386 posts tagged with music.
Displaying 301 through 350 of 386. Subscribe:
Compilation Album update
Now that the Metafilter Compilation Album is actually shipping, might it warrant a sidebar mention on the front page? I'll put a little more inside.
Metafilter Compilation Album is nigh!
Metafiler Compilation Album is nigh! Official website totally revamped! Details within!
Music donations
I would like to see a mechanism whereby MetaFilter Musicians were encouraged to accept donations (PayPal links?) and listeners were encouraged to donate. I would far rather donate to my favorite artists here than prop up Sony Corp.
Change to Music format?
Just wondering if there's been any change to the format of the streaming versions of the songs uploaded to Music. Lately they seem extra-specially compressed sounding to me, so I was wondering if it's something on my end. Not bitchin', just wonderin'.
Is There a MeFi Policy for In Thread Music Links?
What's the policy on posting music links in thread?
I can't post my song to MeFi Music
I'm having a problem posting a music to MeFi music. It's an MP3, under 3 MB. I'm getting this error message after a few minutes:
The MIME type of the uploaded file "audio/mpg" was not accepted by the server. Only files of type "audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mpeg3, audio/x-mp3" can be uploaded. Verify that you are uploading a file of the appropriate type.
The MIME type of the uploaded file "audio/mpg" was not accepted by the server. Only files of type "audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mpeg3, audio/x-mp3" can be uploaded. Verify that you are uploading a file of the appropriate type.
How about opening Music up? (Oct2006)
How about opening Music up? It occurs to me that I rarely pop into Music and I assume that's the case for a lot of people who don't actually make music--even if, like me, they love music. It just doesn't occur to me. What about changing the focus of that section to also include music posts sans actual tunes? For instance, discussion of new albums, concerts, music photography, or stuff like this which I don't think is suitable for a blue FPP but is probably of interest to many who visit music currently?
Favorited comments (past tense) don't work on HiFi
Favorited comments (past tense) don't work on HiFi. [mi]
MefiSwap side swaps
MefiSwap side swaps - anyone else interested?
Streaming music problem
Music: Feature or Bug? When I try streaming a song from the front page, as soon as I scroll past it or flip to a different browser tab, it stops playing. If I load the song's individual page and stream it from there, it contines to play until I close it (even as I type this MeTa post in another tab, for example).
Where the heck is the MeFi compilation CD?
Where the heck is the MeFi compilation CD? I shelled out my hard-earned cash months ago, and I haven't heard jack squat about it since. C'mon...is this Chinese Democracy or something?
Askme history: that thread with the indie playlist for the playground set.
I'm searching for an old AskMe thread where the OP requested a list of indie-rock/indie-pop music that would be good for children. I've already searched tags and AskMe search for various combinations of the terms "kids", "children" "indie" "music" and "playlist" and have not come up with the thread I am remembering. It was not the ice-cream-social thread or the hip-hop for a 10-year-old thread. I seem to recall it was from about 1-2 years ago.
cortex makes music
MeFi Music
What's the upshot of MeFi Music? Has anybody been offered a recording contract? Have people who have dumped their demos there gotten results? Who will be the first MeFi musician to give Matt a shout out in the liner notes?
Cortex comes through, again!
Music hits 500!
Record a cover of Elliott Smith's Waltz #2 for my friend
Followup / second call: record a cover of Elliott Smith's Waltz #2 [mp3]for a wedding gift for my friend. [original thread].
Spectrum analyser in Music does nothing
Is there a reason for a spectrum analyzer on the player that clearly does absolutely nothing related to the music playing? I've noticed this on a few other flash mp3 players, including Myspace's. Is there a way to make it not there?
More functionality from project, music listings
In the projects RSS feed, the URL points to the submitted project, not the projects page, so in order to vote or comment I have to go to projects and find the link manually. Also, it would be nice if on the music page, you could favorite and playlist songs right from the main listing, rather then just on the individual song pages, so that if you're listening to a bunch of songs, in order, you could favorite without needing to change pages.
What happened to the latest MeFi CD Swap?
Does anyone have info about the latest, greatest MeFi swap? There hasn't been any new updates on their site, and the "sending of the swapsets" date has come and gone. What gives?
Gigs section for Music?
How about a gigs section of MeFi music? [more inside]
Projects visited link color is unreadable for me
Couple of buggies and questions:
Projects visited link color is unreadable for me. Oddly, it's a different unreadable color at work (that picture) vs at home (purple). Something goofy on my end?
A couple of music questions inside, too....
Projects visited link color is unreadable for me. Oddly, it's a different unreadable color at work (that picture) vs at home (purple). Something goofy on my end?
A couple of music questions inside, too....
Please, klangklangston, tell us about the music
I was hoping klangklangston would, if he has the time, post one or two lines about each of the numerous albums he cites, either in the main thread or his own blog. I was concerned that a request for a self-link or major derail might be frowned upon in the blue, hence this MeTa.
everybody record a cover of Elliott Smith's "Waltz #2
Music collaboration fun / favor: everybody record a cover of Elliott Smith's "Waltz #2". [more inside]
Music Search
The search box on music.metafilter is restricted to ask.metafilter.
Please add projects and songs by our contacts!
On the usercontacts page, we can see MetaFilter posts, MetaTalk posts, Ask MetaFilter questions, favorites, and playlists from our contacts. I think we should also see projects and songs posted by our contacts there, too. [A little more inside]
Music search searches AskMe
Would it be possible to have the search bar in Music actually search Music.? It seems to query for Ask., at the moment. I'm looking for a printer song, and am so, so lazy.
Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?
lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
Can we post covers on Music?
I play with a jazz band. In jazz, covers are pretty typical, and part of the tradition. My question is -- if I have a great recording of the band I'm in doing Coltrane's "India", is that acceptable to post to MeFi Music?
Hey, what's the deal with the MetaFilter Compilation CD?
Hey, what's the deal with the MetaFilter Compilation CD? I ordered a couple of copies, but it's been many a moon since I heard anyone even mention it.
MefiMusic play-list pony
What it be possible for MeFi Music to auto-generate its own play-lists? It'd be really nice to be able to listen to (i) the tracks uploaded on a given day or (ii) every track that's been uploaded; without having to put the hard work in.
MeFiSwap music musicexchange
Reminder: There is just one week (give or take 12 hours) to sign up for the latest go of the MeFiSwap. The more the merrier, and right now participation numbers are kind of low, perhaps because the announcement scrolled off of MeTa in less than 36 hours, so if you were wondering if it's on, yes, it's on! Get in while you can.
Music Errors
When MeFi Music launched, I couldn't upload songs because I'd get this error message: "The MIME type of the uploaded file "application/oct-stream" was not accepted by the server." Others reported the same problem, and something was done which made my uploads work. However, now I'm getting this message again.
Are cover songs on MeFi Music legally okay?
Are cover songs on Metafilter Music really legally okay?
Beefy ID3 tags on MeFi Music songs, please!
Hello! I'm addicted to MetaFilter Music. One thing I'd like to encourage is well-fleshed ID3 data. Some of the songs I've downloaded simply say things like "Track 4" and then I can't figure out who the hell provided me with the wonderful ear-candy. Thanks to everyone for posting their tunes!
Discussion area in MeFi Music?
How about a discussion area in MeFi Music for members to set up collaborations? There's a lot of talent among the members, and I think it would be pretty cool to have the opportunity to collaborate with people across the world.
Music feature request for favorites for playlists
Mefi Music request: I want to be able to fave! (or otherwise link to my profile) playlists created by other people. (to podcasting, I say bah! humbug)
Would it be a good idea to display Music playlists on profile pages?
Would it be a good idea to display Music playlists on profile pages along with posts, comments, and faves?
New Music Features
MeFi Music rev 2 feature blowout!!! Things added today:
- New Charts showing top favorites/playlists added in just the last three days (for new, awesome stuff you might have missed) and favorites/playlists from your contacts (what your friends like, you probably like too).
- playlists have podcast feeds, so you can just add it to iTunes and download the songs directly. When you add new songs to your playlist, iTunes can recheck and pull down those new ones as well.
- tag pages have podcast feeds and an embedded player. Want to hear everything tagged with hiphop in iTunes? Now you can.
- songs/comment history has been added to user pages, including a podcast feed for each and every user so if you want a copy of every song ever done by say, cortex, you can. Also added the embedded player to song history pages.
- more fixes coming later today, but I wanted to get the word out on the new features.
- New Charts showing top favorites/playlists added in just the last three days (for new, awesome stuff you might have missed) and favorites/playlists from your contacts (what your friends like, you probably like too).
- playlists have podcast feeds, so you can just add it to iTunes and download the songs directly. When you add new songs to your playlist, iTunes can recheck and pull down those new ones as well.
- tag pages have podcast feeds and an embedded player. Want to hear everything tagged with hiphop in iTunes? Now you can.
- songs/comment history has been added to user pages, including a podcast feed for each and every user so if you want a copy of every song ever done by say, cortex, you can. Also added the embedded player to song history pages.
- more fixes coming later today, but I wanted to get the word out on the new features.
Can Music play in background tabs?
Quick question - when I'm playing something in me-fi music and switch windows, I lose the sound. This seems unusual - normally I can hear background sound in any open Firefox window. What am I doing wrong?
Renaming Music
Why not call Mefi Music "MuFi"? Thoughts?
RSS Music Pony
MusicalPony: it would be nice if the RSS feed for Music included the name of the poster.
Music Guidelines
Question regarding the new Music section: Current guidelines run along the lines of "Music you have written and/or recorded". I have an album which I helped produce, but did not write/record. I was very much involved in the creation of this album and would like to post an example or two. [MI]
Music -- give us now our daily playlist
I have a GREAT IDEA for music.meta... and I'm sure that everyone will agree. [more inside]
Pony: front page +fave links
Any chance we can get a +fave link on the front page for each item, especially on the green? (I'm thinking Digg-style, AJAX based would be very pretty, though potentially too Web 2.0 for the likes of some Mefites...)
Display problem on the tag cloud page for MeFi music
Is it just me or are the tags on this page so small as to be useless? They look like they're embedded in 100 small tags. Safari.
Download icon in Music vanishes
I noticed that the download icon in Mefi Music vanished when I logged out. Is this intentional (to cut down bandwidth demands)?
The dl links go to a straightforward .mp3 files, though, so I'm assuming that you could link to one of those (on your blog, say) and a non-member could download a song by clicking on the link. But would that be wrong?
The dl links go to a straightforward .mp3 files, though, so I'm assuming that you could link to one of those (on your blog, say) and a non-member could download a song by clicking on the link. But would that be wrong?
Music Login Bug
MuFi: The requested URL /login/ was not found on this server.
Debut of Music
Congrats to Matt and all the contributors.
This is the most fun I've had since I got the internet on dial-up way back in '92.
Congrats to Matt and all the contributors.
This is the most fun I've had since I got the internet on dial-up way back in '92.
MefiMusic Needs Extended Chacterset
MefiMusic chokes on certain characters in filenames.