735 posts tagged with meetups.
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IRL pony request: participant notification
The creator of an IRL event has the option to be notified by email when a comment is added to the post. How much trouble would it be to add notifications to those who are attending (including Maybes)? Is this something others would find useful?
MeFi 20 Planning Thread
OK! I am having people over to my house in Massachusetts on Saturday, July 13 where we will raise a toast to mathowie and, quite probably, eat a lot of cheese and maybe play some board games. I'll put up an IRL post soonish but this MeTa thread is to nudge people to start thinking about their own "What am I going to do for MeFi's 20th birthday?" planning ideas. First post was July 14, 1999.
Why no meetup photos?
I used to love looking at meetup photos and putting faces with names, but it doesn't seem like anyone posts them anymore. Is this because people are more worried about privacy, or is it because Flickr is completely terrible now, or a combination? Or is it just because pictures are so easy/ubiquitous that no one really takes them anymore?
I don't know what the answer is (and I won't be contributing because I am WAY too shy to ever go to a meetup) but I would love it if people got into the habit again. Would allowing photos in IRL posts be a pony too far?
trawling through old thinkpads for unrelatead reasons, I found:
- the PinkSuperhero looking amazeballs as always
- amber effing glow looking amazeballs as always
- a gorgeous Dorian Gray sporting tributes to the Q
- shoutouts galore
- the PinkSuperhero looking amazeballs as always
- amber effing glow looking amazeballs as always
- a gorgeous Dorian Gray sporting tributes to the Q
- shoutouts galore
Long Running IRL Meetups?
The classic Chicago Goat / Frog meetup is losing one portion of its evening thanks to the vagaries of the property market.
This seems like a meetup that’s been around forever, and so I thought it would be good to ask about long-running local meet-ups. Do mefites in your area regularly get together for a specific event? Have you been doing it for a long while? More than a year? Please tell.
This seems like a meetup that’s been around forever, and so I thought it would be good to ask about long-running local meet-ups. Do mefites in your area regularly get together for a specific event? Have you been doing it for a long while? More than a year? Please tell.
Opting out of series of IRL posts.
Pony request: an option to opt out of IRL posts that come up on a regular basis. [more inside]
94: Incremental RPGs
This episode of the podcast was recorded on July 7th and features Jessamyn, cortex, and me going through the best of the last 30 days of the site, and the whole thing runs about 1hr 35min long. [more inside]
how to host a successful meetup when new in town
Hello all :) I would like to post a meetup event. I am new to Halifax (Nova Scotia) and several AskMeFi responses suggested this as a good way to make friends. I would like to know the behavior Metafilter participants expect of the "hosts" ... More inside ... [more inside]
Meetup completion: 88% out of 100%
We ran a query of all meetups in the US, and found there have been meet-ups in 44 distinct states. The missing states are both Dakotas, Idaho (a previous attempt), Mississippi (another attempt), West Virginia, and Wyoming. Map below! [more inside]
IRL Request: When posting, notification of other IRL events on same day
As someone who frequently posts IRL events, I'd really love if, when I previewed the post, the page told me about other meetups on that day within a 50 mile radius of my location. It would be awesome, because then I could say, "Oh, so-and-so is having their ice cream meetup that afternoon; I'll just make the post for the next week instead." It would also have the benefit of showing me events that might be outside the radius I've set for my own personal IRL notifications, but that might still be in range for attendees. What do you think? Would other IRL posters appreciate such a feature?
Non-Drinking meet-ups, FTW!
Hey folks. So I realize that I don't even look at meet-ups anymore because I don't drink. So I just wanted to promote the idea of a Brooklyn or NYC or whatever area non-barhopping meet-up. Have a favorite coffeehouse or less snooty spot that you dig? A non-drinking-centric hole in the wall or other like thing? [more inside]
Making smalltown IRL meetups successful.
In your experience, what makes for a small IRL meetup successful? [more inside]
What's the meetup record?
There are three (1, 2, 3) NYC meetups scheduled for next Saturday. Is that the same-day same-city record? [more inside]
What's the deal with meetups?
What's the format for meetups? [more inside]
Look at all those ZEROS
Just noticed that I made the 1000th meet up post over in IRL. Can't believe it has only been around for a little under two years, and has had that many events coordinated. [more inside]
It's a small MetaFilter world
The contacts section allows us to indicate who we've actually met. Would the infodump be able to tell us who among us has met the most MeFites? I know it's dependent on people selecting the "met" box when listing a contact, but I'm curious about the number.
Cleanup on aIsleRL
Could we revisit the close-a-proposed-meetup thing on IRL? [more inside]
Once more into the breach: DaShiv photos, and a video.
Mefi-Famous Photographer
There was a Metafilter member who took really nice pictures of Mefites at meetups. I think this was around 10th anniversary time. He was Mefi-Famous for awhile and folks may have been even planning meetups around his travels. I also remember a comment from him where he talked about some of his techniques. Anyone remember who this is? [more inside]
Problem with Google Maps and the description of locations
Problems with entering cities/suburbs with using the Google Maps plugin in IRL. [more inside]
Meetup notifications in Profile?
