1943 posts tagged with AskMe.
Displaying 1401 through 1450 of 1943. Subscribe:

The tags have gone missing from the ebay scam question.

Tag conveniently gone missing?. Like many others, I've been following the askme thread originally posted by airnxtz where he is found to be a scammer and where hopefully we will soon have word about the consequences of his scamming. Normally I search for this thread by looking at the "all posts tagged ebay", but the question is no longer listed on that page. In fact once I found the question, I see that it no longer has the ebay tag or any other tag. I assume that though airnxtz has lost his posting privileges, he still has the privilege to edit his own tags and has done so. Otherwise, what happened to the tag and can we get it back?
posted by duck on Jan 9, 2006 - 39 comments

People are derailing this perfectly decent home-furnishing AskMe

People are derailing this perfectly decent home-furnishing AskMe with a more-heat-than-light debate about a perennial hot-button issue. Maybe take the debate to MeTa and leave the green to window coverings?
posted by matildaben on Jan 9, 2006 - 79 comments

Link to tags on question page

When I'm posting a question on Ask MeFi, I would find it convenient for the question form page to feature a link to the Tags page. For the tag function to be a maximum value, it would seem to me that one should use the tags the group has consensually declared to be the appropriate tags for the subject. Obviously, you can access the tags page in other ways, but a link right there would be nice.
posted by mojohand on Jan 8, 2006 - 6 comments

Highlight AskMe responses by OP

In AskMeFi, there is first the question. Then maybe 5 replies down there is a response by the person who asked the question. But they don't often identify themselves as the original poster, and it is not always obvious that it is the original poster and if I am down the page I have forgotten their username. Is there a way to highlite responses by the original poster? Or a way to make them stand out?
posted by 9000.68 on Jan 8, 2006 - 40 comments

Pony Request: Highlight 'fantastic comment' flagged posts like AskMe's 'best answers'

It's possible for an AskMeFi poster to mark responses as best answers. It's possible for anyone to flag an answer as a fantastic comment. Why not amalgamate the two and have all the top answers in one place? Then, why not highlight all comments flagged as fantastic in AskMeFi, MetaFilter and MetaTalk the way best answers are currently highlighted in AskMeFi?
posted by nthdegx on Jan 7, 2006 - 9 comments

Askme tag/best answer collision

In AskMetafilter, if the tags box extends into a highlighted "best answer" box, the two collide instead of readjusting for each other. This includes a text wrap-around. I demand perfection down to the pixel.
posted by geoff. on Jan 6, 2006 - 3 comments

Marking a question to check back on it

Is there a way to flag a question in AskMe (not one of my own) so I can go back to it several hours later and read the comments that have accumulated? Am I missing some obvious functionality that does that? Currently, if I want to check back on a question, I have to remember what the question was and sift through (potentially) loads of other questions that have been asked since. Thanks!
posted by SheIsMighty on Jan 4, 2006 - 20 comments

'otherwise you're no better than any other date rapist'

'otherwise you're no better than any other date rapist': fair comment? [mi]
posted by ascullion on Jan 4, 2006 - 249 comments

Ask.Mefi RSS isn't updating

It's broke again. The Ask.Mefi RSS isn't updating.

the XML yields:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://ask.metafilter.com/rss.xml
Line Number 156, Column 18:
posted by filmgeek on Jan 1, 2006 - 4 comments

AskMe Followups?

ponyrequest: was thinking, how about some sort of followup feature to askme? there are some questions that a few weeks after they are asked, i wonder...what ever happened? (mi)
posted by ShawnString on Dec 30, 2005 - 12 comments

Request: An RSS feed for Best Marked Answers page

Request: An RSS feed for Best Marked Answers page

posted by unceman on Dec 28, 2005 - 3 comments

Notification of need to cooperate with LEO?

