1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 1201 through 1250 of 1943. Subscribe:

AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions

AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions. Unless I'm going to be in London (Istanbul, Des Moines), I don't have an interest in the question or the answer.
posted by megatherium on Jun 26, 2006 - 35 comments

Help me find this AskMe post

Help me find this AskMe post (what I remember): an American was thinking about traveling abroad, and was curious if, as an American, they would be unsafe/uncomfortable (in regard to foreigners' negative opinions of Americans, etc). I have been searching but to no avail. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would certainly appreciate it!
posted by apple scruff on Jun 25, 2006 - 9 comments

Ask feed in Bloglines has been borked all weekend

Ask feed in Bloglines has been borked all weekend.

feedvalidator gives the following warning:

This feed is valid, but may cause problems for some users. We recommend fixing these problems.

line 525, column 58: title should not contain HTML: north New Brunswick & Gaspé Peninsula [help]

< title> north New Brunswick & Gaspé Peninsula
posted by achmorrison on Jun 25, 2006 - 6 comments

Racism on AskMe.

Is it really OK to promote ethnic stereotypes? If not, why do we have this?
posted by Kirth Gerson on Jun 21, 2006 - 147 comments

Why do people kick the other kid's toys in the Sandbox (Ask Metafilter)?

I would like to commend the regulars of AskMetaFilter for letting their style of asking questions happen. It inspired the way I write AskMe questions now (and now I don't care if any people answer). Which brings me to my next and final point; about ettiquete and policy. Why can't people relax and just realize that's it's a sandbox, and if you kick the other kid's toy or throw sand in their face, I'm going to shove you? The conflict is necessary to watch the community form, but I think it's time to move to the monkey bars, you know what I mean kids?
posted by tweak on Jun 20, 2006 - 43 comments

I took your advice, then took some pics

Hello from New Zealand! After getting some great advice in my newbie camera suggestion ask me thread, I decided to go with the Nikon D70s and 12-24, 18-70 and 70-200 lenses. Here are some pictures from my trip.
posted by null terminated on Jun 20, 2006 - 7 comments

How many questions per AskMe are allowed?

25 answers, 3 users marked as favorite. Yet I get "please don't abuse ask me by asking 300 questions disguised as one" in my email. I didn't actually ask 300 questions, I asked for answers for the debunkable ones. The thread was doing quite well, and was quite informative before it was deleted.
posted by loquacious on Jun 18, 2006 - 90 comments

Even if the question is answered, AskMe is not for jokes.

I'm about to post about a bug. This little AskMe bug. The question was already answered, nailed immediately by lekvar, so the conversation was drifting pleasantly, and lekvar says:

How can you think they're ugly? They have cute little accordion butts!
posted by lekvar at 7:27 PM PST on June 14

So I reply: "The accordions are necessary for the polka dots."

Now my little pun is deleted. There follow three extremely complimentary references to my pun, none of which is on topic, none of which is deleted. So now it looks like theperfectcrime made the pun. Now I don't mind deletions; I've had my share. But this is eerily selective, isn't it, jessamyn? Almost the perfect crime.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium on Jun 16, 2006 - 29 comments

Please add question titles to AskMe front page

Please add the question title to the front page in AskMe.
posted by smackfu on Jun 16, 2006 - 26 comments

Help me find an old AskMe post

A couple of months (weeks? years?) ago, there was an excellent AskMe question and discussion about things for couples to do at home. Suggestions included things like "play Uno" and "watch the entire first season of LOST". I can't find it anymore, because I have no idea what to search for. Any help?

posted by rossination on Jun 15, 2006 - 2 comments

Shoutout for AskMe User

handee has created a terrifically helpful drawing for an Ask MetaFilter question. I salute it.
posted by Captaintripps on Jun 15, 2006 - 39 comments

What Not to Post to AskMe

Here's a very entertaining and highly instructive thread on What Not To Post To AskMe.
posted by orange swan on Jun 15, 2006 - 64 comments

Reorder AskMe by answers

What if the most recent posts on AskMe were displayed on the front page according to how many answers they had already received in ascending order, i.e. with those having the fewest answers remaining near the top for longer than they currently do?
posted by xanthippe on Jun 15, 2006 - 13 comments

No .com for askme faves

Ask metafilter favorites go to www.metafilter/favorites rather than to www.metafilter.com/favorites. Example.
posted by interrobang on Jun 14, 2006 - 4 comments

There have been a bunch of repeat ask.mefi questions.

There have been a bunch of repeat ask.mefi questions. Is this bad?
posted by filmgeek on Jun 14, 2006 - 32 comments

AskMe format and useability

Love/Hate: I can't read AskMeFi (CSS help?). Does anyone have an external CSS file or a setting or a magic pixie dust that makes these pages we're on more readable?

I tried posting this question to askmefi, but got prompted with a "prob better on metatalk" denial. There is no Category for help, so I'm putting this under feature requests...

