1943 posts tagged with AskMe.
Displaying 1551 through 1600 of 1943. Subscribe:
Deleted AskMe
http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/22288. Deleted. Boo.
I want to know why. This was by far one of the Best Ask questions I've ever seen (over pet peeves.) I even flagged it as such. It was insightful, illuminating, and gave me great insight on others, as a writer, as a human being. Did it have a single answer? No. Was it a valuable question? Hell yes. Look at how many responses in such as short period of time.
Makes me want not to come here anymore. Close it instead. Deleting it robbed me of the perspectives of others. At least in closing it (Rather than deleting it) I'd have a chance to archive what I wrote (which is my copyright, isn't it?) and what others wrote.
I want to know why. This was by far one of the Best Ask questions I've ever seen (over pet peeves.) I even flagged it as such. It was insightful, illuminating, and gave me great insight on others, as a writer, as a human being. Did it have a single answer? No. Was it a valuable question? Hell yes. Look at how many responses in such as short period of time.
Makes me want not to come here anymore. Close it instead. Deleting it robbed me of the perspectives of others. At least in closing it (Rather than deleting it) I'd have a chance to archive what I wrote (which is my copyright, isn't it?) and what others wrote.
AskMe Timeout
Ask keeps timing out on me when I do searches for anything except "questions only". I get: "The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFQUERY..." In case it's relevant, I'm searching for stars of the lid. I'm on Safari 2.0.
Should a religous dietary question open the debate about theology?
When someone posts a serious question to AskMe in order to help properly observe a religious food law, do you:
(a) Answer the question, or
(b) Attempt to engage in theological debate about their religion?
(a) Answer the question, or
(b) Attempt to engage in theological debate about their religion?
Do you have a cat?
There are often questions on ask metafilter about animals, but most of the time, the questions are about cats. It seems to me that--among pet owners--most metafilter users that have pets have cats. Is this so?
Anon additions
It would be really nice if there was a mechanism for someone who posts an anonymous Ask MetaFilter thread can come back and make additional postings to the same thread. People often make anonymous postings because they are asking about something they find personally embarrassing, and consequently the original post is kind of vague or evasive. Many of the MeFites trying to help ask for additional information, but there's no way for the anonymous person to provide it.
Can we get some more specific categories in AskMe than "Computers & Internet?"
Can we get some more specific categories in AskMe than "Computers & Internet?"
Subdividing AskMe?
It feels like AskMe questions come in Straight Dope and Dear Abby sorts (among others), with a lot more recently that can only be answered by personal anecdote. Evidently the community wants them (I read and appreciate them). Might splitting them off into a new color help keep AskMe from drowning in its success?
a problem discussed here
a problem discussed here
Does anyone remember an AskMe thread
Does anyone remember an AskMe thread about people who sleep with their feet sticking out of the covers? My searching skills are failing me...
User Callout
My question started out simply asking for advice on how to make business cards, and Fandango_Matt not only called me, he helped me design a set of professional cards. I met a future business partner the other day and he was impressed; no doubt if it weren't for Fandango_Matt's help things could have swung the other way. Thank you.
AskMe bugs
TwoBugsInAskMetaFilterFilter... [mi]
Can I answer without reference?
With regards to AskMe: if I have experience with the subject of a question being asked, but my answer is anecdotal, unconventional, and basically just hard to support with any well-known reference, is it worth posting?
Positive AskMe feedback - thanks MeFi!
re: Looking for speaking advice...details inside!
clueless? keep your mouth shut
AskMe: If you don't know what you're talking about, keep your mouth shut.
Where'd that comment go?
I could have sworn that somebody posted a link as a response to my question. Now that I have time to actually check it out, though, the link is gone. What gives? Bug? Gratuitous moderation? Anyone know what the link was?
I thought AskMe questions about politics were taboo?
I really don't want to be a spoilsport, but I was under the impression that Ask MeFi questions relating to politics/current events were taboo (it says so in the MeFi wiki).
How, then, has this post been allowed to remain?
How, then, has this post been allowed to remain?
Where should I, a physician, draw the line at commenting on health-related posts in AskMe?
Where should I, a physician, draw the line at commenting on health-related posts in AskMe?