I've noticed that many AskMe threads (like this one) dealing with potential crimes and/or civil suits could be subpoened as evidence if the right person connected the dots. Should there be a notice on the anonymous question page that Metafilter may be compelled by law to release the IP address of anonymous posters?
posted by justkevin on Dec 27, 2005 - 40 comments

AskMe deletion

My Askme question, about a DVD that was burned on a PC that wouldn't work on my Mac, was deleted for no other seeming reason than that it mentioned P2P. [More inside]
posted by God on Dec 26, 2005 - 131 comments

Who needs a best answer?

Suggestion for user page:

change this:
and 16 questions and 215 answers to Ask MetaFilter
to this:
and 16 questions (3 missing a Best Answer) and 215 answers to Ask MetaFilter

posted by Kickstart70 on Dec 26, 2005 - 12 comments

Anonymous askme derails: a reboot?

Umm, yeah. I realize this callout is pointless since the the poster in question is so blatantly abusive and off-topic, but I thought it might be necessary to create this thread so the original anonymous poster could have an additional thread in AskMeFi so we could help him.
posted by SeizeTheDay on Dec 26, 2005 - 27 comments

Can I AskMe about my website?

Ok don't know if this is permissable...I'd like to AskMeFi about my own site, but not as self-promotion. I'd like build a shortlist of why it sucks and what I can do about it. Ok to do so?
posted by Kickstart70 on Dec 22, 2005 - 12 comments

Let the OP to close their own AskMe thread?

JustAnIdeaFilter: The option for the OP to close their own AskMe thread upon choosing one or more posts as best answer.
posted by sjvilla79 on Dec 21, 2005 - 18 comments

Do sub-par AskMe posts get a second chance?

AskMeTa: Do sub-par AskMe posts get a second chance? Is it worth it? [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Dec 21, 2005 - 9 comments

Looking for an old post.

Here or AskMeFi?

i'm not sure if i should post this here or ask mefi, but i'm looking for an old post that i found around Thanksgiving.

It was a blog and/or humorous editorial about Thanksgiving in the White House. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and/or know where I can find it?
I've searched for keywords and searched the tags, but i'm just not finding it.
posted by pelican on Dec 21, 2005 - 2 comments

AskMe Synchronicity

At last month's CT meetup, nomad observed that from time to time he would see two consecutive AskMe threads that, while not identical, would be similar enough in subject to be notable. Several theories were put forth, but then the tea tree oil toothpicks distracted us from writing a formal paper to submit to an appropriate peer-reviewed journal. He's been spending the last few weeks emailing me whenever he sees these "twin threads" (my term, not his). Here, for your thank-god-it's-not-a-callout enjoyment are the ones he's pointed out to me: How do I get rid of [skin abnormality]: 28255, 28256; What to do in London: 28678, 28679; Bottled water: 29417, 29418. (Related, somehow, to eponysterical posts)
posted by Plutor on Dec 21, 2005 - 29 comments

Meta-Ask: Define Rock Bottom Addiction

meta-ask: Are there any scientific studies suggesting the need for addicted people to "hit rock bottom" before getting better?

I've noticed in a lot of AskMe threads dealing with addiction in a loved-one that people say that the addicted person needs to hit "rock bottom" before they can start to get better. Now obviously in retrospect every former addict will have some low point that they can look back on as their lowest, but often the advice given also states that people should avoid helping their loved-one, in a sort of effort to accelerate their decent, like the quicker they hit the bottom the quicker they can get better.

I'm just wondering, why do people think this is true? Are there any studies that actually state this? It seems like a really important thing to be just guessing about.

posted by delmoi on Dec 18, 2005 - 38 comments

AskMe sorting and posting

1 Etiquette, 1 request.

Etiquette - are you allowed to post to ask.mefi with no comments at all in threads? (looked all over etiquette questions+wiki couldn't find the thread/answer)
Any way to filter Ask.ME questions to those questions with <5 (or 10) answers with no best answer?br>
It'd be very useful to see all the questions with only one to four responses...that often get scrolled by.
posted by filmgeek on Dec 18, 2005 - 25 comments

Using an appropriate tone of response to personal questions

Fair criticism: "I think your post was just a little over the top."
Getting too personal: "Pretty poor showing - but hey, we need to hear what [commenter] thinks we need to hear. Who am I to argue with that?"
Over the top arrogance: "Look [commenter], if you had 2mm of latitude to accept some criticism about what you said, this would have been over a long time ago. Don't feel the need to defend yourself." [Because I prefer attacking people who don't fight back -- editorial comment and emphasis added].
Hypocritical lashing out and name-calling: "Senor [another commenter] - other than playing an incredibly biased referee, what are you doing here? Don't you have more important threads to not participate in?"
posted by orthogonality on Dec 18, 2005 - 104 comments

Can we add a platform option for computer questions in AskMe?

