1943 posts tagged with AskMe.
Displaying 1451 through 1500 of 1943. Subscribe:
My girlfriend's sister is fake?
Text not exactly where it should be
AskMe bug: "Post a new question, Preferences, My Posts, and My Comments" seem to appear slightly below where they belong - the bottoms of the letters leave the hatched section and stick out into the lighter green section. This appears for main and comment pages in AskMe.
New Layout Bugs
I found a few browser-specific bugs with the new layout, is anyone else experiencing these?
1) The main logo for MeTa,MeFi, AskMe and Projects works fine, except when you click on the comments for a particular post. Once you do this, my browser is telling me there's a broken image above the main logo, to the left. It appears there's a missing border or something that usually would fit nicely into place to make all the images play happily together. (I'm using the latest version of IE.)
2) In Safari on my crappy preferences-locked Mac at work, the default text color on Projects is yellow main links, white background, with my text set to (of course) white. I'm willing to accept this is just a stupid Safari bug I'll have to live with, I just wondered if anyone else was experiencing a similar problem.
1) The main logo for MeTa,MeFi, AskMe and Projects works fine, except when you click on the comments for a particular post. Once you do this, my browser is telling me there's a broken image above the main logo, to the left. It appears there's a missing border or something that usually would fit nicely into place to make all the images play happily together. (I'm using the latest version of IE.)
2) In Safari on my crappy preferences-locked Mac at work, the default text color on Projects is yellow main links, white background, with my text set to (of course) white. I'm willing to accept this is just a stupid Safari bug I'll have to live with, I just wondered if anyone else was experiencing a similar problem.
Could the time left before I can another question be displayed?
Any chance there could be a bulleted add-on to the "Doh!" page that states you've posted an AskMeFi question within a week by telling me how much time left I have to wait until I can ask again? I could swear I only have seconds left, but there's no way to tell.
multiple questions in one post
AskMe etiquette: multiple questions in one post, if they're all related (more inside)?
A gentle reminder on AskMe policy
I think some members lost sight of AskMe policy in this post. While mentioned in the thread, a gentle reminder seems appropriate.
"sort by" for AskMe
Could a "sort by" box be added to Ask MeFi, ideally by applying a bit of the existing MeFi code? In other words, a dropdown box that would allow me to sort the site by date, my posts, my comments, recent comments, and most comments?
I think it would be very useful, especially considering how many posts have been made on Ask MeFi lately. (I'm surprised this feature hasn't already been added, frankly.)
I think it would be very useful, especially considering how many posts have been made on Ask MeFi lately. (I'm surprised this feature hasn't already been added, frankly.)
Why was the candy bar question deleted?
So why was the AskMe thread "must I eat the whole candy bar" deleted?
Can I repeat my unanswered AskMe question?
A point of AskMe etiquette? I recently posted a question and got no useful response, and I suspect it's because I put the question badly. At this point, it's off the first page. Is it OK to repost the question in a more potentially useful way or should I just give up?
tag+tag browsing in Ask Metafilter is returning unhelpful results
tag+tag browsing in Ask Metafilter is returning unhelpful results. A blank result is returned even if I click on the + off a single tag's page. WinXP/FireFox/Metafilthy.
Maybe they didn't hear you the first time it was deleted
What do you do when you post condescending noise in an Axme and it gets deleted? Post it again in essentially the same form, of course. But wait! Don't forget to act indignant for maximum effect. [mi]
AskMe posting descriptions could be clearer
When posting to AskMe there is some confusion on the descriptions of the text boxes. I copied the italicized text from the "Preview Your Question" AskMe posting page.
Below the "Your question" box the text reads:
This will be the "more inside" area where you explain additional details about the question if necessary. If you use this space, don't write "more inside" to the question area, it will automatically be added for you.
Then below the "Extended explanation" box is something similar:
(optional) This will be the "more inside" area where you explain the question fully if necessary and remember there is no need to write "more inside" .....
I found this a little confusing and repetitive. I know that the top box is what would be a FPP, but maybe this could be phrased better? Is the text below the top box supposed to introduce/explain the second box? Of course, I posted a question so now I can't get back to the original "Post a new question" page to see if that is how this is written there.
Below the "Your question" box the text reads:
This will be the "more inside" area where you explain additional details about the question if necessary. If you use this space, don't write "more inside" to the question area, it will automatically be added for you.
Then below the "Extended explanation" box is something similar:
(optional) This will be the "more inside" area where you explain the question fully if necessary and remember there is no need to write "more inside" .....
