TMI! TMI! we didn't really care
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't date scarabic (especially since he thinks that as a man he's "wired to kill" and "rape everything in sight"), but I tend to keep that not very relevant info for myself. are we seriously supposed to share on AskMe our evaluation of other user's desirability as girlfriend/boyfriend? because if we indeed are, things could get pretty ugly pretty soon on AskMe
code display feature for askme
"Code" feature for ask.mefa? Not particular important or anything, but I've seen this a few times -- any attempt to post code into ask.mefi means that it'll lose its formatting.
Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research"
I just realized today that Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research" but I didn't notice in time to have everyone stuff the ballot box on public voting so we got last place. heh.
Cat people of Ask Me, you gave me some advice
Cat people of Ask Me, you gave me some advice. Here's how it turned out. [more inside]
Is there a way to encourage doctors and lawyers to chime in?
Inspired by this thread as well as numerous medical and legal questions on AskMe I was wondering if there couldn't be some way of encouraging our lawyers/doctors/etc. to participate in discussions in their field. I know there's a hesitancy to provide specific details due to liability issues but some threads get bogged down in arguments over misunderstandings. Any thoughts on how this could be done or whether it's even a good idea?
HTML Markup in AskMe
When creating an ordered list (and possibly a bulleted list) for an AxeMe question, it shows up in the preview in Times New Roman. It appears fine when posted.
Pepsi Blue in a new bottle?
Is this sort of thing just Pepsi Blue in a new bottle? Recently there was an AskMe post about men's shaving products that I know was a case of lazyweb market research (because the poster admitted as much on a certain orange-and-blue-themed site before he posted it), and I didn't say anything then, but I wonder if a) this is more of the same and b) whether the community at large cares if AskMe gets used this way.
Anonymous Question Abuse?
Looking for a (deleted?) AskMeFi thread.
Looking for a (deleted?) AskMeFi thread. One of the first responses sarcastically mentioned being annoyed at smudges on his gold bars...
It totally doesn't work
So, uh, when you check through your old Ask.Me threads that you've posted in, and use the numbers at the bottom to skip pages (or the "Next" link)? It totally doesn't work (perhaps the offset variable is broken?). Firefox and IE. Just FYI.
Derail moved to MeTa: reading blogs in class
I would like to discuss the ethics of reading blogs during class.
it's obviously a post in the Blue
I just used AskMe's Google search box to search for "Bush speeches" in an effort to find this post. The third result was this one, with ask.metafilter in the URL but it's obviously a post in the Blue.
Sweating it
AskMe gets Gore-y
Is it necessary to politicize Ask Metafilter? [More inside.]
Shorten AskMe Wait
Why is it that I can criticize Metafilter policy or features on a daily basis but I have to wait a week for help with things that are actually important? I say shorten the wait for Ask Metafilter to one or two days, because advice is a much-needed thing.
Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions
"Criminal incompetence is probably not an impeachable offense, but something has to be done about Bush." Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions. (And another.) It tends to attract the wrong kind of answers.
The speed of AskMe approaches the speed of light
I know I'm just asking for trouble since this has already been requested a few times before (and those are only the ones I could find), but the questions on AskMe are moving faster than the speed of light and it's becoming more and more difficult to follow some of the interesting discussions. Is it really difficult to put in the "Sort by recent comments" feature on AskMe?
Live preview for posting to MeFi and MeTa?
How's about getting Live Preview for posting new FPPs on MeFi and MeTa? I think it would be even more useful there than it is for comments.
Let OP update closed posts in AskMe
This is perhaps indulgent, but it would be potentially useful in ask.mefi if the instigator of the thread could post just once after the thread has been frozen. Some questions resolve after several months, and it would be a possible benefit for those googling for information to see closure, i.e. "this is what ended up working the best, x was right" or what have you. Perhaps this is just imposing a false narrative closure on messy reality.
Please confine your AskMe answers to answers.
Here's an excellent example of people pulling AskMe answers out of their asses. If you don't know Latin, don't answer.
Why has this question in Ask Metafilter gone so smoothly?
I posted a smartass answer in this thread.
I admit it was a rude, snarky answer and shortly after posting it I wished it was deleted. Without my request, it was--to my relief.
