1943 posts tagged with askme.
Displaying 1351 through 1400 of 1943. Subscribe:
What would have been a better way to phrase this question?
What would have been a better way to phrase this question?
I just can't decide!
Being able to mark a best answer in AskMe is very useful. However, what are you supposed to do when you just can't decide which one is best?
What is the purpose of flagging answers as "fantastic"?
I just flagged an AskMe answer as "fantastic" for the first time, and I'm curious...and then what happens? What is the purpose of this feature?
12dailypro.com followup
Since 12dailypro.com has come up twice as a question on ask metafilter in the last few months I thought this blurb might be interesting as a followup. [via]
AskMe RSS feed isn't working.
AskMe RSS feed isn't working. It's linking to MeFi.
Should I write the dead guy's family a letter?
Weird update to the should I write the dead guy's family a letter AskMe. For the many who were interested.
Can someone post an AskMe for me?
We just got this request a bit ago, but I'm afraid I must make a similar one. Can someone post an AskMe for me? I've got a time sensitive question and AskMe tends to be the best place to get good help [more inside]
AskMe Giant Titles
The titles of the Ask posts are appearing at the top of the posts in GIANT fonts for me. Safari.
Computer crashed; it logged me out in AskMe but not here - error message inside
Computer crashed; it logged me out in AskMe but not here (?). Attempting to login at AskMe returns the following error:
Error Occurred While Processing Request
Element CAPTCHATEXT is undefined in FORM.
* Enable Robust Exception Information to provide greater detail about the source of errors. In the Administrator, click Debugging & Logging > Debugging Settings, and select the Robust Exception Information option.
* Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
* Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
Error Occurred While Processing Request
Element CAPTCHATEXT is undefined in FORM.
* Enable Robust Exception Information to provide greater detail about the source of errors. In the Administrator, click Debugging & Logging > Debugging Settings, and select the Robust Exception Information option.
* Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
* Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
Firefox: Not playing well with AskMe?
Really not a problem, but I am curious: I click anywhere in AskMe, and Firefox doesn't ever seem to think the page is completely loaded? I get the busy signal cursor, and the Firefox load meter (bottom right-hand in Firefox) never completes, even though it seems like the whole page loads. Buh?
Why is this AskMe anonymous?
Anonymous questions in AskMe, as I understand it, are for those questions which are of a delicate nature, could cause serious embarrassment, result in legal trouble, or cause some sort of other harm.
So how is a question about what tattoo to get deemed worthy of anonymization? [MI]
So how is a question about what tattoo to get deemed worthy of anonymization? [MI]
It's a question, of course it was asked.
The worst noise I see on AskMeFi is simple: posts that suggest that a question should NEVER be asked on AskMeFi. I keep wanting to flag them as "obnoxious" but that isn't specifically an option.
Why do people assume that if someone asks on AskMeFi that they are somehow prevented from asking a real specialist? To put it the other way, can we assume - especially when the poster SAYS so in their question - that the person knows to seek proper help, that they are just asking here for additional points of view?
People here are adults and just because someone asks something in the Green doesn't mean that they're going to let the answers they receive trump a doctor or lawyer's advice. It usually just means someone's a little worried and wants to know what this often intelligent audience has to say on a subject in addition to any other advice they might seek.
Why do people assume that if someone asks on AskMeFi that they are somehow prevented from asking a real specialist? To put it the other way, can we assume - especially when the poster SAYS so in their question - that the person knows to seek proper help, that they are just asking here for additional points of view?
People here are adults and just because someone asks something in the Green doesn't mean that they're going to let the answers they receive trump a doctor or lawyer's advice. It usually just means someone's a little worried and wants to know what this often intelligent audience has to say on a subject in addition to any other advice they might seek.
I am a horrible planner with no impulse control
OH Man this STINKS! I have an important QUESTION for AskMefi, but my big mouth used up my weekly question......Can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask this for me on AskMefi??? (pretty please?)
