778 posts tagged with Policy.
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Projects Etiquette
Is Projects for alterting people to your own projects, or for telling people about a friend's blog that you find funny but realized it was too lame for the front page. I always figured Metachat was more for that sort of thing.
Is this questions creepy and/or offensive?
So we can't even discuss unethical stuff now...?
I just asked a question about 'how to succeed in university' that was open to standard ideas and ideas that were not kosher (cheating. happens every day). Im busy, i wont be participating actively in this discussion, but the question i put forward is: how is discussing cheating methods different from a thread discussing file sharing or something. Nothing illegal is happening by discussing this stuff. Whats the deal. Thats like deleting a thread that asks 'How do jewel thiefs go about cracking safes?' Are we going to delete the thread because we dont want this suspected jewel thief cracking our safes, or is our curiosity going to get peaked and we're going to discuss it like a bunch of nerds who are into this nerdy stuff? The latter? OK.
Dumb Pro-Choice Thread Callout
Speaking as a pro-choice person, this thread has to be the dumbest collection of arguments in favor of abortion rights that I've read anywhere in a long time, currently topped off with an attempt to draw an analogy between aborting fetuses and shredding paper. Am I missing a giant troll tag here, or is MeFi really getting as stupid as it appears?
Nip in the BuD
Prolific poster posts 17 posts per hour for 3.5 hours
This has got to be some kind of record. Setting aside the merits of Glider's argument, you have to admire his persistence. By my back-of-the-envelope calculations, the guy made roughly 17 posts per hour for 3.5 hours, took a three hour break, then jumped back into the fray for a total of 70 posts over 13 hours. Wow.
Penalize Self-Linking
Metafilter is not doing enough to penalize self-links. Pile-ons are not a deterrent, as they only provide affirmation to offenders who believe there is no such thing as bad publicity. No doubt Mitchell Rose of Red Red Rose Pictures is already patting himself on the back for a jorb well done, and despite the deletion of his spam, he has still succeeded: previously deleted threads are still indexed by search engines, thus continuing to provide incentive to perpetrators even if their malice is detected and hidden from the front page. I suggest adding a robots exclusion META NOFOLLOW tag to the head of any thread which has been deleted.
Sockpuppet policies?
Is there or should there be a policy concerning accounts of people that admit to being sockpuppet accounts? [mi]
Server log retention policy?
So, Matt, what are your server log retention policies. This is not a snark, it's a serious question. I'm American, and I don't trust my government.
This "wins" meme is stupid.
I know I'll probably get a lot of shit for this, like I do for every MeTa thread I post, but can we please please please put a moratorium on the phrase "X wins the thread" and all variants thereof?
Okay now please commence with snark and then others can quote that snark and say "[snarker] wins the thread" hooray!
Okay now please commence with snark and then others can quote that snark and say "[snarker] wins the thread" hooray!
Character limit on AskMe front page
How about a character limit on the first part of an AskMe question? I'm tired of seeing the AskMe page cluttered with questions like this one.
Where can I post to find a non-responsive user?
This AskMe thread, although well intentioned, broke the guidelines and was subsequently deleted. But its subject matter still deserves attention, I think, and so here it is, being posted again, where the question can hopefully achieve some good. Where is ethylene?
"My comments": truncation causes truculence?
I'm not sure of this is a bug or a feature, but I've noticed that in "My Comments" long comments are cut off. If it's a bug: "Hey Matt, I found a bug!" If it's a feature...well I suppose I see the logic, so whatever.
AskMe policy on dishonestly obtaining stuff
So questions about software piracy are not allowed, but discussions about other ways of dishonestly obtaining (discounts on) goods and services are OK? Seriously, where's the distinction?
Metafilter By Committee?
MeFi Committees: A Proposal (MI, This could get long and messy)
Possible questionable self-linking in comments
Do new users know about self-linking? I normally don't care to police this stuff, but mickeyz has been a member two days and self-linked to his own banal blog twice so far.
Why isn't this a double post since it directly references the previous instance?
Just wonderin'... Why isn't this a double post since it directly references the previous instance?
Mefi projects: promoting porno piracy
Mefi projects: promoting porno piracy. Complete with image hotlinking, and instructions for disabling refer sending, to avoid .htaccess protection. Crap like this is the worst of the web, IMO.
Can I post this to Projects?
I recorded a lecture from a darn-good semi-prominent speaker on Wednesday and I'd like to post the recording on Projects. Several questions: Does the fact that I recorded the lecture make it a Projects post or is it okay for the Blue? Is it okay to post a rapidshare.de link to the WMA file as the project (or blue) post? If it is a Projects post, is it okay to post links-not-by-me in the Projects post to give some background on the speaker? Thanks.
Self-policing the self-police
I'm sure this has been MeTa'd to death. At least I'm pretty sure. Even so, I'm going to drag out the horse and make him glue:
What can we constructively do to curtail the post vigilantes or post thought police? [mi]
What can we constructively do to curtail the post vigilantes or post thought police? [mi]
Should this have been in the Blue?
This AskMe post on Motzart would probably do better in the Blue.
It may be time for someone to get his own blog.
Not necessarily a callout, because I always find myself reading the religion posts even when I don't agree with them, but as doctor_negative points out in brownpau's latest thread it may be time for someone to get his own blog.
boy performing cunnilingus on cattle - NSFW!!
Can we please stop pandering to idiots. [more inside]
Josh seeks a godly wife
Ok, I'll bite: Is a personal add (however mockable) a good FPP?