I found this a little confusing and repetitive. I know that the top box is what would be a FPP, but maybe this could be phrased better? Is the text below the top box supposed to introduce/explain the second box? Of course, I posted a question so now I can't get back to the original "Post a new question" page to see if that is how this is written there.
eBay scammer identified
can anyone clarify what's happening here? seems like some mefi detective work might either shed some light on things, or clear the poster's name; i'm not sure browbeating him with false dichotomies is working.
Bug in AskMe Archives
When I try to page through my AskMe archives by clicking "next," the same results start each page and some older ones are added to the end.
Abanadoned questions on AskMe
Abanadoned questions on AskMe:
I think one of the purposes of AskMe is to provide an archive of solutions. Too often, even though the questions are answered by the community, the asker doesn't bother to report back, or forgets about the question. [more inside]
I think one of the purposes of AskMe is to provide an archive of solutions. Too often, even though the questions are answered by the community, the asker doesn't bother to report back, or forgets about the question. [more inside]
Should incomplete questions be deleted?
Regarding ask metafitler similar to this one, where people don't give a fuller picture to their question/problem/situation: maybe they should be deleted? If a person isn't willing to be open about the things, why should metatime be spent on it?
Indexing AskMe
For Ask.Mefi, please tell Google to only index the individual archive page for each question, rather than indexing the monthly archives, the tag index, etc.
Askme followup: answers helped poster to quit smoking (using hypnosis).
AskMe Followup: [more inside, naturally]
Crazyness in firefox, odd redirects from askMe
Crazyness in firefox, odd redirects from askMe. [more inside]
Thanks for askme help tracking down family history in Vienna
I'm back from Vienna, where--thanks to the answers that came from this AskMe thread--I was able to visit the building where my mom lived as a little girl, as well as the location where my grandparents' grocery store likely once stood. I've posted some photos in the thread, for anybody who is interested. Thanks again to arco and his colleague at the USHMM.
what's the policy for/function of an anon question?
what's the policy for/function of an anon question? i've been using metafilter for awhile, but have never used it. since isaw about seven anon questions in a row, i'm curious: how long do they usually get to take approved? as i understand it, they are hand-screened? so, is it a few days...a week? and, do they count towards your question of the week (they have to, it would be too easily abusable, i guess...just one of the sentences in the explanation seems to mean that).
sorry for the confusion -_- just one of those things i never quite got around to figuring out.
sorry for the confusion -_- just one of those things i never quite got around to figuring out.
How long are AskMe questions open?
AskMe questions still open for comments months after they were posted:
I thought that they were locked for archival purposes after 30 days? If this has changed, I didn't see where, and if this hasn't, it's a bug. I was perusing threads on Bipolar Disorder, and found this one from May, 2005: Is bipolar mis/overdiagnosed?. I was able to post a comment to the thread today, November 6th, 2005.
So, whatup?
I thought that they were locked for archival purposes after 30 days? If this has changed, I didn't see where, and if this hasn't, it's a bug. I was perusing threads on Bipolar Disorder, and found this one from May, 2005: Is bipolar mis/overdiagnosed?. I was able to post a comment to the thread today, November 6th, 2005.
So, whatup?
AskMe for free graphic design?
AskMe for free graphic design? It's a good cause, but it's still a solicitation; I get plenty of those through other channels, don't really think they belong here too.
Why is my question broken?
Why does my question on ask.metafilter not work anymore? I want to get to the answers, but it appears that the question is broken. (Or is it only broken for me?) Here's the link:
Can everyone say "I'm the best"?
Policy Question: I am not trying to call anyone out at all, (really!), but is it considered OK to mark you own answer in AskMe as the "best" ?
Why was this AskMe deleted?
Just wondering why askmefi thread 26643 was deleted. (As you've grown older what sort of changes have you seen in your face?)
I bookmarked the question and never got round to reading it, and now it's gone.
I can normally understand why a question doesn't fit askmefi, but this one I don't get. So please satisfy my curiosity - why was it deleted?
I bookmarked the question and never got round to reading it, and now it's gone.
I can normally understand why a question doesn't fit askmefi, but this one I don't get. So please satisfy my curiosity - why was it deleted?
Thanks to every person who's contributed their personal story on AskMe...
On any given week there's someone pissing about the degeneration of quality or civility on MetaFilter/the Internet/the World. As far as I'm concerned if there's one post like this for every 10,000 assclown postings I will still consider there to be more signal than noise. Thanks to you, paulsc, and every other person who's contributed their personal story on AskMe and made my life richer in doing so. There have been many.
AskMe Archives
Is there a way to view the AskMe category archives beyond a month?
Homework helperfilter?
