1341 posts tagged with MeFi.
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MetaFilter's Web server statistics for March 2001

March 2001 stats. The second most popular search term is especially interesting. heh.
posted by mathowie on Apr 3, 2001 - 18 comments

Another Milestone

Cha-ching! We've hit the 5000 mark.
posted by samsara on Apr 3, 2001 - 9 comments

Bad day for double posts.

Bad day for double posts. I mean, I know the threads each has slightly different takes but were so many really needed?
posted by lagado on Apr 3, 2001 - 4 comments

And how much worse have we seen now!

This comment in the longest thread ever seems inappropriate. Is this some inside joke, wholly out of line, or both?
posted by norm on Mar 30, 2001 - 20 comments


This comment in the longest thread ever seems a bit inappropriate. WTF?
posted by norm on Mar 30, 2001 - 4 comments

I can't post to the front page yet, so here's an interesting link about the moon landings

I was browsing the internet last nite doing some research on a theory that NASA's claim of landing on the moon is a hoax(which was actually in the news on FOX) and I came across this website. I'm sorry but I was just way too lazy to post it up on the main page cuz I don't have those rights yets, but maybe one of you will. Well, anyways, go to this website... http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/therevelation2.shtml
A lot of the topics it talks about are very disturbing to me, especially the stuff about Satan's connection to the United States. I was looking for a disclaimer saying it was false, but I couldn't really find one. However, do note that it doesn't really list many references so it might be fake. But lots of interesting reading at this site.
posted by majikman on Mar 28, 2001 - 4 comments

Me and my sockpuppets were being jerks

I, Free Speech aka Rightwinger aka Private Parts, was just having some fun and trying to add some levity to the site, sorry if I offended you Matt.
posted by FreeSpeech on Mar 20, 2001 - 7 comments

Will email (and authentication) help keep things more civil?

Couldn't find the earlier mention of this, so I'll pick up on it here.

A new user user (RightWinger) just posted a fairly feeble defense of Dubya and was almost immediately called a troll for his pains. I think this is basically because he didn't have an email address. Rogers has mentioned lately, rightly I think, how many potential conflicts can be defused that way, and now I think people are starting to see the lack of email as prima facie evidence of bad faith, and responding accordingly. His post wasn't really that inflammatory, but I think the level of trust is really low for people who can't be contacted offline. Total anonymity and community membership just may not mesh very well.

Matt has floated the idea of making everyone email-authenticable (word?). I think it's a good idea: people will trust more when they see a "real" identity, more offline diplomacy can happen, and I think people will be more responsible if they have a little bit of accountability built in. If it's *that* important to them to be anonymous, why are they posting to MetaFilter?
posted by rodii on Mar 19, 2001 - 62 comments

Does a link being posted elsewhere really mean it's bad for MetaFilter?

Memepool is nothing like Slashdot. I don't read memepool. I am glad that I did not miss this post because of my surfing habits. MetaFilter can't make my experience better by expecting me to read another web site, can it?
posted by sudama on Mar 19, 2001 - 14 comments

we should limit posts!

I'm pretty new around here, and for the most part, I think metafilter is great, but the signal to noise ratio is lower than it might be. I have an idea...
posted by anapestic on Mar 14, 2001 - 39 comments

Does anyone want to meet up?

Having just come back from meeting Matt and many other MetaFilterites at SXSW, (MeFi actually got name-checked on damn near every panel I attended...) I'm curious to see who would be interested in having some sort of in-person gathering where we could all get together to meet.

Or maybe even multiple ones, in SF NY and Austin, say...? Would anyone be up for that sort of thing? And what would we call it? MeFiFoFum Day?
posted by anildash on Mar 14, 2001 - 18 comments

Does this need to be moderated?

Man, them's fighting words. In Matt's words, we're all in this together and we're self-policing. Does any policing need to go on in these threads or similar instances?

this is not a personal shot at aaron, although he is involved in both altercations.

i think we should take more care to limit our disparaging personal comments. what do you think?
posted by Sean Meade on Mar 13, 2001 - 23 comments

Article too old

Criminy ... can we at least confine our periodical links to stories published this century?
posted by rcade on Mar 8, 2001 - 25 comments

should language be group-regulated?

I looked in the guidelines, but found no general direction on language. SKOT's comment on the Reparations Thread is what precipitated this question. I'd like some feedback/discussion on what is or is not appropriate language... should language be group-regulated, or should there be some direction from Matt on this? Either way, what should we expect from posters?
posted by silusGROK on Mar 7, 2001 - 24 comments

Double your fun

it seems an awful lot of us regulars click-through to double posts, just to see how they will be handled. it's interesting, because a double post creates a whole new dynamic. we don't want thread-related discussion going on over there, but we apparently enjoy and even participate in the double post related discussion. do we need a name for this phenomenon, or at least a sniglet? other thoughts?
posted by Sean Meade on Mar 5, 2001 - 10 comments

OK to post stories from plastic.com?