Should including long humorous tags in AskMe posts be frowned upon?
Should including long humorous tags in AskMe posts (like ihopeclayaikendoesnthaveabiggerpenisthanmetoo) be frowned upon?
Inappropriate Flagging?
Marketing Research? Two people have flagged this thread, saying (or implying) that it goes against Metafilter policy. Forgive me for not ready the policy very closely, but I don't see what is wrong with this kind of thing. What do you folks think?
What's all this about urinals as art?
So if I were to post this article about someone attacking R. Mutt's "Urinal" with a hammer, would that be considered a "One Link News Filter Pseudo Self Link FFP" ?
Why do these exist?
Mailto:s in posts, acceptable or not?
Mailto:s in posts, acceptable or not?
Knowledge building over time.
An interesting aspect of the "filtration" on MetaFilter is chronological; and this aspect I think is often ignored, overlooked, or deprecated. [moronic inside]
AskMe Policy
I'm as much for self-induced liver damage as the next guy, but some questions should not be answered. And thus, should not be asked.
Obituary Threads
MeFi obituary posts: Good, Bad and Ugly. Resolved: If you can't be bothered to find anything interesting about the person beyond a syndicated news story announcing their death or a slim encyclopedia-esque entry, you should let someone who does care post the obit to the front page.
Can I AskMe about my website?
Ok don't know if this is permissable...I'd like to AskMeFi about my own site, but not as self-promotion. I'd like build a shortlist of why it sucks and what I can do about it. Ok to do so?
What is Metafilter.com's policy on linking directly to pirated material?
What is Metafilter.com's policy on linking directly to pirated material, or overseas websites that exist to solely to host pirated material? I'm not trying to start a moral debate, and IANAL, I'm just concerned as to what mathowie or the poster's legal liabilities are, and what mathowie's policy on the matter is?
Content or quality?
I'm confused. What is more important to mefites, actually responding to the content of FPPs, or rating their quality? I see a general (hence, no links in this question) preponderance to the former. It seems that many responses to posts are actually rating the quality of it and/or the poster, rather than the content of the FPP. I've read a lot of the sites about Metafilter and maybe I'm missing a concept or something.
I am truly not trying to be a smartass, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. Thanks.
I am truly not trying to be a smartass, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. Thanks.
How can I steal my friend's apartment?
Dear ask.mefi, how can I fuck over my friend while he's overseas by stealing his apartment so that he doesn't have a place to live when he gets back. P.S. It IS a really nice apartment, and he IS a jerk for having let me live there while he's gone so I'm totally justified in my actions.
Limit on Best Answers?
Maybe there could be a limit on the number of "Best Answers" that a question gets?
Trying to "out" a MeFian in meatspace?
In AskMe, CMichaelCook attempts to out the offline identity of a MeFite. I don't know if it's correct or not, but either way it seems completely out of place in that thread.
Comparison of two FPPs on the same subject
Why was my thread deleted?
Downright rude.
Why was my thread on 03/12/05 on George Best's funeral deleted? If you're deleting threads then explain to the poster. I know Meta is primarily US-based but you have no idea who George Best represented. I'm really livid.
Why was my thread on 03/12/05 on George Best's funeral deleted? If you're deleting threads then explain to the poster. I know Meta is primarily US-based but you have no idea who George Best represented. I'm really livid.
There's a link with an entire article posted - I don't think this falls under "Fair Use"
The link associated with this post is not close to being "fair use".
a) Flash is mostly bad, and b) Browser resizing is bad?
Can we introduce a policy stating that it is a given and accepted fact that a) Flash is mostly bad, and b) Browser resizing is bad? [mi]
Does the EFF count as a user's project?
Does this really count as a user's project? (And why doesn't MeFi Projects have flagging?)
Why was the candy bar question deleted?
So why was the AskMe thread "must I eat the whole candy bar" deleted?
Are silly threads allowed now?
Has there been a slight shift in policy?
The silly personality quiz and the infamous Mushroom post are both things I would have thought would have been flagged copiously and deleted, but they remain.
I am not having a hissy fit, and am perfectly willing to skip over or add to the stillness as I see fit.
This is just seeking some clarification as to if anything different is happening and can we expect more of the same.
The silly personality quiz and the infamous Mushroom post are both things I would have thought would have been flagged copiously and deleted, but they remain.
I am not having a hissy fit, and am perfectly willing to skip over or add to the stillness as I see fit.
This is just seeking some clarification as to if anything different is happening and can we expect more of the same.
What makes a SLOE FPP BOTW?
Now that the SLOE FPP has been deemed acceptable, apparently, by the PTB, what makes a good one? What makes a bad one? What makes one mediocre? {Single-Link Op-Ed Front Page Post; Powers That Be}
One Line One Link Posts
When is a one-line FPP with no (or little) description appropriate for MeFi?
Oh really? Is that so? Well, is this a good example then [MI]?
Oh really? Is that so? Well, is this a good example then [MI]?
If we go around the firewalls, they will just be made taller
If it becomes custom to repost articles to get around firewalls, then metafilter will be eventually be blocked by those firewalls. I don't really have another solution but I think that it might be good to find one.
Should incomplete questions be deleted?
Regarding ask metafitler similar to this one, where people don't give a fuller picture to their question/problem/situation: maybe they should be deleted? If a person isn't willing to be open about the things, why should metatime be spent on it?