I've been self employed for 12 years. I made a decent living in the music business and with property investments. NOW, at 39 yrs old, I want to grow up and get a REAL JOB. But over the years I kept lousy track of my TAX RECORDS and some years I was lazy and didn't make much. QUESTION IS: What would happen if I used fake tax returns to show a decade of organized self employment for the sole purpose of applying for jobs?
I've been self employed for 12 years. I made a decent living in the music business and with property investments. NOW, at 39 yrs old, I want to grow up and get a REAL JOB. But over the years I kept lousy track of my TAX RECORDS and some years I was lazy and didn't make much. QUESTION IS: What would happen if I used fake tax returns to show a decade of organized self employment for the sole purpose of applying for jobs?
Can we please stop questioning the need for anonymous AskMe posters to be anonymous?
Can we please stop questioning the need for anonymous AskMe posters to be anonymous? The posters can't respond, and I find Matt does a decent job of filtering out the questions that have no possible necessity for anonymity. Maybe you can't think of a reason, but then again, it's not your life at issue.
Character limit on AskMe front page
How about a character limit on the first part of an AskMe question? I'm tired of seeing the AskMe page cluttered with questions like this one.
Link new question page to wiki?
On the ask.mefi "post a new question page," can we get a link to the What makes a good question wiki page?
Is it possible to search for users based on # of posts/comments/questions?
Is it (would it be) possible to search for users based on # of posts/comments/questions? (Based on a few earlier threads, I'm curious as to how many accounts have been set up solely to ask question(s).)
"Bullshit, and fuck you for assuming that."
"Bullshit, and fuck you for assuming that." -- I've observed that without further insight into the poster behind relationship questions, most people will naturally make their own assumptions and bring their own personal experiences to bear. If you're going to put yourself "out there" like this (and I question whether this is a good use of Ask Metafilter since these questions have no real "right" answer) then you also need to be a bit more patient with those who respond -or, don't respond at all.
Where can I post to find a non-responsive user?
This AskMe thread, although well intentioned, broke the guidelines and was subsequently deleted. But its subject matter still deserves attention, I think, and so here it is, being posted again, where the question can hopefully achieve some good. Where is ethylene?
Anonymous AskMe
When one submits an AskMeFi question anonymously, how long does it typically take to get posted? And if Matt rejects it, how would one know?
Can I log in and out of parts of MeFi?
I'd like to stay logged out of MetaFilter and MetaTalk while staying logged in to AskMeFi. Is that too tall of an order?
Repetitions in AskMe
Is it just me, or are the AskMe topics getting more repetitive?
Even if the questions are not repeats, they're slight variations on existing questions, where a huge number of the answers are either identical or extremely similar.
I'm not sure how many more times I can rephrase my answer on what non-stick cookware to buy, or hear another question about whether some 18-year old who got married too early should explore polyamory on a trial basis, or engage in a heated discussion about how to extend the life of laptop batteries. Presumably, this happens more often than just the ones I notice.
The questions are interesting even the first few times. But it does get old and I feel like my will to be helpful is being sapped as I repeat myself. Obviously, people aren't reading the archives, or not finding the previous posts that quite obviously apply to them. Anyone else feel this way?
We've built up quite a knowledge base here, but it seems to me that the knowledge of where the knowledge is is still concentrated at the edges. The search isn't doing it, or people aren't using it. (The fact that the search results can't be ordered by date probably contributes.)
As a secondary concern, I'd also like to be able to better find those historical questions that do apply to me.
Even if the questions are not repeats, they're slight variations on existing questions, where a huge number of the answers are either identical or extremely similar.
I'm not sure how many more times I can rephrase my answer on what non-stick cookware to buy, or hear another question about whether some 18-year old who got married too early should explore polyamory on a trial basis, or engage in a heated discussion about how to extend the life of laptop batteries. Presumably, this happens more often than just the ones I notice.