I'm using firefox (which offers more solutions) to read these pages and I find the colors, indentation, lack of structure so hard to follow. I would love something that had alternating row (posts) colors and a way to really tell the difference between a post, a comment, a response, whatever.

Any usability specialists out there with the same beef? I love the content, its just the presentation that drives me batty. (I do use RSS to choose what to read, but once I click in...boomsucka...I feel like I'm in a all green library with green books green carpeting a couple yellow magazines and no cataloging of any sort.

I've got this "developer" extension for firefox installed so I can change/tweak/alter a lot of things including fonts, external css files, whatever. Please send help...I'm sinking.
posted by wogbat on Jun 13, 2006 - 20 comments

AskMe broad enough for a chatfilter to fall into it

This AskMe post is poorly worded and excessively broad.
posted by adamrice on Jun 13, 2006 - 12 comments

Ask Metafilter's Forty Thousandth Post

Milestone: Yesterday Ask got its fourty thousandth post.
posted by Ogre Lawless on Jun 13, 2006 - 17 comments

AskMe weighme judgeme

Ask a question about being bugged and everyone says "see a psychiatrist". Ask a question about losing weight or dying while trying, with mentions by the OP of bulimia and not caring if it affects her health - and people come up with tapeworms and smoking? What the heck?
posted by divabat on Jun 13, 2006 - 51 comments

My AskMefi question was deleted.

My AskMefi question was deleted. How do I discover why? Is there a deleted AskMefi graveyard?
posted by joe lisboa on Jun 12, 2006 - 72 comments

Why is this anonymous?

Why is this anonymous?
posted by mzurer on Jun 10, 2006 - 43 comments

AskMe tag bug and pony request

Bug and pony request: example page Bug - this is the list of questions tagged in Ask with publishing. When I get to the bottom of the page it lets me click on "older questions". However, many of the questions on page two are the same ones as those on page one. Feature request - Any way to get the name of the OP to appear on the tags page? Right now it just lists time and date. Thx.
posted by dobbs on Jun 10, 2006 - 3 comments

Should this have been googled?

Is this jerky?
posted by evariste on Jun 6, 2006 - 29 comments

AskMe RSS Bug

Is the AskMeFi RSS feed intermittently dropping questions?
posted by Melinika on Jun 6, 2006 - 6 comments

heated, and off topic

This AskMe thread is getting a bit... ermmm... heated, and off topic.
posted by antifuse on Jun 6, 2006 - 142 comments

Bad AskMe response

This post is abusive, flamebait and does not address the question.
posted by unSane on Jun 5, 2006 - 13 comments

Callout: dgaicun's askme answer calls expertise into question

Shorter dgaicun: 'I know nothing about this extremely sensitive topic, therefore I will derail it early on with a heap of ignorant stereotypes.' Flagged with extreme prejudice.
posted by holgate on Jun 4, 2006 - 58 comments

Why does AskMe loading depend on dynamic.fmpub.net?

dynamic.fmpub.net: It's come up before, and I know I can block it in my hosts file, but why does loading/rendering the entirety of Ask.Metafilter depend on contacting this site? When it is slow to respond, the entire site seems to hang, which should be avoided.
posted by knave on Jun 4, 2006 - 7 comments

What is the Policy on Chatfilter?

Why does this guy get a new asshole for not being scientific about his very unscientific question, when two complete morons, not to mention a related question, get helpful advice?

Chatfilter, yeah, but Christ -- so is half of AskMe.

Really. Tell me.
Is it simply the ebb and flow of the universe that requires some dumb questions go down in flames while others get answered?
Or is there a secret formula that evokes pity rather than scorn?
posted by Methylviolet on Jun 3, 2006 - 43 comments

Background color works in preview, but not in post

Hmph. I made a couple of paragraph elements with a background color to highlight colors in this green thread. [more inside]
posted by symphonik on May 31, 2006 - 14 comments

carpet glue update

Almost a year ago, I asked metafilter what to do to remove carpet glue from hardwood floors, and a not insignificant number of people asked for an update. Here it is.
posted by dersins on May 30, 2006 - 15 comments

29 Is Editorializing AskMe

I flagged it, but it appears that there's a history of this.
posted by aberrant on May 28, 2006 - 89 comments

Random chatfilter of the day

Random chatfilter of the day
posted by nathan_teske on May 25, 2006 - 29 comments

Askme callout: going further goes too far?