Directly arising from a thread that I posted on Metafilter about the pill and its effect on mate choice, another question arrives inexorably - I found the article in question via Plastic.com - which as we all know is the 'Metafilter it's not OK to like'. I suppose this is an issue of etiquette or policy - is it appropriate to post stories for discussion here which have already been covered there?
posted by barbelith on Feb 27, 2001 - 8 comments

Sessioning should be fixed now, I think.

I think I fixed the sessioning. I reworked a lot of code tonight, and tested it, and I think I got it working correctly. Here's what's going on: you come to metafilter for the first time today, it says 3 new links and 24 new comments. You read the site, hitting the index page as many times as you want, and you'll never lose that 3 links and 24 comments status.

then you go away for a few hours, and you come back. it should say "1 new link and 13 new comments" (if that much changed between visits), and it should remain that way until you go away for over 15 minutes.

Now, the only place where this will be screwed up, is when you hit the site within 15 minutes from your last visit. That way, the session won't die and it won't update your last visit time.

I also got rid of the new window thing, and the double arrow things, since you won't lose state if you jump directly into a thread.

Let me know if you find any problems.
posted by mathowie on Feb 22, 2001 - 26 comments

Lincoln told no yo momma jokes against Douglass

"Can't you folks simply address an issue and tell us what you think without attacking the poster rather than what has been posted?" A few threads have featured variations on this sentiment, so I figured the subject was worth a longer look here.
posted by rcade on Feb 14, 2001 - 23 comments

Pay to lose the cupids?

Sideblog response: Pay to lose the cupids? I say pay to have more holiday specific DHTML effects!!!
posted by tomalak on Feb 14, 2001 - 5 comments

MetaFilter FAQ.

I've made mumblings about this elsewhere, but I'm trying to compile a MetaFilter FAQ in the hopes that it'll help new users figure out just what the heck's going on here. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I don't know everything. You can find the raw XML file here. If there's anything you'd like to add, or seek clarification on or wish you'd known about when you started joining in the conversations, please let me know.

Also, let me know your MeFi username, e-mail address and URL (if you feel like sharing) so I can give credit where credit's due.
posted by cCranium on Feb 9, 2001 - 17 comments

New comment count doesn't seem accurate

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I'm coasting through MeFi, the number of new comments is no longer accurate. In fact, if there are 50 comments on a topic, I'm told that there are 50 new, everytime I come back to the Home page, no matter if I refresh or use my back button, no matter how many times I've read through or even posted comments to a thread. I haven't changed any of my settings and this is on three different computers (all PCs, all using IE 5.0) so I don't think it's a cookie problem, or is it?
posted by Dreama on Jan 31, 2001 - 6 comments

intentionally extending existing thread with new links

Posting a new link to intentionally extend an existing day-old thread is inappopriate.
posted by rcade on Jan 25, 2001 - 73 comments

The Horror!

There have been 13 links and 200 comments posted since your last visit

I read this to myself and the first thought to cross my mind was 'holy shit'. You have created a monster Matt. This site is filtering information faster than one human alone can process. The Horror!

posted by Jeremy on Jan 24, 2001 - 15 comments

And you wonder where all the conservatives have gone...

Etiquette/Opinions/View of the poster.

Since this post discusses all of the above, I don't know any other way to begin, or to jump in, but here goes - I, as a somewhat conservative person, one of maybe 2 here on mefi, have tried to be reasonably patient. The reasoning behind it was something like 'well, this is just a joke, if I ignore, I won't bite the trap as to trolls do this on ngs and I have long since learned to killfire', and at times felt that; and since I'm mostly disagreed with, I feel that the very thought of me 'calling foul' would be met with great hostility. Maybe I was right.

Example. The topic of this post is an opinion of the poster, and he does in fact semi-self link. There's nothing wrong with offering your opinion, in fact it's great. I guess, let me put it this way - what if, say I, were to post a link saying 'Democrats really do think with their dick' and would link it to the Jesse Jackson story + a post on FreeRepublic with me saying this (I don't even want to go near the FreeRepublic, mind you). Not to whine, but, I really want you to see my side of this. There are many other examples, and I'll continue inside. (as to not take up the entire page)
posted by tiaka on Jan 17, 2001 - 30 comments

Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

I'm curious about the etiquette issues involved in today's thread about teen sex. Aside from the issue of the tastelessness of this joke, what is the relative appropriateness of the suggestion that someone should commit violence upon the joker? Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

posted by redfoxtail on Jan 16, 2001 - 26 comments

Didn't mean to bring out the racism in everyone...