The questions are interesting even the first few times. But it does get old and I feel like my will to be helpful is being sapped as I repeat myself. Obviously, people aren't reading the archives, or not finding the previous posts that quite obviously apply to them. Anyone else feel this way?
We've built up quite a knowledge base here, but it seems to me that the knowledge of where the knowledge is is still concentrated at the edges. The search isn't doing it, or people aren't using it. (The fact that the search results can't be ordered by date probably contributes.)
As a secondary concern, I'd also like to be able to better find those historical questions that do apply to me.
Looking for Chuck Norris Legal Team C&D
I can't find the ask mefi post about Chuck Norris's legal team issuing a C&D.
The search function yields this: "Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog
January 30, 2006 8:30 PM PST. 20 most popular tags in the past month: Posts by category in the past month: January 30 ... I run a t-shirt site, and have received a "cease and desist" letter from Chuck Norris's lawyers .."
Clicking it simply brings up ask.metafilter.com. I did look through all of the January 30th posts but couldn't find it, and I haven't seen any notes about it being deleted.
I'm looking for it because a law student friend is curious about it.
The search function yields this: "Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog
January 30, 2006 8:30 PM PST. 20 most popular tags in the past month: Posts by category in the past month: January 30 ... I run a t-shirt site, and have received a "cease and desist" letter from Chuck Norris's lawyers .."
Clicking it simply brings up ask.metafilter.com. I did look through all of the January 30th posts but couldn't find it, and I haven't seen any notes about it being deleted.
I'm looking for it because a law student friend is curious about it.
AskMe policy on dishonestly obtaining stuff
So questions about software piracy are not allowed, but discussions about other ways of dishonestly obtaining (discounts on) goods and services are OK? Seriously, where's the distinction?
Boingboing discusses AskMe!
Should this have been in the Blue?
This AskMe post on Motzart would probably do better in the Blue.
Sidebar Clarification
Nit-picking: On the frontpage, the description on the sideblog says 'This sideblog keeps track of site news and metatalk threads', yet all the threads are from AskMefi.
Uploading Images to AskMe
Gramcracker used an image to answer a question in AskMe! It's not an animal relieving itself, it's neither humorous nor snarky, it's just an entirely useful and informative visual aide! Is this a first?
Why is an answer in AskMe deleted when it contains an informative comment, followed by some humor?
Why is an answer in AskMe deleted when it contains an informative comment, followed by some humor?
This seems a tad unfair, since lots of comments are not deleted which contain exactly the same mix of a comment, followed by humor.
I'd link to my answer, but I don't know where it is.....Here's the question.
How do I know who's deleted my comment? Appeals? How does one gain such Godlike powers?
Also: is there a place to find deleted comments on AskMe so at least I can save my late night ramblings
This seems a tad unfair, since lots of comments are not deleted which contain exactly the same mix of a comment, followed by humor.
I'd link to my answer, but I don't know where it is.....Here's the question.
How do I know who's deleted my comment? Appeals? How does one gain such Godlike powers?
Also: is there a place to find deleted comments on AskMe so at least I can save my late night ramblings
I love it when a thread comes together.
I love it when a thread comes together. Just wanted to share my respect for a perfectly crafted question and answer.
Why isn't my askme question valid?
Is my AskMe question valid?
I would like a slow pony.
I would like a slow pony.
I, question-filled as I am, would love it if I could front-load my AskMeFi questions which are then autoposted at the end of my week's delay. I'd even be happy if that happened a day later (8 days wait)...the important point is that I forget the question I absolutely needed to ask because I'm kind of dumb.
I, question-filled as I am, would love it if I could front-load my AskMeFi questions which are then autoposted at the end of my week's delay. I'd even be happy if that happened a day later (8 days wait)...the important point is that I forget the question I absolutely needed to ask because I'm kind of dumb.
AskMe isn't displaying 'My Posts' correctly.