Since many computer questions hit AskMe, can a notice be added to remind the poster to mark which platform he or she is using, or perhaps a pull-down menu? This will help people provide better answers.
posted by Rothko on Dec 15, 2005 - 28 comments

Bondcliff's comment about showering was both funny and helpful

This AskMe comment was funny and helpful. Thanks for the advice and laugh, Bondcliff. (P.S. What's an "ass cootie"?)
posted by KevinSkomsvold on Dec 15, 2005 - 28 comments

Is humor verboten in the Green?

This certianly isn't a question that impacts the stability or sanity of my life, but: Is humor verboten in the Green? Over on this question, as people got worked up in one direction or another over the topic, I posted a humorous comment placing the question on the Bridge of Death from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

I notice this morning that it was deleted. Are we so high-strung here that people can't take a joke?
posted by theonetruebix on Dec 14, 2005 - 55 comments

Can this thread become the example of how not to use AskMe?

Can this thread become the example of how not to use AskMe?

(It's also an example of why hit-and-run doesn't work. I know there are people who join purely for AskMe, but that still feels sleazy: most users have certain good faith assumptions, and it feels like they're being taken advantage of by these mongs.)
posted by bonaldi on Dec 14, 2005 - 34 comments

MeFites agree, don't report your boyfriend to HR.

Almost unbelievable. It is hard to believe, but we have an issue on which just about all mefites agree.
posted by oddman on Dec 13, 2005 - 66 comments

How can I steal my friend's apartment?

Dear ask.mefi, how can I fuck over my friend while he's overseas by stealing his apartment so that he doesn't have a place to live when he gets back. P.S. It IS a really nice apartment, and he IS a jerk for having let me live there while he's gone so I'm totally justified in my actions.
posted by furtive on Dec 12, 2005 - 119 comments

deleted askme still visible

This deleted Ask MeFi question still shows up on the front page of Ask MeFi.
posted by riffola on Dec 11, 2005 - 1 comment

Broken links can happen to anyone.

Can someone explain to me why the link in this comment on Ask.Me take me to microsoft.com?
posted by vacapinta on Dec 10, 2005 - 32 comments

Limit on Best Answers?

Maybe there could be a limit on the number of "Best Answers" that a question gets?
posted by Kirth Gerson on Dec 10, 2005 - 34 comments

AskMe Archives by Category

Is there a way to see archived posts in Ask MeFi more than 30 days old by category? If not, it seems like an extremely useful feature--perhaps even show ALL posts by category and then just do "older results" at the bottom of the page on and on until the beginning of MeFi time...
posted by shivohum on Dec 10, 2005 - 2 comments

best answer outside, not inside

This Ask me thread has the "Best answer" checked on the main page, but nothing is showing up in the thread. Just thought I'd let you know.
posted by McSly on Dec 10, 2005 - 4 comments

anon needs to be able to respond

Matt, threads like this underscore the need for the anon poster to have the ability to respond in his or her thread. I'm sure that it's not a trivial amount of work for you - what would it take to make this happen, and what can we do to support your efforts?

I think that this is one of the most important features on the to-do list. It must be so painful for the poster to be unable to respond in many cases.
posted by By The Grace of God on Dec 9, 2005 - 56 comments

Yahoo's Ask

huh, Yahoo launches an Ask section.
posted by mathowie on Dec 8, 2005 - 109 comments

Happy 2nd anniversary AskMe

thirteen plants a seed and sure enough, 3,400 posts later it shoots. Happy anniversary AskMefi. [I ♥ that it was about cameras]
posted by tellurian on Dec 8, 2005 - 20 comments

Pony request: Text formatting tools in AskMe

Can we get the little " B I link ABC" box for Ask Metafilter yet?