I want to apologize for any part I had in prompting the explicitly racist comments some have posted in this thread and others, if there were any. I'm beginning to wonder whether I should continue advancing my perspective in light of reactions like this. I don't want to encourage those kinds of posts.
posted by sudama on Jan 5, 2001 - 8 comments

Lots of comments, lots of links, lots of love

Hey is it just me or has MeFi been especially good lately? Lots of comments, lots of links, lots of love... or maybe I'm just drunk...
posted by chaz on Jan 4, 2001 - 4 comments

MeFi missing!

I couldn't even reach mf for a period last night. "No web server is configured at this address."??? Just a data point.
posted by lbergstr on Nov 3, 2000 - 2 comments


I'm just wondering if there should be something more explicit in the guidelines about posting stories from CNN et al. There seems to be some amount of consensus here that this kind of news can be found lots of places on the web and shouldn't be posted on MeFi. What to do?
posted by raku on Oct 12, 2000 - 17 comments

Does this teach any males here anything? Like, no personal attacks?

More regarding this thread (on feminism). Wherein I address Catch, since it's completely tangenital to the topic at hand.
posted by cCranium on Sep 28, 2000 - 7 comments

Opening MeFi development?

Matt: I admittedly don't know much about the development process you use for Meta*, whether it's all you (which is the impression that I get) but have you ever considered opening it up?

posted by cCranium on Jul 14, 2000 - 7 comments

Staying on topic

Okay here goes nothing. This one's about topic drift, and what is the proper way of handling it, if there is such a thing.
posted by ZachsMind on Jul 8, 2000 - 8 comments

A double request: dragging entire threads into Metatalk and provisions for self-linking.

A suggestion for you, Matt. You might consider adding some easy way for you to move topics lock, stock and barrel, comments and all, from MetaFilter to MetaTalk. Then politely leave a link behind saying you've done it.

And having an enormous ego and desire for self-aggrandizement, I think you should have a section here in MetaTalk for people to post things about their websites. I have some things coming up I wouldn't mind the entire universe knowing about (as opposed to both people who come to my site), but I won't be so rude as to drop it into MetaFilter.
posted by mrmorgan on Jun 15, 2000 - 2 comments

I plead "supidity"?

Open Letter to Mr. Zeldman, Mr. Davis & Mr. Haughey:
Well, guys, what can I say...I plead "supidity"?

I recently contributed to turning a thread, which I'm sure was intended for all well-wishers to Glenn Davis their fondest thoughts... into my soapbox about how sites shouldn't be judged, and contributed to the silliness. For that I'm deeply ashamed. [More groveling inside...]
posted by EricBrooksDotCom on May 7, 2000 - 1 comment

MetaFilter outage

FYI: MetaFilter was down for about three hours this morning because of a shoddy power chord. The power chord could wiggle a little bit in the back of the server, and when it did, sometimes the power connection would break. This would happen occasionally as people walked right next to it, jostling it ever so slightly. Today though, it looks like it happened at 6 in the morning in a locked office, so I replaced the chord with one that won't cause it to power down.
posted by mathowie on Apr 28, 2000 - 6 comments

I never thought we'd outnumber Lance's army of followers

I never thought we'd outnumber Lance's army of followers (of which I'm a member).
posted by mathowie on Apr 22, 2000 - 0 comments

Had those forwarded from my aunt last month.

"So," I clear my throat and hike up my pants, "how bout them last two metafilter links?" Dihydrogen monoxide and an Onion article. Gee whiz.
posted by EngineBeak on Apr 8, 2000 - 1 comment

I have my own blog but maybe this belongs on MeFi

[the following question is probably un-answer-able]: how do you all decide what interesting things you run across to post on your own personal weblogs vs. post on metafilter? [after all, MF has no central theme or organizing philosophy..., but then again no one should post several times daily on MF...]
posted by palegirl on Mar 30, 2000 - 5 comments

What's the difference between MetaFilter and MetaTalk?

What's the difference between MetaFilter and MetaTalk?
posted by hobbes on Mar 29, 2000 - 4 comments

highly consistent in my 2 comment:1 link ratio

I want to feel more meta, but I seem to be highly consistent in my 2 comment:1 link ratio. CrazyUncleJoe clearly has me beaten on that front, but is that really a measure of metatude? More than likely, it's my lack of lists of lists of lists of links to other places.
posted by plinth on Mar 23, 2000 - 1 comment

Can Matt break 500 before SXSW?

MeFi is so *very* close... Can Matt break 500 before SXSW? Last push people! Tell your friends! ReRegister with Hotbot!! Let's tear this mother UP!!! I think 500 registered users will give Matt the credibility he needs for the weblogpanel (I think that we should decide that weblogterms with the word weblog in them should lose all internal spacing - you know, for weblogconsistency.)
posted by CrazyUncleJoe on Mar 9, 2000 - 5 comments

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