Actual question: As a sensitive, caring, intelligent, non-lecherous male, how do I fuck the shit out of anything that walks, regardless of race, religion, income, social stigma or species? The content of this post makes me want to vomit, but it's the tone that really makes it ick-tastic. Congrats to the original poster, at least you have the prowess to post onymously.
posted by |n$eCur3 on May 25, 2006 - 75 comments

Generally helpful selflinks

This user links to his own blog in six answers from the thirteen he has provided for other AskMe users, including recommending his own blog as one of his favourites. His only comment on the blue links to his blog. I am reluctant to bring this up as the answers he provides are generally helpful, on the other hand he seems more likely to help if he can link to his website. I guess Matt can decide is this is insidious spamming or not.
posted by fire&wings on May 24, 2006 - 8 comments


Chat Filter.
posted by grapefruitmoon on May 23, 2006 - 56 comments

AskMe rerailing request

Stinky Kitty vs. Baby? This post seems to be about to turn into a debate regarding kittens' ability to survive versus infants'. Very interesting.
posted by k8t on May 23, 2006 - 14 comments

Doesn't directly answer the question, but poster should know that...

When is it OK to point out something that may be very important even if it does not directly address an AskMe? This post is from a person who acknowledges "borrowing" a neighbor's open WiFi connection. I would like to know if MeTa thinks I was out of line in posting this and this. The resulting response bothers me. I tried to be both helpful and understanding that she may be unaware of potential legal issues with "borrowing" wifi, and gave protective advice to her about being safe when she gets her own WiFi, too. Am I guilty of a derail, or is this kind of discourse acceptable on AskMe?
posted by twiggy on May 23, 2006 - 92 comments

How is this not chatfilter?

"In light of the excellent responses generated by the "what is it like to be pregnant," I'd like to explore ejaculation and orgasm." The merits of the project aside, how is this not chatfilter?
posted by BackwardsCity on May 23, 2006 - 111 comments

Best Time For UK AskMe?

When is the best time for a UK mefite to post in Askme for a quick response. I'd assume this would involve establishing the area/timezone the majority of me-fites are in and when they logon / read and respond. Where are you and when do all y'all "check in" or do your posting?

(And should this be an Askme question?!)
posted by brautigan on May 20, 2006 - 10 comments

Missing Thread

Quick question: A couple weeks ago someone asked how to get a job in England as an American who just graduated from college. I can't find that thread, can anyone here help me track it down?
posted by cloeburner on May 18, 2006 - 6 comments

Your comment appears to be blank

When posting to AskMe, I get the message: "Your comment appears to be blank, go back and try again."

It's not blank, and it happens even if I preview first.
posted by oaf on May 17, 2006 - 8 comments

is there a way to show if MY comment was marked best answer?

On the "My Comments" page, is there a way to show if MY comment was marked best answer?
posted by MeetMegan on May 17, 2006 - 6 comments

Better than best answer?

I'd like a way, beyond "best answer," to give feedback/kudos to users who offer exceptionally helpful AskMe answers. [more inside]
posted by Alterscape on May 17, 2006 - 25 comments

Disabling Favoriting of Anonymous AskMe Posts?

Displaying users who have marked Anonymous questions in AskMe as a favorite is potentially revealing of who Anonymous was in that instance. It is also potentially harmful, both to users who mark such questions as a favorite, as well as to future discourse at Metafilter in general. So I suggest that we remove the list at the start of the thread of those who marked an Anonymous question as a favorite. [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 on May 16, 2006 - 54 comments

A man sodomising a chicken

ZoophiliaFilter: Would it be wrong to use AskMe to request graphic imagery of a man sodomising a chicken?
posted by sjvilla79 on May 15, 2006 - 86 comments

Comment deletion in the religion thread.

Why can't you love your fellow man and be selfless, without needing to believe in a giant invisible wizard in the sky? This statement was attacked, defended, reconnected with the topic at hand, and was further clarified and apologized for by its author. But as of a few minutes ago, it no longer exists. This, my friends, is Chewbacca, and Chewbacca does not make sense.
posted by Saucy Intruder on May 15, 2006 - 294 comments

'All' tags on AskMetafilter

A couple of days back, I saw a page that listed 'all' tags ever used on Ask.MetaFilter. Clicking the tags didn't take me anywhere (they weren't linked, I think) but the page did exist. Is it still available and will the tags be linked anytime soon ?
posted by sk381 on May 14, 2006 - 4 comments

Post to AskMefi on my behalf?

Post to AskMefi on my behalf? I just asked a non-urgent question about tipping, but I should have asked a question about oil heat. I'm scheduled to sign a lease tomorrow, and I would really like some answers about heat before I take responsibility for buying a season's worth of oil. I'm brand new to MeFi and slipped up with the 1/week restriction; next time I'll make sure to post my urgent question first. Thanks to anyone willing to help. (My email is in my profile)
posted by reeddavid on May 14, 2006 - 19 comments

Request: a way to mark our questions as resolved.

I'd love to see a "conclusion" feature to many of the askme questions. For instance, even if it's months later, I could go into a question I asked and mark it "concluded" and give a quick summary of what happened when I followed the advice.

Once someone marks something "concluded" it would go to its own "conclusions" RSS feed, which we could subscribe to if we want to know "the rest of the story" on many of the questions asked.
posted by visual mechanic on May 13, 2006 - 41 comments

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