240 posts tagged with html.
Displaying 151 through 200 of 240. Subscribe:
Is the redesign going to be similar across all the subsites?
The HTML markup of Metafilter proper ("the blue") differs from the markup of Metatalk and Ask Metafilter. Given the upcoming changes to Metafilter's look, can we expect similarity in markup across the site, or should we explicitly not rely on undocumented features of Metafilter? [mi]
I messed up some html with a single quote.
I inserted a single quote in a post on accident and the MeFi code that normally would be the rest of the page (i.e. all the buttons and such) showed up in my preview textbox.
Having some problems with making links in AskMe
Having some problems with making links in AskMe, tried to add a couple to this post but preview reorganises the html, seemingly at random, ie added two links, one worked, one didn't, went back to fix (then delete) one then other one went wrong, even after I switched to cut and pasting a couple of symbols were added to the end of the URL.
HTML Formatting
Have the recent changes included removing the "B | I | Link" buttons from the comment boxes? (Because they're gone).
The use of small tags in front page posts bothers me
The use of small tags in front page posts bothers me. If something is worth saying, it's worth saying properly. A lot of the time it is used for unnecessary commentary about the post itself. Don't! Other times it's used to lessen the impact of a longer post on the front page, but preserving front page space by simultaneously posting less useful content seems like backwards logic to me. In preferences, I've set my small font size the same as my general font size, but it doesn't work.
Error in the 'posted by' links.
The write-up author's homepage link is broken.
the process of posting with a link evades me
True, I have battled many an apeman. Yet the process of posting with a link evades me. Can anyone give me the quick skinny?
Formatting with Blockquotes
Not a huge deal, probably previously discussed, a little nitpicky, but a useful reminder:
Proper use of blockquotes in posts. More inside.
Proper use of blockquotes in posts. More inside.
Maybe some html tags should be disabled.
I wonder if it would be worthwhile to disable some HTML tags to prevent ...poster shock as it were. I've noticed the 'comment by x' nested inside a comment by 'y' in several threads already, and there seems little to prevent a similar slight of hand on an actual FPP. Too nitpicky?
Open tag.
More broken threads: 14134 - 16428 - 17705
HTML needs fixing
This date-rape thread is broken.
"Pre" Tags
HTML "Pre" Tag Pony. Entering Computer Code in AskMetafilter is hard. I've tried to use the "pre" tag, and just putting the code in, but the MeFi Comments Post Processor insists on putting "br" tags on the end of each line. This results in double spaced code. Is it possible for the Comments Post Processor to not generate "br" tags if inside a "pre" tag block.
HTML tag preview problem
In asking my HTML question, I was attempting to post the representation of an HR tag inside angle brackets using character entity references, and somehow I managed to post a real-live horizontal rule instead. But it looked fine on Preview. Brackets and ampersands and semicolons, oh my! (testing inside)
FYI: I fixed a small bug this morning.
FYI: I fixed a small bug this morning. The html shortcuts were not showing up in firefox browsers but should now, and they seem to work fine on all three sites.
problem with HTML in link
Link gets munged on preview [more inside.]
Coldfusion error
The old coffee thread doesn't load. It spouts a ColdFusion error due to a fake <corporatewhore> tag used by KevinSkomsvold.
So I can't be the only person consistently hitting preview and correcting all my UBB to HTML. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to automagically correct the standardest of standard UBB ([b] [i] [u] are pretty much the only ones I ever use) codes to HTML. So, I'm requesting it as a feature.
This thread seems to be broken.
This thread seems to be broken. Just thought someone should know.
Why can't some people see the link in this thread?
Why can't some people see the link in this thread? I've looked at the source, and it looks fine to me.
Formatting question
You'd think that someone with an under 8000 user number would know this, but, to my great shame, I don't.
Is the only way to format text in a post to use html tags, or is there some super-secret, tell no one, y'oughta know this already, other method of formatting (I dunno, some weird macro type syntax or something)?
Is the only way to format text in a post to use html tags, or is there some super-secret, tell no one, y'oughta know this already, other method of formatting (I dunno, some weird macro type syntax or something)?
Bad Markup
Goofy, wrong or misused HTML breaks the style sheet and ruins the appearance of the rest of a thread. I don't know if this is an IE/Mac only experience, but in any case it really makes reading the rest of a thread difficult, which stinks when the topic is interesting. I may be asking for an elephant gun to kill an ant, but is there some way to alert people when they've got misformed markup in their post?
Mozilla new window bug
In Mozilla (I'm using 1.3.1 in Win2K) the MeFi sidebar is opening links into the sidebar rather than into the main content window. It looks like the offending code specifies target="_main" in the base tag rather than target="_content".
ColdFusion error in an old thread.
I get a ColdFusion error message when viewing this thread.
HTML Formatting
Comment window tooltips (bold, italic, link) appear, but are nonfunctional. Mozilla 1.3/WinXP.
Weird DoubleFelix error.
What's DoubleFelix, and why do I get prompted to log in to it? Matteo directed us all to look at someone's posting record, but when I did, I was prompted to log in...? Did I miss a memo?
