1943 posts tagged with askMe.
Displaying 1151 through 1200 of 1943. Subscribe:

Tag feeds in Ask MeFi don't work in NetNewsWire

Tag feeds (like this one) in Ask MeFi don't work in NetNewsWire though they work in Safari. Can anyone duplicate this or offer me a solution?
posted by Mo Nickels on Jul 26, 2006 - 9 comments

Brainstorming via AskMe is ChatFilter

ChatFilter? I'm brainstorming a novelty recipe book for a friend. Meh.
posted by sjvilla79 on Jul 25, 2006 - 29 comments

Knife fight with bear post

Another case of Metafilter being ahead of the curve.
posted by Krrrlson on Jul 24, 2006 - 53 comments

AskMe RSS Problems

Just to keep you up to date, the AskMe RSS feed was invalid at
  • Wed Jul 19 22:00 EST
  • Thu Jul 20 08:00 EST
  • Thu Jul 20 08:30 EST
  • Thu Jul 20 09:00 EST
  • Thu Jul 20 10:00 EST
  • Thu Jul 20 15:00 EST
  • Fri Jul 21 05:00 EST
  • Fri Jul 21 05:30 EST
  • Fri Jul 21 06:00 EST
  • Fri Jul 21 06:30 EST
  • Fri Jul 21 07:00 EST
  • Sat Jul 22 09:30 EST
  • Sat Jul 22 10:00 EST

posted by AmbroseChapel on Jul 22, 2006 - 21 comments

Thread on religious oppression may bring out hatemongering

Regarding the question on ask.metafilter: Religious oppression, any question that would ask for perceived incidents of "personal oppression" from a segment of the population is subtle hatemongering with the intention of inciting contention and propagating slander, libel and misinformation. This thread is dangerous and should be removed immediately.
posted by rinkjustice at 6:41 AM PST on July 22 [+fave] [!]
posted by rinkjustice on Jul 22, 2006 - 131 comments

AskMe posts deleted, not discussed

Some posts to AskMe about tailgating and driving etiquette were deleted from this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves...
posted by evil holiday magic on Jul 21, 2006 - 46 comments

Affiliate Marketing for Amazon

URL mangulation for fun and profit? I posted in AxMe an amazon link and metafilter has automatically mangled it to contain a metafilter referral token. Personally, I think that modifying content that we post is a bit rude; am I alone in this?
posted by polyglot on Jul 20, 2006 - 35 comments

"take all copyright/theft discussions that are not on topic to METATALK, thanks"

"take all copyright/theft discussions that are not on topic to METATALK, thanks" Done.
posted by DevilsAdvocate on Jul 19, 2006 - 61 comments

I want to make it purdy

Couple questions:

1) If I go to the AskMeFi "New Question" page, I do not see buttons for bold, italics, link and spell check. It appears that only plain text is allowed (or html, which I don't know). However, if I go to someone else's question, the comment area has all of the above. Does my browser/setup have a problem? I'm using Firefox, I've got various extensions (NoScript, Mouse Gestures, FoxClocks, ScrapBook, del.icio.us and ScreenGrab).

2) What is the easiest way to include a picture in the question? Posting it to flickr (or equivalent) and linking to it?

I've read the FAQ and performed searches on both topics, but could not find answers.

posted by eebs on Jul 18, 2006 - 31 comments

YES it IS the best. CHECK IT.

On AskMe I have to click "mark as best answer" about four times to actually choose a response as best. This has been happening to me sporadically both yesterday and today. Doesn't matter what thread of mine I am on in particular either.
posted by sjvilla79 on Jul 18, 2006 - 7 comments

Help me clarify my AskMe question

How could I have phrased this question in a more clear fashion that I didn't want any systems or methods or computer programs to track finances?
posted by bigmusic on Jul 17, 2006 - 22 comments

A followup and thank you for two AskMe posts

A followup and thank you for two AskMe posts: here.

1. I don't have cancer. Yay! Recovery from surgery was a bitch though.
2. I have a daughter named Molly. Yay! Named with good advice given in another AskMe thread (pick something everyone knows how to spell, but few people are using).
posted by Kickstart70 on Jul 17, 2006 - 29 comments

I'm really not that new here.

D'oh! I've been negged by AskMefi for posting another question (last one on July 12th) with the response that "I'm new here and limited to one question a week." I've been with mefi since 2001, what happened?
posted by eatdonuts on Jul 15, 2006 - 7 comments


The definition of "chatfilter" is one that's hard to tie down, but an AskMe post starting with "Which love option would you choose?" and ending with "My mind's made up but I'm curious: What would you do?" seems like it fits the bill.
posted by Bugbread on Jul 15, 2006 - 39 comments

Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?

lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
posted by blue_beetle on Jul 14, 2006 - 10 comments

mathowie replying in chatfilter thread

His holiness responds in a thread that is obviously ChatFilter.
posted by public on Jul 14, 2006 - 89 comments

Excessively broad and vague question on AskMe

Studentguru asked an excessively broad and vague question a while back. It got canned. He has now posted almost the same question again. Is it can-worthy?
posted by adamrice on Jul 13, 2006 - 38 comments

Why was my answer deleted?