Over the course of the evening, however, I found it unusual that what would in any other Metafilter setting would be a hugely inflammatory post (SUV, taxes, as subjects), yet after several hours no one had contributed (despite the topic matter and a user base in the tens of thousands).
So: Have Mefites become exceptionally complacent, did the topic (against all expectations) generate no interest, or was there a culling of the thread?
I admit it was a rude, snarky answer and shortly after posting it I wished it was deleted. Without my request, it was--to my relief.
Over the course of the evening, however, I found it unusual that what would in any other Metafilter setting would be a hugely inflammatory post (SUV, taxes, as subjects), yet after several hours no one had contributed (despite the topic matter and a user base in the tens of thousands).
So: Have Mefites become exceptionally complacent, did the topic (against all expectations) generate no interest, or was there a culling of the thread?
A gmail account for anonymous askme followups
I created a gmail account for anonymous askme followups. The username is anon.metafilter and the password is metafilter. Anymore can post there. Just log in at gmail.google.com and send email from that account TO that account (anon.metafilter@gmail.com).
Since gmail allows tags, you can tag your messages. You can also reply to them (or other users can reply to them) and gmail will automatically keep all the replies together.
Why hasn't someone already done this? Is it a bad idea? (No one will be forced to use it). If it's a bad idea, why is it a bad idea? Of course, it could (perhaps will) get utterly chaotic with people deleting each others posts, etc.
Lets see what happens.
Since gmail allows tags, you can tag your messages. You can also reply to them (or other users can reply to them) and gmail will automatically keep all the replies together.
Why hasn't someone already done this? Is it a bad idea? (No one will be forced to use it). If it's a bad idea, why is it a bad idea? Of course, it could (perhaps will) get utterly chaotic with people deleting each others posts, etc.
Lets see what happens.
What questions work the best with Askme? Worst?
Ask.Meta Question askers/answerers.
What does Ask.metalk work really well with? What does it suck with?
What does Ask.metalk work really well with? What does it suck with?
AskMe Categorization Request
Regarding http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/22795. So clearly the word "cult" went to my head when trying to categorize that question. But really, what would have been the right thing to have filed it under? It seems there should be a multiple categorizing feature at Metafilter. You know for things like Religion and Philosophy/Media and Arts. Basically having question/posts show up in both categories. Another example being this very question which is both a Feature Request as well as Etiquette/Policy. Peace.
I don't understand this AskMe question
I don't understand. But then again, this is some pretty heady stuff and I'm a simple man. [I wanted to flag it but apparently you can't flag AskMe posts]
I lost an askme thread: song sample calling for doctors
I lost an askme thread. There was one some time back asking for the source of a sample in a song where someone calls for certain military personnel.
I've tried Google and tried various AskMe tags, but I can't find it. Did I imagine it (including the responses suggesting that the poster look on various stock cue CDs)?
I've tried Google and tried various AskMe tags, but I can't find it. Did I imagine it (including the responses suggesting that the poster look on various stock cue CDs)?
AskMe thread update request
AskMetafilter update, I really want to know what happened to anonymous in the thread which involved a weird FBI message taped to their door with something along the lines of "call this person". It's been a while since the thread occurred and I really hope anonymous is reading this as for some reason I can't stop wondering what eventually happened.
I'd like to say thank you to jessamyn
I'd like to say thank you to jessamyn for her outstanding contributions to AskMe. She's contributed helpful and informative answers and links on a broad variety of questions, including some of mine, and raises the overall standard for answers.
Favorite MetaFilter usernames?
Would it be okay for me to do a logo design competition in an AskMefi question?
Would it be okay for me to do a logo design competition in an AskMefi question? I'd like a logo designed, and I'm willing to pay $100-$150 or so, and I know there are some talented mefites who could probably knock my socks off when it comes to logo design. I am asking because I don't want to just do it and then get the smackdown for it. And I am asking publicly because I think others can benefit from the answer.
"Me-Too-ism" in Ask Metafilter
"Me-Too-ism" in Ask Metafilter
"Wifebeaters" in AskMe.
"Wifebeaters" in AskMe.
AskMe deletion causality called into question
The Anonymous AskMeta question about finding a phone number in the corner of the house disappeared. And I was just curious as to why.