My Pony would like to meet other Ponies. [more inside]
Down with Google Maps tyranny
Slight issue with IRL: what if the location isn't easily findable on Google Maps? [more inside]
I guess this is a feature request?
Confirming Meet-Ups without including an exact address. Possible? [more inside]
Meet Up-ish Something at the North Fork Century?
Any chance any MeFites are doing the North Fork Century on August 29? If yes, we could connect for celebratory beers and self-congratulation at the finish line. [more inside]
IRL launch is a go
Thanks everyone for trying out IRL during our alpha test and for
putting up with the awkward dual MeTa/IRL posts for a while. We're
ready to unveil new features and a new approach to meetups. [more inside]
PNW MEETUPS! [more inside]
Kansai Meetup!
How do I know it's really you?
Has anyone ever been caught or suspected of impersonating another MetaFilter member at a meetup or online?
How to be notified about a post with X tag?
How can I get notified when X topic comes up? For example, I'm interested in a Twin Cities meetup but don't log in every day. Is there a way to make a tag and get MeMail'ed or something when a keyword like Minneapolis or MeetUp is posted? Thanks.
Kansai Tour 2010!
Any chance for a meetup in the Kansai region of Japan? [more inside]
Chicago meet-ups not involving bars
Chicago's last meetup sounded great. I would totally have gone if I had known what the secret was. I would even have gone if I had just known the secret wasn't another bar, because Mefites generally sound like great people whom I'd like to meet in person. As someone who can't pass a card-check (and isn't such a fan of the whole loud-and-dark ambience anyway), can Chicago's next meet-up similarly have a portion that isn't drinks and dinner in a bar?
Ricochet Biscuit's Excellent Cross-Canada Adventure
Cross-Canada meetups 2010! From Bonavista to Vancouver Island, from the Arctic Circle to the Great Lakes waters, you can meet up with rb. [more inside]
Gatherings somewhere in time and space but not on the page.
Is there a "Gatherings" link? What "categories"? Huh? [more inside]
Listing all details for meetups in one convenient place
Need a structure to unambiguously post venue details for meetups once decided [more inside]
Irish meetup? Go on, go on, go on, go on....
I'm getting fed up of seeing meetups scrolling down the sidebar and not being able to attend any, so... who's up for a meetup in Ireland at some point between now and the end of May? [more inside]
ATX Karaoke
Karaoke came up frequently during recent Austin meet-up planning and the meet-up itself. Many folks requested a specific planning thread for this endeavour. Here it is! [more inside]
I Need to Make Things Right!
Summer swapset ppl have discs coming their way but need to verify address viability. Also: need good ATX crew contact to relay the $100 10yr beer fund for a future meet-up OR would like to invite ATX folks to a meet-up wherein first $100 of drinks is covered. [more inside]
Recap on Toronto mini-meetup details (Friday the 13th of November)
Recap on Toronto mini-meetup details (Friday the 13th of November) [more inside]
Ira Glass at UW-Milwaukee (Oct. 24th, 7pm)
Milwaukee area MeFites: Ira Glass (of This American Life) is speaking at the UWM Student Union on Saturday, October 24th, at 7pm. Meetup before/during/afterward? [more inside]
Nothing could be finer.....
I'll be in Asheville, NC from 11-7 to 11-11 and Charleston, SC from 11-15 to 11-19. [more inside]
45: The one we recorded live at Jessamyn's house
This was our first in-room recording of all three of us, sitting in jessamyn's house in Vermont. It was recorded on September 14th right before this meetup and runs about 25 minutes. [more inside]
New iCal Subscription URL
What happens in a cliché, stays in a cliché
Las Vegas. September 23rd. Night time. You. Me. Cortex. Let's do this thing. [more inside]
It's not like I was asking him to put on pants.
MeetUp Ettiquette: I know that the mods are not our moms and will not be present at meet-ups, but are there any basic ground rules (and/or can we establish some) to govern interpersonal interactions at meet-ups? [more inside]
Tightening up the Tenth
The 10th parties are less than a month away, and there have been a few common questions since we launched the 10th site on May 5th. Since the actual parties are getting close, we thought we'd nail down a few things as well. In short, I'll cover deadlines for nominations and scheduling as well as payments. [more inside]
41: Yet another mention of Diplomacy
The 41st podcast was recorded on Monday, May 18th and runs about an hour. It covers the past month of activities on and off the site. [more inside]
MeFi Tenth Anniversary Site launched
Today we're unveiling the sub-site to organize meetups for the upcoming tenth anniversary. Let me run down the aspects of it with a few development screenshots: [more inside]
How frequent are MeFi meetups in NYC? I'd kinda like to go to one, and see that I just missed a recent one in Brooklyn.
London Meet-up Round 2
Kitsap represent!
Kitsap County represent! Meetup time, now that the snow has mostly melted? [more inside]