So my answer to this question was deleted. While slightly snarky, it was a legitimate answer to the question, and not terribly offensive.

I was suggesting divine/subconscious intervention at work. Is that not allowed?

What gives?
posted by gregariousrecluse on Jul 11, 2006 - 21 comments

AskMe RSS Error

Sigh. I think the ask.metafilter rss is borked again.

I get this message:

XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 1, Character: 0)

with no updates for the last 3+ hours. Not that I'm addicted or anything.
unexpected text (non-whitespace text outside root element)
posted by filmgeek on Jul 11, 2006 - 7 comments

I know we can be catty, but this...

"Hi, can someone help me kill my roommate's cat"
posted by necessitas on Jul 11, 2006 - 140 comments

Finding that special someone, especially in Canada.

"Hi, can someone help me stalk my ex-girlfriend?!"
posted by deadmessenger on Jul 11, 2006 - 159 comments

Philosophical questions go unanswered on AskMe?

It was a philosophical question that could have produced some genuinely interesting ideas/commentary. Not every question on AskMeFi needs to have a immediately definable solution to be considered a good question. Moreover, despite it reading like a term paper question, it hasn't been addressed by most, if any, publications and answers to these types of questions can lead to greater understanding of political and social phenomena. Quit trying to make AskMeFi so damn practical as to eliminate thought.
posted by SeizeTheDay on Jul 11, 2006 - 112 comments

This question has a "best answer" checkmark, but no best answer inside.

This question has a "best answer" checkmark, but no best answer inside.
posted by goosestepping poxi! on Jul 10, 2006 - 19 comments

AskMe: missing questions?

At present, there seem to be some askmeta questions missing, notably 41851 to 41860. I only noticed because I refreshed and a question that I *knew* was several questions down was now at the top. The missing posts don't have deletion comments on them so I'm guessing it's just a glitch of some kind?
posted by RustyBrooks on Jul 10, 2006 - 12 comments

Answering the question that wasn't asked, but should have been.

Dear AskMe: There is a prince in Nigeria who desperately needs my help. What is the best way to transfer $50K to an overseas bank account?
posted by LittleMissCranky on Jul 8, 2006 - 45 comments

I did not answer the question.

I did not answer this question with the punchline from the "You no worry! Wait two weeks. Dick fall off by itself!" joke. I'd like it to be known it took enormous will.

You're welcome
posted by mojohand on Jul 8, 2006 - 48 comments

Limits on posts for Askme, mefi

This has to have been covered before, but why one question per subscriber per week on AskMeFi, but no discernable limit (or is there) on postings to MetaFilter?

Referrals to previous threads on this subject welcomed. I did a quick search and didn't come up with anything obvious.
posted by hwestiii on Jul 7, 2006 - 28 comments

Commenter in contentious AskMe protests allegations of derailing behavior

Compare and contrast:
How do I deal with a Muslim co-worker who doesn't like me? which is pretty much one uninterrupted chorus of "what does his being Muslim have to do with it?" and How do I keep my [Latino] neighbors from stealing my power? in which someone, i.e. me, asking the same question, was insulted and accused of derailing.
posted by AmbroseChapel on Jul 6, 2006 - 69 comments

AskMe question being dragged into chatfilter

Who has ever, or intends to ever, or never will, view pornography, at work?
This Ask Metafilter is devolving into this question rather than how the situation should be handled.
posted by tellurian on Jul 6, 2006 - 198 comments

List of Anonymous questions in the past month.

Little Abigail and the Beautiful Pony: For the "Posts by category in the past month" list on the green, can we include a section for Anonymous questions?
posted by cior on Jul 5, 2006 - 4 comments

Illegal Advice on AskMe

Seems to me that this question on AskMe is asking for advice on how to break the law, specifically how to break immigration law restricting the scope of the poster's employment. In order to get around the immigration laws, the income couldn't be reported to IRS, so he's asking how to break tax laws too.

I don't really care, but it seems to me that if "How can I break this law," violates the askme guidelines, then this post needs to be yanked.
posted by ikkyu2 on Jul 5, 2006 - 63 comments

Pony: front page +fave links

Any chance we can get a +fave link on the front page for each item, especially on the green? (I'm thinking Digg-style, AJAX based would be very pretty, though potentially too Web 2.0 for the likes of some Mefites...)
posted by disillusioned on Jul 4, 2006 - 26 comments

AskMe concerns about moralizing in answers

I'm concerned about AskMe, particularly with regard to relationship questions, becoming a forum for members to moralize and reinforce the most conservative expectations of behavior. Like in this thread, for instance. I don't think it's in anyone's interest, and particularly so if we want a diverse and enlightening dialogue, for threads like this to become a pile-on of abstract moralizing about committed relationships in general.
posted by clockzero on Jul 4, 2006 - 99 comments

moderated? and yet remains?