On AxeMe, if I click "My Posts" (should be "My Questions"), and choose a 1 month time frame, it shows me one 6-month-old quesiton I asked, but not the 7 more recent quesitons (including one I just asked today.) In any other view, no quesitons are displayed at all.
Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?
Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?
how come people are always asking questions "for a friend"?
Ok, here's a question about AskMeFi questions: how come people are always asking questions "for a friend"? Is it that they are REALLY asking for themselves and pretending to ask on behalf of someone else? Or are people really that helpful? Am I a total jerk for thinking that if one of my friends wanted to post a question to AskMeFi I would tell them to create their own account, it's $5 for pete's sake? What piece of the puzzle am I missing here?!?
ikkyu2 is a one-man AskMeFi machine today
ikkyu2 is a one-man AskMeFi machine today, even more so than most days. At the moment, every single "fantastic answer" is one of his, and well-deserved. Outstanding work. Thanks.
Is AskMe down? (Jan. 22, 2006)
Is AskMe down? Can't get to it via comments or the main page, on firefox or IE, on two separate computers. This is a new one - I've never noticed just one segment of the site going down before.
Should including long humorous tags in AskMe posts be frowned upon?
Should including long humorous tags in AskMe posts (like ihopeclayaikendoesnthaveabiggerpenisthanmetoo) be frowned upon?
Minor suggestion
Minor suggestion: on Ask, the tag explainer sentence could be rearranged for better clarity. Right now it says something like "Combine words to make a tag (example: ipod stereo audio carstereo)". Perhaps putting the combined example (carstereo) first and providing another example or two would help some of the people who can't seem to grasp tags.
Why was my AskMe answer to the BSDM bottom/top question deleted?
Why was my comment in this thread deleted?
Proxies for AskMe
What's the general policy on getting someone else to post an askmefi question for you? I used up my question this week but need to ask another one and may not be able to wait the requisite week... why are we still limited to 1q/week? Can we introduce different "tiers" or highlighted questions or something? If the issue is hw/bandwidth/etc, where can we make a donation?
Computer not recognizing iPod
I have a 20GB 3G IPOD with 4,000 songs. All of a sudden my computer will not recognise it when I plug the IPOD into the USB port. I tryed to use updater but that won't recognise my player either.I can still listen to my songs, it just won't hook up. Any ideas? Cheers to all!
Deleted AskMe
I'm pissed and slightly baffled. My first post to Ask MeFi was deleted. Apparently I should have posted it here in MetaTalk instead? No one has bothered to explain why, but I'm assuming it's because it was a question about MeFi. (Why do I keep having to log in every time I return to MeFi on my iBook, but not on my PC?)
Well, excuu-uuse me!
I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
Well, excuu-uuse me!
I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
All Tags Page
There was a page that listed 'all' tags that had been used on Ask MetaFilter. I can't seem to find it now. Any clues where it is now?
Linebreaks in preview on AskMe.
AskMe apparently trims line breaks from posts. I guess I understand this, but it would be nice if it also happened in the preview. In preview, my line breaks were still intact, so I hit the post button, and now my post looks a bit silly. Not the end of the world, but I figure it can't be intentional.
bookmarklet requested for askme
Paging whoever did the "detect deleted metafilter threads" bookmark: now that askme threads are being deleted, how about one for them?
AskMe Policy
I'm as much for self-induced liver damage as the next guy, but some questions should not be answered. And thus, should not be asked.
AskMe Errors
What just happened to AskMefi? For about five minutes all the insides had the "nothing to see here" page or a strange error page. Anyone else? I thought my work had finally gotten around to banning it. I started working on my resume...
AskMe diversity
I'm trying to sell my french horn [more inside]
AskMe CSS Bug?
Ask MeFi CSS Bug? Best answers aren't highlighted anymore. Firefox 1.5 Windows XP, no changes since yesterday when things worked fine.