I enjoy thinking about folks' medical puzzles and often learn something in the process of trying to solve them. However, I'm a neurologist, so most of what I comment on is well outside my scope of practice. I've tried to make it clear in my user info that I'm not commenting in my professional capacity as a medical advisor, but instead as "just another Metafilter user." But if you scroll down to roofus' thought-provoking post a few days ago, you can read about a number of harmful things that we docs could inadvertently be causing, including but not limited to the inflammation of hypochondria, acute bad-adviceFilter, and sudden dismemberment or death.
What do folks think? Should I just can it before I get sued?
I enjoy thinking about folks' medical puzzles and often learn something in the process of trying to solve them. However, I'm a neurologist, so most of what I comment on is well outside my scope of practice. I've tried to make it clear in my user info that I'm not commenting in my professional capacity as a medical advisor, but instead as "just another Metafilter user." But if you scroll down to roofus' thought-provoking post a few days ago, you can read about a number of harmful things that we docs could inadvertently be causing, including but not limited to the inflammation of hypochondria, acute bad-adviceFilter, and sudden dismemberment or death.
What do folks think? Should I just can it before I get sued?
Bug in AskMe posting?
I tried to post a question in AskMe, but it wouldn't show up. When I tried to post again, it said: sorry, you already asked a question this week. Catch 22, or is there a delay in question posting that I'm not aware of?
Safari 2.0 tabs bug with background colors
i opened ask metafilter and metatalk in two tabs in Safari 2.0, closed the AskMeFi tab, and (i think) clicked a link in MeTa, and the top frame is still AskMeFi green. here's a link. looks like a caching issue obviously but i've refreshed and it's still there.
Bug: Cold Fusion Error in AskMe
Cold Fusion Error when accessing AskMetafilter. [more inside]
Too Much AskMe
Something must be done! AskMe is out-of-control popular, and it's almost impossible to follow questions since they scroll into oblivion within hours of their posting. I have no suggestions for ameliorating the situation, but I thought I'd bitch about it.
Minor quibbles about AskMe
Two minor improvements to the Ask MetaFilter posting page: the Preview should include the [more inside] notification, and the button should say "Preview the question" instead of "Preview the link."
Answering a question with a joke, then the "well, seriously.."
The "Hollywood Squares Thing": Answering a question with a joke, then the "well, seriously.." bit. Is this bad? In defense, you are providing some "signal"...
Keeping questions visible
What can be done so that questions posted to Ask Metafilter remain accessible (i.e., on the front page) to more users over a longer time period? It seems that we have crossed the threshold where the the increasing volume of questions is leading to a decreasing amount of useful responses. Related discussion here.
Can we weight the askme pages?
Don't think it's been mentioned. It's another Ask.mefi request on scrolling.
How about a weighted system?
How about a weighted system?
Medical Advice on AskMe
Do other doctors get this horrible sinking feeling when they read a medical question in Ask Metafilter? Usually the questions are OK, but obviously would be better directed at a physician. It's the answers that cause me a headache. Lots of non-doctors seem to wade in with "This one time I had something similar, and...". No actual doctors declare themselves and give a sensible answer. I work in a fairly sub-specialized area (uro-gynae) so I'm not necessarily up to date on most of the questions. None the less, I just can't stand it to sit by and see terrible advice given Equally I feel there's something unethical about attempting to play web-doctor. Any tips on best practice?
Great FUNNY DVD recommendations
You made me laugh. Thanks.
Lumpy Kitty Followup
I really don't know where to put this...
Mefites asked for an update on my lumpy kitty question. Unfortunately, the lumps in question were caused by Cutaneous Lymphosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. (My vet has only seen it 3 times in her 20 years of practice.) After the lumps appeared, she fell ill, and ultimately had to be euthanized two weeks ago.
I just wanted to pass the news along, and thank you all for the suggestions and help in the AskMe question. RIP Qu'Appelle, 1993-2005.
Mefites asked for an update on my lumpy kitty question. Unfortunately, the lumps in question were caused by Cutaneous Lymphosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. (My vet has only seen it 3 times in her 20 years of practice.) After the lumps appeared, she fell ill, and ultimately had to be euthanized two weeks ago.
I just wanted to pass the news along, and thank you all for the suggestions and help in the AskMe question. RIP Qu'Appelle, 1993-2005.
AskMe Only Users
What's the community feeling about MeFites whose sole contributions are AskMe questions? No examples, no finger-pointing...I'm just curious. Do y'all think folks should contribute elsewhere if they're going to reap the benefits of free advice? Or is five bucks five bucks?