This AskMe has been moderated? And yet remains?
posted by mzurer on Jul 3, 2006 - 23 comments

Is it kosher to solicit Ask MeFi for feedback on my blog design?

Is it kosher to solicit Ask MeFi for feedback on my blog design?
posted by JPowers on Jul 2, 2006 - 14 comments

Sergeant Sandwich shout-out

Sergeant Sandwich has not only given us a fine, instructive diagram, but also a new and amusing word to describe said diagram. Kudos!
posted by Dipsomaniac on Jun 30, 2006 - 19 comments


someone suggested in a AskMe thread that we start a Teen AskMe section. I'm all for it since we are a level headed bunch (excluding some times at MeTa.) I am sure the grammar and butchering of the English Language would bug some of you. I think it would be better then all the banner ad sites that are trying to sell teens garbage. What are your opinions?
posted by wheelieman on Jun 30, 2006 - 74 comments

Is there a problem with the AskMe RSS Feed?

Is it just me, or is the AskMe RSS Feed reported to be broken on BlogLines more often than not?

"The feed URL returns a page that does not look like an RSS feed. This can be caused by the feed URL being incorrect, or it can be caused by a configuration issue with the server hosting the feed. If this error continues, you should check the feed URL and, if it is wrong, subscribe to the correct URL."
posted by AmbroseChapel on Jun 29, 2006 - 20 comments

How long before I can post again?

I posted a question in AskMe yesterday. How long before I can post again - i.e., does it take 7 calendar days or reset on a given day, for example? My wife & I are traveling to Asheville next Tuesday for 3 days and I'd love to ask for suggestions on places to go/things to do (other than Biltmore).
posted by Pressed Rat on Jun 29, 2006 - 21 comments

Rejecting Anonymous Questions

Are anonymous posters to AskMe notified if their question is rejected? (I did a search but didn't see the answer to this question.)
posted by tastybrains on Jun 28, 2006 - 7 comments

Innocuous Comments Being Deleted in askme

AskMe deletions, again. I know it's annoying to hear us all complain about deletions constantly, but it seems like a lot of innocuous comments are getting axed. I understand not insulting the poster, or making just "wisecracks" (which in my mind are by definition at the expense of the poster) but does every bit of human interaction that doesn't quite solve the question -- but does engage with the poster in a respectful way -- need to go?
posted by occhiblu on Jun 28, 2006 - 60 comments

a bit of mischief behind, and in, AskMe

I suspect a bit of mischief behind this post. I rather like it.
posted by Neiltupper on Jun 28, 2006 - 27 comments

Jokey non-answer? That's a [n-length] bannin'.

How long should a generally good contributor be banned for giving a
bad jokey answer to a controversial AskMe topic?
posted by If I Had An Anus on Jun 27, 2006 - 23 comments

Can you let us retract questions?

Can you put in the ability to retract a question? When you ask something and someone immediately tells you the (incredibly obvious) answer, and you feel like a total dolt for asking it in the first place, can you ask for it to be retracted and have it deleted?

I refer you to this recent thread of mine.
posted by IndigoRain on Jun 26, 2006 - 32 comments

multiple questions in same post

I'm going to break the rules, hehe.
posted by bigmusic on Jun 26, 2006 - 18 comments

I forget where the memorization AskMe is!

Could somebody please point me to an AskMe thread from a few months back that discussed various useful phrases people used to memorize things, like "right tight left loose"? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thank you.
posted by misozaki on Jun 26, 2006 - 6 comments

Anonymous Ask Metafilter Archive

"Why does eating in a restaurant make me crap my pants?" and 994 other anonymous gems from the Anonymous Ask Metafilter archive. As AskMe readies for it's 1000th anonymous question, the community is hereby polled: How has the feature worked out for the community? Do you ever wonder how some threads were resolved? And at the risk of seeming too voyeuristic, has anyone ever thought about writing fiction based on the scenario in an anonymous AskMe question?
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jun 26, 2006 - 23 comments

Awesome belated answer on obscure criminal case

About 14 months ago, I posted a random Ask Metafilter about an obscure criminal case and described it in weak detail. Today I was going through some of my old questions (as you do), and noticed that the question was answered beautifully about three months ago by someone who may have ponied up the membership fee just to answer it. Which is really neat. So I just want to point out how cool it is that someone should do that.
posted by Mayor Curley on Jun 26, 2006 - 10 comments

Messy deletion?

This post was deleted for the following reason: what a mess

So that's the barometer now for thread deletion? It doesn't have a clear purpose, goal, or problem to be solved, is too chatty OR there's enough douchebags misbehaving in it?

This precedent sucks.
posted by phearlez on Jun 26, 2006 - 52 comments

I can save lives by being a dick on AskMe!

I can stop save lives by being a dick on AskMe!
posted by klangklangston on Jun 26, 2006 - 116 comments

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