Bullets Messed Up Formatting
I can't insert links!
I cant post urls in my fpps apart from the title.
HTML shortcut buttons are nonfunctional
Since yesterday, I've been unable to use the shortcut to post links in threads. The shortcut window pops up as usual, I paste in the URL, and hit OK. Then the window closes, but without having inserted any code into the text. (I'm using the same ol' IE5 as usual.)
The title attribute should probably not be used as footnotes or for excerpts.
The title attribute should probably not be used as footnotes or for excerpts. Discuss.
HTML problems
One of my links is messed up.
The last link in this thread was fine on preview but not after I posted.
A clean, responsible, and non-snarky way to deal with a funged link
Thanks sebas. A clean, responsible, and non-snarky way to deal with a funged link for the benefit of the community.
help me with posting a link in a thread
I'm new to this so I was wondering if someone could help me with posting a link in a thread. When the prompt comes up for the url, I copy and paste it. But when I preview it, it doesn't come out as a link but the whole thing with the brackets and all. (I don't know what you call that) I figured it would come out ok as the link when it was posted, but it didn't. Could someone please tell me with what I'm doing wrong?
Fix Bad HTML, Please
Fake markup = unneeded closing tags? Anyways, the text layout is broken and the font's screwy. Please fix.
Spell Check Problem
Spell check problem - if the text being checked has character entity sequences > or < when spell check completes they will be replaced in the textarea with greater-than or less-than signs. My browser is: Mozilla 1.1 -- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826.
there is currently a vertical gap on the front page
With the sideblog open, there is currently a vertical gap on the front page running the entire vertical distance between the last line of the description in the "Today some of us thought it..." post, and the line with Miguel Cardoso line. The gap disappears in the sideblog is closed. This is in my Mozilla for PC.
Bold, Italic, and link tag buttons were missing
(Mozilla 1.1 WinXP) While I was able to post a comment to a FPP on MeFi the Bold, Italic, and link tag buttons were missing.
Another unclosed italics tag
Rats. I tried to post a link in all italics (with apologies to DaveAdams), and ended up italicizing everything. I realize that this has happened before and apologize for this breech in link editing.
Is there a way for a user to edit one of their own links after posting without having to bother Matt?
Is there a way for a user to edit one of their own links after posting without having to bother Matt?
Characters turning into question marks.
Can any one see what is behind the box? (?)
I can't. I have tried every browser I have on two platforms, OS X and WinXP. Is this case for most people, and if so, why do people keep posting like that?
I can't. I have tried every browser I have on two platforms, OS X and WinXP. Is this case for most people, and if so, why do people keep posting like that?
Can anyone explain why metafilter won't display correct apostrophes and open/close quotes?
Can anyone explain why metafilter won't display correct apostrophes and open/close quotes? I'm compulsive about them (I'm a graphic designer), they preview correctly, they work in normal html, but come up as question marks when posted.
some examples:
apostrophe: ’
open quote: “
close quote: ”
A suscpicion: maybe it's the spell check...
some examples:
apostrophe: ’
open quote: “
close quote: ”
A suscpicion: maybe it's the spell check...
Time to remove the bold tag from MeFi front-page posts?
Time to remove the bold tag from MeFi front-page posts? I say yes. The unthinking over-use of bolded text seems to be spreading. Simple italics or using *this* works fine and doesn't light up the page so garishly.
Your html done broke
Huh? How'd he do that, Willis?
MeTa throws up an error when given a bad link
Following a link from mini-wetlog I found a bug where MeTa throws up an error when given a bad link. In this case a quote on the end of the URL:
fake tags break css
Fake tags break CSS. I assume it has to do with automatic tag closure. If it must be done, using [faketag]brackets[/faketag] seems safe.
Formatting Buttons Missing
Hey - is it a bug, my browser, or a glitch: where's the formatting button, ie, BOLD-italic - for Mefi posts? (Win98SE, NS6.2)
How do I add a title to a link?
I have recently noticed that when I put my cursor on some links, like the one here, after a second or two I get a balloon briefly describing the link. Since I am an HTML novice I figure this is an added tag that I do not know. Can someone fill me in?
Browser problems
OK, assuming I'm not being banned by the Management, I can no longer use Mefi in Opera or IE 5.0. When logged in, all I see is a sea of blue or a sea of brown (Metatalk), on what appears to be a huge Web page. as I scroll down, single words appear very VERY far apart. Is this a cruel joke?
are we no longer allowed to use font tags in comments?
Speaking of fonts -- are we no longer allowed to use font tags in comments? Mine seem to be getting stripped out during preview. This interferes with my ability to make [font size=-2]snarky side comments[/font].
bug with the autotranslation of certain characters into HTML codes
There's still a bug with the autotranslation of certain characters into HTML codes. In this thread I just posted, each paragraph describing the AIMbots began with an equals sign followed by a greater-than sign. Hitting "preview" retained these characters, though in the actual text-entry box, they'd all been turned into "=>". Then, upon posting, they all showed up as "=>".