If we can have it for comments, we might as well have it for questions, too. Several posters could make use of it.
posted by MrZero on Dec 6, 2005 - 20 comments

AskMe Wedding Follow-Up!

AskMefi has been very good to me, especially with questions concerning my wedding. Here is a collage of some of the photos. And here is a link to my drunkenly posted photos that my "bride" hasn't approved of yet, (oh, well.) A big Thank You to those who helped us!
posted by snsranch on Dec 3, 2005 - 19 comments

Was I really in the wrong here?

Was I really in the wrong here? I posted a question about my car stereo and I got a bunch of great answers. I thanked everyone and posted some additional information. A user posted a lengthy follow-up answer, which I appreciated. But then Thanksgiving, spotty Internet, and just life in general got in my way I didn't have a chance to mess with my car stereo, much less update my AskMe thread. (Frankly, it never occurred to me that people would be on tenterhooks about my Caprice's stereo.)

So then, seven days later, the same user posted this bizarre rant about how I never followed up with the thread. Was I at fault?
posted by Ian A.T. on Nov 29, 2005 - 136 comments


AskMeFi could be improved if the people answering the questions gave more information about themselves and weren't so darned bashful. [MI]
posted by meech on Nov 28, 2005 - 32 comments

Do you remember that...? site

This is a neat site for those "name that movie from random bits of plot" questions that pop up on askme. Not sure where else this might go.
posted by frecklefaerie on Nov 27, 2005 - 12 comments

I won first place, thanks to AskMe

Results for Chili question on AskMe
posted by RustyBrooks on Nov 26, 2005 - 23 comments

AskMeFi email notification?

AskMeFi email notification?

I understand for threads that get a lot of replies - an email per response is way too much, and would be more of a hassle than it's worth.

What about a nightly cron job that notifies AskMeFi posters who have checked an "email me to let me know about new replies" box a notice that X number of replies have been posted to their thread? The box could be unchecked by default, of course.

I've found that sometimes, AskMeFi threads that are days old end up getting responses from bored folks who scroll through several pages, so I think this would be useful.
posted by twiggy on Nov 25, 2005 - 11 comments

Legal AskMe

Some of the responses in this AskMeFi thread were dangerously wrong. I understand that AskMeFi is all fun and games, but when a poster asks a legal question and then says that he has no intention of consulting a lawyer, we're walking on dangerous ground in terms of the quality of the answers.

Not sure that there's any easy solution, but it's something worth thinking about.
posted by MattD on Nov 25, 2005 - 11 comments

Askme broken

This AskMe is showing up like this for me. Clicking reload didn't seem to fix it.
posted by I Love Tacos on Nov 23, 2005 - 11 comments

The AskMe front page seems to lag in updating with published questions.

The AskMe front page seems to lag in updating with published questions.

This thread's "next thread" link leads to an anonymous question about boner problems, and the "next thread" from there leads to another anonymous one. But they don't show up on the front page of AskMe.
posted by evariste on Nov 23, 2005 - 5 comments

AskMe Preferences Not Working

No matter what I do in my preferences, the font on AskMefi seems to be stuck (on Times New Roman, I think). My settings work fine on Mefi/Meta, so I guess it must be something to do with the new layout.
posted by Orange Goblin on Nov 23, 2005 - 12 comments

Fake questions on AskMe.

Fake questions on AskMe.
posted by nixerman on Nov 22, 2005 - 200 comments

Metatalk thread closing is the worst thing ever.

Metatalk thread closing is the worst thing ever. Just as threads are getting entertaining, the discussion supposedly somehow has ended. It never works; Either someone posts a new thread where the same discussion continues or we're just deprived of some funny comments.
posted by lazy-ville on Nov 22, 2005 - 5 comments

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