Preview AskMe tweaks
When previewing a question on AskMe, under the "Your Question" field is the description for the "Extended Explanation" field: This will be the "more inside" area where you explain additional details about the question if necessary. If you use this space, don't write "more inside" to the question area, it will automatically be added for you.
MeFi RSS Dashboard plug-in
I've written MetaDash, a Dashboard plug-in that is an RSS reader for MetaFilter and Ask MetaFilter. I'd like to ask Mac OS X 10.4 users for your comments and suggestions for improvement...
Anonymous commenting for anonymous questions?
hey matt...any way we can get anonymous commenting for anonymous questions on AskMe? there are sometimes that i wanna answer the question but.....
Spoiler alert!
Please edit this comment in the AskMe conspiracy-movie thread to remove the spoiler.
Why the sarcasm in AskMe?
Has anyone ever noted an odd behavior regarding the first comments on some AskMetafilter questions? I've noticed the more than occasional instance of snarky, snide or oddball comments by the first person there. It's almost as if these people are marking their territory by pooping on the thread. Are there other sociological parallels or is there an name for this behavior?
How is this thread not chatfilter?
How is this thread not chatfilter? The ensuing discussion about male vs. female doctors is pretty enlightening, but I don't really see how a question about we feel about a fake doctor's abilities as a doctor is the best use of AskMefi.
Missing AskMe
Ask.mefi just ate my question. I know it went through because I can't post another question this week, but it hasn't appeared on the front page.
Get to the question.
Get to the question. Since the introduction of the system more inside feature in AskMe the number of posts where the question isn't on the main page has been trending upwards. Yesterday was especially bad. It would seem that actually asking your question where skimmers can see it would be a prudent course of action.
Can we drop the simplistic moralizing in AskMe?
Can we drop the simplistic moralizing in AskMe? The responses in darkness' recent thread are disgusting.
Weird Google Ads
Do you need a liver or heart transplant? Do you have $175,000 cash on hand? Logout of MetaFilter (required), then go to this askMefi. Then tell me, how does Google know these things about Bangkok?
AskMe poster shoots rabbit?
Fuckwit AskMefi poster wonders if torturing bunny rabbits is a good idea.
Deleted AskMe comment?
Anyone else having their comments deleted in AskMe threads? My comment in this thread was deleted as well as my answer in another recent thread. What gives? Am I just not that helpful?
Invasion of Privacy in AskMe?
History Category on AskMe
Could "history" be added to the list of ask.me categories? I know that theoretically there could be an endless number of these but "history" seems to be a pretty big omission. I put my recent history question in "society & culture", and so did flexxer, while cuke put his in "grab bag" and my wife put hers in "writing & language".
Why Was I Deleted?
I posted a question to Ask Metafilter this morning, and it just vanished. What went wrong?
Wording of the preview button on AskMe
When posting a question to AskMefi or a thread on MetaTalk, the preview button says "Preview the Link." Should it say "Preview the question" or "Preview the post" instead? (Is no nit too small for picking?)
Two accounts?
Pony time. Every time I ask a question on Ask...I have a need to ask another one (before my 7 days are up.) I could get a second account...now I'd have two logins, etc. [MI]
Askme caching and the delay in new posts appearing
I posted a new question to AskMeFi this morning, and after hitting submit, I was taken directly back to the main page, where my question wasn't listed. I tried going back in to post, but it said I'd already asked my question for the week. To be sure, I logged out and back in, and my question still didn't show up, and I couldn't re-ask it. What happened?
AskMetafilter is awesome at identifying things.
The "ID this [blank]" results at Ask MetaFilter are pretty amazing.
Link date error when posting to AskMe.
Variable LINK_DATE is undefined. [more]
Category-Specific RSS Feeds?
If it's not too much work, could we have category-specific RSS feeds for AskMefi?
Posting limits?
so, are there differences between the posting limits (once per week) on ask.mefi and metafilter proper? In other words, once you've posted anywhere on the Mefi network, do you have to wait a week to post elsewhere, or is the posting limit unique to each area?
Also, it would be cool if "best answers" were tallied for each user, and posting frequency tied to it somehow. Or not. Please don't hurt me.
Also, it would be cool if "best answers" were tallied for each user, and posting frequency tied to it somehow. Or not. Please don't hurt me.