I flagged this post as breaking the AskMetafilter guidelines. If I remember correctly similar posts about asking for help on a school paper were deleted. If the consensus that posts asking for research on school papers perhaps is not a good thing, perhaps something can be added on the posting screen so users are aware of it before they post.
AskMe is not a replacement for google
Of course it was; the axe was dull!
Was all the axe-grinding in this thread really necessary?
Is Ask.Me broken?
Is Ask.Me broken?
Not all answers on AskMe are good
This answer is terrible, unsupported, and if the advice given were to be followed, would will lead to nothing but grief if someone were to follow it. It is sufficiently ill-informed and potentially disaster-inducing as to inspire me to request it be deleted rather then simply flagging it and moving on.
Followup thanks from happy AskMe user with newly-named blog
I would post this over at ask.mefi, but the thread is closed, so I'll post it here.
A few months ago, I asked for suggestions with help naming my new fashion blog at work. Thanks to a suggestion from wendell, I now have a greatly named blog column! The link is inside for those who are interested -- I don't want to self-link -- but I just wanted to honor another great ask.mefi success story! Thank you, Wendell ... and thank YOU, Metafilter.
A few months ago, I asked for suggestions with help naming my new fashion blog at work. Thanks to a suggestion from wendell, I now have a greatly named blog column! The link is inside for those who are interested -- I don't want to self-link -- but I just wanted to honor another great ask.mefi success story! Thank you, Wendell ... and thank YOU, Metafilter.
Deletion Day
"sort by my comments"
A "sort by my comments" thingy on Ask Metafilter would make it easier to monitor threads that one is interested in. There is the potential for abuse, but since the time-limit on questions there has recently been extended, I don't think it would be all that dangerous.
Defending myself against some rather surprising allegations.
Defending myself against some rather surprising allegations.
AskMe connects seeker with information source
This Ask MeFi post is probably one of the best examples of finding the answer you were looking for. Simply incredible.
Specific recommendations, please
This post actively insults anybody who wants to answer the poster's question with a specific recommendation. I'd like to nominate it as the worst answer ever.
Deletion query
Ah! The sting of deletion has pricked me for the first time. Without getting into boring specifics (I would assume my offense was off-topicness), I wonder if the policing in AskMe has become more stringent? Guidance from the deleters-on-high would be appreciated--I am all for making the site as useful as possible, and also for not wasting my own time.
Request for option to unmark "best answer" in Ask Metafilter
An ability to unmark "Best Answer", I have on several instances accidently clicked the link (it's such a big target). Even a confirmation page would stop this from occuring, I'm not alone right?
Checkmark, no best answer
This thread has a checkmark on the front page of AskMe, but no best answers marked inside. Opera on Mac OS 10.3.9.
A terrible appropriation of the site to meet one user's needs
I think AxMe is not where poor posts go to die.
AskMe Shoutout
Dear Matt, thank you so much for Ask Metafilter.
AskMe following on kidney stones
FollowUpFilter: A few weeks back, I mentioned in AskMe that I was diagnosed with a few rather large kidney stones, and many people in the thread gave me some very useful information, and mentioned that the first course of treatment would be lithotripsy, which it was. From there, the plot thickens. [MI]
User complaining about comment deletion
My second of two comments made in this thread http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241 was removed apparently because I disagreed with someone who was complaining that the tangents related to the discussion were not germane to it (http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/25241#399539).
Of course, since I'm posting this, I disagree with the removal. If this is standard way, we are limiting the involvement of human opinion in Ask MeFi, and end up with nothing more than regurgitation of facts that could probably be gained much better elsewhere on the internet.
Could the person who moderated this clarify the removal?
Of course, since I'm posting this, I disagree with the removal. If this is standard way, we are limiting the involvement of human opinion in Ask MeFi, and end up with nothing more than regurgitation of facts that could probably be gained much better elsewhere on the internet.
Could the person who moderated this clarify the removal?
Can I update my Askme in Metatalk?
Is doing AskMe follow-up threads in MetaTalk an accepted thing now? I have a couple of things that I'd like to give updates on (if anyone cares) but I don't want to get told off. Guidance, O older and wiser ones?
Follow-up to my car question.
AskMeFollowUpFilter: At least one person was curious about which car I would buy. Results Inside.
AskMe commenting should always be open
Why do Ask Me threads bother to close after 30 days? Wouldn't it be useful to go back and be able to add answers anytime?
Follow up to Gay Straight Alliance Question
AskMe Update: Last month, I anonymously asked a question about talking to the media about a high school Gay Straight Alliance: thanks and an update inside.